HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 11.6.2020
Grant, Kelly
From:Grant, Kelly
Sent:Friday, November 6, 2020 12:02 PM
To:'Jeffrey Chizmas'
Subject:RE: 66 A River Street - Chizmas - Confirmation of dredge license for file and status of
Hi Jeff
Thanks for the update. See responses:
1. The Order of Conditions requires the restoration plantings be completed by October 1, 2020 What has been the
delay in getting this completed this growing season? You are technically in violation of the Order of Conditions.
2. Per mgl 131 section 40: Notwithstanding the provisions of section fourteen of chapter twenty-one A or any other
provision of law to the contrary, the notice of intention required in the first paragraph of this section shall not
apply to a maintenance dredging project for which a license has been previously issued within ten years by the
division of waterways of the department of environmental protection. A person intending to fill or dredge under
such previously issued license shall file a written notice by certified mail to the conservation commission or if
none, to the board of selectmen in a town or mayor of a city in which the land upon which such dredging project
is located. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the applicant.
If the conservation commission, the board of selectmen or mayor fails to notify the applicant at the applicant's
address within twenty days of the receipt of such notice of the specific objections to the commencement of such
dredging fill or maintenance dredging contemplated under said license, the applicant may commence such work
without any further notice to other agencies of the commonwealth. Notwithstanding failure to notify an
applicant, as hereinbefore provided, the conservation commission, the board of selectmen or mayor may at any
time designate an area at which spoilage from the dredging may be placed and may require the relocation of
shellfish before such maintenance dredging takes place.
3. Are you planning on shorten the length of this section? Otherwise it will be below grade. We will need to see
the proposed changes shown on the plan.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: Jeffrey Chizmas \[mailto:jchiz@comcast.net\]
Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 5:35 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: 66 A River Street - Chizmas - Confirmation of dredge license for file and status of project
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Hi Kelly,
I hope that this email finds you and your family well and managing the Covid issues ok.
I have a few things that I would like to review with you briefly.
1. Most all of the remediation work has been completed. The north side has been replanted as per the plan
following the elevation modification. The additional potted plantings on the river bank called for in the OOC
have been planted as well. What remains are the fescue grasses . The area where they are to be planted has been
precisely delineated and flagged by Wilkinson. My expectation is that we will wait until early spring to plant it -
based on seasonality.
2. Attached is my dock Certificate of Compliance from David Hill authorizing dredging until June 22, 2026,
along with the following email from David addressing the same. Please advise if there are any other issues that
need to be addressed regarding dredging so as to avoid any future issues on the matter.
3. I would like to lower a small section of my pier abutting the lawn area by 13” to be consistent with the
elevation of the pool fence intersecting it. Please see the attached image. I would then like to install 3-4 granite
steps to access the pier from the lawn area. This because there is a steep and somewhat dangerous elevation
change transitioning from the yard to the entrance of the pier. Please see the attached. What detail do you need
from me to consider such a request?
Please advise if you would like to inspect any of the work to date.
Thank you for all of your assistance and guidance on this project!
Jeffrey Chizmas
66A River Street
South Yarmouth, MA 02664