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Business Certificate
o TOWN OF YARMOUTH o BUILDING DEPARTMENT_ Rk �;_ o�k--.?.40,8*:_i 1 © Route '8, South Yarmouth, 1M<l. 02664 `s� 1146 5O8-3' 8-2?31 est. 1261 Fax 50S-398-0 36 .\.ryTnnst�! 'i • • ZONING DETERMINATION ION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICATE APPLICATION The purpose of this form is to determine whether your business complies with the Town of Yarmouth -- Zoning Bylaw. The applicant shall complete the top section of this form and File it with the Building n-rE > tl aTd-etI ealthv •--- -:._r-.— -=.---- : .—.. .......__._.___:.__ = ____ --..._ Once die Building Department/Board of Health has niade a determinaton, it will be forwarded to the Town Clerk. The Building Department will render a determination based on the following factors: (a) The business/use, acith , (b) The ioning district in which the business is to be located. Allowed r;se are base'on Zoning Bylaw nage 2024 an (c) Previous or new zoning relief from the Zoning Board of A�iw:_'ails Date I Zi 271 19 Applicant's contact utimber 1-7Lt-`{S7-8gLei- Business Ad ress 0,9 ( stimea ktise girl ) • Name of Applicant ,7 6, A/Clitits,tf }a-•i . DBA Ta11rc,ewk Z1 Mailing Address J22 ua-a.xaZ.n&a-stE.4. 00 ) 62(o6,1 • Description of Business Activity 174,ch L-(v`tp cnhA Q,n+. spa-e-e• • l o c i da.nc.e SKAI>1 B s_ — 1� 43e;:titio t(eD 411.m.A4A 4 /).62/1.31) • eMF4/Z• DDAe 5.s btlivta44.4b4' r u:,t .e B,Ilroawl hd ��0atcon-r. The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be made b 'the Building Department based on the information provided on this date and any changes in the business use and/or activity wi`€l•require additional approval. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the•Business Certificate and/or appropriate Zoning Eaforcem t,should it be determined that the changes are non-compliant. • Applicant's Signature _ Date / / DI DIN :LTR DEPART +=ENT DETERMINATION (office use only) ' • Approved Comments r O.-6vT' iJ fi (2 %70"eV) VL 26,�I rt./L - g � . Disapproved . • Reason for Disapproval Building O cial's St ature Date t /2 .2o ,zp