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Grant, Kelly
From:Jeff Chizmas <jeffchizmas@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, April 22, 2020 2:22 PM
To:Grant, Kelly
Cc:Michael Shay
Subject:Fwd: 258A Pleasant St
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Hi Kelly,
Following please find an email from my upriver neighbor, Michael Shay agreeing to the proposed grading
between our properties.
Please advise of questions or concerns. I am working with Wilkinson to get you the revised plan as well.
Thank you,
Jeff Chizmas
Begin forwarded message:
From: Michael Shay <m_shay@maine.rr.com>
Subject: 258A Pleasant St
Date: April 22, 2020 at 12:28:42 PM EDT
To: Jeffrey Chizmas <jchiz@comcast.net>
Dear Jeff
Thank you for sharing your landscaping plans.
Please use this email as documentation that I approve all your plans that involve landscaping on
our common boundary. This includes any grading, seeding and filling on that portion of our
common boundary that approaches the river. If any commissions or governmental authorities
need additional information from me please let me know and I will happily provide it.
Michael J Shay