HomeMy WebLinkAboutBld-3.10.20 chimneys€ *c+ -eb'ui \a "., € J 4h: /Y\.1 s EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO$N OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I146 Route 2g South Yarmouth. \[A 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 Oficc Use only Pcrmit cxpjres 180 day_s from issue date )CONSTRLICTIOI( ADDRF,SS ASSESSOR'S NTOR.\L{T]ON ,44 c; t? U4 L."--. Mup arcP O\T\ER ,-/ PRESEN_'T .{DDR-ESS ,4,*-o/:, E< C'i'a" t'y1 i'<- ( i',-4 y'o 7-t' -TNIEt'7-. ,_/'.".//,,-,) /-/,_,.(.z.u r' CONTLl.CTOR l/,f .ic2 /((1)t\.\\IE \L{]LNG ADDRESS /L, EsI. Cost ofConsrruction S TEL ; tsResiderrial : Commercial Home Improv€menr Contractor Lic. # t ll C // ), c,t t' Construcrion Superlisor tx.* ti'0 ilL?i Workman s Compensation Insurance: [check one) I I am the homeowner r I am the sole proprieror X I have lvorker's compensarion Insuralce lnsurance ComDanv \ame /-'/:,t<z-.,.t-4-t il,4a./ ,(rv.r,,t \\'oRK ro BE pERrotu\rEp l::::_".i:27/:; {-E ?; rFire Retardrnt certificate attached?, 1':/'" '( /"4/ *;df#,?'' 1l "t'tz</ \& orker's Comp PolicF u.c . &c- l/ ),?C Replacement doors: F_ Ten I Du ration Siditrg: * of Squares Replacemen t rr indo* s: Roo ling: = of 5quares gnf,Pfio,o',l-n,,,,hn ar 'Ilistoric ( ) Remore eristing" (mar.2 layers) ./Dist. ( trfAeplacing like for like &, /,2 Pool fencing_ 'The deb s wlll be disposed ofar Lo(arion of Facitit] I dacla* under penahes ofperjury lh tha slataments harein coorained ara rrue and conect to the bes! of m,lwlll bijun cause for denial or re ocaoon ofml t5 anse and for pr uoon under \{ G L Ch 163. Secrron I and beliei I undersrand tha! any false ans$eras) tt t c,' )ct kno$led_se Dats.\pphcanr'j Srenalure Oworrs Signature (or anachm€nr)Drte DaleApproved By I ltr aler Resource Protecdon Districr : Yes :No Wi$in 100 ft. of Wetlards ' Yes I No Burldlne OIficral rar deslenee)E\I{JL {DDRESS Zoning District Historical District: : Yes , No Flood Piain Zone: - Yes _No lnsulation \< ':.q ll : I I fLl )r t !r' \ o t {t I LI ., -. tl i I 't ti I .!f., 7 -Z)ra.-a4 .,/.2 ,.4 2a/- <-.\"; \!- -=- -.'....+--...--------'.-.-\.-- \-.L--\.----*r='rrl I 7 *+:7 j ---"--_ L] h, I ",i'a':.','tffi*T fl..: t II