HomeMy WebLinkAboutVCOD 2020-1 SPR Decision Wise Living 042420.docTOWN OF V ARMOUTH PLANNING BOARD VCOD Site Plan Review FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: April 24, 2020 PETITION: MEETING DATE: PETITIONER: OWNERS: PROPERTY: VCOD 2020-1 April 15, 2020 Wise Living Development LLC Christopher D. Wise, Manager Maclyn LLC 834 Main Street Realty Trust Baker Frank LLC (all c/o Andrew L. Singer, Esq) 822 Route 28, Assessor's Map 33, Lot 70.1 834 Route 28, Assessor's Map 41, Lot 12 ~20APR24PH12:5ljJ REC: 30 Frank Baker Road, Assessor's Map 41, Lot 11.1 Zoning District -VCOD VC2 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Tom Roche, Chris Vincent, Liz Hartsgrove, Lee Rowley, Joanne Crowley, and Tom Baron. Notice of the Public Meeting was posted with the Town Clerk and on the Town website, as required by law. Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) Site Plan Review (SPR) does not require a formal Public Hearing. Site Plan Review for VCOD projects is done through the Planning Board in accordance with Section 414.3.2 of the Zoning Bylaw. PROJECT SUMMARY: The proposed project involves three properties, the Cape Cod Irish Village hotel at 822 Route 28, the adjacent commercial property at 834 Route 28, and the adjacent vacant property at 30 Frank Baker Road (behind the Irish Village). The applicant is proposing to combine all three parcels into a 6.09 acre parcel as part of a VCOD VC2 project. The bulk of the project is the redevelopment of the Irish Village property from 128 hotel rooms into a 120 unit Wise Living Retirement Community for senior housing (59 and older) comprised of 104 studios and 16 one bedroom units with common resident dining facility and outdoor swimming pool, as well as a leased medical complex, exercise/rehab and wading pool facilities. Modifications to the hotel building are proposed to help break up the massing and improve visual interest. Roof- top solar will be provided along the east and west wings of the building away from Route 28. A gas-fire generator will be installed to service the redeveloped facility. The bulk of the existing parking areas will be re-used, with new handicap spaces and in-lot trees provided, and the elimination of the existing parking in front of the building. The existing septic systems, which are located within the parking areas to either side of the building, will remain. The commercial property at 834 Route 28 will be upgraded with some building modifications, along with pedestrian and parking lot improvements. Existing septic and drainage will be used. 30 Frank Baker Road will remain vacant in its natural state. No Affordable units are required for Assisted Living Retirement Communities. Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK PLANS AND INFORMATION MADE PART OF THE VCOD SPR 2020-1 DETERMINATION: 1. March 12, 2020 Letter and April 7, 2020 Letter from Andrew Singer, Law Office of Singer & Singer, LLC 2. VCOD SPR Application form with Narrative and Checklist and January 16, 2020 Letter from Andrew Singer 3. Aerial Locus 4. Colored Rendering of Proposed Building Elevations by ERT Architects 5. Design Review Committee Comment Sheet, dated March 3, 2020 6. Site Plan Review Comment Sheet, dated March 3, 2020 7. Maintenance Protocol (Septic, Grease Trap, Sprinkler System, and Elevators) 8. Long Term Pollution & Operation and Maintenance Plan 9. Photos of existing free-standing signs 10. ITE Trip Generation Review 11 . Lighting Cut Sheets 12. Photometric Plans: Two 11 x17 sheets of revised Photometric Plans prepared by Visual for Wise Living Retirement Community, dated March 11, 2020 and submitted on April 7, 2020. 13. Landscape Plan for Irish Village, prepared by Philip L. Cheney, dated 4/6/20 and submitted on April 7, 2020. 14. Site Plans: All Site Plans prepared by BSC Group for Wise Living Retirement Community and dated February 20, 2020, and last revised March 11, 2020, unless otherwise noted. • S-1 -Existing Conditions Plan • S-2-Site Plan • S-2B-Site Plan, last revised 4/6/20 and submitted on April 7, 2020. New plan shows revisions to site plan to expand parking on west side, relocate catch basin in front of 822 Route 28, and identification of potential requested zoning relief going before the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). • S-3-Utility Plan • S-4 -Site Details • S-5 -Site Details 15. Architectural Plans: All Architectural plans prepared by ERT Architects for South Yarmouth Wise Living Retirement Community for 822 Route 28, unless otherwise noted. All plans undated: • C.O-Title Sheet with List of Drawings • EX.1 -Existing First Floor Plan • A.O-Basement Plan • A.1 -First Floor Plan • A.1.1 -First Floor Plan -Partial (south end) • A.1.2 -First Floor Plan -Partial (north end) • A.2 -Second Floor Plan • A.2.1 -Second Floor Plan-Partial (south end) • A.2.2-Second Floor Plan-Partial (north end) • A.3 -Roof Plan • A.4 -Elevations-South, East & West, Revised (submitted on 4/7/20) • A.4.1 -Architectural Details • A.4.2 -Blow Up of Typical Gable Build Out • A.5 -South Elevation, Revised (submittal on 4/7/20) • A.6-Partial East & West Elevations (south end), Revised (submittal on 4n/20) • A.7-Partial East & West Elevations (north end), Revised (submittal on 4n/20) • A.8 -Partial Second Floor Plan and Typical Building Section • B.1 -Elevations -834 Route 28 Page 2 of 4 Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 DISCUSSION: No letters related to the project were received and no one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the project at the Public Meeting. Attorney Andrew Singer, and Kieran Healy of BSC Group, represented the Applicant and provided an overview of the project. Attorney Singer noted that the building as designed does not meet the modulation requirements of the Bylaw and relief will be required from the Zoning Board of Appeals, in addition to a Use Special Permit from the Planning Board. The presentation emphasized the proposed architectural improvements to the two existing buildings as well as the various site improvements. The project is not a raze and replace, but is reusing the existing buildings with upgrades. The building at 822 Route 28 will include a new port cochere in the front, upgrades to the residential entrances, modifications to the flat roof through the addition of gable ends with cupolas and intermittent doghouse style dormers on a new partial pitched roof, and inclusion of open sided upper level decks and lower level patios. The remaining flat portion of the roof will have solar panels. The building will also include a reduced sized indoor pool, addition of an exercise room, two elevators as well as the retention of the existing restaurant/bar/kitchen area to serve meals to the residents. The building at 834 Route 28 includes a gable porch over the two western side entrances, cupola and doghouse style dormers, and a cutout in the building at the eastern entrance. The front and rear handicap ramps and porches will remain. Site improvements at 822 Route 28 including the addition of in-lot trees and landscape enhancements, reduction in overall parking and elimination of parking in the front, expansion of the western parking lot to provide a full 24' aisle with 18' long parking spaces, relocation of the dumpsters within an enclosure, crosswalk and sidewalk to Route 28, and internal vehicular and pedestrian connections between 822 and 834 Route 28. Site improvements at 834 Route 28 include paving a portion of the gravel parking, additional buffer trees, and raised sidewalk to improve pedestrian access from the rear parking lot to entrances. Existing drainage and septic will be utilized for both properties, as will the existing curb cuts. Traffic data provided showed the proposed development resulting in less traffic than the current uses. Exterior lighting is proposed without undue trespass of lighting off property, although a legible photometric plan will need to be provided. After the presentation, Planning Board members had some comments/questions related to the availability of kitchen facilities in the units in addition to the dining hall; availability of meal delivery to the individual units; adequacy of access and turning movements for larger public safety vehicles; vehicular and pedestrian safety; locations of fire hydrants on or near the property, adequacy of the size of waste disposal facilities; review of the differences in the types of units proposed; discussion on number of employees; mechanism and timing of the combining of the three parcel; parking assignments for the residential units; potential shadow effect over the proposed solar panels from the pitched roofs; rationale for the sidewalk along the Route 28 frontage; affordability of the units; width of the proposed parking spaces; and discussion on a bus shelter or stop at the property. Two main concerns identified by the Planning Board during their discussions were related to vehicular safety along the interconnection between the two properties at 822 and 834 Route 28, and the benefits of bringing public transportation to the property for residents and employees. Ultimately the Board agreed to include conditions related to a stop sign/stop line between the vehicular interconnection and to have the Applicant coordinate with the regional transportation authorities to accommodate public transportation access to the property. Kathy Williams, Town Planner, briefly reviewed other suggested conditions for consideration by the Board as outlined in her April 8, 2020 Memo. Page 3 of 4 Planning Board VCOD Site Plan Review Petition: VCOD 2020-1 YARMOUTH TOWN ClERK VOTE: On a motion by Joanne Crowley, and seconded by Tom Baron, the Planning Board voted (6-0) that the project at 822 & 834 Route 28 and 30 Frank Baker Road as presented at the Planning Board meeting of April 15, 2020 is in general compliance with the VCOD Design Standards, with the exception of the building modulation requirements outlined in Section 414.8 and the Architectural & Site Design Standards for which relief is being sought through the Zoning Board of Appeals, and subject to the following conditions, with Tom Roche, Chris Vincent, Liz Hartsgrove, Lee Rowley, Joanne Crowley, and Tom Baron voting in favor: 1. Applicant shall revise the Route 28 landscaped buffer west of the entrance of 822 Route 28 to include a more natural shaped 18, mounding with dispersed plantings rather than the linear berm shown; a Landscape Architect shall develop plans for planting beds around the building at 822 Route 28, especially along the Route 28 fayade, to replace existing overgrown or limited plantings; and landscaped areas shall be irrigated. 2. Incorporate the Design Review Committee comments as follows: a. Add some type of porticos over the two entrances on the south end of the east side of the building at 822 Route 28 to add some modulation. b. Prior to submitting a building permit, submit color schemes for 822 Route 28 to the Town Planner for review to ensure all building and roof colors are complimentary to the existing neutral color scheme. Provide different sha~es to enhance the variations in building massing. Refinish the brick along the Medical Office fayade to better match the entire building color scheme. 3. All pavement around the front portion of the building at 822 Route 28 shall be replaced or overlaid. Deteriorated pavement in other locations to be replaced or overlaid. 4. All proposed sidewalks to be concrete. The proposed sidewalk adjacent to the west side of 834 Route 28 to be raised concrete with curbing. 5. The porte cochere height and site design shall ensure turning movements around both sides of the building at 822 Route 28 for fire and emergency vehicles as approved by the Fire Department. 6. Lighting and photometric plan shall be submitted to the Building Department as part of the Building Permit application to adhere to Section 414.8.1 0. 7. If additional modifications are subsequently made to the buildings, the applicant shall come back before the Design Review Committee for review and the Planning Board for an amendment to the VCOD SPR, as determined by the Building Commissioner. 8. Provide a stop line and stop sign delineation along the vehicle connection between 822 & 834 Route 28. 9. Applicant shall coordinate with regional transportation authorities to accommodate public transportation access to the property. Yarmouth Planning Board Page 4 of 4