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Grant, Kelly
From:Deborah Russell <debbyrussell@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, August 3, 2020 9:16 AM
To:Grant, Kelly; souwestcc@comcast.net; Debby Russell; Chan Russell
Subject:Petition for beach raking at the Great Island Ocean Club
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To: Yarmouth Conservation Commission
Attn: Kelly Grant, Commission Administrator
August 3, 2020
Dear Ms. Grant:
We are homeowners at the Great Island Ocean Club in West Yarmouth. Since 1998 we have spent summers at
the GIOC enjoying the beach with our children and grandchildren, and we are often there during the off-season
as well.
We are writing in support of the GIOC Homeowners Association's petition to increase the area of the beach
(owned by the 66 members of the association through deeded beach rights) that the Homeowners Association is
allowed to rake.
For GIOC members, their families, and their guests, the beach is the focal point of their experience at the GIOC,
and it is an important asset for GIOC homeowners. We fully support the Conservation Commission's mission
and activities, which are crucially important to preserving the dunes at the GIOC beach, and we very much hope
that the Commission will grant the petitioners' raking request in accordance with that mission.
Thank you for your consideration.
Deborah and Channing Russell
Great Island Ocean Club
34 Powers Lane
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
508- 771-4270 / 617-489-3593