HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E005 COE 0 (6TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 JAN 2 4 2020 RECEI KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT ' ARMOUTH LO KING' HIGHWAY JAN 2 8 20?0APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION TOWN Stileplt'tiil J made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1 , "dl� for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print leaibly: Address of proposed work: v C V �` J �� Map/Lot# Owner(s): C y c`an d Phone#: 9 0 4 b SS 0'-ra t 1, All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: ` `r`S ` C +�1. V v`-`p"c '0- % .J S Year built: \ 5 CI l., tw Email: C `n e Y ^'� k� Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/Contractor: c---\*- Cc G �'� Phone#: S 3 r1 $ 1-1) Mailing Address: Tn is c ` c---- c- •• c t `- c '` Email: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional panes may be attached if necessaM: C— 4-- \ 0 x % Cr- ,.c <.- cs- w `l\_ - V1 ‘,1 (\_-(_ c '' r•- c\ C c l o C` c- •• A rye.G S C S - . v CA .P- dam- V\\ .,,V d \,. 'ikc J w-k 0 0 t,..1ti..,.ICQ C Signed(Owner or agent): f •- ' \ )— 0 t L-...... Date: V� Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: ,,a41,f 9 ✓ Approved Approved with Amount C. Reason for denial PROVED Cash/CK# s��2�fv JAN 2 7 2020 Rcvd by: yV YAHMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY IP Date Signed: ,/2 7/1°Zit Signed: • APPLICATION#: i '4:GCJ V52017 Dawn Ok this looks fine. We will move ahead with this. Do I need anything :ID ' ���'�else from you to make an application for permit E13 Nigel JAN2 4 2020On Jan 6, 2020, at 3:39 PM,<saltsprayshedsinc@comcast.net> <saltsprayshedsinc@comcast.net>wrote: K NGYAR SOUGHwAY Hello, It was a pleasure speaking with you this afternoon. Attached is an estimate for an 8'x 10'Even pitch. It includes the standard features and the addition of cedar shingles on the front wall. IIf you have any questions on your estimate, want to make changes, or APPROVED would like to set up a building date please feel free to contact us at the JAN `l office 2020 (508)398-1900. Also, I will send over the forms for the historic committee and the building department, if you need them. °LO I R SOVG,yAY We look forward to working with you. f JAN Best Regards, Dawn /� Dawn Warburton �yEIVEb Salt Spray Sheds 508-398-1900 8 2020 www.saltspraysheds.com<Est_6184_from_S alt_S pray_Sheds_26468.pdf> TOWN CLERK <https://t.sidekickopen79.com/s1t/o/5/f 18dQhbOS7ks8dDMPbW2nOx612B9gXrN SOUTH 1'ARA,louTN, AdA 7sKj6v 4dY__jW4WYmfd7fsH3-W3LjvR62zIZNzW6bFwRG1 k1 H6H0?si=4841206368960512&pi=b 8b4b65 0-7433-4776-b9bb-cd5e910f9426> <https://t.sidekickopen79.com/s1 t/o/5/f 18dQhbOS7ks8dDMPbW2n0x612B9gXrN7sKj6v 4dY_jW4WYmfd7fsH3-W3LjvR62zIZNzW6bFwRG1 k1 H6H0?si=4841206368960512&pi=ee22377 7-8d0f-427f-866e-bf9637c7fa35> 3.ill AL UM 11 1-..Aft ` & t B_e MC: F.r/,.01 SA"Ali NI ra zr, rF.uutc. � !L. i �i auE II 1 04 if.,rif �' Il — Y�IRC;S e7A 18i inA a� II ZieleriVeinma =NNIMIIIMII u ii--ceS LEFT SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION DATE:C I x...'9;IC 8 x 10' SHED DESIGN FOR: Salt Spray Sheds :4 THOMPSON S.Devrori, Pk ator AIIII}Mea-11/M PROPOSED SHED ELEVATIONS Al - 2 RECEIVEV I JAN 2 4 2020 YARMOUTH LD KING' HIGHWAY 108 AitAt4f4 .*CriE,•:.•1_$%At 1E:C /4/ 10 1111111111111 U/14 e>8 ?020 Towtv uTH . iiiiiiiis i1.01,714 . MA OuTH RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 8' x 10' SHED DESIGN FOR: Salt Spray Sheds . 4.: THOMPSON 141 11 r.h-rw S.ikor.r.', knew'OA I- PROPOSED SHED ELEVATIONS A2 - 2 APPROVED JAN 27 2020 YARMOUTH A, 0 y• • PLOT PLAN RECEIVED FOR LOT # JAN 2S:11 4 2020 Indicate location of garage or accessory building Additions with dashedlines ) OLD KING S HUGHWgy Sewerage disposal (cesspool) Well 21 APpROVEn I (lot ft. sear 7� _... 'O. JAN 2 7 Zu2Q -- .— Abuttor's ` I yA Abuttor' Name kr 0 '�` I OLD KiiVRMOUTH Name Lot # S HIGHWAY Lot # ..l I REAR YARD f this is a If this :orner lot, ft. corner vrite in name write i f street. L,p -'t I name of other street. 4 ..c:. L-c0fc 1 4 SIDE YARD 6- (1-0-C SIDE YARD ` HOUSE --- p -.fes E> 1 q------ ut> LJ .&5 -- 1 I 1S SET BACK ft. .44 1 a RECEIVED (lot ft. frontage) JAN 9 R 7070 / / TC\ ,! C r!")t< • / (NAME OF STREET) Scum ' „tiNC):. i H, MA / \ Information C ` s — . / ` Supplied by LARK NORTH POINT 2i -GROOS • Information and Instructions Niers trttn General Laws chap*152 requires all enpIydrs to provide workers'compensation fba their employees. ' Pursuant Is this statute.an saptbrea is defined as"...every perms in the Navin of another under any monad of bite, express or implied,on!or values" An sapllgr'is defined as"an individual,permaahip,asaodatiaq corporation or other bpi sadly,or any two or mon of the keeping engaged In a Joist enlerpria,and lschdleg the!apt repnseaosdws of s deceased employer,or the renins at Cense atm individual.perenanhip,emaciation or other lepl edify;employing=playas'. Hamra the owns:of$dwelling booms bevies not mon than three apertmeede and who resides therein.at the occupmt at the dweres bane of another who employs persons Is ds maintenance,wasbucdos or repair work on sorb&Whig house or as the pounds or bendier appormom t thane shill net became of such employment be deemed to be an employee' Mi.chap*132,lliC(6)she shim the"nay state or Neat Iheashrs spew she/withheld the banes r renewal efts demo r permit to sperms s beams or to ceamUat build`p In die eommenwul h he any appigsant whs hr net produced seseplslie erbium sin pMenst with the Insurance asverass regi .L" A4-' 1--- yy MOL chap*152,125C(7)status"[Neither the eaomoamealdt nor any at Bs political subdivisions shall ester seem say snored An the pabwm ace of puha wadi until aoaptabk*videos:of campline a with the ioaarsace .egainennis of this chapter have been pessened is the easlesrtbss ashority.• Appileose Please Os out the undone'compensation amdevit eompldaly,by checkleg the boxes this apply Is yes numbs and,if ammesery,supply ids).mne(s),iJ4..i (as)and phone sueber(s)aloes with their art eats(.)of immersion Lhoiimd Lfa6iHty Caarpsdee(LLC)at Lidsed Liability Partsaihipe(LLP)with no anpisysae other thea the members or pensee,an not nyeir.d to easy wormers'oases s sen feasaaae. itis LW at LLP does have employees,a palsy is rewired. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Dep.isment d lnddarid Ac ddeb he co.arm ethos of Worsen c.verasu Abe be sero is sip sad date the aftldevit. The atpdsvit should be strand a the city as eves that the.,,"--' e for the permit or theme is babes ral.aeed,set the Deplaning of • todmIW Maidram. 3hoaM you have any pasetisne gegerdbeg the law as firm ass rregsb.d to abatis s warbles' compendia pulley,pians call the Deparmnees at the number listed below. Self-irand oagteniea Nhadd allow their self-intens SNOW der an the sppcesdmss tier. Clty se Town Orchis Please be sere that the affidavit Is complete and prised legibly. The Deportment has provided s specs at the bottom of the nodevis he yon is ell out is the evens the Oman of lavadpebss hen to nerved yarn regarding the applicant. Please be sore is tilt In the permWdasse=ober wldrh will be used se a refluence auabet: In oddities,se applicant that mut submit=Mph psnotelicesse applieadom is any Hives year,nand only subsea an affidavit indicating nerd policy idummtien(if r_. =y)and ceder"yob bre Address"the appikad should cane"al locatiosm het_(city at town)."A copy of the amdanit that has bees alliehdly stamped a mmrhd by the city or toms may be provided is the appalled as pose theta valid aminit is as ire he at*s pewits as dames. A stew affidavit nest be tilled out each yes.Were a hoess owner or cakes le obtaining a Use err permit sot reefed is any boldness or corm usid venture (Le.s dog Scenes or permit to boa leaven ds.)said punas is NM'requited a coapbe this amWt. The Oflee of innsdptbne would like a thank you in advance he your cooperation and should you have any gwstione, please de an hesitate a give us a ani fhe Department's aides*telephone and lbs mob= The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Gidustrial Accidents Oil's of[aistMpdsn 600 Washing Sheet Boston,MA 02111 Tel.I16I 7-727-4900 tact 406 or I-877-MASSAFB Revised 11-22-041 Fax$617-727-7749 www.masa.gov/die 143.110.1 143.105.13 144.11 143.123 143.124 143.105.12 143.111C 144.6 143.125 143.122 144.7 144.8 143.121 143.126 143.127 143.120 144.5 43.113 --_ 143.119 ° i s i c ` 1449 143.114 o c_ G D * n 143.128 143.129 143.118 �� 1117rn g m c < 1' 144.10 143.115 143.116 =?� 0 0 144.11. n Setucket Rd - j -_�_ 144.11 143.132 143.131 ? 143.130 ~ I`, 144.4 18 NICHOLAS DR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 " off, 1 inch = 180 feet w<(_E Kt s Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision J Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 1/24/2020 \ RECEIVED From Nigel Thompson :nigelt@gmaii g JAN Subject 2 4 2020 Date January 10,2020 at 11:46 AM To. Nigel Thompson ;comk.." Bcc: cnlgelt@gmail.com Ktnl�� EIIG,t' H VAY • t ijf • v - A � . . � ..._ _ • ,max , 0 fit • ti -10 -+-_ Y — Sent from my iPhone RECEIVED JAN ? b /tiZO TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA RECD From: Nigel Thompson cnigelt@gmail.com B � ® Subject: / JAN Date: January 10,2020 at 11:46 AM ' 2 4 2020 To. Nigel Thompson d corn yAizifin Bcc: cnigelt gmail.con OLD KINGS HIGHWAY ` ` :) '"A't., Yap f`F. A >i". S a 56 _ �is p... 5i "'Y7_ - as .-:. - .V r �r Sent from my iPhone RECEIVED JAN 18 /U20 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA REeI V From: Nigel Thompson cnigelt@gmail.co: 9 ED Subject: Date: January 10,2020 at 11:47 AM JAI VA/ ?' 4 2020 To: Nigel Thompson ud.com Y,l' Bcc: cnigelt@gmail.com v OCD Kp�/rwUI H'Ch ``Vg Y or: T` ------------- spa` " 1;40 ,M� `' r., 1 .. >��, a v...,,t.i..'' ', \ : ''' '7' ''' r - — 7../. ' ''' l' ''-''--: ' 't `4 f j '. / i 9 , y -r y.F r). l / / n 1 `d.,1,,,!,(�j '/ �'//E!;�117 u" 0—; `�'1 •�,.` s.r..Fy ,sir-., ,- 1, .tom _ \i"} _ r yg /' •s.• � „`f,,.;,e., ''gyp'"-a � 'p 'r.r ` �.... i% -- rte �, Sent from my iPhone RECEIVED JAN 8 /UZO TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA