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Grant, Kelly
From:Grant, Kelly
Sent:Monday, June 8, 2020 2:16 PM
To:'gdoblebh@gmail.com'; Lyra Brennan
Cc:Katharine Parsons; Gislaine Peters; d19richard@gmail.com
Subject:RE: Split rail fence
Hi George
This will require permitting. I will need to come out and take a look at the location. 30 feet seems very long at first
glance. Usually we see much shorter spans where they are used to define a property boundary. I think two 10 foot
spans would be the maximum allowed.
I will be in Town on Wednesday and can come and take a look. Can you please stake the location?
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: gdoblebh@gmail.com \[mailto:gdoblebh@gmail.com\]
Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2020 4:23 PM
To: Lyra Brennan <lbrennan@massaudubon.org>
Cc: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>; Katharine Parsons <kparsons@massaudubon.org>; Gislaine Peters
<gpeters@massaudubon.org>; d19richard@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Split rail fence
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Hello Lyra,
Thank you for you quick reply!!!
Please see below the answers to your questions.
If you need anything further, please let me know.
Thanks again
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 7, 2020, at 3:47 PM, Lyra Brennan <lbrennan@massaudubon.org> wrote:
Hi George,
Thank you for including Mass Audubon as you plan for this project. Can you provide the
date you're hoping to complete this fence,
These posts & rails are in stock at Reliable Fence in West Yarmouth so as soon as we receive approval, we will
either pick up the materials or have them delivered. I or other members can be at the site a few days after we
receive approval & should be able to accommodate your schedule.
and if vehicles will be required to be on the beach--
No vehicles will be on the beach, we will have the material dropped on the street at the end of Powers Lane, and
a couple of association members will hand carry them to the beach thru one of the homes that have a path to the
or how the posts will be transported onto the beach?
The material is easy to hand carry. There will be three cedar rail sections, like in the picture, and inserted into
four posts, two corner posted and two inline posts, the posts are 6’ long, with approx 3’ feet buried in the
ground(sand), using a hand held post hole digger, with the sand from the hole distributed so as to look like they
were always there. I will be one of the workers, I’m a pretty good carpenter!
I'm sure Kelly will also be able to provide more information about permitting for this.
Thanks again,
From: gdoblebh@gmail.com <gdoblebh@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2020 8:25:03 PM
To: kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us <kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us>; Gislaine Peters <gpeters@massaudubon.org>
Cc: d19richard@gmail.com <d19richard@gmail.com>
Subject: A three section split rail fence at the east end of GIOC property
Good evening,
Gioc currently has a sign at the east end of the Gioc property (where Gioc beach ends & the
Town Sea Gull Beach starts). We plan on redoing the sign to include “no dogs allowed”, as
visitors to Sea Gull Beach bring their dogs on the Town beach & sometimes continue
on Gioc Beach. We remind them that dogs are not allowed, but a sign might help.
We also want to install a three section @ 10’ per section, split rail cedar post fence(per pic
below) & it will be from the edge of the dunes (or further from the dunes if required) out 30
feet. We feel this will also act as a deterrent. The GIOC board has approved this.
Do we need your approval or can we proceed?
Thank you,
George(for the GIOC Homeowners Association Board)
Sent from my iPhone
Lyra D. Brennan
Assistant Director, Coastal Waterbird Program
Mass Audubon
P.O. Box 275, Cummaquid, MA 02637