HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC correspondence Grant, Kelly From:Mark Burgess <shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday, July 4, 2020 3:06 PM To:Grant, Kelly Subject:Re: Electronic files for Margaret Smith Hi Kelly; I spoke to Margaret yesterday. McNamara has bought the plants, but it seems that there was a mixup of when they were going to install them. They should have done it in the spring; If they do it now, Margaret is there, and she can water them. Otherwise, McNamara will hold on to them and install them in the fall. The issue is when do the Smith's want to do the work? Well, the answer is that it's not urgent, but now that they've gone this far, they'd like to get the dock done, but certainly not this season. So, the risk is on Margaret if she wants to have the plants installed now, get them settled by the end of the summer, and then you can look at them and hopefully sign the COC in the fall. If you need more time, then I'd suggest letting McNamara hold on to them, plant in the fall, and then you can look at them in the spring, or something like that. P.S. As you know, Ellie is going to mention float stops; I don't have a problem per se, but I don't know that the existing float can handle them. It's 24 feet long, and old; I don't want it splitting in half trying to support itself. They will be getting a new float at some point, and since they have 3 years to comply with the order, if the commission wants the float stops, then they can condition it accordingly, and they can be installed on the new float when they get it, before the project can be signed off. I think I put this in the narrative, but we can discuss at the hearing. Have a nice 4th. Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering "If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk" "Engineers get to work when they say it can’t be done….." 290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639 Phone: 508-280-8046 Email: shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com Web: www.shorefrontconsulting.com Facebook: Shorefront Consulting I build my business on referrals. If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know. On 7/1/2020 5:51 PM, Grant, Kelly wrote: 1 Hi again Mark I know we spoke about the open order for this property - SE83-1959. Is there an update on getting that one closed out? Thanks Kelly From: Mark Burgess \[mailto:shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com\] Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 6:59 PM To: DMF Review - South <DMF.EnvReview-South@state.ma.us>; Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>; SERO_NOI (DEP) <sero_noi@state.ma.us> Cc: Margaret Smith <mesmith45@gmail.com> Subject: Electronic files for Margaret Smith Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ladies and gentlemen; Attached are the electronic files for the Smith project. This is rebuild an existing licensed dock in the same footprint, but reduced width from 10 feet to 4, and raised up to the current required standards in Yarmouth. The hearing is scheduled for July 16th; please provide your comments to myself and Kelly Grant prior to that date, and contact me directly with any questions you may have. Thank you very much. Regards, -- Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering "If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk" "Engineers get to work when they say it can’t be done….." 290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639 Phone: 508-280-8046 Email: shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com Web: www.shorefrontconsulting.com Facebook: Shorefront Consulting 2 I build my business on referrals. If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know. 3