HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-A104 (6)F , TOWN OF YARMOUTHC 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 I RECEIVED Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR I OLD KII1G'S HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEM AL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appl : Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building _D A dition Iterations Reroof Garage _ [1Shed _Solar P els _Other: APPROVED! 2) Exterior Painting: SidingShutters Doors CTrim UOther: NOV 3 2020 3) Signs/Billboards: ri New Sin Change to Existing Sign YARMOUTH 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall OFlagpole Pool 0 the WAY Please type or print legibly: J / V.1_Address of proposed work: ( � F��f`,c'� 7 L Map/Lot# 12/ Owner(s): Ili)11'i Cc 4.&t l C. Phone#: ( S-2) )-S 7,2 All applications m t b submitt by ownerr acconVanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Lit �y/t•--- AL 1=-----, s f jic4� !'-, /yl4 C'25 3 ear built: ! 6X Email: 64)4' ry C t of//+ Cc .-ia,31.iiti/- Preferred notification method: Phone El Email Agent/contractor: j 't/,//'I,,.,r A,111'1.41 i e LI-- th i I I ' S Phone#: /711--24:3 -3I5 Mailing Address:: 7--i,7--i,/. C? , . /¢.c: Lta,, ',•,, ..M/ G,1S-b' ( -C?�)�g' Z 77/ Email: i"/ J/AL 4e,1F +o le6 S . c(,./y1Cc:J-X. Preferred notification method: '� Phone El Email Description of Proposed Work: YARMOUTH TOWN _ ERK l�c 'r, y,,, i 5, 7) 4%w�; C ,r w.+4 ov /9 j,, AJ �,^ ho, s V''14lNL 0-1 t.�44„ t/ Alr I N�f� 1�i 7 )' 9 � � f� SwuJ "kik Ccy;>' '200EC4pM3:37 RE : • Signed(Owner or agent): / Date: / r2 y Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. ,- All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. �1 For Committee use only: Approved ., Approved with y'Modifications Denied Rcvd Date:1 26-0 Reason for Denial: 20-A104 41 Heather Lane Hearing:t • (J+ 11/23/2020 Approved Remotely by: Cash/CK#: I C)52 Richard Gegenwarth Robert Wilkins '^� Signed: Rcvd by: (9'1L-- John Stuart Rosemary Nicholls Paula Morrison 45 Days: 20-A104 41 Heather Lane Hearing: 11/23/2020 20-A104 41 Heather Lane Hearing: 11/23/2020 Applicant shall OKH approval for any Date Sig Modification: The front door be a cranberry colored,_ changes to these plans prior to the change 6 panel door with 2 top lights. being incorporated into the project. 1 ) APPLICATION#: ' /(J'A /OL/ GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: FOUNDATION: Material: Exposure(Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: Pitch (7/12 min) Height to Ridge: Color: SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Sides/Rear: COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: lx 4 1x5 (Circle one.) APPROV : I Material: Color: DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: NOV 232020 Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): YARMU G-i y S HIGHWAY STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'I: Style: Color: CE VED WINDOWS: Qtv/side:: Front: Left: Right: Rear: Color: Manufacturer/Series: Material: NOS 220 IIIYAHNIUl1 H Grilles (Required): Pattern (6/6,2/1,etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: p KING'S HIGHWAY Snap-In: J Between Glass:n Permanently Applied: n Exterior Int: STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: � iz` �,,,Y', Color: /ori// ,,-.g SHUTTERS: Mat'I: 6 Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: 0 Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: C Decking Mat'l: Color: Railing Mat'l: C' Style: Color: WALLS/FENCES*(Max 6'height): Height: C Mat]: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Color: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Color: Location(s): Additional information: 2-General APPLICATION#: IQ r 0 Z M < O '',:::'''-1 2> 0 11 6 Z 3 -C C � C 2C ZD <: ;! 0 4 (i) 4 D c� i i 2C ea , _ ,VI i mak 5-- - —f->,:43....: I I 11 j-- ps iiF 11111 S .�r: fly==i ri SI N >< " 41S— ;:tit..4 t-- r ''. A" Vs.'s' \.r• 'R ''titesi F cl, r (4....„__...t., ---. APPROVED SEP 302020 r NHGnilJf•i OLD KINGS HIGHWAY • s • • • 1 r 4 APPROVED "; '�_ SEP 3 0 2020 YARMOU'i rt 1 • L • _. KIN HI HWAY 4 t - 14 $0•0******4"*"' .., Q2.. . a , 111,011100 Mi, Pfi �• 0 r * a+, �,.r + "4 'r! P \ . : ' 1 .Mr'? € _ ' # # ` ,►". 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'11.,;;.1.i:::' fj �+.� � ,.fes \,:t: f'- :,._4..a...�, se,..��l 147/ `:,,,".--9,1".H.---a."-f-;-7:-1.1*.`-::--,`:H'4,7,/,-'''''''.:-.:.-"'..i.',-:s\.\-#;:-:Alt.. :.-: :.,.....1'.._:-.'.y."-11'',::,1_1,it.ii,_'. ' : ':----',--- ,:,:,,..; i ' ,,..‘l'''' 24 \,,,„ • t-,:___ . y , . • _,., , .. ,.._,:..,5,...„:: .._......., _,..„,1....,..7.. .. ,. .„,f. , ., . 4.0-!......„.... ...--,, ,... r -... . �w ar" _� '. ! ;,7 l TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: Sf,friyi-y C.,'1-y 11 ry f Property Address/Location: Li( 1-1,-44e. -- L--,,,,, �' Hearing Date: /8/9(6I Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: /2y Abutter Information: 5li`r1 LL t 1'e_5ty,).- Uttiz,,,e( c-hc,(-4,_ p.,4',Lk 3 L i-k-e,d\,.e_,./ Rpt g1 1-k.,, k-con 1 nc-Aor ft-ems 961 IA).kiA°0 v%.L‘0111\ i)tj V.iyell 577 \A 647)i-Ael Application #: INd---\ 8.2018 3 Sheet1 Juliani Anthony A Jr Trs 33 Heather Ln 30 Springhill rd Framingham MA 01701 Robert Alexander 48 Heather 48 Heather Ln Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Christopher& Elaine Lacey 36 Heather Ln 19 Franklin Hunt Rd Rockland, MA 02370 Sylver Family Rlty Trust 42 Heather Ln 42 Heather Ln Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Leon Narbonne 964 West Yarmouth 964 West Yarmouth Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Damian Parseau 974 West Yarmouth 974 West Yarmouth Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Page 1 CUSTOMER COPY Date Entered;: 9/15/2020 1 Date Printed; 9/22/2020 . Alai�roar// j QUOTE / ORDER #1278365 Pi lilted 1j ; Jeff Lucas ' /•. l .: =1 ,AmensinsiimmimmiSOLD TO: SHIP TO: RECEIVED 21 Ventura Drive Phone: Phone: NOV 0 3 2020 No.Dartmouth,MA 02747 508-998-8300 Fax: Fax: YAHIVMOUTH PO NUMBER QUOTE NAME P;4.'_1-;1 1 I' BACHANT BACHANT Lineltem# Qty. Description Unit Price Ext. Price 100-1 2 Asure Double Hung 19"X 44.25" Operation= $213.83 $427.66 RO: Operating, Frame=Replacement Frame(2R),Ext. 1925 x 44.75 Color=White, Int.Color=White,Glass Package= Standard Glass Options, ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept, 3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness=3/32 in-3/32 °1"` 1 N\A out SS,Upper=Annealed,Lower=Annealed, - * V,c ,=,” n'� Locks= 1,White,Cam,Air Latches=2,Seatboard I I Finish=Birch,Both Head and Seatboard Insulated, h Ext Sill Extender, Head Expander, Screen Coverage= 1 N !Fromm.. Half,Fiberglass,Extruded,Grille Pattern=Colonial, Q4 pPlyGrm Grille App=5/8"Flat,White,2W2H,U-Factor= —11-- / SIMON TON ij--- SIMONTON 0.31,SHGC=0.27,VT=0.47, STC=0,Meets Energy Star Zones=None,DP=30,AAMA,TD[= al rat WIN-1601, Florida Approval Code=5167 �30-la.25, Initials: LineItem# Qty. Description Unit Price Ext. Price 200-1 2 Asure Double Hung 27.75" X 41" Operation= $213.83 $427.66 RO: Operating, Frame= Replacement Frame(2R), Ext. 28 x 41.5 Color=White,Int.Color=White,Glass Package= Standard Glass Options,ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept,3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness=3/32 in-3/32 _ , I N\A out SS,Upper=Annealed, Lower=Annealed, =itm Locks= 1,White,Cam, Air Latches=2, Seatboard Finish=Birch,Both Head and Seatboard Insulated, — ed. Sill Extender,Head Expander,Screen Coverage= Half, Fiberglass,Extruded,Grille Pattern=Colonial, ccC ,_—__.-1 Q..4PV<<,, Grille App=5/8"Flat,White,3W2H,U-Factor= ISIN1ONTON 0.31, SHGC=0.27,VT=0.47, STC=0,Meets ______At___ . • Energy Star Zones=None,DP=30,AAMA,TDI= ,s — Int WIN-1601, Florida Approval Code=5167 RO-288 —. APPROVED 1 Initials: NOV 2 3 2020 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Page 1 Of 3 Quote#: 1278365 • PO NUMBER` QUOTE NAME PROJECT NAME BACHANT BACHANT Qty Description .. UriitPrlceExt 300-1 4 Asure Double Hung 27.75" X 44.25" Operation= $213.83 $855.32 RO: Operating, Frame=Replacement Frame(2R), Ext. 28x44.75 Color=White,Int.Color=White,Glass Package= Standard Glass Options,ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept,3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness=3/32 in-3/32 f---_J -j NIA out SS,Upper=Annealed, Lower=Annealed, Locks= 1, White,Cam,Air Latches=2,Seatboard 1 '_ Finish=Birch,Both Head and Seatboard Insulated, `j :. Sill Extender, Head Expander, Screen Coverage= 4 e__ _ �- L Half, Fiberglass, Extruded,Grille Pattern=Colonial, 4 , /f«Plymn Grille App= 5/8" Flat,White,3W2H,U-Factor= =0, 1 i -1, 0.31, SHGC=0.27, VT=0.47, STC Meets SIMONTON1 ~ .• .. • Energy Star Zones=None, DP=30,AAMA,TDI = — hi WIN-1601, Florida Approval Code=5167 "— X5118 Initials: Lineltem# Qty. Description Unit Price Ext. Pace; 400-1 1 Asure Double Hung 35.75" X 36.5" Operation= $213.83 $213.83 RO: Operating,Frame=Replacement Frame(2R), Ext. 36 x 37 Color=White,Int. Color=White,Glass Package= Standard Glass Options,ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept,3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness=3/32 in-3/32 11 NW out SS,Upper=Annealed,Lower=Annealed, `"'` Locks=2, White,Cam,Air Latches=2, Seatboard Finish=Birch, Both Head and Seatboard Insulated, II 11 ex- Sill Extender,Head Expander,Screen Coverage= - f-"^`___ Half,Fiberglass,Extruded,Grille Pattern=Colonial, of pill yGcnt Grille App=5/8"Flat, White,3W2H,U-Factor= ... SIRMONTON 0.31,SHGC=0.27,VT=0.47, STC=0,Meets 11 i,-- ---- I of it ..... Energy Star Zones=None,DP=30,AAMA,TDI= .� Z 136-- WIN-1601, Florida Approval Code=5167 Initials: ' APPROVED RECFPIt'v,, NOV 232020 NOV03 YARMOUTH YAnwlv�,, U� D KING'S HIGHWAY OLD KING'S HIGNIA1 Page 2 Of 3 Quote#: 1278365 PO NUMBER, QUOTE NAME PROJECT CECT NA `I,E BACHANT BACHANT LineIte n# Qtv. Description Unit Price ?Ext.Price 500-1 2 Asure Double Hung 35.75" X 44.25" Operation= $213.83 $427.66 RO: Operating, Frame=Replacement Frame(2R), Ext. 36x44.75 Color=White,Int.Color=White,Glass Package= Standard Glass Options, ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept,3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness=3/32 in-3/32 `" N\A out SS,Upper=Annealed,Lower=Annealed, ,".... .. ..:::::::.:.1 Locks=2,White,Cam,Air Latches=2, Seatboard Finish=Birch,Both Head and Seatboard Insulated, �`W` �,� Sill Extender, Head Expander, Screen Coverage= � ,i -.. Half,Fiberglass,Extruded,Grille Pattern=Colonial, �4 ;rP yG,vn Grille App=5/8"Flat,White,3W2H,U-Factor= --I=10._._' SlJtlt)h TON 0.31, SHGC=0.27,VT=0.47, STC=0,Meets vpp1 _____—A r — Energy Star Zones=None, DP=30,AAMA,T [ � .-- ass "` ..r.— RQ-35 WIN-1601, Florida Approval Code=5167 Novo 3 2020 Y n�vSiuuHIGHWAY Initials: Linelte:n,? Qt%. Description Unit Price Ext. Price OLD KING' 600,1 1 Asure Picture Window 49"X 44.25" Operation= O M $213.83 $213.83 RO: Fixed,Frame=Replacement Frame(2R), Ext.C lArr 11 49.25 x 44.75 =White,Int.Color=White,Glass Package= N�� 2 3 2020 Standard Glass Options, ProSolar Low E,Argon, Room ID: Intercept,3/4"IGU, Glass Thickness= 1/8 in- 1/8 OU �iiv4 \'• \'N' NMA ; out DS,Annealed,Seatboard Finish=Birch,Both UtU K(3C�NG'�S H F. W' 1 _ F. Head and Seatboard Insulated, Sill Extender,Head ;; i `= Expander, Screen Coverage=None,Grille Pattern= = '• =; o Colonial,Grille App=5/8"Flat,White,4W4H,U- - _� Factor=0.27, SHGC=0.28,VT=0.51, STC=0, 11 1 s ' ,,,.0103— Meets Energy Star Zones=North Central,DP=50, AAMA,TDI=WIN-1637, Florida ApprovalRo 'yw SIMON ION Code= 5177 vi fjenV/41- -r-///5 7m-0 //- / Git-/11 .1--K / /1 f/e0Y/1/!1- rietyC Initials: 12 Total Qty Units A4" r;zf47r ///,QQit' L113,TOT Lr $2,565.96 Comment: TOTAL TAX;' $160.37 s, 1OT G,IJ BO L $0.00 ,‘'‘TOTAL'FR'I±.CGHT : z j I Twi ., ,, c logo / S 6.4 is 1iiIi, *- . •-- - iii_ `1 7.______-:----' -------7/E-' s lin _ Tc...:_, 0.0 ---,t N a ig. j3pt c _� , rn 7,:ts,— zz { c z =c A-< O c aim -2 > < _= o 1< t.5 33 = o C mC O 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: S+I n cd- el ken t (o/ Property Address/Location: G. / Nah am_ J J Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: 1 2 u\ 1 Abutter Information: \ \ 5 2. 5 12 ( 121-/ 29 / 15 36 115 35 Application #: (f— J 8.2018 3 z r 0 K m NGI O D z n r D � C Z n LTJ E J 11:1 0 m a 0 0 0 — -1 3 � m D o a w n pip m a�'3 21man. II o v T T OD0 _ 4 N �- �S" oQ,-, aK Nov - C3.. ° °° re rn o mmA 3L� o n �Q ii °. a c a � m El 3�� s� ;;oa N v �• � � ro � Ra Ro w n .� ° D 'O c o F ,�-, v•" Rc, � a ro � p d• < O O � 2 d u T ro N c CL m C — a 0 b En 0 o w T nR n C p l7 Q CDCA ° — � ID rD fD p.i y `ry a n rr rD 0 a rrDD goCL .i CDD p rD cm f D Vi rD p w m a b •a n• r� V •t � rb M CL rY — -1 3 � m D o a w n pip m a�'3 21man. II o v T T OD0 _ 4 N �- �S" oQ,-, aK Nov - C3.. ° °° re rn o mmA 3L� o n �Q ii °. a c a � m El 3�� s� ;;oa N v �• � � ro � Ra Ro w n .� ° D 'O c o F ,�-, v•" Rc, � a ro � p d• < O O � 2 d u T ro N c CL m C — a 0 0 0 o w T nR n C p l7 fC `�° — � goCL .i C cm w w a b n• r� V •t � a a CL o� z O 0 0 0 0 m Ul SEE MORE. GET MORE.'' Asure way to bring beauty, comfort and value to your home. Introducing Simonton Asure" windows and doors. They feature a narrow frame and expansive viewing area, so you'll see more of your world. Crafted of premium vinyl, they require virtually no maintenance to look beautiful for years. Thanks to advanced glass packages, they provide excellent energy efficiency—helping t ng,and cooling costs. And for your peace of mind, they're backed by a Double-Lif ti Warranty. Nov 0 3, < �<' S IMONTON° T' WINDOWS & DOORS Now reTM MORE. GET -:MOPE. Asure way to bring beauty, comfort and value to your home. Introducing Simonton Asure" windows and doors. They feature a narrow frame and expansive viewing area, so you'll see more of your world. Crafted of premium vinyl, they require virtually no maintenance to look beautiful for years. Thanks to advanced glass packages, they provide excellent energy efficiency—helping to lower heating and cooling costs. And for your peace of mind, they're backed by a Double -Lifetime Limited Warranty. 0SIMONTON' /00 WINDOWS & DOORS Asure way to transform your home. Simonton Asure' windows and doors were created to meet the unique demands of today's homeowners. Because energy efficiency is Y more important than ever, they deliver excel- lent thermal performance. And for the ultimate in easy -living performance, they're designed to be easy to operate and virtually maintenance 1 free. You'll love what Asure windows will do for your home—and your life. Double Hung Slider Picture Geometric Patio Door ■ Asure windows feature a narrow frame and larger viewing area, so you'll see more. ■ An impressive selection of shapes, sizes and glass and grid options means you can choose a look that will suit your home perfectly. ■ A Double -Lifetime Limited Warranty provides comforting peace of mind. ■ Simonton Asure windows can be ordered to meet ENERGY STAR` guidelines in every area of the country. - Door Hardware Finishes Window [ Colors Hardware Finishes White Tan White Tan White Tan Antique Polished Brushed Mineral Brass Brass Chrome Bronze i' ��' SIMONTON' WINDOWS & DOORS Join the conversation Corporate Headquarters: ©©®© E3 3948 Townsfair Way, Suite 200, Columbus, Ohio 43219 1 1-800-SIMONTON (1-800-746-6686) 1 simonton.com ASU1003C / 0615 Publication No. 280400 7112187011101/0319 Asure way to transform your home. Simonton Asure" windows and doors were created to meet the unique demands of today's homeowners. Because energy efficiency is more important than ever, they deliver excel- lent thermal performance. And for the ultimate in easy -living performance, they're designed to be easy to operate and virtually maintenance free. You'll love what Asure windows will do for your home—and your life. Double Hung Slider Picture Geometric ■ Asure windows feature a narrow frame and larger viewing area, so you'll see more. ■ An impressive selection of shapes, sizes and glass and grid options means you can choose a look that will suit your home perfectly. ■ A Double -Lifetime Limited Warranty provides comforting peace of mind. m ■ Simonton Asure windows can be ordered to meet ENERGY STAR' guidelines EM in every area of the country. Window Colors Hardware Finishes white Tan White Tan % SIMONTON' 7' WINDOWS & DOORS Door Hardware Finishes 1 r White Tan Antique Polished Brushed Mineral Brass Brass Chrome Bronze Patio Door Join the conversation Corporate Headquarters: U©M © 13 39.48 Townsfair Way, Suite 200, Columbus, Ohio 43219 1 1-800-SIMONTON (1-800-746-6686) 1 simonton.com 6 Publication No 280400 45U1003C / 0615 7112187011101/0319 PPIJ/ Designed Ai, toperform, Offering virtually unlimited size and style options, Contractor windows offer the strength, weatherability and energy efficiency homeowners demand with the dependable delivery contractors need to keep a project on track. They are also backed by a Lifetime Limited Warranty for assuring peace of mind. AAMA Every Simonton built ProFinish Contractor window FAA. is AAMA Cold certified, passing the industry's MA toughest standards for thermal performance as well GOLD as air leakage, water infiltration and wind pressure. LABEL LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY t;mttedL.ifetfinee Y Lifetime Limited Warranty on vinyl and a 20 -year Limited Warranty on hardware, screens and insulating glass unit. AAMA Every Simonton built ProFinish Contractor window FAA. is AAMA Cold certified, passing the industry's MA toughest standards for thermal performance as well GOLD as air leakage, water infiltration and wind pressure. LABEL