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Detnolttion . , Clefill**,16*1f(No:wark t` a�'�nauran°"i4uirad11:; 14Hh ; I am a hGlaeoWhtlr yt�l b�tltradtoit - �::: o ?G ;1t " T �'tJ Btt..dtQE addltlon . �snort that ell 'oom b su.►be:i r ara sol ° `;11.0 1�C.`„at c rs or eddrtions '; < proprietor.wft no aaptoy & >. l> ='k .- :I2.CD P1i unbind repairs or additions 5,0 l am a geateral corttfactof an `I lows lifrridthe sub eotttritntorslisted on'theattachedfeet Theca tub-contractoa hays;employeee and have workers'comp. nswance.t 13.Q RblS repairs• 7 6.0 We are a corporation and its Qftloera-have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c 14.E Other 152,§,I(4),and we tt;vrti no smployeeL lNo workers`camp ittauranoe required] Zs t 1; xif is r+ i," l) ? ,` *Any applicant that checks box ttt oiust ilab;tlil out the section}below r Wingtt elr wb�rkers'-aotttpez ton policy lnfdrmation« `. t.Homeowner.who submit thlU!$dayitiedlcetlng they are•doinii{ale.work and-hen hit'e outgidac agt¢p must submit a t(ew g.;1 1 tuft in - such. i . ' ;Contractors that check this Bale iela atOie ed an additions)slues " � ►B �g the Berne bf the ttilrr�+�il6dtgrt and state whethel:o�n'3if ttnoie eritititd have employees. If the sub a:,"`s iztt.l' eos;.tl'tay must. . " .tHeir,wofiters'comp..;,,, :a ptibar . I am an employer deaf is pra n g tivor.kegs'coriise o1lon•firsurance for m sly pfo ees: Below Istlie p6l oy"and Job site information., . ( ,, Insurance.Company Name:" .�..X' .SvV !e rY .7'T `QUt, Policy#or•Self-gins Lzo #^ C 1( .j Expiration Date' /"3 ' -/ ar 1. 'F0 ;r,r .:: .. r. trt S F1 ..' Job Site Address `�� i. j. .� t�U. l,�rm l City/StAte/Zip:r o •� Attach a copy of th;a wolhltena compensation declarattion page(*l**ing the policy number itnd.expiration date), .!.. Failure to secure coverage:as`retluir ad.under MOL;c.1S2•, 25A is a•crii al,Io1ation punishable l y.a fine up to$I,5Ub.00 and/or one-year itnprisontnent,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP-WORK ORDER.and a;fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator,A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office.of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certfjjr un r�;LOW,' and penultips:of perJury tit-Olt, infortiaatlon provided above is true.and correct Signature:. •• D • 3FZ phone#: 1 t t,t ` Official'use only. Do not;write fn this area,to be.completed by city ortowf.ofciat. City or Town: Permit/License#"•. Issuing Authority;(eircle•one 1.Board of Health Zi$uilding_Department 3:City/Town Clerk 4*.llsotrfcal Inspector.,$.Pluttthing Inspector b.Other 4 Contact Persona-` Phone#a :._ .,. -• .. _ ., . . • . . . - _ ,..- , . ,• . . .7.4 Wommanipea.4icy",AoMait4J.9.0, i Consum : i i 'i • _. ViOtola IMPROVIMINT C t . , office of er Affairs ,Individual 0 A..... 81 BuOsitanesf:Ageer01° " 1 ' . .s... -.,--... — 03115i2021 ... PHILIP BOIRET,),Z-J,Ilia I:\ , 1 I . . . 1.7.. —'&.:.... - ... ..„- 1 . . 21 OCEAN AVE '4,-J.I. .-ov Undersecreta .i -.. HAMA/ICI-WORT,MA . • . . ___.---_- . .. . -.---,---_—_------_------, _ ---- — .---------- ' - . ,.. . .- Common4lealth of Massachusetts .. - • • , . , Division of Profession-al Licensure' • Board of Building Fr ulations and Standards -•:. Cons ' isor CS-092745 iz ' ire*:05118/2021 PHILIP BOI 21 OCEAN A ' HARWICH. 0 r , ' Oissga0* . , • , a. 4• 0°' .Commissioner 4. _ ( • \ . .,, • • , t ,L ,. ; • , ,. ,..,ib . • . . • ., . f 41 . • .. ri• •', , • !' ' 1' . S ..•.... •, • A ,...t.• . • . ?''• . , • ',1'• .•., • • ' . ,.• •',t,' : ,0 . ... A Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Policy �V{ Bar .hire Hathaway NorGUARD Insurance Company - A Stock Co. �tGJ A �D O Policy Nu of STWC1394590074 Insurance �= Renewal of STWC009749 Companies NCCI No. [25844] Policy Information Page [1]Named Insured and Mailing Address Agency Straight and Level Inc WEST'S INSURANCE AGENCY DBA/TA Mr. Handyman Capecod and Islands 1225 Tri-State Pkwy. 21 Ocean Ave Suite 500 Harwich Port, MA 02646-2130 Gurnee, IL 60031 Agency Code: ILIROQ17 Federal Employer's ID 82-3025675 Insured is Corporation Additional Names of Insured (N2) Mr. Handyman Capecod and Islands [2] Policy Period { From January 3, 2020 to January 3, 2021, 12:01 AM, standard time at the insured's mailing address. [3] Coverage A. Workers' Compensation Insurance- Part One of this policy applies to the Workers' Compensation Law of the following states: Massachusetts B. Employer's Liability Insurance - Part Two of this policy applies to work in each of the states listed in item [3]A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident - each accident $500,000 Bodily Injury by Disease -each employee $500,000 • Bodily Injury by Disease -policy limit $500,000 C. Other States Insurance - Part Three of this policy applies to all states, except any state listed in item [3]A. and the states of North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming. a D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: a $ See Extension of Information Page -Schedule of Forms 40 [4] Premium The Premium Basis and, therefore, the premium will be determined by our Ma Classifications, Rates, and Rating Plans. All re • audit. (Continu I t I