HomeMy WebLinkAboutPETITION VCOD 2020-1 DECISION WITH ATTACHMENTS 041520TOWN OF V ARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD VCOD Site Plan Review FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: April 24, 2020 PETITION: MEETING DATE: PETITIONER: OWNERS: PROPERTY: VCOD 2020-1 April 15, 2020 Wise Living Development LLC Christopher D. Wise, Manager Maclyn LLC 834 Main Street Realty Trust Baker Frank LLC (all c/o Andrew L. Singer, Esq) 822 Route 28, Assessor's Map 33, Lot 70.1 834 Route 28, Assessor's Map 41, Lot 12 ~20APR24PH12:5ljJ REC: 30 Frank Baker Road, Assessor's Map 41, Lot 11.1 Zoning District -VCOD VC2 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Tom Roche, Chris Vincent, Liz Hartsgrove, Lee Rowley, Joanne Crowley, and Tom Baron. Notice of the Public Meeting was posted with the Town Clerk and on the Town website, as required by law. Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) Site Plan Review (SPR) does not require a formal Public Hearing. Site Plan Review for VCOD projects is done through the Planning Board in accordance with Section 414.3.2 of the Zoning Bylaw. PROJECT SUMMARY: The proposed project involves three properties, the Cape Cod Irish Village hotel at 822 Route 28, the adjacent commercial property at 834 Route 28, and the adjacent vacant property at 30 Frank Baker Road (behind the Irish Village). The applicant is proposing to combine all three parcels into a 6.09 acre parcel as part of a VCOD VC2 project. The bulk of the project is the redevelopment of the Irish Village property from 128 hotel rooms into a 120 unit Wise Living Retirement Community for senior housing (59 and older) comprised of 104 studios and 16 one bedroom units with common resident dining facility and outdoor swimming pool, as well as a leased medical complex, exercise/rehab and wading pool facilities. Modifications to the hotel building are proposed to help break up the massing and improve visual interest. Roof- top solar will be provided along the east and west wings of the building away from Route 28. A gas-fire generator will be installed to service the redeveloped facility. The bulk of the existing parking areas will be re-used, with new handicap spaces and in-lot trees provided, and the elimination of the existing parking in front of the building. The existing septic systems, which are located within the parking areas to either side of the building, will remain. The commercial property at 834 Route 28 will be upgraded with some building modifications, along with pedestrian and parking lot improvements. Existing septic and drainage will be used. 30 Frank Baker Road will remain vacant in its natural state. No Affordable units are required for Assisted Living Retirement Communities. Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK PLANS AND INFORMATION MADE PART OF THE VCOD SPR 2020-1 DETERMINATION: 1. March 12, 2020 Letter and April 7, 2020 Letter from Andrew Singer, Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 2. VCOD SPR Application form with Narrative and Checklist and January 16, 2020 Letter from Andrew Singer 3. Aerial Locus 4. Colored Rendering of Proposed Building Elevations by ERT Architects 5. Design Review Committee Comment Sheet, dated March 3, 2020 6. Site Plan Review Comment Sheet, dated March 3, 2020 7. Maintenance Protocol (Septic, Grease Trap, Sprinkler System, and Elevators) 8. Long Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 9. Photos of existing free-standing signs 10. ITE Trip Generation Review 11 . Lighting Cut Sheets 12. Photometric Plans: Two 11 x17 sheets of revised Photometric Plans prepared by Visual for Wise Living Retirement Community, dated March 11, 2020 and submitted on April 7, 2020. 13. Landscape Plan for Irish Village, prepared by Philip L. Cheney, dated 4/6/20 and submitted on April 7, 2020. 14. Site Plans: All Site Plans prepared by BSC Group for Wise Living Retirement Community and dated February 20, 2020, and last revised March 11, 2020, unless otherwise noted. • S-1 -Existing Conditions Plan • S-2-Site Plan • S-2B-Site Plan, last revised 4/6/20 and submitted on April 7, 2020. New plan shows revisions to site plan to expand parking on west side, relocate catch basin in front of 822 Route 28, and identification of potential requested zoning relief going before the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). • S-3-Utility Plan • S-4 -Site Details • S-5 -Site Details 15. Architectural Plans: All Architectural plans prepared by ERT Architects for South Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement Community for 822 Route 28, unless otherwise noted. All plans undated: • C.O-Title Sheet with List of Drawings • EX.1 -Existing First Floor Plan • A.O-Basement Plan • A.1 -First Floor Plan • A.1.1 -First Floor Plan -Partial (south end) • A.1.2 -First Floor Plan -Partial (north end) • A.2 -Second Floor Plan • A.2.1 -Second Floor Plan-Partial (south end) • A.2.2-Second Floor Plan-Partial (north end) • A.3 -Roof Plan • A.4 -Elevations-South, East & West, Revised (submitted on 4/7/20) • A.4.1 -Architectural Details • A.4.2 -Blow Up of Typical Gable Build Out • A.5 -South Elevation, Revised (submittal on 4/7/20) • A.6-Partial East & West Elevations (south end), Revised (submittal on 4n/20) • A.7-Partial East & West Elevations (north end), Revised (submittal on 4n/20) • A.8 -Partial Second Floor Plan and Typical Building Section • B.1 -Elevations -834 Route 28 Page 2 of 4 Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 DISCUSSION: No letters related to the project were received and no one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the project at the Public Meeting. Attorney Andrew Singer, and Kieran Healy of BSC Group, represented the Applicant and provided an overview of the project. Attorney Singer noted that the building as designed does not meet the modulation requirements of the Bylaw and relief will be required from the Zoning Board of Appeals, in addition to a Use Special Permit from the Planning Board. The presentation emphasized the proposed architectural improvements to the two existing buildings as well as the various site improvements. The project is not a raze and replace, but is reusing the existing buildings with upgrades. The building at 822 Route 28 will include a new port cochere in the front, upgrades to the residential entrances, modifications to the flat roof through the addition of gable ends with cupolas and intermittent doghouse style dormers on a new partial pitched roof, and inclusion of open sided upper level decks and lower level patios. The remaining flat portion of the roof will have solar panels. The building will also include a reduced sized indoor pool, addition of an exercise room, two elevators as well as the retention of the existing restaurant/bar/kitchen area to serve meals to the residents. The building at 834 Route 28 includes a gable porch over the two western side entrances, cupola and doghouse style dormers, and a cutout in the building at the eastern entrance. The front and rear handicap ramps and porches will remain. Site improvements at 822 Route 28 including the addition of in-lot trees and landscape enhancements, reduction in overall parking and elimination of parking in the front, expansion of the western parking lot to provide a full 24' aisle with 18' long parking spaces, relocation of the dumpsters within an enclosure, crosswalk and sidewalk to Route 28, and internal vehicular and pedestrian connections between 822 and 834 Route 28. Site improvements at 834 Route 28 include paving a portion of the gravel parking, additional buffer trees, and raised sidewalk to improve pedestrian access from the rear parking lot to entrances. Existing drainage and septic will be utilized for both properties, as will the existing curb cuts. Traffic data provided showed the proposed development resulting in less traffic than the current uses. Exterior lighting is proposed without undue trespass of lighting off property, although a legible photometric plan will need to be provided. After the presentation, Planning Board members had some comments/questions related to the availability of kitchen facilities in the units in addition to the dining hall; availability of meal delivery to the individual units; adequacy of access and turning movements for larger public safety vehicles; vehicular and pedestrian safety; locations of fire hydrants on or near the property, adequacy of the size of waste disposal facilities; review of the differences in the types of units proposed; discussion on number of employees; mechanism and timing of the combining of the three parcel; parking assignments for the residential units; potential shadow effect over the proposed solar panels from the pitched roofs; rationale for the sidewalk along the Route 28 frontage; affordability of the units; width of the proposed parking spaces; and discussion on a bus shelter or stop at the property. Two main concerns identified by the Planning Board during their discussions were related to vehicular safety along the interconnection between the two properties at 822 and 834 Route 28, and the benefits of bringing public transportation to the property for residents and employees. Ultimately the Board agreed to include conditions related to a stop sign/stop line between the vehicular interconnection and to have the Applicant coordinate with the regional transportation authorities to accommodate public transportation access to the property. Kathy Williams, Town Planner, briefly reviewed other suggested conditions for consideration by the Board as outlined in her April 8, 2020 Memo. Page 3 of 4 Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 YARMOUTH TOWN ClERK VOTE: On a motion by Joanne Crowley, and seconded by Tom Baron, the Planning Board voted (6-0) that the project at 822 & 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road as presented at the Planning Board meeting of April 15, 2020 is in general compliance with the VCOD Design Standards, with the exception of the building modulation requirements outlined in Section 414.8 and the Architectural & Site Design Standards for which relief is being sought through the Zoning Board of Appeals, and subject to the following conditions, with Tom Roche, Chris Vincent, Liz Hartsgrove, Lee Rowley, Joanne Crowley, and Tom Baron voting in favor: 1. Applicant shall revise the Route 28 landscaped buffer west of the entrance of 822 Route 28 to include a more natural shaped 18, mounding with dispersed plantings rather than the linear berm shown; a Landscape Architect shall develop plans for planting beds around the building at 822 Route 28, especially along the Route 28 fayade, to replace existing overgrown or limited plantings; and landscaped areas shall be irrigated. 2. Incorporate the Design Review Committee comments as follows: a. Add some type of porticos over the two entrances on the south end of the east side of the building at 822 Route 28 to add some modulation. b. Prior to submitting a building permit, submit color schemes for 822 Route 28 to the Town Planner for review to ensure all building and roof colors are complimentary to the existing neutral color scheme. Provide different sha~es to enhance the variations in building massing. Refinish the brick along the Medical Office fayade to better match the entire building color scheme. 3. All pavement around the front portion of the building at 822 Route 28 shall be replaced or overlaid. Deteriorated pavement in other locations to be replaced or overlaid. 4. All proposed sidewalks to be concrete. The proposed sidewalk adjacent to the west side of 834 Route 28 to be raised concrete with curbing. 5. The porte cochere height and site design shall ensure turning movements around both sides of the building at 822 Route 28 for fire and emergency vehicles as approved by the Fire Department. 6. Lighting and photometric plan shall be submitted to the Building Department as part of the Building Permit application to adhere to Section 414.8.1 0. 7. If additional modifications are subsequently made to the buildings, the applicant shall come back before the Design Review Committee for review and the Planning Board for an amendment to the VCOD SPR, as determined by the Building Commissioner. 8. Provide a stop line and stop sign delineation along the vehicle connection between 822 & 834 Route 28. 9. Applicant shall coordinate with regional transportation authorities to accommodate public transportation access to the property. Yarmouth Planning Board Page 4 of 4 1 Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 26 Upper County Road P. O. Box 67 Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 Andrew L. Singer Tel: (508) 398-2221 Marian S. Rose Fax: (508) 398-1568 _____ www.singer-law.com Myer R. Singer Of Counsel March 12, 2020 Via Hand Delivery Yarmouth Planning Board 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: South Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement Community 822 & 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road, South Yarmouth Dear Members of the Board, I am writing to submit the following materials in connection with the March 18, 2020, VCOD Site Plan Review meeting on the above redevelopment: 1. Application Form, Narrative, and Check List; 2. Aerial Locus Photograph – Existing Conditions; 3. Colored Rendering; 4. Design Review Committee Comment Sheet; 5. Site Plan Review Team Comment Sheet; 6. Maintenance Protocols (Septic, Grease Trap, Sprinkler System, and Elevators) and Drainage Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan; 7. Existing Freestanding Sign Photographs; 8. ITE Trip Generation Review; 9. Lighting Cut Sheets and Photometric Plan; 2 10. Site Plan set, including autoturn and circulation templates and parking calculations. A Landscape architect has been hired to expand on the landscaping proposal for the new front buffer. The separate landscape plan will not be available until the Board’s subsequent hearing on the Use Special Permit request for the redevelopment and submittal can be a condition of the Board’s VCOD Site Plan Review; and 11. Elevations and Floor Plans. The submitted plans require relief from the Board of Appeals on the main building because it does not completely comply with the building modulation design standards. The Design Review Committee members were comfortable with the design with modifications as noted in the DRC Comment Sheet. The Applicant will be seeking Board of Appeals review to authorize a variance to allow such building modulation as shown and requests the Planning Board’s comment on this for the Board of Appeals’ consideration. Since the Applicant will need to appear before the Board of Appeals, there are a few other areas of compliance with design and site standards that, though shown on the plans, are not optimal for the redevelopment of the existing site and from which the Applicant also intends to request relief from the Board of Appeals. These include, and the Applicant requests the Planning Board’s thoughts on, the following: 1. Keep the existing, second ground sign for the 834 Route 28 building; 2. Not plant four (4) in-lot trees that will be located within the existing septic system area; and 3. In lieu of constructing a new sidewalk on the property adjacent to the existing sidewalk within the Route 28 layout, provide an easement for relocation of the sidewalk onto the property in the future if ever desired by the Town or State. In summary, the Applicant is requesting VCOD Site Plan Review of the submitted plans on the understanding that the additional zoning relief is anticipated to be requested. Thank you for your review of this redevelopment proposal. Very truly yours, Andrew L. Singer ALS/a Enclosures 1 Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 26 Upper County Road P. O. Box 67 Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 Andrew L. Singer Tel: (508) 398-2221 Marian S. Rose Fax: (508) 398-1568 _____ www.singer-law.com Myer R. Singer Of Counsel April 7, 2020 Via Email and Hand Delivery Yarmouth Planning Board 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: South Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement Community 822 & 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road, South Yarmouth Dear Members of the Board, I am writing to submit the following supplemental materials and updates in response to the Planning Department Staff Report prepared in connection with the April 15, 2020, VCOD Site Plan Review meeting on the above redevelopment: 1. Revised Elevations Plans (Sheets A.4 – A.7) showing railings for first-floor patios on east and west sides of the 822 Route 28 building; 2. Landscape Plan for westerly front portion of the property; 3. Revised Photometric Plan demonstrating compliance with footcandle limits at property lines; and 4. Revised Site Plan Sheet S-2B with a) expanded paving of the entire 18 ft. depth of the parking spaces, b) relocation of the catch basin that formerly bisected the front landscape buffer as requested, and c) notes in red as discussed indicating relief to be requested from Zoning Board of Appeals and as detailed below. The Applicant will seek the following relief from the Board of Appeals as discussed with Town Staff and as shown on Sheet S-2B: 1. Keep the second freestanding sign for the 834 Route 28 building in addition to keeping the freestanding sign for the 822 Route 28 building; 2 2. In lieu of constructing a new sidewalk adjacent to the existing sidewalk, provide an eight-foot easement to the Town for future construction of a sidewalk if the existing sidewalk is ever relocated; 3. Not construct four (4) in-lot trees due to proximity to subsurface septic areas; 4. Not construct additional bump-outs on the north, east, and west sides of the 822 Route 28 building beyond those shown on the submitted plans and further to construct those roof bump outs shown as open-sided and not enclosed; and 5. Not construct additional building modulations on the east and west sides of the 834 Route 28 building beyond adding dormers on the west-side roof line. Thank you for your review of this redevelopment proposal. Very truly yours, Andrew L. Singer Andrew L. Singer ALS/a Attachments 1 Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 26 Upper County Road P. O. Box 67 Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 Andrew L. Singer Tel: (508) 398-2221 Marian S. Rose Fax: (508) 398-1568 _____ www.singer-law.com Myer R. Singer Of Counsel Town of Yarmouth VCOD Site Plan Review Application Narrative Introduction The Applicant is proposing to re-use and redevelop the existing hotel and commercial properties located at 822 and 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road in South Yarmouth [collectively “Property”] for a mixed-use 1) Wise Living Retirement Community for senior housing with 120 units (104 studios and 16 one bedrooms), common resident dining facility, and outdoor swimming pool as well as 2) a leased medical complex, exercise/rehab, and wading pool facilities, and 3) continuation of existing uses in an existing commercial building. Property/Existing Development 822 Route 28 (4.09 +- acres) is developed with the Irish Village Hotel complex (136 original rooms, now combined as 128 rooms, plus a public restaurant and interior and exterior swimming pools and related amenities). 834 Route 28 (0.88 +- acres) is developed with a commercial building containing three rental spaces – hair salon, retail, and office. 30 Frank Baker Road (1.11 +- acres) is a vacant, undeveloped parcel to the rear of 822 Route 28 and was previously a part of that lot before an ANR Division in 2014 split the land into two pieces. The redevelopment includes merging all three lots into one lot with no change to the retail and commercial uses in the commercial building at 834 Route 28. Proposed Redevelopment The proposal is to rehabilitate and re-use the existing buildings, parking areas, septic systems, and drainage, with upgrades as shown on the plans, including complete aesthetic upgrades to the buildings. The existing public restaurant in the hotel building will be eliminated. 2 The hotel building will be upgraded with a new porte cochere at the main entrance; several new, small roofs at entrances; and the entire building facade will be upgraded to be more aesthetically attractive by changing the predominantly flat roof to a pitched roof with cupolas, gables, parapets, and dormers to break up massing and improve visual interest. Otherwise, the now hotel building will be re- used in the same footprint. Roof-top solar will be provided along the east and west wings of the building away from Route 28 and will not be visible from any street. The commercial building will have a revised roof line with dormers and bump outs and cut-ins to break up the existing massing. The land that is now 30 Frank Baker Road will remain vacant. The parking on 834 Route 28 will be upgraded and made more formal than the existing conditions. Pedestrian and vehicular interconnections will be provided between 822 and 834 Route 28. Zoning Use. The Property is located in the VCOD2 Overlay District. In accordance with the Yarmouth Zoning By-Law [“Zoning By-Law”], the proposed P5 residential use is allowed by Planning Board Special Permit in both the B2 and VCOD2 Zoning Districts. The O1 medical use is allowed by right in the B2 and VCOD2 Zoning Districts. The accessory medical use will consist of a maximum of two (2) doctors and related support staff plus a rehabilitation facility and swimming pool. The maximum commercial tenant size requirements and minimum residential component sizes are being met. The proposal includes 120 residential units, which density is allowed per the size of the Property. As previously determined with the Yarmouth Building Commissioner and Town Counsel, all of the units (those with separate bedrooms and those without) are classified as one-bedroom units as defined in the Zoning By-Law and will be conforming as set forth on the floor plans. Age restrictions for residents will be compliant with State requirements. Eight (8) of the units will be accessible units. There will be no inclusionary units, and none are required. The proposal satisfies the provisions of Section 414.3.3 of the Zoning By-Law. The proposal is a Mixed Use redevelopment and will improve pedestrian and vehicular access between properties. By re- using existing drainage and wastewater facilities, the redevelopment will be less intrusive than a new development, which will help mitigate hydrologic impacts as well as support erosion and sediment control, soil protection, and stormwater management. Travel to and from the site will be improved with the proposed interconnection and sidewalk and will result in travel demand management improvements as a result of the Mixed Use. No nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created, and there will be no harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood and Town. As set forth herein and on the plans, the redevelopment conforms with all of the provisions of the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards and the design standards of Section 414 of the Zoning By-Law. Dimensional Requirements. The existing buidings are conforming with dimensional requirements of the Zoning By-Law (setbacks and height) and will remain conforming. Building coverage and site coverage on the Property are conforming and will remain conforming. 822 Route 28 is pre-existing nonconforming as to parking spaces in front of the building and in- lot trees. 834 Route 28 is pre-existing nonconforming as to parking lot design and in-lot trees. The Applicant will eliminate the parking in front of the building and within the front setback. The parking behind the commercial building is being reduced and upgraded. 3 Septic/Drainage/Stormwater. The redevelopment will result in a reduction in the septic flow to be generated at the Property, and the Applicant has determined that the oversized septic systems existing at the hotel will be sufficient to handle the redevelopment’s reduced wastewater flow. The septic system servicing the commercial building will remain to serve the existing uses. The Applicant’s engineer has and continues to coordinate with the Yarmouth Health Department and the Massachusetts DEP concerning the redevelopment. The existing drainage will be retained at the Property. The grade at the front of the 822 Route 28 building will be raised to accommodate handicap accessibility and the new porte cochere entrance, and the drainage in this area will be revised to accommodate this change. The Applicant’s engineer continues to work with the Yarmouth Engineering Department on this aspect of the redevelopment. No work is proposed in the rear of the Property which is in the buffer zone to off-side wetlands, other than removing debris that may exist in this area. The existing septic and stormwater systems are both actively maintained, and written maintenance plans are provided. Traffic/Parking. The existing curb cuts from Route 28 onto 822 Route 28 and 834 Route 28 will remain the same, but the vehicular interconnection between the properties to be provided will improve circulation. The Applicant will work with MA DOT as necessary on the redevelopment. Due to the private nature of Frank Baker Road, no connections are proposed directly onto Frank Baker Road. The elimination of the public restaurant and transient hotel use will reduce vehicle trips to and from the Property because the replacement use (senior housing and medical office use) is a less intensive use of the Property. A turning template plan has been submitted demonstrating safe and adequate fire and truck access to and from the Property. Ambulances and other public safety vehicles will have sufficient access throughout the Property. With the re-use of the existing hotel parking, the upgrade of the informal parking at the rear of the commercial building, and various landscape buffer enhancements, the existing parking will be reduced down to 173 spaces. The Applicant has worked with the Building Commissioner to determine that this parking is sufficient for the proposed redevelopment as required in the Zoning By-Law. A detailed parking schedule is included on the site plan. The eight (8) parking spaces located in front of the existing hotel will be eliminated. Handicap parking will be provided as required in relation to the applicable building access points. Lighting/Signage. Exterior building lighting will be upgraded with dark-sky compliant, traditional New England period fixtures. New pole lights in the existing parking fields will also be dark- sky compliant, traditional New England period fixtures. There is one light pole on Route 28 in the State Highway Layout that provides light at the front of the Property. The existing freestanding sign at the 822 Route 28 property will be retained/replaced as needed in generally the same size and location and be repaneled with the new businesses. The existing freestanding sign at the 834 Route 28 property will for now be removed and not replaced until relief is sought in the future as required. If wall signage is to be proposed, it will conform with the dimensional requirements of the Zoning By-Law. 4 Landscaping. Existing, mature screening along the front, sides, and rear of the Property will be retained where possible, and an extensive new front landscape buffer is being provided in place of the existing parking in this area. The buffer to the residential properties on Frank Baker Road will be improved with a modified, four-foot fence along that property line as required in addition to the existing treescape. The tree canopy requirement throughout the properties is being met. New trees are being provided as shown on the Site Plan to meet the in-lot tree requirement in the parking areas. Since four (4) of these trees are located within the existing septic system area, the Applicant may seek relief from the Board of Appeals to not install such trees. Given the perimeter buffer vegetation and fencing and the new expanded landscape area in the front of the property, these parking areas within the septic system area on either side of the building will be appropriately screened. In addition, the proposal otherwise meets the provisions of Section 414.8.9(4) governing landscaping around the perimeters and within parking areas. “The ends of parking aisles in surface lots that are more than fifteen (15) spaces in length shall incorporate landscape islands at either end of the row. Each island shall include at least one tree. Where the length of a parking aisle exceeds twenty-five (25) spaces, additional landscape islands shall be installed at regular intervals. This interval shall not be more than every thirteen (13) spaces.” The project engineer has designed the re-used parking lot to meet these standards. Conclusion The proposed, mixed-use redevelopment of the Property meets the purposes and intents of the Village Center Overlay District to preserve and revitalize the Town’s natural, cultural, and economic resources, while supporting sustainable development that enhances and improves the community’s character and sense of place. The redevelopment satisfies and is consistent with the provisions of Section 414 of the Zoning By-Law. The proposal improves pedestrian and vehicular access with the interconnections. Existing buildings and developed parking areas will re-used and upgraded. There will be no nuisance, hazard or congestion created, in fact the redevelopment will improve over the existing conditions (hotel and public restaurant), and there will be no substantial harm to the character of the neighborhood or Town. The proposal will provide needed services and residential opportunities in the Town. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 15 - VCOD Site Plan Review Application Checklist  Application Form  Fee  One(1) original and twenty-two (22) hard copies of the required information outlined below. A Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Civil Engineer or licensed architect shall sign and date and place their seal upon all pertinent documents and plans as appropriate to their discipline. All drawings shall be prepared on standard 24" x 36" plan sheets. Site Plans shall be at a minimum scale of 1" = 40' unless otherwise specified. Elevation drawings, where required, shall be drawn at a minimum scale of 1" = 4'. Drawings may be submitted in 11x17 format if plotted at a standard scale and are fully legible. All drawings must be to scale. If 11x17 drawings are submitted, one full size set of all plans shall also be submitted.  Digital Format of all Submittal Information: In addition to hard copies provided, all applications, supporting data, plans and specifications must be submitted in Adobe pdf digital format on CD or DVD. All site plans and architectural plans shall be included in one pdf file. Site Plans shall also be provided in AutoCad.dwg format. If requested, plans shall also be provided in the following acceptable digital formats: ESRI standard .shp or geodatabase file formats. All feature types that are shown on the recorded plans must be organized in separate layers to allow for easy viewing in digital format (e.g., right of way, buildings, lot lines, utilities, etc.). All drawing shall be geo-referenced in Mass State Plane coordinates to allow for easy integration into GIS. The following information shall be included the submittal package: Basic Information (for all plans) 1._______ Name of the proposed development. 2._______ Name and address of property owner and applicant. 3._______ Name, address and telephone number of person or firm preparing application plan and/or materials. 4._______ Date of plan/materials preparation, with revision date(s) (if any). 5._______ Graphic scale and true north arrow on any graphic representations. 6._______ Assessors Map and lot number(s) of the parcel. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 16 - Site Information 1._______ Regional Locus - A locus plan locating the site on the most recent USGS quadrangle map that includes a half-mile radius around the site and zoning district boundaries. 2._______ Aerial Locus – The latest available aerial photograph produced at the same scale as the Regional Locus, including labeled street names. 3._______ Existing Conditions Plan – The location or identification of the following features: a._____ Surveyed property boundary; b._____ Wetlands, streams, water bodies, and their regulatory buffers; other regulatory setbacks/buffers; and 100-year flood plain boundary with elevation; c._____ Zoning setbacks ; d._____ Unique natural land features, including all stonewalls, trees over eight (8) inches in diameter measured at breast height, rock outcrops, and the general location of the tree line; e._____ Adjacent streets with dimensions; f._____ Existing driveways or other means of access to and from the site with dimensions; g._____ Existing on-site structures and structures on abutting properties if within 20’ of the property line; h._____ Adjacent properties including lots on the opposite sides of adjacent streets with owners’ names; i._____ Any deeds of easement, rights-of-way, covenants and any other agreements connected with the site with dimensions; j._____ Existing utilities; k._____ Existing stormwater management facilities; l._____ Existing wastewater management facilities with design flow noted; m._____ Topography in two-foot intervals with spot elevations. 4._______ General Proposed Development Plans (information can be contained on multiple plans) a._____ Surveyed property boundary; b._____ Wetlands, streams, water bodies, and their regulatory buffers; other regulatory setbacks/buffers; and 100-year flood plain boundary with elevation; c._____ Retained and proposed structures with height, footprint, total gross floor area, number of stories noted; d._____ If a structure is located in a setback, the measured setbacks for each structure to the nearest lot line and/or structure with Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 17 - annotation for required zoning setback; e._____ Proposed deeds of easement, rights-of-way, covenants and any other agreements connected with the site with dimensions; f._____ Stormwater management system locations with description noted (e.g., “swale”, “bioretention facility”, “recharge chamber”, etc.) g._____ Wastewater treatment facilities locations with description of the system and design flow noted; h._____ Water supply infrastructure location and description; i._____ Proposed telephone/electric/cable with transformer locations. j._____ Delineation of landscaped areas; k._____ Parking and loading areas with stall dimensions, striping, islands, walkways, and number of spaces; l._____ Proposed vehicular and pedestrian connections to adjacent parcels, or identification of locations where future connections could be made. m._____ Circulation features such as site access, bicycle lanes/striping, general flow of automobile traffic, stacking capacity for any drive- through lanes, bicycle racks, speed bumps, crosswalks, and sidewalks. For crosswalks and sidewalks, materials, color, finish, and dimensions shall be noted; n._____ Location of waste disposal collection bins and associated screening; o._____ Parking requirement calculations and description of any shared parking or off-site parking strategies with associated calculations. p._____ Proposed topography in two-foot contours with spot elevations as required. All proposed first floor elevations of all buildings. q._____ Summary of zoning dimensional requirements, existing and proposed, with appropriate footnotes. r._____ Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control plans. 5._______ Lighting and Signage Plan a._____ The location, dimensions, height of all signs and lighting; b._____ Sketches or other stock images shall be provided to show typical applications to be used for free-standing and wall mounted lights to demonstrate compliance with the VCOD standards (separate sign permits required); c._____ Lighting plan showing the location of all fixtures with lumen output and foot candle intensity at property boundaries; d._____ Identification of any existing signs that will be improved or replaced in order to achieve compliance with VCOD standards. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 18 - 6._______ Landscaping/Planting Plan a._____ List of proposed plants in their common name and Latin name with variety, and proposed sizes; b._____ Location of each plant listed in 6a above; c._____ Parking Lot canopy calculations. d._____ Location, dimension, height, style, color, and materials for any decorative walls or fences proposed. e._____ Location, width, materials and colors of all pedestrian pathways. f._____ Location of any protective measures during construction including tree barriers. 7._______ Building Information – The applicant shall provide the following building and architectural information: a._____ Architectural elevations demonstrating compliance with the VCOD standards for materials, rooflines, fenestration, signage and entrances as applicable. b._____ Architectural first floor plans for all proposed buildings or building expansions. c._____ Identify all building materials on the plans or in a separate narrative. Provide information and material samples where applicable, or requested, on the following: 1. Siding: materials, color and exposure; 2. Roof: material, color and exposure; 3. Windows: manufacturer, style, exterior material and color, grill configuration; 4. Doors: material, style and color(s); 5. Trims: Materials, dimensions and color(s) for trim associated with Windows, Doors, Corner Boards, Soffit, Fascia, Frieze, Rake Boards; 6. Decks: size, materials, colors; 7. Stair and Deck Railings: materials, dimensions and colors of top and bottom rails, balusters and posts; 8._______ Supplementary Information – The applicant shall provide a narrative report with the following information. a._____ Narrative summary of basic information. b._____ Narrative summary of existing conditions. c._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to provide water supply. d._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to treat and dispose of wastewater including a description of on-site soils, depth to groundwater throughout the site, and any test pit investigations that may have been performed. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 19 - e._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to treat and discharge stormwater and, where applicable, the relationship between the stormwater management strategy and any impairment identified on the watershed 303(d) list. f._____ All documentation for subsurface soil investigations referenced by code or key to locations of testing sites on submitted plans. g._____ Stormwater flow calculations associated with all best management practices shown on submitted plans including discharge volume calculations for design storm frequencies, peak discharge rates for design storm frequencies, and soil percolation rates. Stormwater runoff calculations shall be conducted in HydroCad or similar software program using TR-20 or TR-55. h._____ Maintenance plans associated with all on-site utilities, responsible parties, descriptions of associated covenants, and funding sources where applicable. i._____ Calculations associated with wastewater design flows. j._____ Description of proposed phasing (if any). k._____ Description of compliance with inclusionary zoning requirements [Sections 412.2 and 414.5.2.3]. l._____ Narrative description of the use of any open space including the uses that are proposed, the management structure for the open space, and a description of the restrictions that will be placed upon the open space area as applicable. 9._______ If requested by the Planning Board, the application shall also include a Technical Review Fee to cover the review of specific design or engineering elements of the proposed development subject to MGL. Chapter 44, Section 53G. Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 26 Upper County Road P. O. Box 67 Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 Andrew L. Singer Tel: (508) 398-2221 Marian S. Rose Fax: (508) 398-1568 _____ www.singer-law.com Myer R. Singer Of Counsel January 16, 2020 Kathy Williams, Town Planner Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: South Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement Community 822 & 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road, South Yarmouth Dear Kathy, The following is the building information set forth in Section 7 of the VCOD Site Plan Review Application Checklist. The work proposed to the existing Irish Village at the above referenced properties is intended to provide maximum feasible compliance with Yarmouth’s Architectural and Site Design Standards. The design, as proposed, incorporates many of the Building Strategies recommended in the bylaw: x By using a variety of materials and colors, the proposed design has created the appearance of many separate, smaller structures. x By varying the roof lines with a variety of new gables, overhangs, dormers, and cupolas, the proposed design significantly improves and breaks up the existing flat roof. x The proposed design incorporates a variety of materials, textures, and colors to add depth and interest. Materials will include traditional materials such as shingle siding, clapboard siding, vertical siding, and architectural asphalt roof shingles, all with traditional exposures. x Colors schemes will be varied neutral earth tones in order to retain the subtle character of the region’s traditional materials. x New exterior trim, decks, and railings will be constructed of maintenance free, durable materials. x New windows and doors will be vinyl or aluminum clad to match existing. We respectfully ask for your support in transforming this property to realize its full potential as a valuable asset to both the community and the region. Very truly yours, Andrew L. Singer Andrew L. Singer Wise Living  822 and 834 Route 28 South Yarmouth     Maintenance Protocol   Septic Systems  The septic  systems are currently maintained by All Cape Environmental it is the intent of the petitioner  to continue to have a company oversee the maintenance of the systems. The systems will be fully   pumped every two years and intermittently as necessary. All Cape Environmental or any other company   chosen will be responsible for the maintenance of all filters and pumps as well as any other operating  components of the system.  Grease Trap  The grease trap has also been maintained by All Cape Environmental who contracts Robert Our  to pump the system. The grease trap will be pumped on a quarterly basis.  Septic  Inspections  Septic inspections will be done by EAS Survey on an as required basis to meet current code.  Sprinkler System  The fire sprinkler system is currently maintained by Cannon Sprinkler formerly Canco.  It is the intent of the applicant to continue this practice. The system will be inspected on a quarterly      basis with any required repairs done on an ongoing basis.  Elevators  There are currently no elevators in the property applicant is currently working to chose an elevator   company for the installation of the systems. Once installed a contract will be signed with the company  to do maintenance and inspections as required by code.  Drainage Maintenance   The drainage maintenance report will be provided by BSC Company under separate cover.  Prepared by: 349 Main Street West Yarmouth, MA 02673 The picture can't be displayed. LONG-TERM POLLUTION & OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN WISE LIVING RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 822 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, 02664 FEBRUARY 2020 Owner/Applicant: JOHN HYNES 343 Route 28 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 BSC Job Number: 4-9382.03 Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.0 LONG-TERM POLLUTION PREVENTION & OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed redevelopment is focused on 822 Route 28. This proposed project includes two abutting properties, 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road. The three parcels combine for a total of 6.09± acres of land. The existing site at 822 Route 28 is Cape Cod Irish Village and the site will be redeveloped into Wise Living Retirement Community. Much of the site work is on the interior of the building, with the only proposed exterior modifications being a proposed enhanced entranceway with covered ramp and improvements to the additional existing entrances to the building. Additional work will be re-striping the parking lot, adding islands, and significant landscaping improvements within the parking islands and perimeter of the paved parking areas. Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 SECTION 2.0 LONG-TERM POLLUTION PREVENTION & OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 2.0 LONG-TERM POLLUTION PREVENTION & OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN As required by Standard #4 of the Stormwater Management Policy, this Long-Term Pollution Prevention Plan has been developed for source control and pollution prevention at the site after construction. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Ensuring that the provisions of the Long-Term Pollution Prevention Plan are followed will be the responsibility of The Applicant. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES The site to be kept clean of trash and debris at all times. Trash, junk, etc. is not to be left outside. VEHICLE WASHING CONTROLS The following BMP’s, or equivalent measures, methods or practices are required if you are engaged in vehicle washing and/or steam cleaning: It is allowable to rinse down the body or a vehicle, including the bed of a truck, with just water without doing any wash water control BMP’s. If you wash (with mild detergents) on an area that infiltrates water, such as gravel, grass, or loose soil, it is acceptable to let the wash water infiltrate as long as you only wash the body of vehicles. However, if you wash on a paved area and use detergents or other cleansers, or if you wash/rinse the engine compartment or the underside of vehicles, you must take the vehicles to a commercial vehicle wash. REQUIREMENTS FOR ROUTINE INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF STORMWATER BMPS All stormwater BMPs are to be inspected and maintain as follows; Haybales, Silt Fence, and other temporary measures The temporary erosion control measures will be installed up gradient of any wetland resource area where any disturbance or alteration might otherwise allow for erosion or sedimentation. They will be regularly inspected to ensure that they are functioning adequately. Additional supplies of these temporary measures will be stockpiled on site for any immediate needs or routine replacement. Deep Sump Hooded Catch Basins Regular maintenance is essential. Catch basins remain effective at removing pollutants only if they are cleaned out frequently. Inspect or clean basins at least four times per year and at the end of the foliage and snow removal seasons. Sediments must also be removed four times per year or whenever the depth of the deposits in the catch basin sump is greater than or equal to one half the depth form the bottom of the invert of the lowest pipe in the basin. PROVISIONS FOR MAINTENANCE OF LAWNS, GARDENS AND OTHER LANDSCAPE AREAS Suggested Maintenance Operations A. Trees and Shrubs Disease and Pest Management - Prevention of disease or infestation is the first step of Pest Management. A plant that is in overall good health is far less susceptible to disease. Good general landscape maintenance can reduce problems from disease. Inspections of plant materials for signs of disease or infestation are to be performed monthly by the Landscape Maintenance Contractor’s Certified Arborist. This is a critical step for early diagnosis. Trees and Shrubs that have Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 been diagnosed to have a plant disease or an infestation of insect pests are to be treated promptly with an appropriate material by a licensed applicator. Fertilization - Trees and shrubs live outside their natural environment and should be given proper care to maintain health and vigor. Fertilizing trees and shrubs provides the plants with nutrients needed to resist insect attack, to resist drought and to grow thicker foliage. Fertilizing of new and old trees may be done in one of three ways, in either the early spring or the late fall.  Systemic Injection of new and existing trees on trees 2 inches or greater in diameter. You must be licensed to apply this method.  Soil Injection – a liquid fertilizer with a product such as Arbor Green or Rapid Grow injected into the soil under the drip zone of a tree or shrub. Material must be used according to manufacturers’ specifications to be effective. Outside contracting is recommended.  Punch Bar Method – a dry fertilizer such as 10-10-10, may be used by punched holes in the drip zone of the tree 12-18” deep, two feet apart around the circumference, to the edge of the drip line. Three pounds of fertilizer should be used per diameter inch for trees with trunks six inches or more in diameter.  Fertilizer of shrubs – use a fertilizer such as 10-10-10, broadcast over the planting area according to the manufacturers’ rate and water in.  All fertilization must be noted on daily maintenance log. Watering - Trees and Shrubs will need supplemental watering to remain in vigorous health. All new plants need to be watered once a week in cool weather, twice a week during warm weather, and up to three times in a week during periods of extreme heat and drought. Trees and shrubs should be watered in such a manner as to totally saturate the soil in the root zone area. Over-watering or constant saturation of the soil must be avoided as this could lead to root rot and other disease problems. The use of a soil moisture meter can help you monitor the soil’s water intake. Plant Replacement - Unhealthy plants that may cause widespread infestation of other nearby plants shall be immediately removed from the site. Any vegetation removed from the site must be recorded and submitted with the daily maintenance log. The area shall be treated to prevent further infestation. The plant shall then be replaced with a healthy specimen of the same species and size. This work shall have a pre-established budget allowance for the year. A spring inspection of all plant materials shall be performed to identify those plant materials that are not in vigorously healthy condition. Unhealthy plant materials shall be evaluated. If the problem is determined to be minor the plant material shall be given appropriate restorative care in accordance with this maintenance guideline until it is restored to a vigorously healthy condition. Unhealthy plant materials that do not respond to restorative care or are determined to be beyond saving shall be replaced with a healthy specimen of the same species and size. In the case of the necessity of replacing extremely large plant materials the Landscape Architect shall determine the size of the replacement plant. Pruning - Proper pruning is the selective removal of branches without changing the plant’s natural appearance, or habit of growth. All tree pruning is to be performed by a licensed Arborist. All branches that are dead, broken, scared or crossing should be removed. All cuts should be made at the collar and not cut flush with the base. Pruning on the site shall be done for the following purposes;  To maintain or reduce the size of a tree or shrub  To remove dead, diseased or damaged branches  To rejuvenate old shrubs and encourage new growth  To stimulate future flower and fruit development  To maximize the visibility of twig color  To prevent damage and reduce hazards to people and properties All shrubs are recommended to be pruned on an annual basis to prevent the shrub from becoming overgrown and eliminate the need for drastic pruning. There are several types of pruning for deciduous shrubs. Hand snips should be used to maintain a more natural look or hand shears can be used for a more formal appearance. Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 Winter Protection - All trees and shrubs are to be watered, fertilized, and mulched before the first frost. All stakes should be checked and ties adjusted. Damaged branches should be pruned. Broadleaf and Coniferous Evergreen plant materials are to be sprayed with an anti-desiccant product to prevent winter burn. The application shall be repeated during a suitable mid-winter thaw. Shrubs located in areas likely to be piled with snow during snow removal (but not designated as Snow Storage Areas) shall be marked by six-foot high poles with bright green banner flags. Stockpiles of snow are not to be located in these areas due to potential damage to the plant materials from both the weight of the snow and the snow melting chemicals. At the fall landscape maintenance conference parameters will be discussed between the Landscape Maintenance Contractor and the snow removal contractor to assure minimal damage and loss of landscape amenities during the winter season. Seasonal Clean Up - A thorough spring cleanup is to be performed. This includes the removal and replacement of dead or unhealthy plant materials and the cleanup of plant debris and any general debris that has accumulated over the winter season. Mulch is to be lightly raked to clean debris from the surface without removing any mulch. Twigs and debris are to be removed from the planting beds throughout the growing season. Mulching - Planting beds shall be mulched with a treated shredded hardwood mulch free from dirt, debris, and insects. A sample of this mulch shall be given to the Owner for approval prior to installation. Maintain a 2-3” maximum depth and keep free of weeds either by hand weeding or by the use of a pre-emergent weed control such as Treflan or Serfian. Seasonal re-mulching shall occur as necessary in the spring and the fall to maintain this minimum depth. When new mulch is added to the planting bed it shall be spread to create a total depth of no more than three inches. Edges should be maintained in a cleanly edged fashion. Mulch shall not be placed directly against the trunk of any tree or shrub. B. Groundcover and Perennials Disease and Pest Management – Pesticides and herbicides should be applied only as problems occur, with the proper chemical applied only by a trained professional or in the case of pesticide, a Certified Pesticide Applicator. Plants should be monitored weekly and treated accordingly. Fertilizer – The health of the plants can be maintained or improved, and their growth encouraged by an application of complete fertilizer. Apply a fertilizer such as 4-12-4 as growth becomes apparent and before mulching. Apply to all groundcover and perennial planting areas by hand and avoid letting the fertilizer come in contact with the foliage, or use a liquid fertilizer and apply by soaking the soil. Apply according to the manufacturers’ specifications. Fertilization shall stop at the end of July. Water – Groundcovers and Perennials will need supplemental watering in order to become established, healthy plants. All new plants need to be watered once a week in cool weather, twice a week during warm weather, and up to three times in a week during periods of extreme heat and drought. Until established, groundcovers and perennials should be watered in such a manner as to totally saturate the soil in the root zone area, to a depth of 6 inches. Once established, perennials shall continue to be watered as necessary to maintain them in a vigorous healthy condition. Over-watering or constant saturation of the soil must be avoided as this could lead to root rot and other disease problems. The use of a soil moisture meter can help you monitor the soil’s water intake. On-site water shall be furnished by the Owner. Hose and other watering equipment shall be furnished by the Landscape Maintenance Contractor. Replacement – Any unhealthy plant/s that may cause widespread infestation of other nearby plants shall be immediately removed from the site. Any vegetation removed from the site must be recorded and submitted with the landscape maintenance log. The area shall be treated to prevent further infestation. The plant/s shall then be replaced with healthy Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 specimen/s of the same species and size. Old Forge shall have a pre-established budget allowance for this type of replacement, each year. Plant material that is damaged as a result of other landscape maintenance activities, such as mowing, shall be replaced with healthy specimens of the same species and size, at no additional cost to the owner. Deadheading – Perennials shall be checked on a weekly basis and dead-headed once flowers have faded or as necessary based on plant type and duration of flower. Spent flowers can be pinched off with the thumb and forefinger. Continue to remove all faded flowers until Fall. All associated debris shall be removed from site daily. Staking – Upright-growing perennials need support especially when in flower. Use of bamboo stakes, galvanized wire hoops or mesh may be necessary for their support. Supports should be put in place before they have become too difficult to handle. The supports should not be taller than the mature height of the perennial plant. Division of Perennials – Two or three-year-old perennials are easily divided in the spring if more plants are needed. To divide, cut out the entire section of plant to be divided, including roots. The larger divisions (those with three or more shoots), can be set out immediately in their permanent location, where they can be expected to bloom the same season. Smaller divisions are best planted in an out-of-the-way planting bed until the following autumn or spring, when they can be moved to their permanent location. Weeding – All planting beds should be kept weed-free. Weed either by hand or with a pre-emergent herbicide such as Treflen used according to manufacturers’ specifications. Manual weeding is to be used in combination with the use of spot applications of herbicides. Both live and dead weeds are to be pulled and removed from the site. All herbicide applications shall be documented in the Landscape Maintenance Log. The actual product label or the manufacturer’s product specification sheet for the specific product shall also be included in the Log. Only personnel with appropriate applicator licenses shall supervise and/or perform the application of pesticide products requiring a license. Winterizing – Perennial gardens should be cleaned-up when growth ceases in the fall. Remove foliage of plants that normally die down to the ground. Divide and replant over-grown clumps. C. Lawn Areas - Turf Systems Mowing – Proper mowing is an integral part of any good turf maintenance program. Without it, the finest in fertilization, watering and other vital maintenance practices would be completely ineffective. Proper mowing will help control dicot weeds; help the turf survive during periods of extreme heat, and gain strength and vigor to resist disease and other infestations. Mowing height – The proper mowing height will vary somewhat according to the type of grass. The most common type of seed & sod lawns contains a mixture of bluegrass, fine fescue and perennial rye, which should be mowed at 2- 3 inches. Mowing frequency – The basic rule of thumb for mowing frequency is to never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade in one mowing. Example: if you want to mow your turf at 2 inches, you should cut it when it reaches 3 inches. Removing more than ½ of the grass plant at a time can put the plant into shock, thus making it more susceptible to stress disease and weed infestation. Mowing frequency will vary with the growing season and should be set by the plant height and not a set date. It will often be necessary to mow twice a week during periods of surge growth to help maintain plant health and color. Mowing should be cut back during periods of stress. Grass clippings should be removed whenever they are thick enough to layer the turf. The return of clippings to the soil actually adds nutrients and helps retain moisture. Heavily clumped grass clippings are a sign of infrequent mowing, calling for an adjustment in the mowing schedule. Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 When mowing any area, try to alternate mowing patterns. This tends to keep grass blades more erect and assures an even cut. A dull mower will cause color loss due to tearing of the turf plant, and since mowing will ultimately determine the appearance of any turf area there is an absolute necessity for a clean sharp cut. Weed & Pest Control and Fertilizing- In order to maintain turf grass health, vigor color, and nutrients, fertilizer must be added to the soil. Recommendations for fertilization of lawn areas are as follows; fertilize at the rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet, per year is optimum. Fertilizer should be a balanced slow release, sulfur coated type fertilizer. Weed Control - All turf areas will require some weed control, for both weed grasses and dicot weeds. Weeds should be treated at the appropriate time and with a material labeled for the target weed. Please refer to the fertilizer weed and pest schedule for timing. Pest Control - All turf areas will require some pest control. Pests should be treated at the appropriate time with a material labeled for the target pest. Please refer to the fertilizer, weed and pest schedule for timing. Lime - A common cause for an unhealthy lawn is acidic soil. When the PH is below the neutral range (between 6-7) vital plant nutrients become fixed in the soil and cannot be absorbed by the grass plant. Lime corrects an acid soil condition, supplies calcium for plant growth and improves air and water circulation. Limestone applied at the rate of 50 lbs. per thousand square feet will adjust the soil PH one point over a period of 6-9 months. D. Fertilizer, Weed & Pest Control Schedule – Turf Systems Spring - Fertilize one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (April) Pre-emergent weed grass control Broadleaf weed control Late Spring - Fertilize one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (June) Pre-emergent weed grass control Broadleaf weed control Insect Control (if needed) *Summer - Fertilize one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (August) Broadleaf weed control (if needed) Insect Control (if needed) Fall - Fertilize one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet (September) *Omit if area is not to be irrigated Lawn Maintenance Task Schedule MARCH (Weather permitting)  Clean up winter debris, sand, leaves, trash etc.  Re-edge mulch beds, maintain at 2-3” maximum.  Fertilize plants  Aerate and thatch turf (conditions permitting) Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 APRIL  Reseed or sod all areas needing attention.  Fertilize and weed control  Lime  Start mowing when grass reaches 2-1/2”, mow to 2” MAY  Mow turf to 2-2-1/2”  Weed as necessary.  Check for disease and pest problems in both turf and plants. JUNE  Mow turf to 2-1/2” – 3”  Fertilize and weed control.  Weed  Check for disease and pest problems in both turf and plants, treat as necessary. PROVISIONS FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (SITE TRASH) Trash will be placed in on-site dumpsters and the Owner will make provisions for its regular and timely removal. SNOW DISPOSAL AND PLOWING PLANS The purpose of the snow and snowmelt management plan is to provide guidelines regarding snow disposal site selection, site preparation and maintenance that are acceptable to the Department of Environmental Protection. For the areas that require snow removal, snow storage onsite will largely be accomplished by using pervious areas along the shoulder of the roadway and development as windrowed by plows.  Avoid dumping of snow into any water body, including rivers, ponds, or wetlands. In addition to water quality impacts and flooding, snow disposed of in open water can cause navigational hazards when it freezes into ice blocks.  Avoid disposing of snow on top of storm drain catch basins or in stormwater basins. Snow combined with sand and debris may block a storm drainage system, causing localized flooding. A high volume of sand, sediment, and litter released from melting snow also may be quickly transported through the system into surface water.  In significant storm events, the melting or off-site trucking of snow may be implemented. These activities shall be conducted in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. WINTER ROAD SALT AND/OR SAND USE AND STORAGE RESTRICTIONS The applicant will be responsible for sanding and salting the site. No storage on site. STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULES There are three types of sweepers: Mechanical, Regenerative Air, and Vacuum Filter. 1) Mechanical: Mechanical sweepers use brooms or rotary brushes to scour the pavement. 2) Regenerative Air: These sweepers blow air onto the road or parking lot surface, causing fines to rise where they are vacuumed. 3) Vacuum filter: These sweepers remove fines along roads. Two general types of vacuum filter sweepers are available - wet and dry. The dry type uses a broom in combination with the vacuum. The wet type uses water for dust suppression Long-Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 822 Route 28 South Yarmouth February 2020 Regardless of the type chosen, the efficiency of street sweeping is increased when sweepers are operated in tandem. It is recommended that street sweeping of the parking areas occur four times a year, including once after the spring snow melt. Reuse and Disposal of Street Sweepings Once removed from paved surfaces, the sweepings must be handled and disposed of properly. Mass DEP’s Bureau of Waste Prevention has issued a written policy regarding the reuse and disposal of street sweepings. These sweepings are regulated as a solid waste, and can be used in three ways:  In one of the ways already approved by Mass DEP (e.g., daily cover in a landfill, additive to compost, fill in a public way)  If approved under a Beneficial Use Determination  Disposed in a landfill TRAINING OF STAFF OR PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH IMPLEMENTING LONG-TERM POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Long-Term Pollution Prevention Plan is to be implemented by property owner of the site. Trained and, if required, licensed Professionals are to be hired by the owner as applicable to implement the Long-Term Pollution Prevention Plan. LIST OF EMERGENCY CONTACTS FOR IMPLEMENTING LONG-TERM POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The applicant will be required to implement the Long-Term Pollution Prevention Plan and will create and maintain a list of emergency contacts. POST CONSTRUCTION PHASE INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EVALUATION CHECKLIST Inspection Date Inspector BMP Inspected Inspection Frequency Requirement s Comments Recommendation Follow-up Inspection Required (yes/no) Catch Basin Four times a year 1. Refer to the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook Volume Two: Stormwater Technical Handbook (February 2008) for recommendations regarding frequency for inspections and maintenance of specific BMP’s 2. Inspections to be conducted by a qualified professional such as an environmental scientist or civil engineer. 3. Limited or no use of sodium chloride salts, fertilizers or pesticides recommended. 4. Other Notes: (Include deviations from Conservation Commission Approvals, Planning Board Approvals and Approved Plans) Calculation Sheet Project No. Calc By Subject Date Location Checked by Date code Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF peak rate 92 MOTEL 0.38 34.96 35 320 22 ONE-BED SUITES 0.39 8.58 9 312 3000 SEAT LOUNGE 1000 0 0.00 0 925 3000 RESTAURANT 1000 9.94 29.82 30 932 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 1.45 2.90 3 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 0.58 0.99 1 875 600 OFFICE 1000 1.15 0.69 1 710 Total:79 Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF peak rate 120 SENIOR ADULT HOUSING 0.20 24.00 24 252 4800 DOCTOR'S OFFICE 1000 2.78 13.344 14 720 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 1.45 2.90 3 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 0.58 0.99 1 875 600 OFFICE 1000 1.15 0.69 1 710 Total:43 Total Existing - AM Peak (7 AM - 9 AM) Proposed - AM Peak (7 AM - 9 AM) 4-9382.03 TM Traffic Analysis 3/9/2020 822 & 834 Route 28, West Yarmouth Total Calculation Sheet Project No. Calc By Subject Date Location Checked by Date code Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF peak rate 92 MOTEL 0.38 34.96 35 320 22 ONE-BED SUITES 0.32 7.04 8 312 3000 SEAT LOUNGE 1000 11.36 34.08 35 925 3000 RESTAURANT 1000 9.77 29.31 30 932 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 1.45 2.90 3 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 1.95 3.32 4 875 600 OFFICE 1000 1.15 0.69 1 710 Total:116 Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF peak rate 120 SENIOR ADULT HOUSING 0.26 31.20 32 252 4800 DOCTOR'S OFFICE 1000 3.46 16.608 17 720 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 1.45 2.90 3 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 1.95 3.32 4 875 600 OFFICE 1000 1.15 0.69 1 710 Total:57 Total Existing - PM Peak (4 PM - 6 PM) Proposed - PM Peak (4 PM - 6 PM) 4-9382.02 TM Traffic Analysis 3/9/2020 822 & 834 Route 28, West Yarmouth Total Calculation Sheet Project No. Calc By Subject Date Location Checked by Date code Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF Daily Rate 92 MOTEL 3.35 308.2 309 320 22 ONE-BED SUITES 4.02 88.44 89 312 3000 SEAT LOUNGE 1000 11.36 34.08 35 925 3000 RESTAURANT 1000 112.18 336.54 337 932 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 12.78 25.56 26 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 22.88 38.90 39 875 600 OFFICE 1000 9.74 5.844 6 710 Total:841 Sq. Ft. / Units Use per 1000 SF Daily Rate 120 SENIOR ADULT HOUSING 3.70 444.00 444 252 4800 DOCTOR'S OFFICE 1000 34.80 167.04 168 720 2000 HAIRDRESSER 1000 12.78 25.56 26 918 1700 RETAIL 1000 22.88 38.90 39 875 600 OFFICE 1000 9.74 5.844 6 710 Total:683 Total Total Existing - Daily Average Number of Trips Generated Proposed - Daily Average Number of Trips Generated 4-9382.03 TM Traffic Analysis 3/9/2020 822 & 834 Route 28, West Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement CommunityOverview rev 3Designer MSC Date 3/11/2020 Scale Not to Scale Drawing No. Rev 1 Summary 1 of 2 Current View Wise Living Retirement CommunityOverview rev 3Designer MSC Date 3/11/2020 Scale Not to Scale Drawing No. Rev 1 Summary 2 of 2 Statistics Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Balcony walk A 4.7 fc 13.5 fc 0.6 fc 22.5:1 7.8:1 Balcony Walk B 3.6 fc 12.2 fc 0.1 fc 122.0:1 36.0:1 Balcony walk C 3.8 fc 13.3 fc 0.1 fc 133.0:1 38.0:1 Balcony walk D 4.3 fc 12.9 fc 0.5 fc 25.8:1 8.6:1 Compliance zone back 0.0 fc 0.1 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A Compliance zone front 0.0 fc 0.1 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A Compliance zone Left 0.0 fc 0.1 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A Compliance zone right 0.0 fc 0.1 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A Parking and Driveway 2.5 fc 33.4 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A New 6 ' Conc re te S idewa lk (1) Nellie R. Stevens Holly(5) Nikko Blue HydrangeaHeritage River Birch (5)(15) Dwarf Japanese Holly(20) St. John`s WortReplace asphaltwith lawnReplace asphaltwith lawnLawnLawnLawnNew SidewalkOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRelocated Catch BasinTREESBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZE5Betula nigra `Heritage`Heritage River Birch2.5-3" cal.SHRUBSBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZE5Hydrangea macrophylla `Nikko Blue`Nikko Blue Hydrangea5 gal20Hypericum patulum `Hidcote`St. John`s Wort3 gal15Ilex crenata `Compacta`Dwarf Japanese Holly5 gal1Ilex x `Nellie R. Stevens`Nellie R. Stevens Holly4-5`PLANT SCHEDULEIrish VillageLandscape ImprovementsNORTH822 Route 28, West YarmouthBy: Philip L. Cheney 508-394-1373Scale: 1" = 10'-0" 4/6/2020 S T A T E H IGHW A Y 4 0 ' W ID EROUT E 2 8 - M A IN S TR E E T PRIVATE - VARIABLE WIDTH PLAN BOOK 56-85FRANK BAKER ROADXXXXXXXXXXXOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWDWWSSSSDS S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S SWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)EXISTINGCONDITIONS PLANFEBRUARY 20, 2020COMMUNITY S T A T E H IGHW A Y 4 0 ' W ID EROUT E 2 8 - M A IN S TR E E T PRIVATE - VARIABLE WIDTH PLAN BOOK 56-85FRANK BAKER ROADXXXXXXXXXXX28.5'52.3'25.1'349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)SITE PLANFEBRUARY 20, 2020 COMMUNITYLOCUS MAP1:1,000LOCUSN28OCEAN ST.SEAVIEWSWANPONDAVE.6'4'10' S T A T E H IGHW A Y 4 0 ' W ID EROUT E 2 8 - M A IN S TR E E T PRIVATE - VARIABLE WIDTH PLAN BOOK 56-85FRANK BAKER ROADXXXXXXXXXXX28.5'52.3'25.1'25.5'20.0'27.1'349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)SITE PLANFEBRUARY 20, 2020 COMMUNITYLOCUS MAP1:1,000LOCUSN28OCEAN ST.SEAVIEWSWANPONDAVE.4'8' S T A T E H IGHW A Y 4 0 ' W ID EROUT E 2 8 - M A IN S TR E E T PRIVATE - VARIABLE WIDTH PLAN BOOK 56-85FRANK BAKER ROADXXXXXXXXXXXOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWDWWSSSSDS S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S SWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW28.5'52.3'33.2'WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE25.1'24.7'24.0'10.0'18.0'24.0'10.0'18.0'25.5'20.0'24.5'21.8'27.2'10.0'24.0'20.6'349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)UTILITY PLANFEBRUARY 20, 2020COMMUNITY STATE HIGHWAY 40' WIDEROUTE 28 - MAIN STREET28.5'52.3'STATE HIGHWAY 40' WIDEROUTE 28 - MAIN STREETS SS28.5'52.3'349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)SITE DETAILSFEBRUARY 20, 2020 COMMUNITYLock to Lock TimeWidthTrack:::feetComposite Passenger Vehicle6.06.336.339.423.0016.75Steering Angle26.4:21.337.0838.00:35.8Steering Angle9.819.816.0Yarmouth Fire Truckfeet:::WidthTrackLock to Lock Time 349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONWISE LIVINGRETIREMENT822 ROUTE 28SOUTH YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)SITE DETAILSFEBRUARY 20, 2020 COMMUNITY