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Grant, Kelly
From:Feeney, Eileen (FWE) <eileen.feeney@state.ma.us>
Sent:Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:56 PM
To:Grant, Kelly
Subject:Re: Gatto, NOI, Pier Modifications
Hi Kelly,
There must be some impact from the jet drive but I do agree that a jet ski lift is a better option. Could there be
a condition in the OOC to approach the lift slowly? Other than that recommendation, DMF has no further
Thank you.
From: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 12:10 PM
To: Feeney, Eileen (FWE)
Subject: RE: Gatto, NOI, Pier Modifications
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Hi Eileen
This NOI came about because they were issued a permit for a dock in 2017 and then proceeded to add additional jet ski
floats to the inside of the float. We took enforcement action and they removed the extra floats and they are now
requesting this modified pier to accommodate a jet ski lift. So the jet ski lift will replace the additional in-water floats.
We have had discussions about the impact of jet skis and jet ski floats and an acceptable depth of water. They don’t
prop dredge but there must be some potential for impact from the expelled water from the impeller. My thought is that
a jet ski lift would be less impactful as the lift sits in the water and therefore requires less throttle to drive onto than if
you are trying to get up onto a jet ski float out of the water. The lift will be in 3 feet of water, however they will need to
go to about 2.5 feet of water depth to navigate to it.
We welcome any comments that you have on potential impacts. This is tentatively scheduled for an April 16 hearing.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: Feeney, Eileen (FWE) \[mailto:eileen.feeney@state.ma.us\]
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 7:37 AM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Gatto, NOI, Pier Modifications
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Hello Ms Grant,
I reviewed the Gatto NOI pier modifications. Mr. Gatto plans on removing the ramp/float and replacing it with
a permanent "L" pier, jet ski lift, and a ladder. I see on Google Earth there is a tall structure on a float attached
to the preexisting float. What is this structure and will it be transferred to the proposed "L" section of the new
pier? What is the structure used for?
The jet ski lift is landward of the proposed pier section. MA DMF is concerned with impacts to shellfish habitat
from the jet ski powering onto the proposed lift as it is in shallow water.
Thank you.
Eileen Feeney
I am currently working from home due to the COVID-19. Email is the best way to reach me.