HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-A047RECEIVED oz�F 14 2020 OLD KING'S TOWN CLERK TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COM SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS L) R JUN 2 5 '1Jcj Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 COpleS OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS, & SUPPLE ENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That A I Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential fl 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building � Addition Iterations Reroof DGarage Shed Solar Panels Other: T 2) Exterior Painting: IISiding Shutters II Doors Trim EOther: 3) Signs/Billboards: F . New Sin Change to Existing Sign a) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall IIFlagpole IIPool IIOther: Please type or print legibly: �J � Address of proposed work: LC 5T- 4o"fl, f , +� a Map/Lot# 151 (o 2— Owner(s) 6W(:;ii' t fiool'g wt r 1 ! ow i _ r Phone #: All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: r0 & l�� b `S- ' yet ��Y Year built. Email wfrr r 1 2 <2- (•/tocnyo -vel _ Preferred notification method: PhoneEmail Agent/contractor: N64 dim &10 S I�.t/� L�'i_ Lr\l Phone #: Soggy �� loD�i� +'1 Mailing Address F. 0 iA7-10 A U:9k&" Email eA"- PJA tU (SOVtGW - . Gran. Preferred notification method: E] Phone. Description bf ProposedWork: OW 3 Px-o"bu1 Signed (Owner or agent w)a,r JUL 13 2020 YARMOUTH J W I & A-0 Date: Email Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permitRs4quired from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) If application is approved, approval is subject to a 14 -day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval dale or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Revd Date: Amount Z Cas#: 12C /_ Rcvd by 46 Days: , ` z Date Signed: Approved ✓ Approved with _'�4—Modifications Denied 20-AO47 26 Hillcrest 07/13/2020 20-AO47 26 Hillcrest 07/13/2020 Approved Remotely By: Modifications: Richard Gegenwarth Robert Wilkins 1. Solar panals removed from application. Jane Hildebrandt Rosemary Nicholls 2• Vinyl fence removed from application. Jahn Stuart Remotely agreed to by: Trevor Meyer 20-AO47 26 Hillcrest 07/13/2020 Applicant agrees to obtain OKH approval for any changes to these approved plans prior to the change being incorporated into the project. Remotely agreed to by: Trevor Meyer 'PLICATION #: 40 4 e� Ro TOWN OF YARMOUT RECOVER 0 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-44 1 N ttA W, Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-4836 JUN 2 5 2020 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIT Ek ARMOUTH WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within,forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow it) writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): Applicant/Agent signature. Date: (e t to 17,0 Application #: 3/2020 Rc ��P� JUL 7 4 2020 SoUTN YgRMou k U41 M,q MEYER & SONS, INC. P.0 Box 635 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 JUN 2 5 2020 . , :: JTH To: Yarmouth Town Offices From: Trevor Meyer Meyer and Sons guilders, Inc. �1a RE: 26 Hillcrest Road, Yarmouth Port Map#151 Lot #,6 or AKA 29 Bray Farm Rd North To Whom It May Concern: 1, Nanette Savini and/or Nicole Liberty Whitten as Trustees of Liberty Family Trust, Owner of the above-mentioned property, hereby allow Meyer and Sons Builders Inc. to act on my behalf in regard to all matters pertaining to a building permit, OKH Applications, etc.. Any questions please call 508.776,6027. Nanette Savini and Nicole -Liberty Whitten 6. 16.20 RRcpl v eo jt11 74 zDzo TWSpVHyRRK�oUTH MA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING • LAND PLANNING • BUILDING DESIGN NEW CONSTRUCTION • RENOVATION • SOLAR • HOMEWATCH Pro'ect Address: FOUNDATION: Material: GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: 100NC GUTTERS: Material/Color: WWLT ' f P -L -VM• ROOF: Material: *ft% -I Pitch (7/12 min) �[ Height to Ridge: Z�t Color: L,%��to SIDING: Material/Style: Front: 4L"1-9cTrv- Sides/Rear: i-�t—p�/rhay Calor: Front: L)6wtl Mtr% Sides/Rear: L11.Lk- MiVC- TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: (Z4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: iPeZ,4CY--' DOORS: Qty: I-- Material: _�Fx ,�Ss Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): ?"V Color: 0 MN -W1 Color: W+m"W-_ STORM DOORS: Qty: I,— Material: Color: tj VhTW- GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Z MatT fit✓ —Style: A:6em-opJ Color: W m'R� WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front:L Left; +fa Right: � Rear: � Color: k3tri'i�E Manufacturer/Series: 14A0(t*,e re%- Material: (It W!1 ., Grilles (Required : Pattern (6/6, 211, etc.) (ato Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap- Between Glass: Permanently Applied: =Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Ayrt , Material: Color: SHUTTERS. MatT yLo^_4_ Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: nswc. Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: I41)"V Decking Mat'I: Color: 64 aT 4#-Z. wC E v- JUN 2 5 2020 K1ni�M�UTy Px�- L Ew4t� j) 010/. 7 4 2020 SQUT-ro VN y YA�4�RK Railing MatT f -O+''` Style: Color: A4007-",VIA (1rHIA WALLS/FENCES' (Max 6' height): Height: Style: Color. WMTV -`-� (Show running footage & location on plot plart)7�Finished side of fence must face out rorn-fonced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: 1& Vic �tk Screening: ! D� LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Oryl'u—, Color: Location(s): AoQo . LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: �'.t� Gam✓ Color: twrrL r4� Location(s): �A STVIjc= t . Additional information: 2-General APPLICATION #: 0 ! 7 C 4Akas6jP,r PL.4,AI L digry FArti4Y Tltvrr 24 V II -L Cf2&r l ' J IR D �Alzrl•)tf* F097- �y� 4r, J". --mi7 AN 2 j m 2020 4qvlea 8 ryofALn &pE&j Agg• -� �c-79 '` QLaar �voD 1►��eO�C' �? rcaL� } ofk"X- Lrrv/tscx 9014AIJ wALc. (r6k9ny) VA4dv4 y IVLlc. QLtf (rh.#,k.9'zY) < nf� �� J(I(1 6.,r,s 1020 . ---,I JUN 2 o HVVAY 0 �ING' WI O A L JF,, RI: D 1 2 T )6N ERK SOUTI I FARM UTH, UAV -ij L6 ----- ---- 0 ------ ---------- C� rs ci LONGFELLOW tt L so d 36 a� o�� uj uj9 D d % Z Lij ---------- TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST RECEwEL) JI T 14 2020 Applicant's (Owner) Name: W1rt-t'C'CLW t_Cs-h-� 0 , 'tc-��.c s�ru �T H, MA Property Address/Location: �� �V t G -e,%T Hearing Date: I I 1,,� I Zd Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Applicant Information: Abutter Information: 8.2018 Map Number Lot Number lsi 62, Ill 151 Application #: 0-- jq0 V 1511 531 1 1 CRUPI STEVEN A CRUPI CHERYL G 23 BILLINGSGATE RD DENNIS, MA 02638 151! 521 1 1 DAVISON CAROL P 1401 TECH VALLEY DR WESTFORD , MA 01886 v V 1511 511 1 1 MARTIN ANTONIA ✓ 42 BISMARK AVE VALLEY STREAM, NY 11581-1407 1511 501 1 1 OSTOFF SUSAN 15 Y FA NORTH YARMO ORT , MA 02675 j 1511 631 1 ! BRANDT BARBARA C TRS 20 HILLCREST REALTY TRUST 20 HILLCREST RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1511 611 1 1 ARSENEAUX WILLIAM L ARSENEAUX MARIA T v 32 HILLCREST RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1523 1511 671 1 I DOLBY EDWARD G DOLBY ELISABETH 25 HILLCREST RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1511 62111 PI>YARMO CHAEL h P/1� S , [A02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 26 Hillcrest Rd., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 151, Lot 62 Andy Michado, Director of Assessing WMTTEN CRAIG R WIIITTEN NICOLE L P O BOX 1210 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 JUL 7 4 2020 SOU H YARMOUTH, MA Meyer and Sons Builders, Inc PO Box 635 South Yarmouth, MA an-14014� i _ 112 50 - 8.50 SLAB ELEV. = 2C FT, MINIMUM FROM CELLAR OR CRAWL SPACE 10 FT. MINIMUM FROM SLAR' C. r- Y. ±N kC M CONCRETE COVERS 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE / / C - MIN. PITCH 1 /8" PER FT. t 4" CAST IRON PIPE (OR EQUAL) MINIMUM PIT'iH ° j`4" PER F7. ELEV. = 1000_ E. v _Qj,9 LIQUID --- OUTLET 1 DEPTH TEE 4 FEET 14 INCHES 5 FEET 19 INCHES 1 JUN 2 3 2020 24 INCHES GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT 29 INCHES 34 INCHES LEGEND: k k'IS"'NG CO^ HNA;_ SPOT I r INA-_ CONT+') TEE } FLOW LINE _ 111 0" — / I J M(N� �ELEV. = _- -- LE'tOEL GAS ELEV. = 102_77_J6" SUMP \-ELEV. �.. BAFFLE DISTRIBUTION I ELEV: } BOX 1o2m .-_ (TO BE PLACED ON FIRM BASE) TO BE WATER TESTED 1500 GALLON IF MORE THAN ONE OUTLET SEPTIC TANK (IO BE PLACED ON, FIRM BASE) 3/4" TO 1 1 /2" CLEAN DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF FINES & Sh T SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROFILE N0, . S(_AL;_ z - CLEAN SAND INSPECTION PORT I LOAM AND SEED 1 1 2" LAYER OF 1� t 1/8- TO 1/2' WASHED STONE OR FfLTER FABRIC 06.0 MAX. . I VENT 103.75 MIN. �T REQUIRED 1 10'I o ELEV. 4 HIGH CAPACITY •.NRLTRATORS Wi TH I S70NE IN AN / 11' X 36` X 10' TRENCH FORMATION j x,10.47 SOIL ABSORPTION WELL __�L� ._ 0 { ZONE SYSTEM SAS INDEX ADJUS USGS PROBABLE 'WATER TABLE ELEV. _ OBSERVED WATER TABLE ( / ) ELEV. _ -- BOTTOM OV TEST MOLE ELEV. - _.91.2__ JI.,SN OF A.fA a TERENJCE M. HAYES Pito. 979 cClSTF_ I SOIL TEST JUL CIF ,DATE`ilc� LI' EST c,'y / ( A{ SUS7 y L 7 �"T�� E!4gs NF_z7 JUN 2 3 2020 T�.._ T _,C .tiiE' GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT ____ __ SOUTH T ! OBSERVATION HOLE 1 ELEV.ffi__ ,03 2 .A PERCOLAT;ONTF < 2 MIN. tNI CH AT __4_5_ INCHES 1, DEPTH `1 RIZ TE X TETURE COLOR O; T. ``TER --� FN r 1 'o CAI ( SAND 10YR7/1 O ROOTS tL�. L.CAMY SAND 1OYR6/4 ROOTS, 23-144° v ;MEDIUM SAND �2.5Y7/4 _ NO WATER ENCOUNTERED AT __144"- ELEV. _ 91.2 OBSERVATION HOLE 2 ELEV.= '03.5 Yom, {-DEPTH HCRIZ TEXTURE SAND tCOLOR MOTT_—OTNER 10YR7/1 NO I 0-F," /E LOAMY LEACFlNG CAPACITY (AREA X RATE) tRv^0T5 6-22" ;LOAMY SAND �IOYR6/4 jROOTS 122-120° 16C }MEDIUM SAND 2.5Y7/4- I I 1 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED AT __122" ELEV. _ _. 93.5__ RS DESIGN CALCULATIONS JUL NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 - �- W GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT ____ __ SOUTH TOTAL. ESTIMATED FLOW ( 110 GAL./W/DAY X _.?I— BR.) GAL./DAY A REQURED SEPTIC TANK CAPAC`Y GAL. ACTUAL SIZE OF SEPTIC TANK _! _ - GAL. SOIL CLASSIFICATION -)-- DESIGN PERCOLATION RATE EFFLUENT LOADING RATE <$__ Q _ MIN /IN, GAL -/DA !/S '= LEaCI-ING AREA. 4733 (11 X36)+(47X2X10/12) LEACFlNG CAPACITY (AREA X RATE) a }aQQ CA -.IGA' 474.33 X 0.74 RESERVE LEACHING CAPACITY VI QQ :;A,- ' NOTES: AL WORKMANSHIP AND MATER,ALS SHALL `� )'vFORM ''v U.E.P- TITLE 5 AND THE TOWN'S RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ;HE wUBSIyRrACE D'S?^SAi_ OF. SEWAGE. moi,. ALL F'.S TO SAN;TARY UNIT; SHALL BE BROUGHT TCI WITHO 6" OF VINISHE D GRADE. 5. AL._ .:()MPONE.NTS OF' THE SANITARY SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPAff7;.G O , - TAV�;N' "-,G I OARING UNLESS THEY ARE ' NDER OR WITHIN 1O f Cir' .�k:Vc _3R PARKING AREAS. H-20 LOADING, SHALL. BE '_+Spi jNj -DER OR WITHIN 10 FT. OF DRIVES OR PARKIN= AREAr. 4 AN',' MA: 4ONARY' ;.-til" _!SED 14 BRING COVERS TO GRADF ST At BE MORTARED IN PI-A.CE- 1. tJ0 L`.•r TERMiNATiON "AS BEEN MADE A';, TO COMPLIANCE; WIT►; 'iF ZONING PCG!1LAT'ONS. OWNER / A.PPt SCANT 15 TO C)F.:-RMINAI!ON F`PCIM APPROPRIATE .AUT! oRITY- E�. OTIL ?IF`. HOW'S Ak'r A"r'PRi)xIMATE '.1N.Y, �XCA"•.'ATION CONTRACT()K ,. ,AFF..: AT 11...$88--`44--72. 3 AT :.EAST 72 HOUR'-, PRIOR ?Cl _.OMME:NCING WORx ON SiTF., 7 CONIQA(,T,)R IF, TO VERtFY >RADES AND E;_EVATIONS AS WELL AS -.)ROR TO :ti)MMENCING WORK ON SiTF ANY 4AF'.tA710N Tui f P BROUGH T,.. THE ATTENTION OF 'HE DESIGN ENGINEER !""MEDIATELY L_. OD r Nr X r r ;r;F V, ^,�' ... -151 AS PARCEi __ 82 APPROVED: BOARD OF HEALTH DATE X31 ANT _ PROPOSED SEPTIC DESIGN YARMOUTH, MASS. FOR LIBERTY FAMILY TRUST- LOT 30, 26 - HILLCREST -ROAD Y MOU'T'H, �S. 1 ; i LOC. LQ�Ct15' t� ` % (_-� MiGDOCEMG - - ---� � ?C'3 SL7 C'KE ' R 508— - _ PDXENN.Q. t�!AS 0266C 3815- _ _� < o�� j SATE JANE 3. 202 1 I SCALE --- RF N0. 8226-00 �- [SLH E E LOC- AT ON MAP _ ce c nwrn *)n?n SWFFT5FR. ENGINEER" „� yaQ �rlTi/V �WLcv 20-A047 11 JG a 2020 ERK UTHI MA f '� '•�• ``'ate , .. r s. � _.: F, tea,._ ,. �_�-.^....-.,�-_. _....« ..,-....,<..w._•-_. t'a :_r � , ^' .�. .>'�% ,a.,war,.a,v...+.x.,,�.+...._._ru...._.,r..x.-...,..,.+•,+v-..-..,-�w__.r..-...>m"...._.�...,.e._,.-....«- ._w. r \ - _.: v. ..«...,__..... � - _,..,.....•. ,.r.,..,nrr✓<_..._s......r_-wsara,..uer.._..�:®�+-.,.,,..a..ww.o®._w+,�uw,r.,..+,t,w,.r._.��.r..w+—�v.+_.-,+ 77, .. . _ :. .r. -e_•.. .':•� �� �`.xMM• � 1 �� S �arM�aw: xzG, 7{ . 1 i l ' k i^ kk , q f t f r t g r 1 i rt E 3 , U f w r 33 r y , z ..:..- ., ...., .._ ..,.+ ..,,_..# ice. :t•�• _ _ • .... _,_..__.... __' $-....-..�_.; 3 r+a ___.._._-__-._...._..v_,..-..._..._.......-_.__..^Y....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _'^•""^-....,,......_..s,,.x,...rv....,wMe,....w.,.,....-...-..,..•y.,.«.w..+^rs,.. , •t 3. r �( P 1, ..d ':. JUN 2 5 2020 YARnanl 1rt AP_Ah? ve JL/t 13 202© )LD 'A'��tITH R ,jvzo 1, a art;{ 14 2020 S0U-rh� g1 M e CL K 0UrH, MA 1 w � M - f., �-._.._-_-,.�,_. ��-.-rte••--------•. _.. ..._..._.__,.,...�_...._.,..._ _ i g.. r • � ' j � z • F j * S jr.+.>.._I �,.....+.L . .-� � t P .r,...+E. ]r«J•v.w:•+++++M�!-...� � --+I _ v.�Y,v.�sr --0 . _ ._� _. ... -� � � µ 4 . .............. - , 4:1 .N " s i ___ , , _ , r JUN 2 5 2020 r - YARivOuTH OLD KiNG'S HIGHWAY 71 77 JUL YA -r-4 Momp i ✓ ,✓ ,r D k+� U7y ➢ __ A , 7 t r i Sqj -7t d t i ` s y q k _ _ r . a.sw:.m...,.,...�...,.•,n.,.�a...,-.-�•a-•mw-w.+......�.,�r.�.<.ma,w-...u...,,«..s>_+.>....._...,��.a....�.. .,..�.:., ...,». , .. .:..:__ .,... _,..,.._,»...- �..._.._: ,.... ,„ A , ,y,,. -x' „w S ....,. ,.. ,. , _ 3,a.,' ;k. z _ .,i. .. _.. � . *w,�rr�.,�,l,e �y' R .v�a,'E,. } ''• ''~.. i '1 i4 a� 3366 r 990 ?0 AO -47 670 Li 49 7, A.. 77 ---44 F kf� j N 6 Ile - A t Tr tt ` t _,. ___..._ .__..-. _ }:y .._._ _-..1 � ,,, �Y= _ Jw ' � r%'_ #ti"� `.__....", �,.,,,ti- _-fit ki vt�4 I T1 n iLz; A 4 if J Acl v TL rz_ K-� 14 L• fo; J T/ RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2020 YARMOUTH JUL 13 2020 YAr I (MOUTH HI WAY J10. 742920 -SOIJ ti 7-ovvtv ARAlotj 7ty, MA Vst DONALD L- MEYE• R �,,,-,`•.,._-»9i � � .,, __ .. _..... ..n _..., .. . ;R(3. Yaraujuth, N -IA W664 i08) 394.529 ? A fi 4 7 From: Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:39 PM To: Vozella, Beth Subject:20-A047 New home at 26 Hillcrest Rd. I am writing to Express my concerns regarding item 20-A047. A new home being built at 26 Hillcrest rd. I am concerned about heavy equipment damaging the road and my driveway that is directly across from the lot. The road is narrow and my driveway pavement is unsuitable for heavy vehicles. With construction and its many contractors at the site, I feel my driveway might sustain damage. The other concern is of water run off. With a cleared lot above my property rains will drive the soil downhill on to my property. What plan is in place regarding this and who is responsible for the inevitable cleanup when this happens? Thank you for you time and attention in these matters. Respectfully, Edward Dolby 25 Hillcrest Rd Yarmouthport, MA RECEIVED 1"iP. 14 2020 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 2Q -A047 SOLARIA Solaria PowerXT° I AC Module The Solaria PowerXT AC Module mbines the latest cutting-edge microinverter technology from Enphase with the premium high -efficiency and superior aesthetics of the Solaria PowerXT Module Utilizing the latest Enphase IQ7+ platform the PowerXT AG Module puts combines aethetics and performance into an elega� product that reduces installation time by combining the inverter, module and monitoring. Achieving up to 20%, efficiency, Solaria Powe T Compared to conventional modules, Solaria Po superior aesthetics. Solaria PoaverXT pure black striking appearance Higher Efficiency, Higher Power solar modules are one of the highest power AC modules in the r sidential solar market. erXT modules have fewer gaps between the solar cells: thi eads to higher power and residential modules are manufactured with black backsheet and frames, giving them a Solaria PowerXT modules achieve up to 20% efficiency: convent nal modules achieve 15% - 17% efficiency. Combined with Enphase IQ7+ microinverter, he Solaria PowerX AC Module is one of the highest power and most efficient AG module available Easy to Install The integrated Enphase IQ7+ microinverter reduces installation costs eX fewer balance of system components, improved two -wire cabling and c pliance th NEC 2014 & 2017 rapid shutdown requirements Smart Grid Ready Meets CA Rule 21 and complies with advanced grid Xpport, voltage and frequency rid through requirements. Remotely updates to resp d to changing grid requirments and is configurable for varying grid profiles. Improved Aesthe/ity Compared to conventionaria PowerXT AC Module has a more uniform appearance ands Durability and ReIndustry leading 25 yearlion hours of microinverter testing. About Solaria Established in 2000, The Solaria Corporation has created one of the industry's most respected IP portfolios, with over 100 patents encompassing materials, processes, applications, products, manufacturing automation and equipment. Headquartered in Oakland, CA, Solaria has developed a technology platform that unlocks the potential of solar energy. �pY pERFp�� zoie ANV•GL PV MODULE REItAB-I SCORECA RD TOVRhetnland Precisely Right. The Solaria Corporation 1700 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612 P (5i0) 270-2500 wwwsol aria corn Copyright 2018 The Solaria Corporation Product specifications are suhject to change without notire Rev 1F 09 12 2018 2Q -A047 NMarA[.vD Aaannwuags A 1 -IX, �Vraa