HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit signoff emailGrant, Kelly
From: Chris Meimaris <chrismeimaris@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:36 PM
To: Grant, Kelly
Subject: Re: Building permit for 55 Sullivan Rd
Thanks Kelly, Yes. With this plan, the retaining wall and patio are no longer needed and the existing patio
material will be removed.
On Jul 22, 2020, at 12:42 PM, Grant, Kelly <KGrantoyarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Thanks Chris, Can you snfirm that in additionto the wall no longer beingneeded,o patio will be
patioinstalled and that all remaining material is being removed?
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrators
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
kgrant Ayarmouth.ma.us
From: Chris Meimaris[mailto:chrismeimaris@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 12:19 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Re: Building permit for 55 Sullivan Rd
Hi Kelly,
The attached illustrates the current plan which is a combination of the last two approved plans
with the exception of the retaining wall which is no longer needed. Hopefully this is what you
need so that we can move forward with the plan.
On Jul 22, 2020, at 9:06 AM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant Ayarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi Chris
Can I get you to show on one plan the current version of the proposed work? We
now have a few different plans for the landscaping and deck and I want to be clear
on what is now proposed. My understanding from the hearing was that the wall
and patio were no longer needed as you were expanding the deck. I don't see an
issue with what you are proposing from your description below but we need to
have a clear record of what is being proposed and approved so there is no
confusion later.
-----Original Message -----
From: chrismeimarisggmail.com[mailto:chrismeimarisAgmail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 7:06 AM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant gyarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Building permit for 55 Sullivan Rd
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Good morning Kelly,
I'm a better communicator verbally in person than I am in the written form but
because of Covid I hope my attempt here is successful so please bear with
me. Jim McMorrow the contractor I hired to build my deck shared with me that
you asked for clarification of the deck footprint so hopefully I can do just
that. The 16x32 deck with two sets of stairs is the exact same footprint that was
submitted and approved in June. Previously in February, I was granted approval
from Conservation for a 15x15 patio along with a retaining wall. The 12x16
decking at the base of the stairs that Jim shows in his sketch is in lieu of the patio.
This lower decking is in the same area as the previously approved patio and is less
square footage, The 12x16 includes a 12X4 foot section that is part of the
existing boardwalk which in February I was granted approval to rebuild. Having
all the same material for the deck, boardwalk and patio will provide me continued
level safe to walk surface. I came up with the idea of using the same material for
deck, walk and patio in speaking with contractors as it gives me that safe surface
and also ended up being a lower cost option than paver/stone. I'm sorry that I
confused things and hope that I have been able to clarify things for you so that we
can move forward. Did I clarify things to your satisfaction?
Sent from my iPhone
<2020 Rq for Approval of Updated Plan.pdf><Sketch Plan.pdf><Image_005.pdf>