HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E020t) RECEIVED By Beth Vozella at 1:01 pm, Mar 18, 2020 RECETVES llAR 19 202U TOWN OF YARMOUTH ,1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARI\iIOUTH, I\,,lA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 LD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CER TI FICATE OF EXEMPTION Address of proposed work: 32 OId Church St.Yarmouth Port TOWN CLERK Map/Lot # Arllqo,phone * 508 568-2277 133/50.1 AI Mailing applications must be 3666.5 32 Old submitted by owne. or accompanied by lstter from owner app.oving submittal of apptication Year buit 1890 +/-qhurch st.. Yarmout.h Port, MA 02675 Email: chi coda font @qma11 om Preferred notification method: _phone X Emait &e!!es4Gqgr,plrsnsg 714 487 - 0355 Malling g66pg55 141 Maln St. yarmouEh port , MA 0267 5 Emal Damldl comcas t . net Preferred notification method _ phone .X Emart Descri n of Prooos Work lAdditio nal oaoes mav be attached if sarv):Paint front door black versus grey on initiat application New windows will have 6/llgritL versus 2/1 grill on i.nirialRequesEing to add sEone st.eps to front doorl Thj-s reguires exposed and/or buried stone steps (see aLEached phocos) applicaEion digging up old Signed (Owner or agent)Date March 11, 2020 For Comminee use onlvl Date 03.18.2020 Amount $20 Cash/CK * _ Rcvd byr -- Date Srgned Approved Approved with changes Reason for denial _Denied i/AR I I 2020 r'AI-IIJOU iH Signed -l D :lr^1"lll: :y^"l"-tl".l1lermit may !e required rrom rh_e Buitding Depadment (Check other depa.rmenls. arso )rs gooc, ror one year lrom approvaldale oI upon dale of etpiralion of Building Permil whichevea date shaltbe laterThis certrficale Dv5 2017 /Av ANNE Ui* c APPLICATION #, zO.EOzO so%T# [AEYglrIfLYfuog for the issuance of a certificate of Exemption under sections 6 and 7 of chapter 470 ofActs of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described beiow and "" pi;;;, ;;;i;gs,-or photographsaccompanying this application. Tvoe or orint leolblv: Vozella, Beth From: Sent: To: subject: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Wednesday, March 18,2020 1:28 PM Vozella, Beth Re: 20-E022- 32 Old Church St. Attention! This ernail originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this ernail is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify ifunsure. Otherwise delete this email. Beth, I approve ofthe changes. I think they are an improvement. Gary has good taste Richard I will leave in a few minutes for a doctor appointment in Hyannis. Hope they are virus free!! On March 18,2020 at I :07 PM "Vozella, Beth" <BVozella@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard- Looks like we will be reviewing/approving COE's via ernail for a while. Please review the attached and let me know if you approve. Thanks. -Beth Beth l'o:ella Otlice Administrator Yarmor,rth OKH Committee & Historical Commission Torvn c,f Yarmouth I l.16 Rtrute 18. Soutlr Yannouth. NIA 01661--1.151 1 Tel: 508-198-1231 X l29l 3o-Eoao More to follow.RECEUED tlAR 1gZ0Z0 sourloliIfibErff, ur APPROVED MAR l8 2020 GENERAL SPECIFICAT]ON SHEET YARMOUTH K S HiGHWAY Prolec t Address: FOt t{ DATION: Material: CHIMNEY: Materia G ERS: Materia Co ROOF; Material:(7112 min ight to e: SIOING: Materlal/Style: Front;Sides/Rear: Color: Front:Sides/Rear TRIM: Allwindou/s & doors to be trimmed with: 1x4 (Circle one.)n 4€_ Material:Color: Color: Style/Size (if not listed./shown on elevations):otD sToRM OOORS: Qrr. Of taavaat:Color: c"ro,,t4afl4qi* DooRs: orr 4{drwatertat: ll.ltd ECE,D APR 0 4 ?0t8 coLo CHIPS L} APR 23 20t8 s Y GARAGE OOORS: Ot)4 r- Mat'l: -- Styte: _ Cotor; _ wlNDows: otvrstder ,**r,%Wl Right - Rean - g9l9s -- ivided Lite: x Exrerio;Fhrterior RECEfYED APR 24 ZutS soufiol#fibtfifl,MA Y tERK OUTH, MA Manufacturer,Series: Grilles (Requned): Patiem (6/6, Zt, etc.)Grille Tvoe: Truo D Snapln: _ Between Gla Permanently Applied: STORM WINDOWS: Qtla - Ma terial: SHUTTERS; Mat't: - s tyle: Paneled Louvered SKYLIGHTS: Qry: - Fired_ Vented _ Size DECc: size: --ltil $- o ecxinsMat'l: Railing Mat'l: WALLS/FENCEST (Max 6' hstshr): Heisht::-.....-Mal'l: LIGHT POSTS: Otx Material: Localion(s): Additional lntormalion: Styie Color: Color: Style:Colox (Show running footage & localion on plot plan.) .Finished side of nce must face out from fenced in area. Screening: _ Color:LIGHTS: Qty: _ Style: Location(s): RECEMED tlAR 1gz\zt) sourlroyA/f; a01a 2-General APPLICATION #It Ml Exposure (Not to exceed t8"):t/ @tr Matedatt(fu Color: _ Color: _ Color: _ UflLIrY M ETERS/I|VAC UNrIS: Locarion: Color: AP PRoyED MAR t 8 2020 YAF lvtouT RECETVED r1AR 19 Z0ZU TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA H ara.00, EXISI SHEO 65,439 C)TCfl C)I a-tflrilrq --1 t ) s 20J 19.5', 22. SITE PLAN FOR FRANCISCO C. & KAREN M. DAFONTE LOT 2, 32 OLD CHURCH STREET, YARMOUTHPORT, MA JANUARY 9, 2018 SCALE: l"=20' RONALD J. CADILLAC, PLS, RS, P.C. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR & REGISTERED SANI]ARIAN P.O. BOX 258 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 (so8) 775-9700?O1R BT R.] CADILLAC ts's SN k'{ $s*-rs$ - Et t$$(\ a.d N/F LEDD Y ICER \,!ERE LOT APPROVED MAR r 8 2020 YARMOUTH N RECEIVED llArl 1 g 2.0'tU CLERK =- t I IE i] \ \ I l-. I i RECEIVED Wt l.l I I l 1-:.,t -..:"r al i Vozella. Beth From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> APPROVED Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 7:53 PM MAR 2 4 2020 To: Vozella, Beth Subject: Re: 32 Old Church St.- Design Change ! YARMOUTH Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Beth, I approve of this design change at 32 Church Street. Richard On March 24, 2020 at 10:18 AM "Vozella, Beth" <BVozella@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard - I received the attached design change to the front steps at 32 Church Street. Here is the owners explanation: The contractor dug up old stone stairs that he thought would keep with the history of the home and the cape farm house character. I have attached a landscape design showing the new stone's with proposed fieldstone walkway to complement them. I apologize for the change but we really would like to keep with the old cape farm house look and charm. What do you think? -Beth Beth Vozella Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee & Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292 1 ia k W.A It