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Notice of Intent to Demolish
ERECEIVW TOWN OF YARMOUTH i SEP 222020 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.I292 Fax(508)398-0836 YARMOUTH YARMOUTH HISTORICAL COMMISSION 01.D KING'S HIGHWAY NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH A HISTORIC BUILDING To be submitted to the YHC along with Demolition Permit Application Date of Application: -a I , 1)k Demolition: (circle one): Partial Total Building Address: 166 9 qre,ik JSb n ! . e c'P . t hh -t LI&tillok } IAA n?(pi 3 Assessor's Map# (e,a Parcel# / i Year built: /9.3,) APPROVED Rea3prrBuilding is Considered Historic (check all that apply): OCT 0 2 2020 Over 75 Years Old I YARMOUTH Located in the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register Historic Dist,4�KING'S HIGHWAY Listed on National Register of Historic Places Resource for historic listings: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System: www.mhc-macris.net Property Owner: 14 9 5YIJ1 dr!`�ot- /C�4'�7{r 7Yr/J7• ''aiC✓r-rv/.'/h/4 flehas6 3�� / �r�J5.. Address:� S- City/Town: 9 �jjTr State:/t/7 Zip Code: 77,672,/ Phone#: (�g 9� 7�Z � Cell# (564.4,_ _ Email: amdrr - YOra'0'M -4 Signature: Date: Agent/Contractor: 7`A, / 1se,,) ya, ,tel Gam, j . ,v,_. Address: `/ 1 z,j>' =7 y /'/1 2 ht1 , 4 T City/Town: --f(rifle State: Zip Code: 2 6; 3 Phone#: �1�• y27j 3 / Cell# Gni. 7-7Z. 3777 Email: ZCc/i€/50, 1, 2ete4,_,,(_ -7-- Signature: Date: p . 1; ?0.2,6 Reason fo olition request: Ey-i inc} ha& djr2, nth4 h(;it 4fro f -6.)nd6+i0.N, 6V1k.±1 IC anti he o 12 i'ke p r lefladuz until ;4cr .O efit-halt h qtr.{ raj r 3l Proposed reuse of property: f4pktek ,--h, y' S'C lc-htet iv 4h ppr hay-R:611(4. 5het,1 Oat 0,ncL-Vi('(1Ntn 1. Description of structure to be demolished: at gr._ bLetro OA hhµ.k, &ktci—kid L. h! 0(`izc4 intik)tam & %lN- &y elfbai k2.3.c.t. • Please include with application: • Color photographs of all sides of the structure being proposed for demolition • Map showing location of property • History of the building/property (if known) • Assessor's Map Field Card Updated 9ro17 - 4 ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 '1-oDic . Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Renovate Or Demolish a One-or T.vo-Family Dwelling This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: I Date Applied: Building Official(Print Name) Signature Date SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property ddre 1.2 Assessors Map&ParceI Numbers 1.1a Is this n accepted street?yes no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 PrrDimensions: 56 Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided ., Required Provided 54 ( . 4 e- J y �i , 1.6 Water Supply:(M.G.L c.40, 4 ) 1.7 Flgod Zone In ormation: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 0 Private l ----- Zone: Outside Flood Zone? Check if yesO Municipal 0 On site disposal system SECTION 2: PlIJOPERTY OWNERSHIP 2.1 Owner'of I�gcor 1/4)_.(e, (� `-ir, 4 d ./'t'c„r(�y ?7z' ' ,t t) y la , --„,-/:yeti ) Trui 1?( I , , LW `'2 � ame(Print) -� City,State ZIP &e›( 39,5—/defy & lel yo pt iz yd afiditivie,i .a . t-t. No.and Street Telephone yes P Email Adaess SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK'(check all that apply) New Constructio 0 Existing Building Q Owner-Occupied ❑ Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition 1 Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units. Other 0 Specify: le/ /Iiiii fr'ic°47.44- Brief De riptiQn Proposed Work' p fY• I � l if 77.://,?;et/47�'47�� �Xil ,(/1� r�c> rt i }J . SECTION 4:ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item �'�1e1 a,7!/ i Estimated Costs: ' (Labor and Materials) Official Use Only 1.Building $ , I. Building Permit Fee:$ Indicate how fee is determined: 2.Electrical $ i ❑Standard City/Town Application Fee 3.Plumbing $ ❑Total Project Cost'(Item 6)x multiplier x 2. Other Fees: $ 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ List: S.Mechanical (Fire Su rep___ $ Total All Fees:$ • 6.Total ' t Cost: $ Check Amount: Cash Amount: -'-_ FullOutstanding Balance Due:___ SEP 2 2 2020 rOCT 0 2 2020 rltvv,.�U I hYARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY OLD KING'S HIGHWAY SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Constructionri CoSu ervisor License(CSL) • { /�d! License umber p�� yi, J� Name. �rof CSL older 690 l o'er / /Y, ///Z ��r1Q �� List CSL Type(see below) It No.///andStreet _ Type Description Ij ',l/l( L/I# 402 G,° U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft.) ip/Town,State,ZIP R Restricted l&2 Family Dwelling M Masonry RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding .W Ij p,' 0/ filly / SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances c.tv T'(+f lj"L/ & J �•�J �i/1tlsr,,k,C41,\ I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition . 5.2 egistered o e Improvement Contractor(HIC) 7. I � pan7�YL e or HIC Re t am N HIC Registration Number Expiration Date , ]r-�J /7! ///1 n7,0 bit -*/Li/L2/yl N 4 / it oe J ,7l f' ! "r° U/ , ail address City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes 0 No 0 SECTION 7a: OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN IIII OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PEFJvIIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize /• 77 ��iY,J (.(415/��/(`// ) j, „1,(,t-' • to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. -2\kii c'.2,2,,yikk, Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • SECTION 7b: OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained int Application and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. / iIi Printer's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor l (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will nor have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under I.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.gov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.gov/dps 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" RECEIVED APPRAVED SEP 2 2 2020 OCT 0 2 2020 . YARMOUTH OLD KING' HIGHWAY YARMOUTH ../LD KIN 'S HIGHWAY . TOWN OF YARMOUTH Ilio Rol II:i MX I ll l\II k M In‘\sett H1 V I is oyaa 11.1 i 1,„raua•opt,tet:"'1 I.'l,:I..'rif t:•rt l i't. YARMOUTH HISTORICAL COMMISSION NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMOLISH A HISTORIC BUILDING To ba s.rbtn..eo to the YNC along wit,Ds r otton Primal Application Osla of Appltraben .y.$3_ .7!..77 V.-, 0.11100110A OMNI ale) Pthat irt0,81 Bumpy*mum Int,99 fentisk&i Ftp, 1.014 /1�d..HI (-41,7J //y���� AWugre Map t i Pero 1j____ Year boa 1.815- Reasyn BWtang Is Considered Historic freed,al!that appyi //Over 75 Years Old Located In the South Yarrnoutna lies River National Register Historic Distract Listed on National Regrater of Historic Places ''"+.;.•o tr N•Nre 4.0 etnlet?.aaa Q✓la eteww,e kittens*.era.rtn rlie eMcepac a rag Pew Pews. .,.. ear d.� AT_. •Ca Pew 2 YrJ Corr St:4..._ _.4,1 . .a t‘adrosa el.) }�7Y i //i" i el d / Plums• .1 JL..1/4, .. Samsa a Com r7 ' 11Emil4 4,65.,_ , e . _ cera .i :14:x:; _, .t., 111A'/A71R.1Srl'ilr IT,,IA 411M11121: Ptaaeeeabt1108altetleppeueen• '—' Colo MiceoPept,s oral noes of the ihuaure bang proposed to amorph e Map Vamp Wake or Morerly • HIsIory or eta 6uid'IRplproporty(d known' • Assessors Map Feld Cara MICTION U Caarrtnr i..rv}}r large. t.C0..t77tgCDO7.S 00077 5 'Oh=bee liar belie) `/pry b pi, ,14S3 Napa t :ow ,,a.—�.. -'ant l. .' ,iL �1.. cr. /88 8 .I 1.2 lapreamer Camara 13134 I ./..'''' Ylal A' L ! — I mCrw)e c wp um'caovaar117R ormums ... Mira Ceayyr0y a�.Mari�leA�AYrafeLQL ciAciAr y ---------1 1 Is Mentn0ar seek a ea rail Kee ar.Mrs belies arra .lwsms.y Stir AtWeAera.dt Yr...._-._ 11._...O __`_- --- l=CrtON l..DMHLA A u muligAlION......—• Tosogtr[i7iD whnr'-------v Al- Lnove.ronae ■alb, r+rmf Ya4Ca•S .ar.y.ntsa. r,/,Y !7 �V� t► 1r rarew ta.wll a+anzad been WWI i liesaa '—'—� OCTn. ^ 4O OR AViNOt7ZYD AGLVTDLC4RATlQ't braewe4ar.trbr,tme, pp e..eama.raer ka,.m Mgt..•M..Y set an orc,.,raare.. aeasrr --------- is - .-+� eery livelier resaeer.r..s YAH•; •,Fl• e.enra__.__r_„._..k— � _--�_ OLD KING: . ...............•,............,_„......... ..... ..... ....____,,. ......r.a..etanaa,+msP...rm _, Lml'eF1t.rY Hew erer inbelpm r..a lierre ,M papa ar goat Fore �i"'A.OarMO�4aalni�e.wara sy �LiaYlVY tante ea de ��1ei�ead.rillX h°Pa a.MAeas• 1 �04eM.Naa,a.4 bait■ffii•�e11111 ---,••_—.....•-- Te9i6ral.py.lWie��Pere ori etreete TRECEVU fu. ed.005—..-____________"`t.a t tweets*eig robe pored TeleathleteMaks r .mad** -- T)fe.rrlXYga>g 1.•ce..r6wN— -� SEP 2 2020 r.1�. gees seseatat aToe Pape 4.1e g�--- YAIlivivu i r OLD KINGS HIGHWAY 1 REC EqIVED 1 Property Vocation:1069 GREAT ISLAND RD MAP 1D:2/8/// Bldg Name: SEP 6� 2 2O2O State Use:1012 Vision 1D:9 Account#9 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1• r, 1 o i 1 Print Date:03/06/2017 12:20 ►r .• t II. . 1/ it r IIR*r8MIOxrs 1T/ A4'(.Y11! ► 0 4.#4'1:;:'''' J /O .. vel 2 'ublie Water 1 Paved Rural ,. _- - De Value Assessed l'alue 0 ', 5 3'oiling 6 ptic aterfront VESIDNTL 1012 260,600 260,600 815 RES LAND 1012 3,226,300 3,226 i00 YARMOUTH,MA :EDMINST NJ.e/f212O20 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA RESIDNTL 1012 1,500 1.500 •ddi nal ��ss Al t they ID: I/A030//S / VOTE N ISC 141 VOTE DATE7/18/2013 YARMOUTHRANGES PRIVATE R(GREAT ISLAND RD-W' I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY :ETTERMENT VISION i'LAN NUMBEI73A-G IP CODE 2673 IS ID: M_303357_818662 dSSU('PIM Total 3,488,400 3.488,400 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE V.C. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS HISTOR 'ICHARDS ANDREW TR.S 1)1271239 06/12/2015 Q 1 2.500,000 Yr ( ,<i,• Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value OLEN WILSON 1)1073036 09/14/2007 11 1 5.11(10.000 lA 2016 1012 260,600,015 1012 269,5002014 1012 274,100 OCHRAN EVELYN LEDYARD TR D812440 10/02/2000 t 2016 1012 3,226,300,015 1012 3,226,300 2014 1012 2,913,800 OCHRAN PEYTON JR TR ('159257 10/02/2000 U 1 1 1r 2016 1012 1.500'015 1012 1,500 2014 1012 1.500 I HRAN PEYTON TRS I 0 Total: 3 488 400 Total: 3 497 00 Total: 3 189 400 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor )iar Um Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total- Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 258,500 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 2.100 A73//L/.SUB VB/ID Name Street hedex Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 1.500 0092/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 3.226 300 NOTES Special Land Value 0 HITE IG OT H2O 1ST FLR Total Appraised Parcel Value 3.488.400 'I#25 Valuation Method: C PARTIAL HEAT Adjustment: 0 1141 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 3,488,400 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit I1) Issue Dale Type Description Amount Imp Date °„Comp Dale Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpase/Recu/t 08-1286 05/06/2008 Al) Addition 2,000 100 CONSTRUCT DECK/W 01/01/2014 01 1 BH CV CYCLICAL 2014 08-934 02/11/2008 Al. Alterations 55,000 100 GUT EXISTING KITCI 05/01/2013 GM 01 Measur+l Visit 05/01/2013 GM 02 Measur+2Visit-Info Cars 10/24/2003 GM 00 Measur+Listed 11/07/1995 MH 00 Measur+Listed LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION B Use Use Unit I. Acre C. ST. Special Pricing S Ad/ # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc Factor Idx Adj. Notes-Adj S c Use S we('ale Fact til. Unit Price Land Value 1 1012 OCEAN FRONT 40,000 SF 2.48 1.0000 9 1.0000 1.000092 6.25 F5 F5 5.00 77.50 3,100,0 1 1012 OCEAN FRONT 1.01 AC 20.000.00 1.0000 9 1.0000 1.00 0092 6.25 1.00 125,000.00 12600 300 Total Card Land Units:T 1.931-AC Parcel Total Land Area:11.93 AC 1 Total Land Value: 3,226,300 Property Locution: 1069 GREAT ISLAND RD MAP ID:2/8/1/ Bldg Name: State I':se:1(112 Vision II):9 Account#9 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: I of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:03/06/2017 12:20 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 03 Colonial Model 01 Residential tirade 07 Excellent+10 BAS a Stories 2 2 Stories 18 Occupancy I MIXED USE — 38 Exterior Wall I 11 Clapboard Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 2 14 Wood Shingle 1012 OCEAN FRONT 100 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip BAS 14 14 Roof Cover 10 Wood Shingle 14 Interior Wall I 05 Drywall/Sheet 12 FUS nterior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION27 BAS 27 .nterior Fir 1 09 Pine/Soft Wood Adj.Base Rate: 32.32 6 1613 WDK 13316 20 I ntcrior Fir 2 16543 teat Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 9,200.00 14 leaf Type 05 Hot Water Replace Cost 45,743 14 14 38 AC Type 01 None AYB 93.5 UST Total Bedrooms 07 7 Bedrooms Dep Code 13 48124 ,, t RECEIVED Total Bthrms 5 Remodel Rating 4 Total Half Baths 0 Year Remodeled Ip°<16 . , ^a^ 1 Total Xtra Fixtrs Dep 2 ' SEP 2 2 2020 Total Rooms Functional Obslnc 0 Bath Style 02 . Average External Obslnc 22 DCT 0 2 2020 Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor i i r1iG'S HIGHWAY I i Condition YARMOUTH OLD KING'S %Complete OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Overall%Cond 58 Apprais Val 258,500 Dep%Ovr D Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr D Misc Imp Ovr Comment Cost to Cure Ovr D Cost to Cure Ovr Comment OB-OUTBUILDING A YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) 71 'Code Description Sub I Sub Descrier 1./B Units I.hrit Price Yr Gde lip Rt Cod ',Coo' Apr I Value tpu ° 'HDI SHED FRAME I, 80 8.00 1987 0 50 300 <.. -HD2 W/LIGHTS El L 120 9.00 2003 0 75 800 -HDI SHED FRAME I. 96 8.00 2003 0 50 400 :az Z o,<� '. FPL3 2 STORY CHIT B 1 2,800.00 1983 I 100 1,600 EOS End Outs Shwi B I 0.00 1983 1 100 0 FPO EXTRA FPI,0 B 1 800.00 1983 1 100 500 ri �i IIIti:, ,..,,,-, _....... BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION ,,. �� -� :_ Code Description Living Area Gross Area Eff Area Gist Cost Undeprec. Value I HAS First Floor 2,090 2,090 2,090 132.32 276,548 _ . _ '� FUS l pper Story,Finished 1,026 1,026 1,026 132.32 135,760 lot '1 UST I(My,Storage,Unfinished 0 32 14 57.89 1,852 R. WDK Deck,Wood 0 182 18 13.09 2,382 . rd.Grass Liv/Lease Area: 3.116 3,330 3,148 445,743 �p RECEIVED APPROV ` SEP 2 2 2020 1 ori- U 2 2020 '' YAnlvivV i r. J� i� OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 5 HiGNwAY ! 1 4 , fie'::. ® =QL `;' ;tel111•111111M ''. '\ � t i 1 ; I t ' 1 • •. I \ . PI y 1 1 1 ' ' ' A a • I 1 717 1 I': i \ \ \ \‘,\ . __, ,!.!, aos t # l x tu.Z. - lux.• 1. ►• CZ:\ i . 44, Aj a i i 111111 llin, .. ,,,, . , • . _ . , _ _ , _, a -"mar . .e ,-- -,...i 1 • t .n rREc EPVED ���� �4I SEP 222020 OCTO22020 r Nttwivo I 1-4 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY YAHIVIOU i h QLD KING'S HIGHWAY RECEWFD \ OCT 0 2 ZUtO SEP 22 2O2O I, YARMOUTH OLD KING, HIGHWAY I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ' Malt Ft ,�_ I \ IIN 44, . I. I . 1C' r. � 71 n,1i. ,. A t,f, i#. f, ) S } 3 N 'J`i r�I t. r•...,F.►.r^..: ...- T • ma .1 :: t .;I Gi we -. t ' \' f liv-i, - I• `- 'N. -----"Ir . -! t ..�..--_ ) DpRov D p�1 0 2 2020 .,... , S N' ► YAR�OUTI-1 Y �, 1 OLD KING - --- ' 1111!� E' 11 ''' R. fink'_ I, :i f:,. t 1174 ri li ll f r i �, 4 . 40.4.4- 'rtif _ _ _ i MI - ---- . lie ..., .,ifi MIi7 ' ti R �r ECEIN D SEP 22 2020 Y ARMON t-i AY OLD KING'S • APPROVED\ OCT 0 2 2020 YARMOUTH •LD KING'S HIGHWAY a i" • MEM ,,:14 f t ` 11 tea■ '+ ''f Pw' 1 w .1 , 4. .; Ilt ' '�... , f. r 1. . Y CMIZIle lin "II ItiIiI I• # • y RECEIVED 1 SEP 22 OLD KING'S HIGHVVAY ! smi 1 ,.. . . s , A. i NMI . ,1 , f, . • 04 i . „:41,4,..,, Ce*:: t-::41 4 t.,: : `fit; bi 4,44 , 411 1 _ • APPROVED _ OCT 0 2 2020 CREN0 ��� YARMOUTH SEP 2 2 20Zo OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Y ARN►OUTti p pKING'S1-4" Y n_. 4: � ^ \isi „, � ,. . . \ /:\� . k2 ° » , .ƒ 0, '» 4 .-{ % t ƒ . j t • • } y\ . ( , % ƒ \ \ \ �ii / ` i\\ ` al \ � \ y y \ yy. / y , Mae f : � \ ` \ ` i \ ` ` •• y} , / � . . • fes_ \. \ . s ~ \: « » , ` . . '...1 , . :«w © ; i �in�� ?\ / ° : \ � \2\ : < t �� ^ NI /\\ /• \ 7 � ,1 8§ E� K. a!)i g 2 \ , mJ . � © *$ » 1 }. & © fs . v � . . \� . . . Uly: . �•� 1 ` � �• I , 3. � N \z »\ } / 4 . . . y � ' © , 1 i APPROVED i - OCT 0 2 2020 , } RECEIVED KING'S IG WA TH SEP 2 2 2020 0 D KING'SHIGHWAY i 111111116,40, i S. .......t_ --1• I • ..............,.:‘ ,,, . , .. . , , ...,roir....‘ . ...., t.. . • . r 4 air::::311.'il,.';•;ill.'' .' Mgt { •• 1 111111 \ ',, .. II 1--- 00.....11111111111L. ..r .r11'r ` EEIVE® APPRO�'ff 1 SEP 222020 OCT 0 2 2020 1 PUUTH L • YARMOUTH KING'S HIGHWAY j OLD KING'S HIGHWAY °t.YA\ TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Y'ti rtntt ..,w Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 HISTORICAL COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Grylls, Building Commissioner FROM: Grayce Rogers, Office Administrator of the Historic Commission DATE: October 2, 2020 SUBJECT: 1069 Great Island Road—Demolition Request The Yarmouth Historical Commission conducted site tours and considered the above referenced property in anticipation of a request to demolish. The intended purpose of the demolition is to enable construction of a new home. A demolition permit application was filed with the Building Department on September 21, 2020. This application along with a Notice of Intent to Demolish was considered by the Yarmouth Historic Commission at their meeting on October 2, 2020. The Commission recognized that the structure was built in 1935, but it was determined that it was not significant. The agent made a note of donating salvaged materials to a restore. Accordingly, the Commission voted unanimously that the structure to be demolished was not significant,and that the applicant could proceed with demolition. Thank you. Cc: Yarmouth Historic Commission 1069 Great Island Rd.Realty Trust;Andrew and Cynthia Richards Trustees(Owner) T.A.Nelson Construction Co.,Inc. (Agent) APPROVED! OCT 0 2 2020 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY