HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 6.25.2020
Grant, Kelly
From:Grant, Kelly
Sent:Thursday, June 25, 2020 7:51 AM
To:'John Hickey'
Subject:RE: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi John
I am not sure what you are asking? My understanding was that I received a sieve analysis of your beach from Bob Perry
and three sieve analyses from Childs, Dig it and Cape Sand. I did an analysis and determined the Cape Sands was the
closest match and therefore approved that sand source. Has something changed since then?
From: John Hickey \[mailto:jhi78@aol.com\]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 4:45 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Re: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi Kelly,
That was fast. I actually misspoke. It was Dig It that provided their own sieve analysis . This is the renourishment used
on Crowell and we’re on the same beach which is separated by two houses. If you need another analysis from DigIt
then let me know . Again, I’m looking at cost and options for 88 families .
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 24, 2020, at 4:15 PM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi John
You are approved to use the Cape Sand and Recycling source.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: John Hickey \[mailto:jhi78@aol.com\]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 4:08 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Re: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the info. I’m a high school administrator and also teach and just finished work a few days ago
and now I’m catching up on this process. Cape Sand seems like a good option. Their price is comparable
to Dig It and we provided a sieve from Bob Perry for that as well. I know Crowell beach which I belong to
as well and is the beach right beside AOP has used them several times in the past few years and I’m sure
will be one more time . Are we good to decide on either choice ? I’m trying to crunch numbers for sand
,who we’ll hire to bring it in and give the membership a few options .Let me know. Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 11, 2020, at 4:04 PM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi John
Again, it is difficult to compare with the different sieve sizes used for each sample, but
the Cape Sand and Recycling sample appears to be the closest fit. You are OK to go
ahead with that sediment source.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: AopSecretary \[mailto:aopsecretary@gmail.com\]
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 5:29 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: 'Tom Hughes' <tomhugs1957@gmail.com>; 'John Hickey' <jhi78@aol.com>
Subject: RE: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi Kelly:
Attached are sieve analyses for Acres of Pines, Cape Sand & Recycling and Dig It. In
response to your last email we did some further research with Mark Burgess and we now
have sieve analyses from Cape Sand and Dig It . Dig It is the company which has
done recent nourishments on Crowell Beach, which is two homes away from our Acres of
Pines beach. Please let us know if there are any next steps so that we can move forward
with hiring one of these companies to complete the nourishment.
Thank you.
John Hickey, Vice President
Tom Hughes, Secretary/Treasurer
Acres of Pines, Inc
PO Box 452
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
From: Grant, Kelly \[mailto:KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us\]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 12:20 PM
To: 'John Hickey'
Cc: AopSecretary; Tom Hughes
Subject: RE: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi John
They both should be using the recommended testing methods but I have managed to
evaluate the two based on the data provided. The Child’s source is not appropriate for
this location. See attached the difference in the two profiles. There should be a
distinction in the data between the coarse and medium grain size but you can still see
that Child’s material is skewed toward much finer sediment. There should be greater
proportion of coarse and medium size grains.
They should be able to provide you with a more suitable sediment source. When you
have another analysis send it through and I will take a look.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: John Hickey \[mailto:jhi78@aol.com\]
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 11:23 AM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: AopSecretary <aopsecretary@gmail.com>; Tom Hughes
Subject: Re: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
Hi Kelly,
Can you clarify? Are you asking Bob Perry who did the sieve analysis or Child’s (sand
company) or both for this in the form you described?
John Hickey
Sent from my iPhone
On May 26, 2020, at 8:07 AM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi John
Can you please ask them to provide their analysis using the standard
test method with the same sieve sizes. It is difficult to compare these
samples otherwise.
From the beach nourishment guidelines:
Determine the grain-size distribution of the sand samples in accordance
with ASTM Method D422 Standard Test Method
for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils, using, at a minimum, sieve numbers 4
(4.76 mm), 10 (2.0 mm), 14 (1.41 mm), 20
(0.84 mm), 40 (0.42 mm), 60 (0.25 mm), and 200 (0.074 mm).
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: AopSecretary \[mailto:aopsecretary@gmail.com\]
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 11:12 AM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: 'John Hickey' <jhi78@aol.com>; 'Tom Hughes'
<tomhugs1957@gmail.com>; AoP Secretary
Subject: RE: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-
Attached are the sieve analyses for Acres of Pines and Childs. Let us
know if this format is acceptable or if you need hard copy. We'll wait to
hear from you about the site visit.
John Hickey, Vice President
Tom Hughes, Secretary/Treasurer
Acres of Pines, Inc
PO Box 452
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
From: Grant, Kelly \[mailto:KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us\]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 8:24 PM
To: 'AopSecretary'
Cc: 'John Hickey'; 'Tom Hughes'
Subject: RE: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-
Thanks John, Please send through sand sieve analysis so I can review
them. We can then schedule a preconstruction site visit.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: AopSecretary \[mailto:aopsecretary@gmail.com\]
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 11:47 AM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: 'John Hickey' <jhi78@aol.com>; 'Tom Hughes'
<tomhugs1957@gmail.com>; 'AopSecretary'
Subject: Order of Conditions - Acres of Pines MA DEP File# SE83-2218
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Hello Kelly
We hope this email finds you and your family safe and healthy during this
"interesting" time we find ourselves in. I wanted to update you on
our beach nourishment progress to date and to ask you about next
Progress to Date
Mark Burgess recorded the order of conditions and I believe sent
you a recorded copy
Procured a sieve analysis of the Acres of Pines (AoP) beach
sand. We used Bob Perry of Cape Cod Engineering to complete
The AoP Board voted unanimously to hire Robert Childs Inc. to
nourish the beach when we are ready to proceed.
Chuck Childs has provided me with the sieve analysis of the
sand he proposes to use.
Next Steps
I realize nothing has been normal for quite sometime.
As I've read the Order of Conditions, it seems like the next step
is for you, John and/or me and Chuck Childs to meet and review
the nourishment plan and clarify any questions Chuck might
have. I'm not sure if this happens at the site or at your office.
I can provide you the sieve analyses at that time or send them to
you if you prefer.
I think everyone understands things may be backed up for quite some
time but I was hoping you could provide your thoughts about timing,
when you can. We were hoping to be able to nourish the beach
sometime in June to be ready for the beach season on July 1.
Thank you.
John Hickey, Vice President
Tom Hughes, Secretary/Treasurer
Acres of Pines, Inc
PO Box 452
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
From: Grant, Kelly \[mailto:KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us\]
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 11:38 AM
To: 'aopsecretary@gmail.com'
Subject: Order of Conditions
Please find attached a copy of the Order of Conditions sent to the AOP
PO Box
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288