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I, Linda C. Peck, Executrix of the Estate of Edwin James Cole, under Barnstable Probate
and Family Court Docket No. 03P1263EP- 1, of 34 Tanglewood Drive, West Yarmouth,
Massachusetts 02673, and pursuant to a power of sale contained in the Will of the said
Edwin James Cole,
In consideration of Three Hundred Ten Thousand and 00/100 ($310,000.00) Dollars,
Grant to John F. DiGregorio and June DiGregorio, husband and wife, as tenants by the
entirety, both of 5 Grandview Circle, Flemington, NJ 08822,
With quitclaim covenants
The land together with the buildings thereon, situated in Yarmouth (West), Barnstable
County, Massachusetts, and bounded and described as follows:
SOUTHEASTERLY by the side line of Tanglewood Drive, a private way, as shown
on a plan of land hereinafter mentioned, One Hundred and
00/ 100 (100.00) feet;
SOUTHWESTERLY by Lot 10, as shown on said plan, One Hundred and 00/100
(100.00) feet;
NORTHWESTERLY by Lot 31, as shown on said plan, (land now or formerly of L.
Robert MacIvor et al, One Hundred and 00/100 (100.00) feet;
NORTHEASTERLY by Lot 12, as shown on said plan, One Hundred and 00/100
(100.00) feet.
Being Lot 11 containing an area of 10,000 square feet of land as shown on a plan of land
entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, for Robert L.
Tedeschi" dated February 7, 1968 and filed with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in
Plan Book 220, Page 30.
Together with a right to use the ways shown on said plan in common with all others
lawfully entitled thereto.
The above described premises are conveyed subject to and with the benefit of restrictions,
rights and easements as more fully set forth in instrument dated December 12, 1968, and
recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 1422, Page 229.
For title see deed recorded in Book 1887 Page 157.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 65 Tanglewood Drive, West Yarmouth