HomeMy WebLinkAbout53 Raymond water sign offTOWN oF YARl"lotJlt I WATER DEPARTMENT 99 Euck lsl'rnd Road lvesl Ya'mouth' MA O?(r7l fclelrhonc: (so8l 771-79]I ' F'rr: (1ot]l 771-799L "iiii+?;1tX[i,",-.i+"iJI"J#" TRANSI\,TITTAL FORI\l BUILDING SITE LocATloN, !9-R:rrur.c-d-4.,L- --Jr-fO-1,,*.,.rk n PROPOSED WORK: C-l.'^ v cn,t t u:lrjA-cA:-ba_&A! APPLICANT: t?t,^u E B, .flr.-}( Yr,^,",0.,Vd /^,*.P ADDRESS: J-J (4 YnOrr cc-t- ) Au " 3Pe 5:3r-5i? r RESIDENTIAL AND IOR COMMERClAL BUILDING Waler Depanmext: Engi necring Dcpartment : Conservation Commission Health Depzrtment: f)etennincs Compl iance ol \trrater Ava ilabil it1' and or ex isting location I)ctcrnrines Compliance for Parking and [)rainage Detennines C'onrpliance to Wetlands Act: i.e. lf lot(s) border any t1pe of wctlands, streams. ponds, rivers, ocean. bogs. boys' marshland' ETC. . Detcmrines Compliance to State and 'Iorvn Regulations, i.e. rcquiremenls lor Septage Disposal and other Public l{ealth Activites Delennines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal Safety, Property Protections, i.e. Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systens,etc J t,.-1^ ] toz0fv APPI,ICANT SIGNATURE oFFtCE USE: COI|IMENTS ON Pf,RMIT APPROVAL OR DENIAL T I n)n TELPHONE: Fire Department: DATE ) 1/IfW WATER _/1 (SIGNATURE) q DATE -T J!s JOiei l" E 9< 9E EE zlf H3t u\ 2l ,4 ffidot I 6Jzl E $--FLu-,oEllJF F O =E AVENUE </)z.oF J (5 LL'cc -Jcoz =OF J) oF =Eotr.z.oC) FcJ) = =:z OEo = F,qY&ONI s T --T----1- l1 I t: {,B: I f |,'., \ \ { |' *!