HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-A057 fence Approved 081020 RECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH JUL 2 2 " 1146 ROUTE 28.SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 326644451 2020 Telephone(5081 398-2231 Ext 1292-Fax(5081 398-0836 lArin/IOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI if_GSHIGHWAY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Cenficate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470.Acts of 1973 as amended for proposed work as described below&ern clansdrawings,photographs&other supplemental info accompanying this application PLEASE SUBMIT 4 Copies OF SPEC SHEET(S),ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appht: Indicate type of Building Commercial Residential 1)Extenor Buil Construction JNew Building J J Addition Iterations Reroct Garage IUIShed Solar Panels Other 2)Exterior PaintingSiding Shutters J—Doors I Jfnm Other 3)Signs/Billboards New Sian Change to tog Sign 4)Miscellaneous Structures I 'Fence Wall Mpg?, [`Pool J `Other Please type or print legibly: 1 ) Address of proposed work i'.. I v..r • l i'u1.14 it It 1 A Map/Lot e /3.2.I../el Owner's; )i)11\.t. I �l(At I\1A1K Phone* `I. Li ;L;(- 4)Z2- All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address 17 7 U,GL f IIIA\\If V lS 1.L, \U bc lAYr4AA t1L(O In Year built Email J 11\1{Y1(u(J\l\i 1L 6.41)&11,t tg 1F S.1Ict 11.L 0tipreferred notification method. 1 l" I Phone Email AgenVcontractor (-_-I}e.)(ci c- L.Co IL! LL „It/c Phone* 77`f-L&,S -Isle' Marling Address i) -I616it61l Lay L(tii+ / r.,ljl .(),,,,r, /-/r,' /c... is r. 1I�II Email Preferred notification method ,Phone 1 1 Email Description of 1 Proposed Work: --its 5-k\a CC ^irc u1GJi ci•'U --J. .>,_-e Signed(Owner or agent) f ..... '22' 42-L '+ Date ,— 2 2-a(O:LC] Owner/contractor( tis aware that a permit is required horn the Building Department.(Check other departments also) If application is approved approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act . This certificates good for one year from approval date or upon dale of expiration of Building Permit whichever date small be later All new construction will be subject to inapeotion by CKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for hawing 6 final inspections For Committee use only: \ Approved _Approved with Modifications _Denied Rcvd Date Amount 20-A057 10 Elmcroft Way 8/10/2020 t a - _ I ED Caeh,cKS ',.5 Approved remotely by: Rcvd by LW Richard Gegenwarth Robert Wilkins t,. 12020 ea Days: �., Rosemary Nichols John Stuart Paula Morrison YARMOUTH ILD KIN ' HIGHWAY Date s,-:=._ 20-A057 10 Elmcroft Way 8/10/2020 Applicant shall obtain OKH approval for any - - changes to these plans prior to 27 - A the change being incorporated PLICATIONa0 V / into the project. lifttEwED """?l o' 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH JUL �o 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 2 2 2020 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836 YAHMvU-i-r. OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE QLD KING HI HWAY WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicanfapplicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness Dentolitioii Exemption may not he made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to he made as required by the Old King's I lighway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings,Hearings,Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient Wier such public hearing:hut in our event within facts-fur 1415t clues alter the filing of application, or within such (other time as the applicant .shall allow in writing,the Committee shall make a determination on the application." Applicant understands that the review of this application will he scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant 3 Agent Name(please print): lfl1.�_kadz 11L Applicant Agent signature: (�_� ds _ Date: 7-22 eo APPROVED 3/2020 Application AUG 1 0 2020 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 20 — A057 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: FOUNDATION:Material: i�—"1 f1 Exposure(Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY:MaterialColor: GUTTERS:Material/Colon_ .i/4.41- `�f"/1 i ROOF:Material: redririf Pitch(7/12 min)-4.}}— Height__to Ridge: 1-`t") Color: SIDING:Material/Style:Front: t i J� /S Sides/Rea rT� 7* S COLOR CHIPS Color:Front: ,-J Sides/Rear:_.— TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: lx 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: Color: DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: Style/Size(if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS:Qty:_Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS:Qty: Mat'I: Style: Color: WINDOWS:Qtv/side::Front: Left: Right: Rear:_ Color: Manufacturer/Series: Material: Grilles(Required. Pattern(6/6,2/1.etc.) Grille Type:True Divided Lite: Snap-In: LI Between Glass: Permanently Applied: OExterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mall: Style:Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS:Qty: Fixed_ Vented Size Color: DECK:Size: Decking Mat'I: Color: Railin Mat'l: Style: Color: I,f_ WALL /FENC (Max 6'height): Height: 6/ Mat'C A/44429jLu✓t'1 , Style: W.c° o,`�1-171')Y7 Color: /d�K (Show runninb footage&location on plot plan.) `Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS:Location: Screening: LIGHTS:Qty: Style: Color: Location(s): A PPROVED LIGHT POSTS:Qty: Material: Color: PPROVED AUG 1 0 2020 Location(s): YARMOUTH Additional information: • WAY 2-General rj (y G 7 APPLICATION k2 if J / • - .-.. PL.treo L'� "se IZ-tt-a5 - ' ' 1►•.a.At II II • ,k• _ --.. 4.•o.4 a.. • \ • /3 inn A OT SLA 1110 - 'wG 'S y . I:.:' re-CC • q �. ,:,,,, L cc, _ . a • 1 1 o Ist' • -1 r- .... NTiON `r f�..JS;i'' i ,s y 5 t pro II ' 5 w 55'�I J �� SAY . PPROVED •••••••)2c //p o/ AUG 1 0 2020 YARMOUTH • nvoTE.. CERTIFIED I "FiL"t't 5"PE"A'N Top of Fa"No/1Ti0�-, /'S /..Z''.96,004' ,,,. ti, LOCA .ir9/r,ma�T.11i'oi�.T... A. • ..P.2.1.1.,,-- '. ( /....t,/Bo/P.0, SCALE./..'! Y.a 1...DATE. Ff7/��.. \j PLAN REFERENCE 4474!6::4RT.f!T 1 .A6f?4,i!A/.!e i'..4.,Al/...1 3.4.F.G..j N ,. • 1 1/„?. CO w' _ -1 No.`,t,� !CERTIFY THAI THE Thr.T/A1.4.Fog i'O.Q,/p, L J , SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GRODU . :SFr. l6rRc�?;.' r AS SHOWN HEREON IAND THAT IT CONFORMS TO THE s u'� SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF "�•-• ..+, Yele.??7Re!T/t..Off....WHEN CONSTRUCTED. DATE .119;1:.� 9 ^_ f�.6sb .z% /)7f.f'iv/E.£ ,r_Ae& Slu��EY^F.i77Tm t f,£5 • I REGISTERED LAND SURV OR . ...9 -....._.) --.3 RECEIVED ---, , JUL 2 2 2020 V' YAhlViUtil h ._ •LD KINGS HIGHWAY •-Q.' -? ' -.. !e-----. N-7.\ , :..., t t, „---4 r"(4:7%....4:1,1"..ttljrt IM, , ._ _t, 1 , ,',. )` , • • . 4S 5. ..,- ;4'',, •S'e •-. -.....- . -2- ,,!, 1 7-.---- . 4 VA .,.. , , '•''' - si =,,," •,•-- t -, , d 7 7.4 . , \ ...,....- LI .,_ , . . ..} ,. ‘.1 c' 7. ; •=1.- I & I ...., ' _. i--- -' ....# . ;,i i . . 4 1 '-,-- ---t-t - - - „-----,* • I ., - i- , 1 1 . . 17 , I 11. , . , . : ; ,.„.,...,,,,•......„.4. • ,,,... L,.. . : , ._, „,... ._ _ \._., , 4 • ..,....)., , ,...,.._ , _ • Ars ,--'i "--Z'-'' APOROVEF) ( , ,,< 1 j t------ Z, - ) ' YARMOlkH ry - ' 7 1 OLD KING'S HfHWAY , • 1 4— rN4 r --c,....), - -, _ • i .. k ____.,.. ....„,,....... -.„ ... ._ __.... ....... ....„- --- ,.., ._ .��feeee�a�sv -Aper. AUG 10 2D ymasou r1414, "...- y L r. ".:,... ., �, ": N . Irr 1 4, 1 1.. wj Y � ' ee T N N M N •. T � T N r N � w So M M T N N M W wT P r4 _- --�. t N M !II ... N a r m • M � T N N T fiQ N 1 � 1 r4 M N r m r N � T N N T r4 M N r � T N N fiQ W 0 4 N U _ C _O .� tD C c Q � w O C � O G � O ro a' N C— ui o ` b !� tA E LA L 0 O 0 CL 2 `Ln CL Iil i, 6 E :D v �L O N o EN L O 2a C L L C O T L � � c mai > O Ow O CL Nn LL m C Q O ro N Ln CL I� N O 4 C U 0 a7 � L O R C c J 0 O U W LA f6 1 0aj C -0 Cr -i fu C i 7 0 l9 TOWN OF YARMOUTHCEIVED OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE JUL 2 2 2620 ABUTTERS' LIST Y AhNiUU i tl Applicant's (Owner) Name: 2b,Y es Property Address/Location: 10 Rmcf(M f %"f Hearing Date: �1.Qd Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's, Tax_ Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: I Z Abutter Information: 8.2018 20- AO 57 Application #: - d �4� F Li J9NV j -3l 3D . 20- AO 57 Application #: - 1231 571 1 1 CONNOLLY MICHAEL J CONNOLLY ELAINE R 19 ELMCROFT WAY YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1200 1321 1251 1 I VENEZIA LAWRENCE E CHARLTON-VENEZIA NANCY 23 ELMCROFT WAY YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 1261 1 1 MASOTTA JOHN MASOTTA RITA 70 MOUNT PLEASANT CT WOBURN , MA 01801 1321 1301 1 1 HANNON JOHN T TRS HANNON BARBARA L TRS 41 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 1291 1 1 BOSKEY HILLARD M BOSKEY MARGARET M 39 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 1361 1 1 DUNN PETER J DUNN KRISTEN L 92 WINTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1246 1231 551 1 1 GRAY PAUL F TRS & BARBARA H TRS PAUL AND BARBARA GRAY TRUST 21 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1231 561 1 1 SCHILPP FREDERICK G PICKMAN CAROLYN J 15 ELMCROFT WAY, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 1271 1 1 GAVIN STEPHEN L TRS GAVIN ANNMARIE D TRS 24 ELMCROFT WAY YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 1281 1 1 MACHNIK JAMES MACHNIK TERESA J 177 UNCLE BARNEYS RD WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 10 E[mcroft Way, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 132, Lot 128 �✓lac6r�� Andy Wchado, Director of Assessing o� C>r /4Q��