The Yarmouth Conservation
Commission will conduct public hear -
Ws pursuant to the Massachusetts
Secttiond40, the.Town of Yarmouth
Theursday, By-law, Chapter
beginning at 5:00 PM for the following
Please note that the Yarmouth
Conseryation Commission meeting will
e live stream on tl5e Town
ue anowea to make comments if -they
wish to do so, during the portion of the
hearing designated for public com-
ment. Every effort will be made to
ensure that the public can adequately
access the proceedings in real time,
via technological means. In the event
that we are unable to do so, despite
best efforts, we will post on the town's
website an audio or video recording,
transcript, or other comprehensive
,ecord of proceedings as soon as pos-
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participants access materials in
advance of the meeting.
Request for Determination of
Town of Yarmouth, Aunt Dorah's
Lane (136.55) Town owned Parcel,
Yarmouth, MA, proposed invasive
species management for phragmites
within a costal beach.
Road CYarmout,h23MA Salt
removal of existing swimming pool and
construction of largerpool within the
buffer zone to a costal bank and salt
marsh and within land subject to costal
storm flowage.
Notice of Intent:
Gregg Catsoulis 154 Wood Road,
Yarmouth, MA, after -the -fact filing for
regrading and vegetation removal, pro-
posed access par and deck extension
within the buffer zone to a bordering
vegetated wetland and pond.
Amy Maclsaac, 24 Charles Street,
Yarmouth, MA, proposed addition,
deck, and relocated septic system
within the buffer zone to a costal bank.
Douglas Ducote, 15 Shore Road,
Yarmouth, MA, proposed maintenance
repairs of a stone riprap revetment
wall, and replacement of existing hand
rail with in a costal bank.
The above riapplicationsvbyddress available
http://www, yarmoutn. ma. us/1501 /Onl i n
e- Services or by contacting Kelly Grant
at kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us, between
830 a.m. and 4:30p.m., Monday
through Friday.
This legal notice may be viewed on-
line at legal Massachusetts Newspaper
Publishers Association (MNPA) web-
site at http://masspublicnotices.org/.
Yarmouth Conservation Commission
AD# 13924712
Register 11/12/2020