HomeMy WebLinkAbout1586 D-Y Intermediate Middle School 11-17-20 RDATown of Yarmouth
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) Form
WPA Form 1
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Prepared by:
CDW Consultants, Inc.
6 Huron Drive
Natick, MA 01760
November 17, 2020
6 Huron Drive, Natick, MA 01760 508-875-2657
Application Package Contents
✓ Application
✓ Proposed Project Narrative
✓ MassDEP WPA Form 1
✓ Locus Map & USGS Quadrangle Map
✓ Plans
C101.0 Overall Demo and Erosion Control Plan
C103.1 Grading and Drainage Plan
C103.2 Grading and Drainage Plan
C103.3 Grading and Drainage Plan
C103.4 Grading and Drainage Plan
C105.0 Construction Details (Erosion Control)
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
Proposed Proiect Narrative
The purpose of this RDA filing is to determine proper jurisdiction and delineation of any
resource areas on the subject property and to the applicability of the Wetland Protection Act to
said property.
Existin¢ Site Description
The existing site contains the Station Avenue Elementary School, Dennis Yarmouth Regional
High School, and the school administration building located at 296 Station Avenue in South
Yannouth, MA. The Station Avenue Elementary School is located at 41°40'49.14" N and
70°11'51.30" W, on the northeastern side of Station Avenue in Yarmouth MA. The school is in a
residential area and is encompassed by wooded area, particularly to the northwest. Dennis- p
Yarmouth High School is located inunediately to the southeast.
The facility includes a driveway network and athletic fields servicing the buildings. The school
is located in a residential area, surrounded by wooded areas.
Currently, most of the stormwater runoff from the site infiltrates into the ground on-site through
existing stormwater systems and various existing depressions located within the site. Portions of
the perimeter of the site flow in various directions off-site to abutting properties.
The on-site areas have been further subdivided for the purposes of hydrological analysis and all
areas are described in detail under the Existing Watersheds section of this report.
The topography of the site is fairly level, with more moderate slopes from approximately
elevation 28 to 35. The majority of the offsite surface runoff flows to the south towards Station
Ave. A portion of the site flows toward an existing drainage basin that is the subject of the
RDA. This existing basin was designed prior to 1996 and is to be considered an Isolated Land
Subject to Flooding (ILSF).
Wetland Resource Area (ILSF)
An Isolated Land Subject to Flooding area is located on the northwest portion of the property.
FEMA Flood Zone
The site is not located within a Special Flood Hazard area per FIRM Map Number 25005c006IF,
effective date July 7, 2009. No increase in flooding to neighboring areas is anticipated.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Progr
The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) is part of the Massachusetts
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and is responsible for the protection and conservation of
endangered species and habitats. After review of the NHESP database and maps, it is evident
that no certified or potential vernal pools exist within the project site. In addition, there are no
endangered species or priority habitats identified within the project site (see attached figure).
Soil Descriptions
Existing soil conditions have been characterized by the Barnstable County, NRCS Soil Survey
Report, as follows.
Map Unit
MRCS Soil Map Unit Description
Hydrologic Soil
Group (HSG)
Carver coarse sand
The soil within the project location is comprised of Carver coarse sand which has an HSG rating
of A.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
Prouosed Prbiect Summar
Under proposed conditions, the existing a portion of the parking lot, access drives, and athletic
fields will be demolished. A new building will be constructed in the general area of the athletic
fields towards the rear of the site along the northwest portion of the property near Bakers Path,,
and the parking lot along the front will be reconfigured. A new bus loop road will be constructed
that extends from Station Ave, around the Elementary School, around to a drop off area at the
front of the school and to the proposed parking lot and continuing down to Station Ave. A
looped limited access drive will be constructed around the rear of the school for emergency
access. The parking lot will be configured to provide 236 parking spots plus 7 spaces for the
administration building.
Construction access to the site will be off Station Ave. One Construction Entrance is to be
located at the proposed entrance on the east side of the project on Station Ave. There will
ultimately be two Entrances on Station Avenue that will provide looped access to the school.
New utilities will be brought to the new school, including new force main from the school to the
existing treatment plant.
The purpose of filing this RISA is for proposed construction activities in the vicinity of the
ILSF. The closest proximity of work (grading and clearing) to the ILSF is 36 feet. The
closest portion of the driveway is 53'.
Developmental Measures;
To mitigate increases in runoff from the proposed building, reconfigured parking lots, and
overall increase in impervious area, a stormwater infiltration basin and underground stormwater
infiltration systems has been provided, capturing both surface flow from the pavement as well as
from the roof of the proposed building.
Mitigation Measures
During demolition and construction, an erosion control barrier will be placed along the site
perimeter to protect all adjacent areas, including the ILSF, from erosion and sedimentation. Silt
sacks will also be installed in the existing catch basins within 300 -ft of the site. The contractor
will be preparing and implementing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan while it is under
construction. The location of erosion and control measures are shown on the Demo and Erosion
Control Plans included herein. The erosion control measures shall be staked and installed per
plan prior to the onset of constriction and shall be inspected daily, and after rainfall events, for
integrity and shall be repaired immediately if disturbance or damage has occurred. The
contractor shall keep stockpiled material onsite during constriction and until the site has been
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
fully stabilized.
The stormwater management system has been designed with deep sump catch basins,
underground infiltration areas with separate filter fabric lined units for enhanced TSS removal.
No runoff from the pavement areas of the site are directed toward the ILSF. All captured runoff
is infiltrated through the use of raingardens and proprietary stormwater infiltration systems,
maximizing stormwater recharge.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
IATA Form 1 — Request for Determination of Applicability
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands S. Yarmouth
WPA. Form l - Request for Determination of Applicability Gltylfown
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
A. General Information
Important 1 Applicant
When filling out pp
forms on the
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District
computer, use
E -Mail Address
only the tab key
296 Station Ave
move your
cursor- do not
Malling Address
use the return
South Yarmouth
MA 02664
State Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number (If applicable)
Representative (I£ any):
CDW Consultants, Inc.
Keith Murray
kmurrat�a cdwconsu[tants.com
Contact Name
E -Mail Address
6 Huron Drive
Malting Address
MA _ 01760
State Zip Code
Phone Number
Fax Number (If applicable)
R. Determinations
1. I request the Yarmouth make the following determination(s). Check any that apply:
Conservation Commission
® a. whether the area depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced below Is an area subject to
jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act,
Z b, whether the boundaries of resource area(s) depicted on plan(s) and/or maps) referenced
below are accurately delineated.
® c. whether the work depicted on plan(s) referenced below is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act.
® d. whether the area and/or work depicted on plan(s) referenced below Is subject to the jurisdiction
of any municipal wetlands ordinance or bylaw of:
Name of Municipality
❑ e, whether the following scope of alternatives is adequate for work in the Riverfront Area as
depicted on referenced plan(s).
wpaformi.doa � fay. 7/2712020 WPA Fotm 1 —Request far 0etafmina110n of Appllcabllity • Pe9e r of 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands S. Yarmouth
WPA Form l - Request for Determination of Applicability cltyrrown
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L, c. 131, §40
C. Project Description
1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request):
276 Station Ave South Yarmouth
Street Address City/Town
78 315&316
Assessors Map/Plat Number Parcel/Lot Number
b. Area Description (use additional paper, If necessary):
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate/Middle School (see attached Narrative and Plans)
c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s):
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate/Middleschool (multiple sheets) October 23 2020
Title Date
Proposed Project Summary
Title Date
""" Date
2. a. Work Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of work, if necessary):
See attached description.
wPaformldoc - rev. 7,27020 WPA Form t —Request for eaterminatlon of Appllcehlllty I Page 2 of 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection '
l Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands S. Yarmouth
WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability City/Town
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
C. Project Description (cont.
b. Identify provisions of the Wetlands Protection Actor regulations which may exempt the applicant
from having to file a Notice of Intent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if
No work Is proposed In any resource area or within any associated buffer zone, The filing for the
RDA will also serve as filing under the local bylaw.
3, a. If this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the
Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project.
❑ Single family house on a lot recorded on or before 8/1196
❑ Single family house on a lot recorded after 811196
❑ Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded after 811/96
❑ Project, other than a single-family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot
before 8/7/96
❑ New agriculture or aquaculture project
❑ Public project where funds were appropriated prior to 817196
❑ Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there Is a recorded deed
restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision
❑ Residential subdivision; Institutlonal, industrial, or commercial project
❑ Munlcipal project
❑ District, county, state, or federal government project
❑ Project required to evaluate off-site alternatives in more than one municipality in an
Environmental Impact Report under MEPA or In an alternatives analysis pursuant to an
application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality
Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection.
b. Provide evidence (e,g., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification
above (use additional paper and/or attach appropriate documents, if necessary.)
wpa(orml.doe - rev. MV2.020 wPA Form I —Request far Oetenninatlan d Applleahlllly- Page 3 et 4
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands S. Yarmouth
WPA Farm I- Request for Determination of Applicability CitylTown
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40
D. Signatures and Submittal Requirements
I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Request for Determination of Applicability
and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my
I further certify that the property owner, if different from the applicant, and the appropriate DEP Regional
Office were sent a complete copy of this Request (including all appropriate documentation)
simultaneously with the submittal of this Request to the Conservation Commission.
Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Request for
Determination of Applicability.
Name and address of the property owner:
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District
286 Station Ave
mawng Aoaress
South Yarmouth
Zip Code
I also understand that notification of this Request will be placed In a local newspaper at my expense
in accordant with Se tion 10. b)(1) of the Wetlands Protection Act regulations.
Signature of Applicant Date
Signature of Repsentati�ve,(if anyE�� p e
wpaforml.doc • rev. 712772020 WPA Farm f — Request for Determination of Appflcahlfily - Page 4 of 4
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
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Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
296 Station Ave
South Yarmouth, MA
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Natural Heritage Map (NHESP)