HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E076J-'0,,. TOWN OF YARMOUTH -'- " .;l , too noure za, sourH YARMoUTH' MA!2664-4451 rebpnone (5o8')oi#;i; ;"il;;'-F;x (5oB) 3e8-0836 l OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT i:il':?,,"J,i: ::':H"r.""t BllH;:Jiltr ",1,;,-"*it3,.."JjJi[,#".X1'fl""':liT::flllr'":::ffi31"Jr1]3,fl accomPanylng thb ePPlicatlon' ffiffi****, d^f lll/Rltt ty !'eno'rt/'tT M'etLoliW o*,",,", 'tl36t,J1' 4 -Tr+D frofJ4,L Phonef:- Ar apprrc.donr mr$ q" q'Fb,y Tf' -, i",:r*'aY'ff;tfl **' "'::::::,:' ".il,ii$: 'u'ou'n )?27 a& ,^^.'i--**, g nt *^ PreGned nolificarion manod; X Phone 'x- Email JTHvB,'+AL @ 6,.' cz,tt .@8 zyA 8;2o *" rok)o,. N. Riv"rcnt 7 4tt-rtft4._2?T .- ;-_;:: **o,a:ff TYoe or orint l€oiblY: Frqar ll€ ut /lo- s t ffi ,^-^,tkrselfuy@-7,n,.'CA^Pr€Errednodficationmettroo:"'ftletroneLJEmail D$crlotion o, PtoDosed Wo* (Additional oao6 mav be sttacM if n€cosaarY): t1 c.>\aO 3*t 1LFS lrsta Qt,VVC7117o,! L<ttu3a'u\ i14 s,bts f F&,ar eeb+Q s/}''4et5' l)ta '"^* ,*riJ'(t-,*; ro a,Kt). lvEa sa'b6/ bool' rr- P*ftLor tlto -fVrtrl 5,bsS $ €Pc^:T.flofvets oF i:2oa7 q Zt'tQ o F Se <;r-'-i.rvt F*tbu , oRH @ /tirz,ao"ttt /nn - oS &'av-zr-t Signed (Owner or agent): For Committss ule onlv: Datel Amount Ao casn/cx *: -1.10{- n"ro ly, l(f x Approvod Roason for denial: Approved bY OKH Chairman via email onBt25l2O (20-E076) Date Signed: _-.- Signed' v52017 APPL]CATION FOR @ENreM FEucz4Rtc'o Lg ,Egglss[ifi' submitt l of .PPlication' CJwner/conlraclor/ag€nt c "*"'" tn't ' pt;it 'ay be requiGd lrom the Building Deoanment (Check other depanments' also ) This c6rtific6te b good to|. on" y"", rro- '"'i'p;iffi'd;" ilffi;il or expiratio-n oi'auiuing Permit, whiciever date shallb6 later' APPLICATION #:QO.EOTL -Denied TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 RO[-rTE 2& s(xrTH YARMOUTH' MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451"* "*i"rO& fs0s) 3e&2231 EIt 1292 Frx (s0E) 3eE{&}6 OLD KING'S HIGIIVYAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION --r -7"l,,r- '{-i,uL,,/ :1"'n f 'h/'-;"sk tl v.-.t - t I vtr, ,- | '?.**4t Jl-,e*-|t l ,', ,'!'tt",li &'s? zt' \ i'1 ,-' 3no20 .lpplication $:QtJ'Eo'lt' ' -,: - l,';'". .l . .. :i,.;.-- -o. .-tl;,.'''; ' '- %Wt,,7 :'* ,u*lli. 4ua /tK a 4 ln ynruz /neraurtrloET lftfi dRaTd mil:. .. :.,. AUG 2 5 2OZO fi*&{ey qJla}bo'ds BILL TO: MFG- SHEPLEY WOOD PROOUCTS,/MAIN 216 THORNTON DRIVE Phone: 508-771-7969 5088626018 SHIP TO: MFG, SHEPLEY WOOD PRODUCTS/MAIN 216 THORNTON DRIVE Customer Quote Summary ilt iltilt illt il ]t ilil IiltltBarcode HYANNIS Phone: 508-771-7969 MA 02601+103 Fax: 5088626018 QUOTE NBR CUST NBR CUSTOMER PO DATE CREATED DATE ORDERED ORDER TYPEMin62 I 1@8160 q12nAm I qDENotOnEI ORDERED BY STATUS SHIP VIA DELIVERY AREA CGimtcnio NorE \MEe Deli\,rry DARTMOUTH MANUItrCTI'RINT CLERK JOB NAME COUPON W.LtsCP.CG] . CATUCE Gl.nil(xuo 24 Myrtb tane LINE #DESC RIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 1(rcX CINic DH , Unit Sia 29.5 x 48, RO 30 x 418.5 Unit 1: U-Factcr = 0.30, SHGC = 0.2& VT = 0.49, Htr-M{8{1547- mmz, Size OFicrs = Custcn Size, lXemactialal (k TyF = Chage Ordfr, I,Ie\ r Ccf,Em)cdcrL nrlyweHed FrdrE Widft (Irdrs) - 29.5, Frare Heiglt (Irrtes) = 48 Dorble clazBd, IrwE Argm Filled -<. Base Colc = WhiE -- Single , Sastr Limit Devicts = Nigh Ladr F\rll SsHr nil Ssem lvfnhn! Fihghss Mestr Cmu'tr IrEGhss, Cok'nial, Iv{atc} FferE, 3WZH me8ml L Fiq IrEi& EGEiqr Jilnb Receil,q Palet = Yes OlEalI FfdrE lMdtr (trrtrs) = 29.5, Ortsall Ff{rE Heigh 0rdEs) = 48, O\E-dI Rorgh Opening \ /idl (IrrlES) = 30, OvE-dU Rcugh Opsting Hdgtt Grtes) = 48.5 Cleil OFring Wdh = 24.5, Clear Opqdng Heigtt = 18475, Cl@ Opsring SqLwe footage = 3.21 E.St ZcrE:Noth-Cmt'al=Y Rosn Locatio Ncre Assigrd $316.26 $126s.06 29 !t_ RO- 30r _ cla rb 3Y '&eD &.c,n A o tra40T ou e+a q CI,lr]borals U) oE 66,.rSe S, bt. Pdobd: &192020 8:36 AM ffi APPRovED AUG 2 5 2020 YABMOUTH4 Last Update: 8/19/2020 8:33 AM Sc rwilh $n SrrE to cess irElallafim ir6tuctia6 in HBP'S DoorrE[ cst€r Page 1 Of I I I,l\,] l , QUOTE NBR CUST NBR CUSTOMER PO DATE CREATED DATE ORDERED ORDER TYPE 4a6T762 10281m slDrzv\o Qlote Not Ordsd ORDERED BY STATUS SHIP VIA DEL]VERY AREA CGiantcnio None \Mse Deli1Ey DARTMOUIH MANI'FACTT'RItrG CLERK JOB NAME COUPON W-L,tsCP-CG] - L XlrCE GTilrlr(IUO 24 Mytle larE LINE# DESCRIPTION QTY I]NIT PRICE EXTENDED Itrrit 1: u-Eactw = 0.29, SHGC = 0.27, W = 0.51, HII-M-37-00691-mL fIasactiaEl Ords T]!e = ClEge ods, Neh, Ccrstuctial RIGTIT OPERATING FROM OUTSIDE = Oxt]nit 1 Ifft G]asq 1 RUt[ Glass: Htr-M-370@1{0m1 OII Wffir = m, CaII rhigln = 68, Erare \ lidft (Irutns) = 71, Erare Heigh (rtdes) = 79.s Do]ble Ghzed Ir!\,E, ArBcn EilH, DSB, Tsrpercd.- Base Colfi = \Mde -Ehdr lilont Ddblt, DIaI Potufi lod( (rD lcy) ftbsghss Mestr L-FbU fside E:tersicn JaTib Rec:ei\rE Poclct = No, F\rlly Set-Ilp OvE:aIl Flan'\^trdtl (Inc}res) = 71, Ova-all Flare Heigftt (In&s) = 79.5, OIEaI Roryh Opennrg lvidh (IrrIEs) = 71.5, Olrrau Rorgh Opsdng Heigm Gdrs) = A0 Chm Opadrg Wirrth = 28.75, CIeil Opetng Heighl = 75.875, Cleil opstry Sqr-Ee Footage = 15.15 E.St Zc[E:Ncrth=Yes, E.Stu ZGE:N(Edr-Cs$:aI=Yes Roqn Location: **pleqce ccnfon hfldtE** : i TT DESC RIPTION DH,21.5 x rE, RO 22 x al8.s Ihit 1: u-Facrm = 0.30, SHGC = 028, VT = 0.49, H[-M-4&01547-m2, Size Otritrs = Crlsffin Size, tflsacticrEl @ T)rpe = ClEgemtr, l,levv CfiGfilcti(rl Flrlly Wehed FIarE Widh (IndEs) = 21.5, Frare IIeigIt (Irdes) = 48 Dorble chzs4 t,ol^r E ArgEn Filkd.. Base Coltr = lvhite Single , Sa*r Limit Devicts = Nigh l,atctr tuI Sceg! RrU S(xe6l Miliu\ fibaghss tvleslt Cart€r[ Irtsch, Colmhl, lvtatdl FIdrE, 2W2H megral L Firl htsit ExErsim Janb Recefur Podct = Yes Owral FftrrE \Mdtt (Indrs) = 21.5, Ovsa]l FIare Heigfu (Indrs) = 48, OlE-dl RoAh Opsting W'ffir (Irrhs) = 2a O\,EaU RoEh Opsring Heigln Gdes) = ,18.5 Clear Opuriry Widtr = 16.5, Cletr Opstng Heigt = 1&875, Cleu Opqring Squile Foohge = 2.16 E. Stu Zcne:Ncrth-Cmtrdl= Roomlocation: NcEAsslgrEd PPROVET}i AUG 2 5 2020 r-_- i: o 2'.5RC,22 Cl A,\5 furArtf @ ft)\ous S;LE &',AJDcq,L! 6tr l,,tvtpc ,{ //z LastUpdate: 8/192020 8:33AM sc lwilh srEq[E to acess irEral]dim irBlructi(B in IIBP'S DocurEm C6ter I vanui,..,rrJl li iI oLo xtttc's utclwnv I ?.^ Page 2 Ol Prinred:8/19t2020 8:36 AM I]NIT PRICE EXTENDED QUOTE NBR CUST NBR CUSTOMER PO DATE CREATED DATE ORDERED ORDER TYPE 48'67162 10281m EILZ?OZO Quole Not WEed ORDERED BY STATUS SHIP VIA DELIVERY AREA CGiantrnio Nce | \llftEe Deli\,Ery CLERK JOB NAME COUPON wtBcy-ccl - Lannct (jrm(xuo 24 Myrt]e tarE LINE #DESCRIPTION 1300G1 Vin9 PW, Urdt Siu 615 x la, RO @ x 48.5 1 Ihit 1: U-Factcr = 0.26, SHGC = 0.29, vT = 0.52, HII-M-10{1!151- mma Size Otrids = CrrScm Sia, Irarsti(rBl mer Tlpe = Chage mfr,liet,Cosfircti(rL Sindd Me€ting Rail = No F}arE l4,tdtr GrdEs) = 61.5, Flare lEulfi Grlns) = aA DGrbh clazod, Ir!\r E AIgm Filed, DSB* n6e Cokr = IMdte -Cmun: k!Ghs<, Cohfal, Madr FItrrE, 7w41ll Ifiegral L FiI! Insib Esensicr Janb ReceivE Pocld = Yes OvEall FIare \ ffir (IrrtEs) = 61.5, OvEaIl Ff{rE Heig}t Orr}res) = aS, O\,tmil RorghOFirg\tffir(Ildrs) = 62, OvEaI] RoUh Opsring Heiglu (hdrs) = 48.5 E.S't ZcrE:Ncrth.Yes, E.St'ZoE:likrtlCaUal=Yes Roqn Lmtixu Nc[E AssErEd I]NIT PRICE EXTENDED $474.51 i474.sr ?. a'5' GeOs '1 x 4 *Note: Delivery charges may apply and are not included on this quote. q:otmicn is hd on cnr intEpetatiGr of ttn inftunatiar povirhd AIl $ fiities, siz€s, extgtsi(rE, totab, ad {rcificatios *ta-IH be vEified by t}e cutxtcr pia to hisAn hiding m adaing of TIE nwufactrru is resposible cnly frr tre itars as ryoted abore. Any dwrges o furE win be $fiject to arEqrote. We pqose to s-ply tte rmtqials as desaiH above, $bi:ct ad c(trdititrE. TtE lricts ae gua'mM ffr 30 dq/s ftuntE date of ryoffikm mkss otlswise DehlEy dilges rmy @ly d ae rctrcflecd orftis quote. We ryechte tE o[porttrdtyto $3,486.30 $2r7 :ADBROVFD-] '/.\iil\i\J(Jiil ivLD KING'S H|GHWAy i Last Update: 8/19/2020 8:33 AM Scarwith $n d[E to access irstal]atim irrsfucticrs in HBP'S DcurEm C€rfrer Page 3 O,Prinrod:8/19/2020 8:36 AM From: Sent: To: Subject: i- -"" RICHARD GEGENWARTH . Attentionl This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless youi are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure.: Otherwise delete this email. I approve of the 2 requests aj-482 RIGA and the other as well. That is like for like windows with appropriate grills. Relative to # 8 Merchant Ave. - I was surprised to learn that Bob wrote up a COA for the paint job. Nevertheless, put it through that way and it will be a quick and easy at the next meeting since the committee members have already seen and liked it. Richard ono8l25l2o2o 4:21PM old Kings Highway <okh@yarmourh.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, Please see attached for three separate exemption applications. Please let me know if you need any additional information for any of them. Thank you, Kyle Kyle Pedicini Economic Development Coordinator Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 Tuesday, August 25,2020 10:29 PM Old Kings Highway Re: Three Exemption Applications