HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetition 4869C 0 2 `4 V demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard, or congestion wil pv and that there will be no substantial harm to the establishe066001V-u; ul s Lt character of the neighborhood nor of the town. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS'Z-V 112Pm12:33 `- APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#:4 qnd Hearing Date: / Fee$ ~ Owner -Applicant: ,,4, t)( Am uSelt4a i 6-s, pp��r 2- f (Full Names- including d/b/a) 0�] % y (o-7M/A—,Y-Tcgy,Lf-, 11��t4- 781-et25E-q &Z. fZF-AHi��� `--8.4'LCfS4,Alet (Address) Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) Owner (ER)Prospective Buyer Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: iD%1 MA -Z? and shown on the Assessor's Map #: sb as Parcel#: Zoning District: If property is on an un -constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following constructionluse/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: tea( 9 & "x (v 0 Si zi .J 4 p 41,0. /Pr, G G—'Idr,t9 C T 4 ` 1 Sn� 1 JCTW- 1) ❑ REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 303.13 2)—N SPECIAL PERMIT under §dum-mof the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) Q { 3) VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from whit relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: r 3u,5.5,3- ` Relief sought: q `i 8y q ® Section: Relief sought: Section.: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional W information which you feel should be included in your application: 570,-- A+4-ce Lir e4 91,, o4- n -C o l� ©Gc.ucp; eel 5P4cc_ 0-4 44,4_ ?,,, 101 :a %S17Y C,'�e�r F+, A)Iova."rf ' r k, VL 4 i A4 uK . o ¢ la©Eg- 'F4-. We- a o,J i 1 Q�u.�t+-1�� y o C�- W kn+- i T A i I ow ed (; y oder 6L� v eA) d -Ge 0 V t i L o y D., w f It .G e f -o o C' ,q FACTSHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): IVIA Name & Address Title deed reference: Book & Page# 131/4 6 15 or Certificate #_ Land Court Lot # Plan # (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: §202.5 # Proposed: N 4 G k e §202.5# "0 cGa�t► a L Is the property vacant: �_J4D If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: 2,6_1 40g_%Plan Book and Page /3S3 1401 Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes 1:1No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes El No Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/r will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Petiti n: Is this a re-application:'l 1 vl If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decisipn(s) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: S'mMe_ Se /6- - Address: S o + Z g W t y Cl r` M Q u fL-%' Phone S a 9 —71 -) e -0 .s.3 6 E -Mail: :T,.3 -Fo r SbM pl, C 7 IJ T_ C YARMOUTH BOARD OF -94 two sad, thirty.five one hundredths (262.351 feet, by land of said Sehamiah P. Baker, to an oak tree, thence turning and running. H 4611 40' H two hundred five and ' twenty five one hundredths (208.26) feet, by land of Francis pish, to a stone bound, thence turning and running b 110 05P L six hundred twenty one and sixteen one hundredths (621.16) feet, by land of Sidney W. Lawrence, to a stone bound, thence turning and running S 70. 42' B three hundred eleven (311.0) feat by land of the grantor, to the point of beginning; and containing four (4) &ares more or Loma. by N�Se h • S1dnt �. W. �0.wr4 ACE Jr sri17. 5tn,9r4$ I. Mary . Simons wife of said grantor release to said grantee all rights of dower end homestead and other interests therein. Witness hand and seal this lst day of March 1932 Justino Simons `ISj Maria Argentina Simone L8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnetable as. Maroh lat 193E Then personally appeared the above-named Justino Simons and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me Ranson C Jenkins Justice of the Peace My oommission•expires Dee 17 1937 Barnstable,es., Received August 23, 1932, and is reoorded. Te, Albert R. Fitld and 5ar&h V. Xield, husband and wife, of Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, for consideration paid, grant to Carl Childs Mullen and Mary Angus Millen, husband and wife, as tenants by entireties and not as tenants in oommon, of Aawton in the oouuty of Middlesex, M$oaaohusett*, with warranty covenants the land in the southerly part of Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Mass- mohuaetts „ being shown as lot numbered two on a plan entitled Plan of Land in South Yarmouth, Mae* belonging to Bertha Haupt, made by 0. F. Schafer, surveyor,' dated April 7, 1924 and duly r000rdea with Barnstable Registry of Deeds and is bounded and described as follows. Southerly by a private way as shown on asid plan seventy feet; westerly by lot number three on said plan sixty one end 441100 feet; northerly by land now or formerly of Llisha Taylor seventy feet; easterly by lot number one on said plan sixty three and 56/100 feet. Containing four thousand three hundred forty three etuare feet, more or lees. The above described premises are conveyed subject to and with the benefit of rights of way in a passageway ten feet in width as shown on a&id plan along the southerly line of lot: ons, two, three and four in comwn with others legally entitled thereto. Be 49 the same premiaea conveyed to Albert A. Yiald by deed of Bertha I' H. Haupt, October 24, 1924 and recorded with Barnstable County Deeds, book 408 at page 296. Also the land with the buildings and improvements thereon in the southerly part of said Yarmouth, consisting of two parcels. The first parcel is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the lot hereby conveyed at low water mark of Nantucket Sound or the South Sea, formerly so called; northerly by land now or formerly of Albertua Forrist to iron bound set in the ground on the top of the bluff and near the edge thereof, said bound being one hundred feet from stalce and atones in the south easterly corner of said F'orrest's land; thence northerly• eighty feet more or less to a proposed street; thence easterly fifty five feet, be the same more or lose to iron bound by salt street; thence southerly by land of said Forrest eighty two feet be the same mor or less, to iron bound on top of bluff; thence southerly by land of said Forrest to low water mark of said Nantuolcet Sound and westerly by Bald low water mark to the point of beginning. 'Th© second parcel is described as follows; Beginning at the aoutheasterly corner of the lot hereby conveyed, being also the south- westerly corner of the house lot now or formerly of kdella 0, brake, at low water mark of Nantucket Sound or the South Sea formerly so called; thence running northerly by land now or formerly of said Drake to an Iran bound set in the ground on the top of the bluff and near the edge thereof, said bound being one hundred feet westerly from stake and stones in the easterly line of land now or formerly of Albertus H. Vorrtst; thence running northerly eighty feet more or leas to a proposed street; thence running westerly by line of said propoaed street twenty feet to an iron bound; thence running southerly by land of said Forrest seventy nine feet more or less to an iron bound in the top of bluff; thence southerly by land of said Forrest to low water mark of said Nantuoket Sound; thence running easterly by said low water mark twenty feet to the place of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Sarah W. Field, March 7, 1924 and recorded with Barn- stable County Deeds, book 403 at page 234. The above premises are conveyed subject to taxes for current year to be apportioned between these grantors and grantees. as of duly 15, 1932 We, Albert R. yield and Sarah W. Yield said grantors tenarelease to said grantee all rights of dower a by the curtsey and other interests g g dower and homestead therein, Witness our hands and seals this fifteenth day of July 1932. avenue Albert R. field (l,$) St Sarah W. Field (iS) 00 anoelled Commonwealth of Massaohusetts Bristol as. Taunton August b, 1932. Then personally appeared the above-named Albert R. Field and Sarah W. Field and eoknowledgad the foregoing instrument to be their free sot and Heed, before me William A. Bellamy Notary I'ubliv liy commission expires April Z3, 1938 Barnstable,as., Received August 2b, 1932, and is recorded, - `---- We, Carl Childs Mullen and Mary Angus Mullen, husband and wife,holding as tenants by entireties of Newton, Middlesex County, Yaseachusetts, for consider- 9 QUIT 1-5 QEED IiNDiViDUAL' •al P". i5fl formerly 1, BRADFORD A. MDfM.,of 3211 West 41st Street, Indianapolis, Indiana hating unmarried, for consideration d, rant to formerly Pa' g MARY sachu M'tts,N,"Of 269 Brookline Street, Newton Centre, Middlesex County, Nasaaehvaetts, nit with qutlllalm rAAPttalits the land in Barnstable County, Naeaachusetts, described as follows; (De ,ipum ud rncvrnbran m if any} All the land, together with the buildings thereon, situate in Barnstable County, llaesaebusetts, conveyed to ■e by Mary Angus Mullen as Trustee of the Seavood Cottage Trust under Declaration of Trust dated December 23, 1940, by deed dated liove46er 1, 1956, recorded with Barnstable county Registry of Deeds in Book 960, Page 336. The above described land is conveyed subject to encumbrances of retard and subject to end vith the benefit of easements and restrictions of record or that may now be in force and applicable thereto. And meaning and intending to convey all of the land as described in the Deed to me from Mary Angus Mullen recorded at Barnstable Registry of Deeds in look 1314. Page 1105. The consideration is such that no Revenue Stamps are required. husband wife of said giantof, telmsc to said grantee all rights of tenancy by the `vrtesY and other in_erests therein dowcf and homestead �% � / Witttrls.-. ?1! .hand and seal this........., . (! (C/ G mai day of ................................. 9.....( t.... . _ ..... �AcilJ wp��u .-...-._ Ar Giattunanwrattil of to u. Then Personally appeared the above named and Acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be 5CUK1353 0Z5 R Au Fo R 0 A 3/F4 C►r/ free act and deed, btfofr40 0 0� l �fJ Noun Pu61ic — justirr 0f t1K � y • 19 VAIMV r'40L16. ' W. Vs Oaa•It lse Elim sem W 9, UU (elndivi" — joint Ta mb .-.- Tante is C. Teosaty bl %fft) FC 1966 Vision Government Solutions 1067 ROUTE 28 Location 1067 ROUTE 28 Acct# 7584 Assessment $1,591,200 Building Count 1 Current Value Mblu 501116/// Owner MULLEN MARY ANGUS PID 7584 Page 1 of 3 Assessment Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 2021 $1,027,400 $563,800 $1,591,200 Owner of Record Owner MULLEN MARY ANGUS C10 RYANS FAMILY AMUSEMENTS Care Of Address 1067 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4105 Ownership History Sale Price $0 Certificate 42,980 Book & Page 135310015 Sale Date 12101/1966 Instrument Qualified U Ownership History Owner Sale Price Certificate Book & Page Instrument Sale Date MULLEN MARY ANGUS $0 135310015 12!0111966 MULLEN MARY ANGUS $0 10 Building Information Building 1 : Section 1 Year Built: 1978 Living Area: 42,980 Replacement Cost: $2,855,505 Building Percent Good: 35 Replacement Cost Less Depreciation: $999,400 Building Attributes Field Description Style: Store Model Commllnd http:/lgis.vgsi.com/yarmouthma/Parcel.aspx?Pid=75 84 Building Photo 11/13/2020 Vision Government Solutions Grade Below Average Stories: 2 Occupancy 2.00 Exterior Wall 1 BricklMasonry Exterior Wall 2 Stucco/Masonry Roof Structure Flat Roof Cover T+&Rubber Interior Wall 1 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 Interior Floor 1 Carpet Interior Floor 2 VinyllAsphah Heating Fuel Gas Heating Type Forced Air -Due AC Type Central Strud Class Bldg Use RETAIL >10K SF Total Rooms Total Bednns 00 Total Baths 0 1 st Floor Use: 3221 HeaVAC HEATlAC PKGS Frame Type MASONRY BathslPiumbing AVERAGE CeilingAlVall SUS-CEIL & WL Rooms/Prins AVERAGE Wall Height 16.00 % Comn Wall 0.00 Extra Features Page 2 of 3 (h ttp:// i m a g e s.vg s i. co mlph of o s 2Na rmou t h M AP h otoslA00102187117.j pg ) Building Layout (P arse I Sketch . a s hx? p id=7584&bid=7957) Building Sub -Areas (sq ft) Legend Code Description Gross Area Living Area BAS First Floor 31,338 31,338 FUS i Upper Story, Finished 11,642 11,642 42,980 42,980 Extra Features Legend Code Description Size Value Bldg tl SPR2 VVET/CONCEALED 34780.00 S.F. $13,400 1 Land Land Use Use Code 3220 Description RETAIL >10K SF Zone Neighborhood K Alt Land Appr No Category Land Line Valuation Size (Acres) 2.85 Frontage 0 Depth 0 Assessed Value $563,800 http://gis.vgsi.com/yarmouthma/Parcel.aspx?Pid=7584 11/13/2020 Vision Government Solutions Outbuildings Page 3 of 3 Outbuildings Legend Code Description Sub Code Sub Description Size Value Bldg u PAW PAVING -ASPHALT $1,484,100 $458,300 20000.00 S.F. $13,500 1 LT2 WDOLIBLE LIGHT 2.00 UNITS $1,100 1 Valuation History Assessment Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 2021 $1,027,400 $563,800 $1,591,200 2020 $1,484,100 $458,300 $1,542,400 2019 $1,084,100 $458,300 $1,542,400 (c) 2020 Vision Government Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. http://gis.vgsi.com/yarmouthma/Pareel.aspx?Pid=7584 11/13/2020 Property Location 1067 ROUTE 28 Map ID 50f 116f I f Bldg Name State Use 3220 Vision ID 7584 Account # 7584 Bldg # 1 Sec # 1 of 1 Card # 1 of 1 Print Date 912012019 7:03:35 PM CURRENTOINNER TOPO U ITIES STRT/ROAD LOCATION ENT MULLEN MARYANGUS C10 RYAN5 FAMILY AMUSEMENTS 1067 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-4105 eve6 Septic 11 aved 14us, istrict Description Code Appraised Assessed 815 YARMOUTH, MA COMM ERC. COM LAND COMMERC. 3220 3220 3220 1,069,500 458,300 14,600 1,069,500 458.300 14,600 IED 441 gpp61 !! M ISC 190 CHANGES TERM PLA PLAN # 8G11165 ZIP CODE 2884_ GIS iD M_308106_824151 VOTE VOTE DATE PRIVATE Assoc Pid# VISION Total 1. ,400 1,542,400 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK -V AGE SALE DATE! WU I Vil SALE PRICE VC PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS MULLEN MARY ANGUS MULLEN MARY ANGUS 1353 0015 0 12-01-1966 I I 0ar 0 a Assessed Year Code Assess Year ode ssessed 2020 3220 3220 3220 1,069,500 458,300 14,600 2019 3220 3220 3220 1.069,500 2038 456,300 14,600 3220 3220 3220 1,0691 458,300 14,600 dal 1 4 Total 1542400 Total 1542400 EXEMPTIONS DTHER A This signature acknpsledges a visit by a Data CWleotor or Assessor ear ode Description Amount Code Description Nu mrn nt 0 APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Appraised Bldg. Value (Card) Appraised Xf (8) Value (Bldg) Appraised Ob (B) Value (Bldg) Appraised Land Value (Bldg) Special Land Value Total Appraised Parcel Value Valuation Method 1,055,000 14,500 14,600 458,300 0 1.542,400 C da ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD NI Name B 1 Tradno Batch K NOTES CAPE BOWL 20 LANES 30 SEAT DINING AREA FUNC=FUS-NOT UTILIZED VA DAGGETS LIQUORS=BAS NEW SNACK BAR -REMOVED WALLAND CREATED Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,542,400 Permit Id Issue Date IM Description Amount Insp Date % Come Date Come Comments Date Id Tvpe Is Cd Pwpmyl 19-002702 18-004115 16-002631 15-004391 14.1485 14-1482 11-05-2018 01-23.2018 11.04-2015 0304-2015 05-06-2014 05-08-2014 Unk RF Re EL Electric EL Electric AL Alterations AL Alterations Roof 31,000 7,700 45,000 45,000 04-01-2015 0 0 0 0 100 100 Repair: South Replacement Replacement PHASE PHASE E Re -roof 70 sq ft (508.3 Yarmouth Post Office- s roof top HVAC u root top HVAC u 1 -REMOVE EXISTIN ONE -REMOVE EXIST O fUAR 04-01-20197 01-07-2014 01-01-2014 MOB -2004 03-14-2003 06-16-1998 10-10-19AS DK BH GM GM BD JF 01 1 BP Building 00 Measur+Listed CY CYCLICAL 00 Messur+Listed 00 Measur+Listed 00 Measur+Listed 1710 Meas,r+Listed Permit 2014 8 Use Cade Description Zane Land Type, Land Units Unit Price I. Factor Site Index Cond, Ni_ Nhbd Adj Notes Location Adjustment Adj Unit Pric Land Value 1 1 3220 3220 RETAIL >10KSF RETAIL>10KSF 43,560 1.850 SF AC 8.25 1.00000 71.300.00 1.00000 K K 1.00 0,75 K K 1,000 1.000 SHAPE 0 0 8.25 53,475.00 359,400 98,900 Units! 2.9017ff. PL._aTffa'IUw1dAr.:kIRWL­da Land Vall� Properly Location 1067 ROUTE 28 Map ID 5{31 11611f Bldg Name State Use 3220 Vision ID 7584 Account # 7584 Bldg # 1 Sec # 1 of 1 Card # 1 of 1 Print Date 9/2072019 7:03:36 PM Model 94 Commllnd Grade 02 BelowAverage Stories: 2 MIXES] USE Occupancy 2.00 Code Dascri tion Percentage Exterior Wall 1 2D BricklMasonry 3220 RETAIL>101KSF 100 Exterior Wall 2 17 Stucoa+Masonry Roof Structure 01 Flat 0 Roof Cover 04 T+G/Rubber 0 Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 Interior Floor 1 14 Carpet RCN 2,77$207 Interior Floor 2 05 Vinyl/Asphall Heating Fuel 03 Gas Heating Type 04 ForcedAir-Duc Year Built 1978 AC Type 03 Central Effective Year Built Bldg Use 3220 RETAIL >101< SF Depreciation Code A Total Rooms Remodel Rating Total Becirms 00 Year Remodeled Total Baths 0 Depreciation % 22 101 HEATIAC PKGS Functional Obsol 40 Frame Type 03 MASONRY mment Trend Factor Trend actor 1 Baths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Condition Ceiling/Wall 05 SUS-CEIL&WL Condit ion% RoomalPrtns 02 AVERAGE Percent Good Wall Height 16.00 1 1,, 055,000 % Comn Walk 0.00 Dep % OVY Dep 1st Floor Use: 3221 vrC Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr Misc. Imp Ovr Comment Cost to Cure Ovr Cost to Cure Ovr Canment LT2PAV1 JWIDOUB ELI I L 120002I 11 00.00 1.351 11087 I 50 50 I I 000 0.00 Story, Finished 1 11.6421 11,6421 11 ila 751,992 ABUTTERS Petition# Name Filing Date: Hearing Date: ., . Property Location: Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, anti owners of land directly opposite on any _p public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the 11hufters_ map and, lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in_question) times .56¢, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant # Abutters #'s 2 Labels -1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing SCHEDULE OF BOARD OF APPEALS MEETINGS FOR 2020 (subject to change) 501 1771 1 1 501 1201 1 1 501 971 1 1 IGOE PETER CONNELL WILLIAM PINO ANTHONY 25 FOREST ROAD CONNELL KENDRA PING DANIEL A SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 70 OLD MAIN ST 14 TAYLOR ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 WALTHAM , MA 02453 501 1721 1 1 RIKER PAUL R JR 32 OLD MAIN STREET SOUTH YARMOUTH. MA 02664 501 1741 1 1 LAFRANCE JAMES L LAFRANCE RHONDA L 36 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-5645 501 184.1.11 1 1 WG YARMOUTH REALTY LLC CIO WALGREENS ATTN: TAX DEPT PO BOX 1159 DEERFIELD , IL 60015 501 1761 1 1 HUBS CINDY LU TR RUBE FAMILY IRR TRUST 54 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 1731 1 1 501 117.11 1 1 YARMOUTH BAY ASSOC LTD INC MULLEN MARY A C10 SANTANDER BANK, LEASE ADMIN CIO DENNIS J CONRY ESQ PO BOX 841001, MA1-MB2-03-09 245 MAIN ST BOSTON , MA 02284 WAREHAM , MA 02571 501 1691 1 1 DALTON KENNETH V JR 50 NORTH SPENCER RD SPENCER, MA 01562 501 168.11 1 1 CAGGIANO GEORGE M TRS CAGGIANO BEVERLY A PO BOX 134 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-0134 501 1671 1 1 HAMILTON JOHN G PO BOX 64 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660 501 122.11 1 1 CONLON JOHN PAUL CONLON KARA ANNE 40 LONSDALE ST DORCHESTER CENTER, MA 02124 501 1211 1 1 HEALY MICHAEL A 72 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 1181 1 I WHITMORE DAVID WHITMORE JUDITH A 19 JOHN DEE RD STERLING, MA 01564 501 1031 1 1 BOSTON SUPERMKTS ASSOC CIO KEYPOINT PARTNERS 1 BURLINGTON WOODS DR BURLINGTON, MA 01803 501 1131 1 1 DAVENPORT DEWITT TR DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 1141 1 1 JOS REALTY TRUST 75 COVE RD WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 501 1011 1 1 MCDONALDS CORP MCBEE ENTERPRISES 50 OLIVER ST STE WiB NORTH EASTON , MA 02356 501 1851 1 1 501 1001 1 1 YARMOUTH BAY ASSOC LTD INC XC 1050 ROUTE 28 REALTY LLC CIO SANTANDER BANK, LEASE ADMIN C10 CAPE MANAGEMENT TEAM LLC PO BOX 841001, MA1-MB2-03.09 169 MAIN ST BOSTON, MA 02284 STONEHAM , MA 02180 501 1751 1 1 BEGGS JEFFREY L BEGGS ALBERTA M 14 FORTES WAY OSTERVILLE , MA 02655 501 981 1 1 FERNS JOSEPH M (LIFE EST) FERNS AUDREY J (LIFE EST) 54A FOREST RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 1021 1 1 DAVENPORT DEWITT TR 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 501 1151 1 1 MULLEN MARY A C10 FOUR SEASON'S TRATTORIA 1077 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-4105 501 1161 1 1 MULLEN MARY ANGUS CIO RYANS FAMILY AMUSEMENTS 1067 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4105 501 1231 1 1 CANEPA JOHN B CANEPA MELINDA S 11 WOOD ROAD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 1191 1 1 501 991 1 1 501 124.11 1 1 HEALY MICHAEL A FERNS JOS & AUD (LIFE EST) MELLO JEFFREY T TRS 72 OLD MAIN ST FERNS S & B, BOTELLA L, PERNNA K JEFFREY T MELLO TRUST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 54B FOREST RD 21 WOOD RD SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 501 125.11 1 1 PHANEUF RAYMOND J LOGLIO CRISTINA 4815 OSAGE ST BERWYN HEIGHTS, MD 20740 501 1261 1 1 KNOWLES RICHARD A TRS KNOWLES JUDITH L TRS 123 N POND DR BREWSTER , MA 02631-1929 501 1271 1 1 JDS REALTY TRUST 75 COVE RD WEST DENNIS, MA 02670 501 122.21 1 MCDONAGH ERIN J 69 FORBES HILL RD QUINCY , MA 02170 501 168.21 1 1 CAGGIANO GEORGE M TRS POBOX 134 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-0134 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties abutting within 300' of the parcel located at: 1067 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Assessors Map 50, Lot 116 Andy Mat6ado, Director of Assessing t;!Till-1 F,' 7, 14 Existing Allowed by code New logo at 40" Wide and 24""Tall ene sy la t17 was +14 77 ! Location of Proposed sign Proposed Sign Needing Variance New logo at 96"" wide and 60""Tall