HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-A041U Y�° TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED ° 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 r7 r%`` Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 --Fax (508) 398-0836 JUN 2 2 REC I�EU KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COM ITT 2020 OLD KINR'S H OHWAY JUL 14 2020 APPLICATION FOR TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SOUTH Yq. R%n F� M� Application �s Y�e�dtiy'titado for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application, PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies_ OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial V/ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Shed _ Solar Panels Other: Addition _Alterations Reroof Garage 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Please type or print legibly: Other: Address of proposed work: ti?, D Ln iiis IZp Map/Lot # Owner(s): 'P o f 'PFA C p N Phone #: to 1?- 91t& - 317 f All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: tp 1-- 0L-0 fly& N Ai f S (ZD 4) P,111'i P047- Year built: '20 r e- OZ-ta7 Email: dove d -ea ct;n l� LOYYI CA 5f-. ne-V Preferred notification method: _ Phone Email Agent/contractor: 121 Q Phone #: 4 0 7 Mailing Address:��_37- �� 1��01i1 M`#' 11VAIMI'' QW01 ---- Email: (? 1I,kaYbo �'' Preferred notification method: Phone Email Descrit)tiob of Proposed Work: Signed (Owner or agent): Date: L Z WO ➢ Owner/contractorfagent is aware that a rpermil is required Irom the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) Y If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: &.1ba-0-- Amount �21�__ Cash/CK #: 8'7`7, 6 Rcvd by: 6tl --,- 45 Days: Garz,Vtd Date Signed: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied R, 20-AO41 62 Old Hyannis Rd. 07/1312020 Approved Remotely By: Richard Gegenwarth Robert Wilkins S Jane Hildebrandt Rosemary Nicholls John Stuart 20-AO41 62 Old Hyannis Rd. 07/13/2020 Applicant agrees to obtain OKH approval for ani changes to these approved plans prior to the change being incorporated into the project. Remotely agreed to by: David Deacon APPLICATION M 2 0 A O 4 p TOWN OF YARMOUTHFE EIV 01 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451�® W y� Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Far (508) 398-0836 2 2020 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT-HOuTH WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) duvs after the fling of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. �� j Applicant/Agent Name (please print): �}LV9 h�I y Applicant/Agent signature: IAIA Date: RECEIVED JUL 14 2020 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Application #: 2 0 a AO 4 1 312020 5 f !�v GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET .S7CG'e DSPIA& Project Address: �� 11 FOUNDATION: Material: LOt/t!` Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: I WAQ Pitch (7112 min) 10111- Height to Ridge: +t rr�d� 1 � n� _y� SIDING: MateriallStyle: F t: Sides/Rear: CC4aV' Sh!LA /` Color: Front: Sides/Rear: 6opr Air If3G# E't"CM seAip TRIM: All windows &dto be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: 17V L Color: DOORS: Qty: Z Material: 'r Color: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): l D 14 001 v2R fit' STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'[: WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front: Z Left: Manufacturer/Series: Color: Style: Color: Right: Rear: Color: W Material: Grilles (Required): Pattern (6/6, 211, etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: Exterior Ir STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: P SHUTTERS: MatT WOO D Style: Paneled Louvered � Color: SKYLIGHTS. Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: Decking Mat' Railing Mat'I: WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Color: bL44 FL% NZ COLOR CHIPS V A Ayj{e5 vv ECEI Y EV JUN 2 2 2020 YARMOUTH AppRov �� JUS 13 zpzo 1 jA R;c�UTH RECEIVED JOL 14 2020 Color: TOWN CLERK Style: Color: SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA MatT Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: _ Location(s): Additional information: Material: Screening: Color: Color: 2 -General APPLICATION? O— A 0 4 i C N w r I LL i u po W $3$= J O O iK-T ", ro O > U t ap a O i C N w r I LL 0 W 0 W h C_7 OO= M U) M'--1 I i7 a az � } Y Q � � a 0 0 W N CD � car W W ^J �� n c 0 c 0 v W p J O O p ro O > U t ap a O W 21 _ o 0 W 0 W h C_7 OO= M U) M'--1 I i7 a az � } Y Q � � a 0 0 W N CD � car W W ^J �� n c 0 c 0 v W w►TulEs At HOU 5� ; low j. pPPRakO BV DKI4 6�6 LEFT GABLE - FIGHT GSE �I I ' 1� 14 2020 CLERK t UrH, MA FRONT BACK • tf Y� �P4 A�iPma or � a da'nrry ue reqse al lead a 5 day r� (r'� to i'6It;1a�ai. . F-ra^ce cisxgps iW aGC'! �: a.a;Yae nates � : 5%per .�5, ;8� arur. T pr Ndtx 10 hw Pisbe Vow ave & • Br �eafaq dfs cmfracL � atkrradedges the 8+ne+" o �1.awly resparo�le Yer aSTanerp � p� eYaatlna aM � bl +ha �x ati r> a zb. �r :e r�r s :e s� !] %� V -A O 4 • X11! rye' ea ra W00L C h&r -m arm 71 nroy �'n ASS! a y &V 21 �Y r d 8$` w 5aC j8^f!S 1Y ler. 3�tr 52i je 50� : ,Y dog, - g; arty kmt 'fit : L ddeiV scb=ks appka6re to IV properly ori me Bre &* seg he *W. 325 fd ritu wmw< aracalk c� 7c Vi OUTH S HIGHWAY w►TulEs At HOU 5� ; low j. pPPRakO BV DKI4 6�6 LEFT GABLE - FIGHT GSE �I I ' 1� 14 2020 CLERK t UrH, MA FRONT BACK • tf Y� �P4 A�iPma or � a da'nrry ue reqse al lead a 5 day r� (r'� to i'6It;1a�ai. . F-ra^ce cisxgps iW aGC'! �: a.a;Yae nates � : 5%per .�5, ;8� arur. T pr Ndtx 10 hw Pisbe Vow ave & • Br �eafaq dfs cmfracL � atkrradedges the 8+ne+" o �1.awly resparo�le Yer aSTanerp � p� eYaatlna aM � bl +ha �x ati r> a zb. �r :e r�r s :e s� !] %� V -A O 4 • X11! rye' ea ra W00L C h&r -m arm 71 nroy �'n ASS! a y &V 21 �Y r d 8$` w 5aC j8^f!S 1Y ler. 3�tr 52i je 50� : ,Y dog, - g; arty kmt 'fit : L ddeiV scb=ks appka6re to IV properly ori me Bre &* seg he *W. RECE-IVW JUN 2 2 ZRO YARI'AOtj HWAV OLD KING'S I JUL13� YARMO r k R —A . TOw+,C- SOUTH YARMOLJ� —1-� e o-Ao4 a r --- Q RECEe i/ =!) �4i a N ® iX �Z J'A 14 2a2o Q "' 0, cc (D TOWN CLERK SOUTH Q YARMOUTH, MA a ECEIVED r --- JUN 2 2 2020 YARMOUTH KING'S HIGHWAY •,; , �! l a' y , L • r r .air -r. '� i � �► .r;' �-' � 7 � �'i ,'! r �� �! �j ,. �k .- •,�• ,, i± .J*'��� �++ S�iif "I ,F 1 � 1� • ins i( 4Vdp�• .. 1 ; ` Ar .. �•�� � e t-�►'�' "� i 'J � t`s MJF r' ; �, �4 � y � On", � t ,.-"�'''}� _ r...•y: ^,. r �--i sYy'. V.-,Tsa'x�' �g._rJ`'�6. > �4 r _- '�7 a � rSfj l.:�t.Lt�r��$i+�f'��� .r 5��r�iR�[ �'.,��`'l _•j'`''.,.. - • „�• ="S.7 -� - - __ r„"__ ;• '��'r _ .�+3ii f•�T .. r_ -_ ya�.i��..;,.tt� �{�, fir. � .E ,ryv-,, �1- o �-4.r.✓Q • .yam ink r� 1 Y a �'� i _ « A' - _ c=:r'r'�•«: �-..!�-aa..�irF w��� . ��Ja....�,t�1 i 3i'C-s'L.J�i,�,t . _ .`` fr _ - - _ � . ' ."� -. _. ..• AT IVE Xwlotlo' 1 � r ��t,l�� } a�'-�.. �{4 '�- •'f •tom- .i �r "'7+• wt. "+� ► - r t-' /�� "T /. ' 12'��;=. w►ti �.+ i+•; t'�r `�1 t..�r ��u � .r y'R� s., s r� - - / I � i ` 4--•_ 'r��c,L.`.w��trlt=yrs-t�`. •- � i:-� � r y � '�� ` yam. '� .` ���'�`,,�`� fir.: � • � - e r JUL TOWN OF R E C E -"f ID KING'S HIGHWAY HIS OARIC DISTRICT COMMITT RE EIits ED t,tj1. 14 2020 JUN 2 2 2020 TOWN CLERK ABUTTERS' LIST YANMOUTH SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA OLD KING CHIGH Applicant's (Owner) Name: Property Address/Location: CA 4c(- in ; S l4 Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map. and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: / 3 Abutter Information: 8.2018 Application #: v2 C.?'` (+0 V/ �3 /a v� O r�yy�Vrll U i Application #: v2 C.?'` (+0 V/ 1031 30YARMOUTH TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 ! V' Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 1146 ROUTE 28 directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 62 Old Hyannis Rd., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 94, Lot 13.22 1051 8.11 ! 1 CAPE AND ISLANDS COUNCIL BSA And achado, Director of Assessing 247 WILLOW ST y g YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1744 l/ EZZAOUI ABDELAAZIZ 1 ✓ REGr-wr--o 71 OLD HYANNIS RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1767 `(j1- 14 2020 SOUTH YARMOUTH, CH Ma 941 13.121 r ! RMOUOUT ROSELLI LESLIE 54 OLD HYANNIS RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 941 13.321 ! 1 RUHAN THOMAS J 168 SOUTH ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 941 13.221 1 1 DEACON DAVID C DEACON CLAIRE M 62 OLD HYANNIS RD, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 do. -pt: -Y-[ I .y .4. �pa s19:I mm o� raffia �� ia�Aayo2 CAPE 000 WA i Ei- --) - ft. 14 2020 TOWN CLERK c SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA CCWE rAWW 4.88 AQ —) 1� [J i � yyA YARMOUTH PUWNWa BOARD ZONNG S1.lN8u1ARY APMOVAL VLAGER THE QN zc"m o4TFaC f R-46 Rk�Efl1L�1 pt91RlC7 yQmmm LAW IS Nor AwalAw Lft L= Mu 44006 Sr. wry 66r RMUM 160'. aw aft =9 sETWK MaL ague SO= zc . = XW M poyXTK la TO MRS" FRWT+M a Loa= VW 1-6 AOAIM P907CTM Qyy7 AY ocnu 7 . W rd k!£ jDW* QWWAAM' N/�GE' L1T R�'OL�Pt1�N1S J�L[S , AM7E/�IFO 8Y A� A901[' �; 20-�®�