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Grant, Kelly
From:Lucy Hulse <lhulse1@outlook.com>
Sent:Tuesday, February 25, 2020 8:42 AM
To:Grant, Kelly
Cc:Lorna Bozeman
Subject:Request for Hearing Postpone
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Good Morning Ms. Grant,
I’m following up on my sister Lorna’s email to you yesterday, where she requested a postponement of the Carrus dock
hearing from March 5 to March 19.
I wanted to provide more information on why the March 5 date is a hardship for me.
I’m president of the board of directors of The Community Group, an organization in Lawrence, MA. March 5 is the date
of a meeting where we are voting to elect new board members.
Having a quorum is necessary, and the conflict with the Conversation Commission’s hearing is the reason for requesting
the postponement.
Thank you for considering this request. If you need something more official to request the postponement, please let us
Lucy Hulse (978-204-7171)
Lorna Bozeman (404-377-7243)
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