HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E053(_ HECEI VET) TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 G'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COM MITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION )3 Covat lltuc irap/Lot #H4 hq HiGHWA REG OLD KIN ,luL 27 2020 TOWN CLERK sournivRRttlourn' ue Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Seclions 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Tvoo or orlnt leoiblv: Address ol proposed work: Allapplicstl Mailing address Owne(s)ChorL.litn"*Phone#: -l)4-q4. 1[0qB ons must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. r).')Yearbuilt: Pk7 rwilr^2 @. comcasl.nc Preferred notiflcation method Phone - Email AaenUContractor enone*: 1)4. qqLl. 1U B eaoress: 354 Ci-Lrr.tn frnac?rrncl . Har,^r;rh. mA oat047 U ') + Mailing Email:E;, 2rtJ Preferred notiflcation method Description of Proposed Work (Additional paoes mav be attached if necessarv):-6 conslrt-tcl o l0'i t)'slrd , Dla.tCd on Sol (onsis{ o{ a >'brald doouli doot (cott' +t, hatq UtA p;ncltuu. TW 4m+ Sirlin4 uc,tr be- ftuaiqinq unll5 ptt\ lrc- bol,d, b"tkn cultnq vl corvrde- 1locVs .-ffis :h761 urill malth hoosc\ on aq', j B' sirqtL Qilu1ue luo,1 Clapbou,cl ontl th< .ITv'lrim aillbe a.yile p.vc-antl )ct1uc,l D(r+hr/ ,,DDLI r,,,t shtrvlvlJht,af oill lPvr alnltLP r.fch i+h a'rhi Signed (Owner or agent) For Comminee use onlv: Date Date 7.0 al Amount e0 casn@: Rcvd by:6,/ Approved with changes 1r.--rrtvYE[J 20{053 13 Covey Dr Approved via E'Il€ri)l on OTnllNm By: OKH Chair, Richard Gegenwarth JUL 21 r'AB HIGH > OwEr/contraclor/agent is a'n6re that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Clleck other depadrnents, also.)> This cenificate is good lor one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit. whichever date shall be later v520r7 APPLICATION #:2p- EoS3 Phone Emailr Date Signed: y' Approved Reason for denial: _Denied ZSC,1 Vozella, Beth From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@corncast.l(11KCIS1V D Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 9:37 PM To: Vozella, Beth Subject: Re: 13 Covey Dr #20-E053 shed JUL ?7 2020 TOWN CLERK Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hopefully it fits behind that nice tree at the end of their drive way. I approve. Richard On 07/21/2020 4:49 PM Vozella, Beth <bvozella@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard - Attached is an Exemption for your review/approval. Thank you, -Beth Beth Vozella Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee & Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292 1 n a) D D n M n O CIO :3 QL a0 go� �_.� ° CLL F- O FTJ F7 lE= c—t � � ® O 0 � N o cn F- - DCL D Co r r Q D F7 r -r z CD O � � ® o 0 o c i!i L>< � CJ) -l! V _X Q m Q D D a m _p x zC o Q X a O O i n t H C) { O LL- C N ®� A cZ cc 7'o o \ rr '< i c- r `� N > n c ,y w w> mO O , D 0 D C<pV, 00D CO 0 C' o x ry0[ O O �* p Cr (p o a O C �r �_ LY ;� cs FUri j �' � a 'c I t ,�-•^---�� /rte ``Y' � ` . 1 es V - t, '- NGF � J•0.i=A.G Gp k b r 3a� �F—O jI'4t•I {1 4q ti --- p 0 ITI i m fit mAD TS r -- 0 .. Ko m c� a Mx = rn ❑ K D RZ O a IA' C rn RZ O —I N rn zz Q C F FW"\