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Grant, Kelly
From:Franklin Tseng <franklinlakeland@gmail.com>
Sent:Sunday, August 2, 2020 8:12 PM
To:Grant, Kelly
Subject:Beach Raking
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Dear Ms. Grant,
We are one of the 66 members of the GIOC Homeowners Association. Our ability to enjoy our beach is the
most valuable asset we have as GIOC Homeowners.
We want to protect our dunes and our birds but we are restricted from raking certain portions of the beach
through decades-old restrictions.
We are requesting the Yarmouth Conservation Commission to give us permission to increase the area we
are allowed to rake.
The Association has always raked our beach in accordance with Conservation Commission guidelines and
will continue to do so. We appreciate your taking time to review the current restrictions on our beach.
Sincerely yours,
Franklin & Melanie Tseng
50 Powers Lane