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Grant, Kelly
From:Mark Burgess <shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com>
Sent:Sunday, March 1, 2020 1:01 PM
To:Grant, Kelly
Cc:Richard Carrus
Subject:Re: 122 Mayflower Terrace
Attachments:Carrus-NOI plan REV 2 _ 2-29-20.pdf
Hi Kelly;
I talked with the applicant, and both Lucy and Lorna.
I looked into the plan more, and we have come up with a solution that I think will work for everyone.
I can rotate the dock so it's in the middle of the property, fits nicely in between the property line offsets, and places the
float 12 feet west of the previous location, and extends it just 3 feet.
On the plan view, the end of the dock is at the 80' offset from MHW, but when you measure it along the centerline, it's
83 feet.
That's either because the dock is still at an angle, and other parts of MHW (on either side) are closer to the float than
along the centerline of the dock.
I checked this, and it just seems it's the way Autocad offsets lines.
I have talked with everyone, and that seems like a win-win.
Both the abutters and the applicant are coming up for the hearing, so please don't continue it; they've already made
plane reservations.
I will continue to work behind the scenes, but everyone is working together.
If the commission agrees, then we have a approvable project, and we can consider a variance if needed, or going back to
waterways (if needed) etc. on Thursday.
I realize that we can't submit a formal plan revision, but I've attached a non-stamped .pdf for you to look at.
And I'll present this at the hearing as the alternative, knowing that they can't approve it on the spot.
Then we can continue it for the formal revised plan and variance (if needed).
Please confirm receipt of this email.
Thank you very much.
Mark Burgess
Shorefront Consulting
"If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk"
"Engineers get to work when others say it can’t be done….."
290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639
Phone: 508-280-8046
Email: shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com
Web: www.shorefrontconsulting.com
Facebook: Shorefront Consulting
I build my business on referrals.
If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know.
On 2/28/2020 12:44 PM, Grant, Kelly wrote:
Actually, they are now planning on attending the meeting next week.
The bylaw allows the commission to continue if they feel they need further material or input (not exact
I don’t recall who was representing 116. It is not Bob Perry. I think it might be Robin Wilcox.
1 or even 2 shared use docks would be great in this scenario….
From: Mark Burgess \[mailto:shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com\]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 12:03 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Re: 122 Mayflower Terrace
Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links
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Hi Kelly:
Thanks for the heads up.
I will reach out to the applicant and see what we can do.
Maybe I can talk to the abutters at 122 and see if we can address their concerns, or at least tell them
why we did what we did to meet the current regulations.
As far as a continuance goes, the abutter can't request a continuance, right?
If I talk to them, and we agree to a continuance, it'll make the meeting much nicer.
BUT, I will want their word that they are going to play nice in the sandbox; if I get anything else, or they
break their word, we're just going to move ahead.
Can you tell me who is representing the other at 116?
Is it Bob Perry?
Mark Burgess
Shorefront Consulting
"If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk"
"Engineers get to work when others say it can’t be done….."
290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639
Phone: 508-280-8046
Email: shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com
Web: www.shorefrontconsulting.com
Facebook: Shorefront Consulting
I build my business on referrals.
If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know.
On 2/28/2020 9:07 AM, Grant, Kelly wrote:
Hi Mark
FYI - There is new material from the abutter in the Laserfiche folder for 122 Mayflower
I also heard from the abutter at 116 Mayflower Terrace yesterday. It sounds like they
have someone coming along to the meeting next week to represent them.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288