HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E104 �z TOWN OF YARMOUTHYARMOUTH1U> CLERK a � � -3 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 •°' R ''' Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508) 398-0836 '2ODECiN± ii:18 RFC OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTIONI I RECEIVED Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under ections 6 ark 7 f,Chap,ter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawl photographs accompanying this application. r ARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY . Type or print legibly: +, J /� Jj � cc Q ��` t Address of proposed work: 1f 1 0�4 .►!YiPJ1`�I7 '`D Map/Lot# 0 `4♦ Op 7-7— Owner(s): tiIWO i" CAA 1 k DEACOINi Phone#: (ill -1Lt(- 3111 All applications must be submittedtby owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: DI 00 i) Ikiki1J 15 V-b ViNWM Far Year built: ,2-01 gl aved v02-Vic Email: �.�ilSY1 � Gti��l foe Preferred notification method: V Phone V Email Agent/Contractor: V Pci i V 11 G c--C-O A) Phone#: 74.q l Mailing Address: 'PM C!G __, Email: Preferred notification method: _ Phone _ , Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): In iT tA,Pli oiJ of 19.- Pei-A-Ppf Q(7 tJ sryix--) wlhDow 5 o(,--) R-1641- S I DC OF MVO 56. CaA1 ' M ) U t� SAW.V�Q. rY1�1M Q r U lz- °F ,W1 r DOW S A V 5 W I-WA tiv 5 11- 6))V) vfr I' 3018 - zoiq ChD Pri7Prztivi7 5V OK 14 D C • Signed (Owner or agent): 61vy4, Date: lr "' >>I� ' Z0 ZO > Owner/contractor/agent is aware t at a permit may b required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: 1; L, Approved Approved with changes Denied Date' Amount ),(,t) .c)� Reason for denial: I APPROVED Cash/CK#: kA(bt �rAJ�(�+c ,:'\ 0\ �,�,() (-� r,i (� ,\n` NO V 2 3 2020 Revd by:l'11f L/c.\( \ Q(k � ),,\ YARMOUTH OLD KiNu S rtiGrivvAY Date Signed: Signed: APPLICATION 1 Q -V":"..1 _ C) vs.201' •. DAVID DEACON 617-966-3171 : - . "„\\\ 62 OLD HYANNIS RD. . . YARMOUTH PORT MA 02675 ---..... - ____ _ - _ • _:: _ \ -7•==:::-.....:-.. .._...••=—_- _--........,..2.=_....-L iem. I ,-,- . :T E.-"::--—7 7 77-----'''::—'"71.--L:--..,Z...,'"-7:..--"-.=— -----•:—''' --,, ..._-=—;. :::.--._.----_-f,=:•- ___—_=:.-----= 7:-5,lsiLliim TinH. / N. '-;.....-..-.77.=.7.::•.=."1-==.=________ _______=_,.:::::.....7:___, .4 4 .17:11:, =-------------- , „..,...t. .„.,-,-,- ir •-• gg img ESE 3,,L 1..Li Is . .....— ',r ij m""i' ''' . . -1 jilliAgiror 4.1_1 i , iv.- . ‘..,., -=.7 _ _—__-..,..-..-d.t,, ^-7 • '.." '-' Vii 1INVI 7-c-rwr : wif T 1. 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DAVE DEACON DAVE DEACON Dan Miller • ^.s 9 s .� � ` •a7;ICoTati k!'; -7' `,-.;76.-11'.5,+fi ,0 100-1 Walcott New Construction Double Hung DH3042,White,Insul Low-E&Argon,6/1 Lite Contoured, ] m" ea III m White Grille in Airspace,24.62 X 15.25 Clear Opening,2.6 R�V�C3� SQFT,Dual Lock,No Window Opening Control Device, Z ��� ��>1'D�1r+` �5 11111 Insert White Full Screen Applied i=-_ 6 9/16"Primed Finger Joint Jamb(Complete Unit), w/Nailing Flange,5/4 X 3-1/2 Flat w/J-Channel Matches Exterior Frame Color,w!Sill Nose, 1/4" Added To Width and Height of Units With Extensions. See O.S.M.for dry dimensions. Unit 1:UFactor: 0.27, SHG:0.27,VLT:0.49,CR:60 Energy Star Qualified(Northern) Opening: 30.25"X 42.25" Tag: None Assigned O.S.M.: 29.75"X 41.75" specifications, ���' o All Prices are net. Quote is good for thirty days. Please review all quantities, _ and information for accuracy. Special orders can not be returned for credit. Signature implies • '$ -�, $0.00 �; .. 45- acceptance of these specifications. Your order will not be processed without authorized q signature- ,�6 Thank you for all of your efforts! DATE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with this quote! I Page 1 Of 1 CAFE COD LUMBER Proud Supplier of Customer 225 GGANMAi02351 alyjrATIEEWS BROTHERS ` QUOTATION ABINGTON,IL MA to• .oulta. .camel Tel:781-878-0715 Fax:781-871-6726 Email:www,ccico.com BILL TO: SHIP TO: JUL 02 2018 YARMOUTH Pr!QL{ltv., ,uhi1041,7av QUOTE# STATUS •• CUSTOMER PO# DATE QUOTED . 413081 None 6/26d018 7:54:57 AM .'QUOTED BY • TERMS PROJECT NAME QUOTE NAME. Matt ColesLimarino - LINE# . DESCRIPTION QTY • NET.PRICE EXTL„PRICE 4 100-1 1 _ - _ .. Walcott New Construction Double Hung DP/2642,White,Insul Low E&Argon,6/1 Lite Contoured, I ■n! White Grille in Airspace,20.62 X 15.25 Clear Opening,2.18r���5 L�/ r B E M SQFf,Single Lock,No Window Opening Control Device, U 7 Insert White Pull Screen Appliedp��,%'� 1Q, 6 9/16"Primed Finger Joint Jamb(All Four Sides), • P(112M0 "�Cj w/Nailing Flange,5/4 X 3-1/2 Flat w/1-Channel Matches Exterior Frame Color,w/Sill Nose,114"Added To Width and Height of Units With Extensions.See O.S.M.for dry dimensions. Unit 1:UFactor:0.27,SHG:0.27,VLT:0.49,CR:61 Energy Star Qualified(Northern) Opening: 26.25"X 42.25" O.S.M.: 25.75"X 41.75" Tag:None Assigned LINE# • DESCRIPTION - • QTY NET PRICE EXTD.PRICE i 200-1 2 ' _-. Walcott New Construction Double Hung DH3036,White,Insul Low-E&Argon,6/1 Lite Contoured, I ■' ■ White Grille in Airspace,24.62 X 12.25 Clear Opening,2.09 .! ili SQFT,Single Lock,No Window Opening Control Device, 0 Insert White Full Screen Applied 6 9/16"Primed Finger Joint Jamb(All Four Sides), �� __ .311w/Nailing Flange,5/4 X 3-112 Flat w/I-Channel Matches Exterior Frame Color,w/Sill Nose, 1/4"Added To Width and °" Height of Units With Extensions.See O.S.M.for dry dimensions. JUL 2 3 1 Unit 1:UFactor:0.27,SHG:0.27,VLT:0.49,CR:61 YAu H Energy Star Qualified(Northern) OLD KfNG s HIGHwor RSC Opening: 30.25"X 36.25" EIVEI) O.S.M.: 29.75"X 35.75" Tag: None Assigned JUL 24 2018 50UTH YARM UR y. 1L - A077 Page 1 Of 7 11 Ter •Ne•r'wTJP.::fn..MKS .• • 6 r -s 41 ,y �Caa ,..7.--4 . ,s L Q % . ,` } • OCUS • �,k 4 °"ew- 'a al°" �sas pmisa spnNcw m n�aai..a,x,o r RECEIVED Q . YAF7GC PNaC�- '4! . Qa c o 2411 - �1- �ip ...tioeirsw sxi ar 48p l•0. P 'IIS! p .���.Q 2�tS • :..,Aeor saes sacs e • \ ;f r A tl.N1/R.1 `..J. ,I YAkMUllYN ,00..,srs.r. •• li OLOKIfiGSHtGHWAY •M*0tt rt, t I NATES r� a, NNI CLVYETMM�NM61.a.ot A5Me A..[6.01 M,•. • P."",....,•••--- :r•• P. i .rsr. is,aw p cuw'µir oar'�nw ami10ix+'eKa° weaLOT+d ,,--•"'- r. 5x. • i sssr �i�p�iQL�;w Z a nsttLMTf - A L� t l nn an.ma rs soms,w,o ccOn sw CO; '1 JUL 23 208 mer n,e,T A56.rr"n01 ,� ,TPa A swig p•nonono lo s eR�M MIsP ' YARMOUTH TM ICGNIV. "eM1 tm, i� ,'LO YARMO HIGHWAY py#dFR OF RECORD 4110 o. j1 pmCOMMMMaR OrollAN WA Par • 110 A(S _ 11 . Piaci,MNMMerLP•w A.M.91 13.32 for 2 #TO Ls ' • S • 'r l 4o an e, t M ,i—_-- 41, A y LOS 0 `� 1X0 00 A.M.94-13.12 20.1 x t A,M.9M1-13.94 AO. 42 e '�A VUL'l cUld /���j�a�t • 1 • �,�, #54 ' ew lap ' _ KM 4567,OF :NlN CLERK APPL'!'!!+('Tf�! , w ywe. s 8 J 7: AM.64 19.22 . I j yoT 4 5W"las A.M.94-13.62 UTI YARMOUTH,MA ylty�p gp�8' �"k'/ ' �6 rw.w.° A.M.as-13.52 4 • ° ;i 8� ^. l,' _ row • _ A . j ALw,.� • ,• e— • .,,. . ... 'I - . H e- . RoAd a u"6"xo) . PLAN OF. LAND • .. .,, a ,rw. ,� ord y �a .. "' --r� " . YARMOl1 f HPOR f,•MA ASA ELDREDGE HYANNIS ROAD TRUST YARMOUTH PLAN BOARD 7AN744 SUARAARf • AP1ROKIL MM AC 34001100•1ll T6aa..urr 15/MOM.5VWT • A O 7 lav:/00,15P ser,waons, sar s al • CXAVANG LAW/f NAY 1FTlcAfv ,15 WI OK 4av30 50. MNPI•.10' a.o P.,�„Lw,sw^' 2111 A .•.•11MVP57 rlatut VP =•-=1'� Mel Illi M& M 5 at—Ze b. • - MN RM Y A' WV.VAT Vic Putt vac Gus V 'YS RM.VA*101101.Cn5.To marlIMWII= µ56mnAZ.nx PFA.11M/a[tlM .,• r. 3R 6 Wald MRN 16 AVM �doiN IS 5 655555 Aldan e7<MNe NA.11151p YMN1Y�. ,f. ,roMcsv+MVO.WIC! _ sss, lap OP Mff/br�!1[ J /• py tie o "r' ju.u...erar f•»W no sella MIIPV N n101/e.441T Nuuwn+rarr!n fears • 1m Sts.T 101 IMAM,ar nrnn r~Meat MR AINe}A.eiYr.PLelPY 1 4. ` � - .. g _ ,. .i.-",r r„` -. - - i `_•-++.. .:: .'tea. - r ' • i'r •4 c A ry47n �� 'F r - ■ll >( fir. M t .; • *A '' : .-,H ---* llirni -- „... -........-7:,..,.::. — ,- .... :_L ,,,, ,, ... _ ... : . t .. wing' 119--# I _I. v.F---', ...milim --- r . III . girt l � - - i? Ccs! `""�'..�.'..- A '. Ter, '4'.....,14•04,0'. ti ' ,� y, ii 1. ,, '+, y4 aF' .", �l More` r..; - -1.. Elm DOUBLE- & SINGLE-HUNG WINDOWS Double-Hung Windows Single-Hung Windows Traditional,classic, durable—double-hunD give Our single-hung windows are built with a you all of that plus energy efficiency and peace fixed top sash,while the lower sash moves up of mind.Top and bottom sash operate smoothly and down to allow ventilation.In addition, allowing you to control air flow,and they both the bottom sash conveniently tilts-in for easy tilt-in for easy cleaning and care. Grilles can be cleaning.Fixed meeting rail interlocks with added to further enhance the tradition !LIVED operating sash to mi '•.' a air infiltration. your home. /�P JUL'24 2018 $! TOWN CLERK JUL 9 {8 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA YAha,�u�N Standard features Additional features OLD KING S NJ • 3/4"insulating glass with Duralite�warm-edge technology • Non-corrosive hardware inclu•es . " • . •- $ atlit Y e-ree * Integral nailing fin [new construction only] performance,no matter what the environment (Frames come with integral nailing fin that can be easily • Lock action draws sashes closer together for positive lock removed for replacement purposes) • interlocking Meeting Rail:Integral interlock provides • Integral 3/4'i-channel(available with or without) additional security • Fusion-welded frame and sash for added strength Optional features* •Constant force balance system •Desert Sand interior and exterior color *White interior and exterior color •Grilles available as GBG or SDL(see page 16 for details) ■ Pre-sloped sills for water runoff • Low•-E glass • * Color matched hardware(white or desert sand) •Argon gas filled • BetterVueo insect screen • Exterior trim/casing:Flat, Brickmould(908), or Banded • Pediment Heads(Crossheads) • Custom exterior color finishes 'Clvmmun options listed sen pages I6-l4 for additional information. Loft to Right Onuhfe-hunge end transoms with colonial grille pattern;douldr-hung with 4/1 grilles and shape with colonial grine pattern. O 6 Rogers, Grayce From: 'RICHARD GEGENWARTH' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 1:10 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption Attachments: RICHARDGEGENWARTH.vcf Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. 2 new windows at 62 Old Hyannis Rd look good. Approved. Richard On 11/23/2020 12:06 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, Can you please review the attached certificate of exemption for 62 Old Hyannis Road? Thank you, [AROED\ Y , NOV 2 3 2020 Grayce Rogers i AntvIOU-Til KING'S HIGHWAY Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVIDI9, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. i