HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E001 COE 0 °FYI TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED 0 "[A y N z 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 ..I/-'.... - 6 CO20 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITi- FYAR SOUTHIGH APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: `/ v St50-4" I0C Map/Lot# 1-2 7/31 Owner(s): 5C0/4- 1 /t41 , _ P e-r-i, Phone#: All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: /0 Saaai 1Q .� Ya--i14-Will Art Year built: f / � Email: fe.fersek,• J .OH. C Q jivc L, /• CO(it" Preferred notification method: Phone ✓ Email Agent/Contractor: e LA- Vfvice4+, Mc - Phone#: 7'��212 -Oli3? Mailing Address: f 7 S i i 62,7>i, kot.kot, S. XtirkvolAtt, Aft O Z6(o4- Email: ;ink 0 Cia, ovtCP.lnq-_ (' Preferred notification method: Phone _ 1Z-----Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): Cxpa nae o(e-c-k (,)/p2fr-a D`GL.. REcI 'Eb HSOVAROUTMN , MA Signed (Owner or agent): Cr��7/t/L(1L�7 Date: V6 �j t Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: l'"(4' 0 ' i Approved Approved with changes Denied Amount aO Reason for denial: APPROVED Cas0: 3III s JAN 7 2020 Rcvd by: 4I- YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY -7. ll� Date Signed: / % ;20 L . Signed: i f( r�._,4,2_,..4.____ Ll" APPLICATION#: 610--L'0C) l V5 2017 7/..,,,_ 127.131 127.20 12 127.32 127.33 127.21 127.14 ___ jf 127.19 \ 127.31 127 34 1 i 127.15 127.22 ,t~ / 0 a _ a' 127 35 127.30 0 127.18 127.23 127 36 / • 127.29 4 % r 127242 127.17 4. -(, \\:\:. 127.18 127.28 - I \� �0127.25 ` 1 7.43 \ 3v� \ '4v 127.27127.38 127.42 127.39 `�, 127.40 127.41 )I f G7 --N,... C. 0 eti r-- 127.46 L r;I 0 7 0 -V 6 Z @ M =1�. crz ismC �/r L__i IV 127.58 127.60 / © pp 127.50 ji 127.56 l7 7 z > A e r 10 SUSAN RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 W� 1\/4 g 1 inch = 163 feet `;e rr s Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 1/6/2020 mir--1. ZONING SUMMARY �� vz ZONING DISTRICT: RS-40 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT RECEIVED �!d�,�.�" ' . �s. REWIRED. EXISTING; PROPOSED' MIN. LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. 29,984±S.F. 29,984± .F. , 1' MIN. LOT FRONTAGE 150' 401.86' 401.86' r / / an 4, MIN. FRONT SETBACK 30' 21.9' 14.2' JAN - 6 2020 41 MIN. SIDE SETBACK 20' N/A N/A1 MIN. REAR SETBACK 20' N/A N/A taus MAX. BUILDING COVERAGE 25% 15.9% 16.4% YARMOUTH „,.__- ,,s.1 " OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Mikiltikr -' t N y i :� •�� LOCUS MAP I $ SCALE 1'=2000'± I °� ASSESSORS MAP 127 PARCEL 37 AND 38 01 / p 1 . / C RETA4WNC LL / f LOCUS IS WITHIN FEMA FLOOD ZONE AE E. 9 I IAS SHOWN ON COMMUNITY PANEL 5 \� PARCtL t 1InD 11 1`1 �125DD1G0579J DATED 7/16/2014 s �� 1.1 1 'ii / RECEIVED 114114 / F / \ I 111\\.\ it / ` / fo� ` \ I 1111 .SO TOWN C��, o 1 C ,�/ �J �!1 UT H YARMOu H q/ V 0 � Q u 04 ; 1 , ---‘)\ Ii9 5 el + 1 \ III,.� . 1 �I I RETA/MNC WALL l l\\ r\ \PI A grist Ste `11 `1�`� ` PROPOSED DECK (,O/IC \\\1\ \\ 10011.1 �el � \' EXPANSION p stoic 1\,1 \ Vlit .,,,\_.)% \'i \ - \ A C .. p 4 \ \ . \ \\ VT. NN 0A.A,& 1 \ 0.4.%\*14, 00746 'VQ104:1,-.,*, ' qaCk q �•\ �n� PARCE_2 1 \\t, '\ \ /'\ OWNER OF RECORD THE MARYANNE C. PETERSEN TRUST 1\\ \ i MAYANNE C.PETERSEN AND SCOTT C. PETERSEN, TRUSTEES 83 26 RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA 57105 --\J.,1.__21-6Y 7 i REFERENCES ti DEED BOOK 25661 PAGE 117 NNN):_\\.0 9 (�`� t\ PLAN BOOK 179 PAGE 49(LOT 7 AND LOT 8) MEWED LOT 9ZE `\IVl_, 29.984±SF. r � � k49' Cj /i '\ .k. �\ SITE PLAN Q4 �� `��• Kr)0 10 SUSAN ROAD Q* �Q� <� � , • YARMOUTH PORT, MA ,O PREPARED FOR 42S Z " 0 o SCOTT PETERSEN •\' � r DATE: NOVEMBER 6,2019 Il i M 508-362-4541 \\ 1 1' �_ fox 508-362-9880 A/�- ��_3----' I .olowncapecom 0 down cape engineaiag,ist. I3 civil engineers Scale:1-=20' ��' nland surveyors I /1-6-1:1---3----> ^ V 939 Main Street (Rte 6.4) 0 t0 20 30 40 50 FEET DATE DANIEL A. OJALA, P.E., P.L.S. YARMOUTHPORT MA 02675 DCE X02-218 02-218 Petersen Pkr.DWG 10 - EO01— RECEIVED JAN - 6 2020 RECEIVED 2YARMOUTH �,� - '7202!] OLD KING'S HIGHWAY TOVIRJ C TH YARM " G v? x '• ,Ar* a i�,f. ke :, ,,.. „‘ __...„s ... ,..... ,,.„, ......... ...,,, , ., . ..: . .7 ,,,,,---„.. „, ., ,,,,, .... . .1 / , ,,,„,, ; .,„ h / „tri , 0z, ,,,:e,,,ii „Ap.,4,;, ,...... ,,, • r ,=',..,e my31✓ { f 'fro:{� :i , , rillitiRlialF r : ,/?.,,w, t %x. — LOU I 0 . i • . . . ____. -"' ----- > cEivED RECEIVED JAM - d C?J JAN - 6 2020 . Tf'nrr! CLERK YARMOUTH SOU ,UTH, MA OLD KING'S HIGHWAY r4 r • • � i ! �� .... • NC. N; . .1 , . ../' ' - ,../ L.,-.... • tit . \ __ .-2:11\ ; c • it - iL.] .4 1 . .. .. __ . . _... ..,_..____ ....... 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