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Grant, Kelly
From:Mark Burgess <shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, June 30, 2020 6:59 PM
To:DMF Review - South; Grant, Kelly; SERO_NOI (DEP)
Cc:Margaret Smith
Subject:Electronic files for Margaret Smith
Attachments:MERCHANT AVE 6-10-20-NOI Plan low res.pdf; Smith full NOI scan.pdf
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Ladies and gentlemen;
Attached are the electronic files for the Smith project.
This is rebuild an existing licensed dock in the same footprint, but reduced width from 10 feet to 4, and raised up to the
current required standards in Yarmouth.
The hearing is scheduled for July 16th; please provide your comments to myself and Kelly Grant prior to that date, and
contact me directly with any questions you may have.
Thank you very much.
Mark Burgess
Shorefront Consulting
B.S. Ocean Engineering
"If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk"
"Engineers get to work when they say it can’t be done….."
290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639
Phone: 508-280-8046
Email: shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com
Web: www.shorefrontconsulting.com
Facebook: Shorefront Consulting
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If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know.