HomeMy WebLinkAbout4871c",.~* Y ~ ~ ~ .?~ tl, , ~ ~ ~ BC}ARD OF APPEALS /~~RaOaRiL~'~~ t.. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~' ~ r i ~ fi # i ~ r •• - .~ * ~. F~e~ . (~L~ d ~1 ~~ 1L1 Email Address} Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at:_~.~ 12A~~'~lr ~~~ S`a v~ i, ~pr2 rn ~ ~ ~ shown on the Assessor's Map #: ~' ~.. as Parcel#: ~- Zoning District: (~ If property ►s on an un~canstructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: 1~ ,+~ e ~' 1 _ .i1 •' i t_ _'' • • • • • ~.~1~~~13'~ f. ~ ~~~ ~' t ! i t •' •' i l ' i•' a. -a •s • - ~- • .~a -. -• • i• - r s -~ - ~. • • 2)~ SPECIAL PERMIT under §~ (~~. 3. ~~~of the Yarmouth Zoning By-!aw and/ar for a use authorized upon Spec~at Pern7it in the °°Use Regulation Schedule" §2Q2.5 .(use space below if needed) 3)~VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-Iaw. Specify al] sections of the by-la~~ from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: c~ ~ ~. `~ Relief sought: ~Q~, ~~ ~,,~ ~~'Z, D ~ ~t ~ ~'i~ ~~ G~,.~ Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name &Address Title deed reference: Book &Page# or Certificate # ~, Land Court Lot # ~~,. Plan #f', - ' (provide copy of recent deed) Use CIassification: Existing: ~ tr ~ _. ~` ' ~ §202.5 # ~ / Proposed: ~ `-- > §202.5 # / F Is the property vacant: If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: f ~~~ ~ ~ f~~ Plan Book and Page / `~' ~` ~ / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes ~ No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes❑ No Other Departments) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments wh'ch areJ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: its Repetitive P 'tion: Is this a re-application: q If yes, do you have PIanning Board Approval? _~ Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal numbers) and other available information. Include a copy of the decisions) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: Y' — c Ap Ica is / 'grr~ttxre ner's 'gnature ~ Address: ~'7 ,~"o~ ~ ~ ~ ,Qtt~ ~. lv vtt C~~tC.~ Phone 7 ~} 1 E-Mail: p~ ~g . Building Commissioner Signature Date YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ~~ ~ f Petition# Name Filing Date: Hearing Date: Property Location: Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly o~~osite on any public or private street or wav and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters ma.~ and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters hand the parcel (s, in c~uestian,~ times .5~e, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. cl ~1~~~ ~t3 tl~~ ~p~i~~~~t~€~~~ ~`ec a~~ci ~ap~~r~cie ya~~~° ~~~c~ck ~~it the ~ ~~~i~~~iai~, --Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Numher Number ~ Applicant # Abutters #'s 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing SCHEI}ULE OF BOARD OF APPEALS MEETINGS FOR 2020 (subject to change) The Yarmouth Baard of Appeals meets at 6:00 p.m. on Thursdays, in the Hearing Room at Town Hall, located at 114b Route 2$, South Yarmouth. FILING DEADLINE* 12:00 ~.m. HEARING DATE December 18, 2019 January 9 January 2 January 23 January 22 February 13 February 5 February 27 February 19 March 12 March 4 March 26 March 18 Apri19 April 1 Apri123 Apri122 May 14 May 6 May 2 8 May 20 June 11 June 3 June 25 June 17 July 9 July 1 July 23 .July 22 August 13 August 5 August 27 August 19 September 10 .'September 2 September 24 September 16 October 8 September 30 October 22 October 21 November 12 November 18 December 10 *Note: The Board of Appeals will take four (4) applications/petitions per meeting/agenda. If the agenda fills before the fi ling deadline you will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. It shall be the policy of the Board to conclude all hearings by 10:00 PM. To this end, the agenda far ail hearings shall be closed once it appears to the Board that additional matters will not be able to be accommodated within this time limitation. In the event that the hearings scheduled on an agenda are not concluded by 10:00 PM, the Board may announce that no new matters shall be commenced thereafter, and shall close the hearing as soon thereafter as the Board determines to be appropriate. Any matters not concluded on the scheduled date shall be continued to the next available agenda. Mark Lochiatta as Trustee of the Lachiatto Yannouth Realty Trust. a Dectaratian af'~rust dated June 2Q, 2001 registered in the Registry District of Barnstable County as D~ument No. 835? 11 in consideration of Six Hundred Six ty Thousand ($660tOf}0.40} Dollars paid grants to Peter F'. Quinlan and Kelly M. Quinlan, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety of 66 Poor Street, Andover, Massachusetts 0282€} with quitclaim covenants: The land situated in Yarmouth, in the Ca~anty of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts described in Lot 52, Plan 17002-8 {Sheet 2). There is appurtenant to said land a right of way ovee the ways shown on said plan in cammott with otfiers who are now ar may hem~ftcr he entitled [hereto. A. Lawrence Lovequist et al, Trustees, specifically reserve a right of way aver so mach of said Sand as by implication of taro lies within the limits of any way; also the right to install and mazntain all public utilities in, over, under and Egon any private way and the right to grant easements td public service corporations for the installation and maintenance of such public utilities in, aver, under and upon any grivatc way. Said land as subject to the res[riedons set forth in I3ocument No. 67, 319. There is agpurtenant to saazd land the right to use Lot 13 as shown on said plan far bathing purposes only io common with atI others who are nr~w ar may hereafter be entitled thereto. Said land is subject to the rights granted in an easement given to the Cape &Vineyard Electric Company et ai, dated September 3, 1958 being Document No. 57, ] 43. Far tStle see CerE~cate of Tifle 2~To_ 16194. Witness my hand and seal this y of , Z017. Mark tat ,Trusts as af4res d CO ()NWE_AI,TH C}FMASSACHUSETTS ~~.. ,SS On this ~ ~1 day ~f ~, ~ ~ , 2017, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared the above-named Mack Lach~atto, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was 15 ft to be the person whale name is signed on the preceding or attached dacument, and acknawtedged to me that he signed the foregoing document voluntarily as Trustee asld for its stated gay ose. iVatary Pu 1ic My conunission expires: ~~~W CiUcestl*u!!z4)hTASWPCiNN ~cFi~nn1(jaPc4~mll dALrkinc4ie[ladoa ~ ~eMf`'r~ ~i ~~ ~ 3 EXHIBIT "A" Property Description Closing Bate: August 1, 2Q17 BarroR~er(s): Peter F. Quinlan and Kelly M. Quinlan Property Address: 27 Grandview Drsve, Yarmouth, MA 02664 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: T`he land situated in Yarmauth, in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, described ss Lat 52, Plan 1 ?002-B (sheet 2) There is appurtenant fo said land a right of way over the ways shown on said plan in common with others who are now or may hereafter be entitled therefor A. Lawrence Lovequist et al, Trustees, specifically reserve a right csfway over so much of said land as by implication of lew lies within the limits of any way; also the right to install and maintain all public utilities in, over, under and upon any private way and fhe right tsr grant easements to public service corporations for the installation and maintenance of such public urilities in, over, under and upon aa~y private way. Said land is subject to the restrictions set forth in Document No. 67,319 There is appurtenanf to said latad the right to use Lot I3 as shown on said plan for bathing purposes only in common with atI ofhers who are now ar may hereafter be entitled thereto. Said land is subject to the rights granted in an easement liven to the Cape &Vineyard Electric Company et a1, dated September 3, 1958 being Document No. 57,143. Far record title, see dead recorded immediately prior hereto. rxaeE~ry nr:scairnor: .,~7~ File No.: 2017-13133 ~~"~r+~ ~ ~~~~ , (~ Page t of 1 f ~ a Ul ~~ C ~~STep~ ~~ NN N1~N~PN~ Ro P mot°° £ ~ d~ ~ A LOCUS MAP NAT TO SCALE N~ LOT55 cor POND LOCUS INFORMATION CURRENT OWNER: KELLY M. pUiNIAN PETER F. QUINL4N OVERLAY DISTRICT: NONE TITLE REFERENCE: CTF. 213654 NITROGEN SENSffNE ZONE: NOT A ZONE 11 PLAN REFERENCE: ICP. 17002-B, SHEET-2 FEAIA FL000 ZONE OBS'fRlCT: "%" / "AE", JULY 16, 2014 ASSESSORS MAP: 92 PANEL #250010591 J PARCEL 2 MINIMUM l07 SIZE: 40.000 S.f. ZONING DISTRICT: SETBACKS: R-40 FRONT 30' EXISTING LOT SIZE: 10,3061 S.F, SIDE 20' REAR 20' IXISi1NC BUILDING COVERAGE: 2,3421 S.F. (22JR) 0y N (1 ~ O~ N W. d u' 2 N t^ ~ u ~ ~p ~• o ~ O O m a O ' ~ O A. R ~ ~ `~ ,~ ,,, ~ i u~m 1 LOT51 5g5 ag`5 ~ ,i ~or54 LEGEND 6.2' C -" X 12A ~'.' TC~'( -- ~ "—.:~ ~ 13.0' ~ /y~ ~ d ~2 .4' / V.J PA 710 2 7~, P~P~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~~ M is~ ~ ''~i_ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eno~ae=s.s ~j j J ,~ ~ M j Qo ~( ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~` m m ~ '' ~ ~ `~ i ~, J B~HEnu i I ~' r a ,~ I i ` UWN i \~ 1 1 _r~ ~ LANK GARAGE l _~ DRILEM'AY ~~ ~ ~ ~, .5 ~ / ~ / 29.1' AWN '~\`/ v ~ 20 7' g LOT 52 // m, /~ 10,3063 SF. +~ bq 01 N LOT53 50.4 X SPOT ELEVATION C.B. ~ CATCH BASIN DMH~ DRAINAGE MANHOLE SMH m SEWER MANHOLE TMH 8 TELEPHONE MANHOLE LP LIGNT POLE UPI. UTILITY POLE / IICHT UPLT UTIIiN POLE / LIGNT &TRANS. UPT UTILIN POLE /TRANSFORMER UP UTIUT`l POLE —OHW— OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE o EHH ELECTRIC HANOHOLE • GMET GAS METER — G— GAS LINE ~ GAS GATE / WG 0 WATER GATE — W~— WATER LINE REVISIONS: N0. DATE DESC. i CERTEFY SC ?-E BEST OF MY PROFESSlOt~AL K'. '::..EDGE, WFORMATION AND BE!JFr '--" FtiE lOT CORNERS, DIlAENSIONS F'. ~ 5= 3BACK5 TO THE STRUCTURE ~ TERMINED BY INSTRUMENT " ~ AS SHOWN ON ', THIS PLAN F -::.. - __.. KIERAN J. HEALY, PLS DATE FOR THE BSC GROUF, INC. CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN AT X27c~NourFw orrivE SQUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) AUGUST 31, 2020 PREPARED FOR: KELLY M. QUINLAN 27 GRANDVIEW DRIVE SOUTN YARMOUTH, MA 02664 978-835-8999 KMRQUINLAN~GMAIL.COM ~~~.,._ 349 Route 28, Unit p West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 SOS 77S 8919 Q 2020 The BSC Group. Inc. SCALE: i" 20' 0 2.5 5 10 .cm+ 0 t0 2a 10 rm PROJ. MGR.: CRAIG FIElO FlELD: C. O'IEARY CALC./DESIGN: K. HEADY DRAWN: K. HEALY CHECK: CR/ilG FIELD FItE: 50440-CPP.DWG DWG. N0: 66-66-Oi SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB. N0: 5-0440.00 1~~ ~ ~ LAWN , c~ ~ ZOPOSED AQDtTION PROPOSED ~,,,,.. ~ ~ 3'x78'). WITH 9 S.F STOOP 6,2 ~ ~X 12.4 ~TB'ACK. E 20' SIDE — ...,. ` 113.0' ~ `~ ~ ~1 I PArr ~ .,-~' ~ PA a 4r ~ t ~ ' ca`~' X27 ~ a~ Q .- GOY ' '' r .~ ~ ~ ~WEtIING ~~ `F = 4r f POND.. 215 ~. F.Ft00R=14.9 '~ ~ ►~ ~p r~ ~ ~ . JI C q BtlLK AD N ~ O ~ ~ `~ l I I a o ~ ~ c~C ~l ,~ U~ GMET I I ~ ~ ~ ,~ C ~~ l ~ ! LAWN f ~ jt o ` -1 L,,, w_ ~# tA1MN GARAGE ~ ~ r J ~ EXtSTING ~ ~ ~ ;o DRIVEWAY /~ „► ~ 20.5, .- -.... ,,,,,, ~r ~wr► . — -,... ` --''" 29,4' LAN1'V ` ~~ ~ 1 1/ 2 7` ~ ~ ~ k j l LQ/ ~~ a Q .~' ~",~ ~~~ e 10,3061 S.F, M ~ ~g g2 l~ ~~ 1~y5a L EC~ 50.9 X SPAT ELEVATION e.B. ~ CATCH BASfN DMH ~} DRAINAGE MANHOLE SMH UO SEWER MANHOLE TMH dt TELEPHONE MANHOLE !~P LIGHT POLE UPL UTILETY POLE l LfGHT UPLfi UTILITY POLE /LIGHT &TRANS. UPT UTILITY- POLE /TRANSFORMER UP UT{LIlY POLE .—. nu~ei ~- nr~coucan c~ cr~T~~n E E~Ec