HomeMy WebLinkAboutJon Wood abutter comments Grant, Kelly From:DEBORAH WOOD <bassriverwoods@comcast.net> Sent:Wednesday, May 20, 2020 6:09 PM To:Grant, Kelly Subject:RE: Chizmas petition Hi Kelly I want to submit this letter to be read at the meeting tomorrow night re: the Jeffry Chizmas amended order request. Thank you Jon Wood Yarmouth Conservation Commission, Dear Conservation Commission, My name is Jonathan Wood of 82A and 66 River Street, South Yarmouth. I am an abutter of Jeffrey Chizmas of 66A River Street. My purpose in writing is to inform you of my consistent experiences with Mr. Chizmas over the past several years that he has been my next door neighbour. The atmosphere in the neighbourhood has changed for the six neighbours (five abutters). To fully appreciate the change Mr. Chizmas has brought about in our small enclave one needs to understand the pre- existing relations between the neighbours. In very real terms we lived happily for decades to generations. Any conflict would be easily remedied through reasonable conversation. Since Mr.Chizmas's occupancy I have been sued to move (for "aesthetic" and "safety" reasons) the location of my 10A mooring float in the river in front of his waterfront house. I have maintained that mooring at that site since 1958. Fortunately for me the Judge ruled in our favor. Currently we are in legal dispute with Mr. Chizmas to fight his adverse possession of one third of the driveway to our house. This intrusion has commandeered ten feet width for about ninety feet length of the thirty foot wide right of way to my house at 82A River Street and he protects this area of about 900 square feet with cobble stones, two irrigation systems, and snow stakes. Last Summer he threatened one of our guests who was turning around in the right of way. He stopped her and swore and gesticulated, illustrating his aggressive nature, and thoroughly terrifying this teen aged girl. As I stated at the outset , my purpose in writing is to acquaint the members of the Conservation Commission with the nature of Jeff Chizmas as I know it. His aggressive behaviour and light regard for traditions and the zoning rules that have worked for decades have engendered an atmosphere of bullying. For this man, easing rules and legal obligations would be dangerous. Instead they should be strengthened. Otherwise the changes we are suffering from in our enclave will continue on the river. Respectfully submitted Jonathan Wood On May 18, 2020 at 9:14 AM "Grant, Kelly" <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: 1 Hi Jon The meeting is scheduled for this Thursday May 21 at 4.30pm. It will be a virtual meeting. The meeting notice will be published online this afternoon or tomorrow. This proposed changes are available at Online Services on our Town website (navigate by address and select the conservation folder). I have attached the request here also. Thanks Kelly Grant Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us From: DEBORAH WOOD \[mailto:bassriverwoods@comcast.net\] Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 8:51 AM To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: Chizmas petition Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good Morning Kelly, 2 I am writing with concern regarding Jeff's proposed amendment to his order of condition SE83-2041. My experience with Jeff is that he is an aggressive individual who pushes legal constraints to get what he wants. As such it is of great importance to me to be able to attend this meeting and perhaps submit a letter to be read during the hearing. Is it possible to know the general time ie: month or season that the meeting may take place so I can be on the lookout for the notice? Also is it possible to speak with on the phone to get additional details regarding this amendment? Thanks so much for considering this request. Best Health Jon Wood 3