HomeMy WebLinkAbout#20-E061TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs AUGOS20 Maitinsaddress: ul OLI rLi-L,t- yfP.,.aurt, fArLi-, LL,t- DZrtJ6uirt, lltl e^rt Si6cc arto,,.Cslnr*',/.,1 t *-^ Prelened notificatio n ^.uoa, @ Approved with changes 6 , 4 <OLUTJC{, 361-i5 \ tQ AYffqr.a4a .(rzo.tt <r-raec f fi*VED ffil]20 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approvlng submittal ol a AqenVContractor; Mailing Address: Preferred notiticalion method: Description of Progosed Work (Additional oaoes mav be attached if necessarv): f.t>:.(\ TB Rlle<- fu.6 {,-.hen .,stnJoas m *L< zea.E- r{, lY house ,^r,-+4 44eu<on ^),,1Zot,,< --trc-W7Lcc-rn<4+ u-r. nd o*5 A(<- 4<- garyre_ StZe- Anal deql..kl tQ /-fffqf!<- 4 ?,-Yt?1'' rY r^.j,)2lou 5 . 17v1 at<- (v'r,* .rr5-, llq .(rzoa <rn Approved by OKH Chairman via email on 8l4l20 (20-E06i)eD-Eo6t xrrurcATloN #: WlDate Signed: v5.2017 YARIIDUTH TOI,,H CLERI( 'zOAUGsPHz:24 REc > Owner/contiactor/ag€nt is aware thal a pgrmit may be requirsd lrom the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.)> This ceftificato is good for one year Irom approval date or upon date of e)piration of Building Permit, whichever date shall b€ later. For Committee use onlv: Date: e-*nt bl o Cash/CK #: Rcvd by: loo5 (f t/,{/ao Signed: accompanying this application. Tvpe or prlnt leoiblv: Address of proposed work: Owner(s): FEp/Lot # Phone#l6D8 315-t .+-) X nppror"a TOWN OF YARMOUTH I T46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 T€l€phone (508) 39&2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (50E) 398..0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIYER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolitior/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-Jive (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in wrtting, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. ApplicanVAgent Name (please prin|: 56€, L Applicant/Agentsienature: X,^.,--.4 fZ UVZvt v-Date: 3t2020 Application #:io -eoul ttxlI .r 1: It-1_ FAn-_* V T -i. .-r // Andcrscrr \w Dealer: Sales Rep: Earl Rehrauer Created By: Vlewed from Exterlor Quote #: 25922 Print Date:06118t2020 Andersen Windows - Abbreviated Quote Report Project Name: Joel Chaison-Project 1 Quote Date: 06fi812020 iQ Version: 20.0 Customer: 1 Billing Address: Phone: Contact: Trade lD: 0'12069 Promotion Code: Item oty ltem Size (Operation)Locatlon Unlt Prlce Ext. Prlce $ 1380.72 $ '.tiJ8,0.720001 1 wPw41042 (F) RO Slze = 4' 11718" W x 4'4 7/8" H Unlt SIze = 4' 11 5/16'W x 4'4 7/8" H 400 Series Unit, White/Clear Pine, High Performance Low-E4 Glass, Divided Light with Spacer, Colonial - Equal Sash Alignment, 6W4H, 3/4', Ext Grille - White, lnt Grille - Pine Zone: Northern U-Factor: 0.28, SHGG:0.28, ENERGY STAR@ Certified: No Viewed lrom Enerlor 0002 2 wDH24210 (AA) $ ROSlze = 2'61/8" W x 3'0 718* H Unlt Slze = 2',5 5/8" Wx 3'0 718" H 400 Series 703.94 $ 1407.88 Unit, Equal Sash, White/Clear Pine, High Perlormance Low-E4 Glass, Divided Light with Spacer, Colonial, 3W2H, 3/4', Chamfer, Ext Grille - White, lnt Grille - Pine (Each Sash), Traditional, Slone, 1 Sash Locks EqualSash, lnsect Screen, While Zone: Northem U-Factor: 0.30, SHGC: 0.28, ENERGY STAR@ Certified: No Quote #: 25922 Print Date:06118/2020 Page 10f 2 iQ Version: 20.0 Item Oty ltem SIze (Operatlon)Locatlon Unlt Prlce Ext. Prlce Total Load Factor 0.563 Subtotal Tax ( 6.250%) Grand Total F ,,?Ba6d f lilrd F ,,€6=sd Customer Signature Dealer Signature * All graphlca vloyired lrom lh! GrLdol * Eolgh operlng dlmenalon! arE mlnlmumr .nd may n€.d to bc lncEaacil to allow lor u!. ol bulldlng wnpr or llaahlng3 or alll prnnlng or b..ckel! or ftrienat! or othor lLm3. Ask to see ll all of the products you purchase can be upgraded to be ENERGY STAR@ certlfled. lhb lmrg. lndlc.te. tftd rho poducr lCEt d l. c.rrlfi.d ln th. US E{EFGY SIAEO cllm.lo zono lh4 you h.v! ..let d. may vary d.p.ndlng d !l. !s ol r€mpd€d Olas. 6 dff.6r sdlb Arioru * Cle$ ld hlgh .lfiudB 6lc, Nexla is a registered trademark ol lngersoll Rand lnc. Quote #: 25922 Print Date: 0611812020 Page 2Ol 2 iQ Version: 20.0 Pedicini, Kyle From: Sent: To: Subject: RICHARD G EG ENWARTH < r.gegenwarth@comcast.net > Tuesday, August 4,2020 4:30 PM Old Kings Highway Re: 2 OKH Exemption Applications - 404 Route 64 and 8 Gannet Road i. Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you ; are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. i Otherwise delete this email. Kyle, I have reviewed both applications and approve of them to finish the projects. The color of the HardiPlanc siding is very similar to the existing. The replacement windows are good quality and proper tor 404 Rt 6A. Richard Gegenwarth OnO8l04l2020 4:16 PM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Mr. Gegenwarth, Please see attached for two applications for OKH certificate of exemptions. Please let me know if there's any more information you need from the applicants or if they are readyto be approved. Thanks, Kyle Kyle Pedicini Economic Development Coordinator Town of Yarmouth I146 Route 28