HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E070TOWN OF YARMOUTH 11{6 RCX,JTE 28. SOUTH YARIfOUTH. l,ti{ 0266{-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext 1292-Fax (508) 3984836 OLD KII{G'S HIG}IWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COTHITTEE APPLIGATToI{ FOR CERNFrcATE OF EXEFT| TI npf*:tin b hcrc0y rrlede br thc isqranc" of a CcrtificaE of Enrrffim under Scrtiom 6 d$ 7 d Ch+icr 470 ol AEA of 1973. s ilncndcd, lbr &e foecca sorh r drecrtrd b.lor md oo plrnr, driltrEe oc phdogfefi .ffitprrryhg ttUr ryfcrtbn. T.fop pr rlct lcotlv: Addrse of praporcd rrofi A[ rpplicetioru bc rubrnittsd ifailnry r.ldress' Ptw*f ,***-l.zzi4lzn- Furhart(- ****.So* ZLID*4t13 a rccoopr*rtl b, her from owrrr pgroving rr&lni[rl of fpticfron Ysryhik I Y3O rmfcrtonflBrd: PrEn -L rn* D cr oadPmodfrir (erlsanl rcr ntr lroclrd Imcaolvl: PO ; fW *he €f iS*lrOq doors . shol"{<.(F,, d nd ly,rn cloors & iia'rni i rnoo^# Ony X 'b iaap (f O'esc- dre c urrsn*ly p; ntid €<s.x $r<eo). _lpprovod wi0r cfiarycs Approved by OKH Ghairman via email on 8l20l20 (20-E070) i o.ncrlco.rtr.cio,rrgpr{ r ilrart rhr r 0odnt mof Do 'lqu$od tuiln no &filon0 Daoarlr"cni (clf,ck srti dcailrftcrrB. tbo"}i Thir ccrlfiaG b pd b om ycr tocr .0p?ovd drlc or rnflt 6rlr cf *cq*rlirfi 0f 8r*ri!tg F nrr( *rr#tsi,Br d& srpil hs t ict ForCsnmi&e ure onlv: Dds Rcrd by. Orlc Saencd u$ilr, VED 020 .H Srgned epprrcrnor, 3o -Eot o Sibnod (Osrn€r or agear): X^oo-'o Rcconbrdg8: Pedicini, Kyle From: Sent: To: Subject: RICHARD GEGENWARTH < r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Thursday, August 20,2O2O 2:30 PM Old Kings Highway Re: 173 Route 64 and 179 Center Street Exemption Applications The Center Street stone wall will be a perfect addition to the property an d neighborhood - I approve. The work outlined for 173 Rt 6A will be fitting and proper. I approve of that as well. Richard OnO8l20l2O2O l:48 PM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, Please see attached for two exemption applications - one for painting at 173 Route 6,{ (Happy Fish) and another for a small stone wall at 179 Center Street. I also included Happy Fish's original application for the painting details. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Kyle Kyle Pedicini Economic Development Coordinator Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 I This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. delete this email.