HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E096417 C TOWN OF YARMOUTH/ 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: a- Ft ec‘m--0 a., 0«../L-• Map/Lot# 'I )'"// 1100 Owner(s): S;(Ai 1 S UJ IL3 Phone#: G1'6'10- -1)t"\ All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of a Iication. Mailing address: 1 t reS>nC (t•. Year built: 1r(. t Email:< yf O/015 0 hdt`e. @ l.M'i Wo Preferred notification method: Phone VEmail J l Agent/Contractor: SC/4 i m PI ( ecIA (AAA_ SQ ((?i n Phone#: 77 ` ') -v $ c,rMailingAddress: 7 t,cowl Email: l(,U t/n r"1 il1 T po of (,/LA J(1, Da4`1f 6 referred notification method: 111 Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): ger 0 i4O1 H1f(UI0.M RECEIVED OCT 1 6 2020 YAhivivUTn 1. .TiNT3-300 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Signed (Owner or agent): Date: / O(/‘( -a Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: / Approved Approved withas Denied Amount . Reason for denial: PRvol Cash/CK#: 'JJ(0 OCT 3 0 2020 0 i NOV • 421•. Revd by: V YAf1MOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ARMOUTH0IUNGSHIGHWAY Date Signed: Signed: C)COQ jAPPLICATIONi V5.2017 Rogers, Grayce From: Steven Senna <swimmingpoolandspadesign@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 3:41 PM To:Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - ACTION REQUIRED Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. The description is as such. Construction of 14'x30'x6' inground swimming pool equipped with autocover which count as a barrier in compliance with new regulations of state codes,. I dropped a completed paket off last week and a partial packet the week before with plot plans and ASME certification for the cover,plot plans, and paperwork . Please call me if you have any questions 508-775-2433 Best Regards, Swimming Pool and Spa Design On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 2:50 PM Rogers, Grayce <GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us>wrote: Hello, The Certificate of Exemption for 2 Firestone Drive does not have a work description. Can you please provide one? APPROVED I Thank you, OCT 3 0 2020 a Grayce Rogers r AHI S HIGHWAY RO 1 EDgOLDKING'S HIGHWAY NOV - .X20 ARMOUTH Office Administrator OLD ING'S HIGHWAY Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 1 Due to COVID19, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through • Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. 2 N N 1 N, SYSTEM PROFILE NOT TO SCALE pC N OPOF FINISH GRADE OVER FINISH GRADE f 1C 1.65.5 ION FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE OVER DISTRIBUTION OVEBOX 662 OVERTRENCHES 66.0 il.68.5 E EL.67.0 SEPTIC TANK 68.4 Preilari y'a9 1. 5 ---,plSFlrys T_GRADE-f ' RISER TO 6" iU H.10REINFORCED LOADING 4F Ii M `""' OUTLET PIPE(S)LEVEL OF FINISH GRADE gip"? MIN. S 1 REQ'D. TRENCH LENGTH=33'-6" OY 2'(MIN.1X SLOPE _MIN.SLOPE 7A G ^MM.•OPE 1% BEYOND I EL MO L MIN. \. 0 0 y'' 33'MIN. I MIN I 0^SUMP IPP. __ Y'L._- ` L 1I'T s:..Y. l 64.00 • i 6175 I x 4*• Vv.'PVC ORCAST IRON TEES BOX BZ.2O '- - y GAS BAFFLE 16• DISTRIBUTIONEL•Lzo 4..)i r: MINIMUM INSIDE DIMENSION 12' 314"-1.117 DOUBLE 3f4"-1.1 DOUBLE 1.1 1500 GALLON OUTLET INVERTS Y BELOW INLET INVERT WASHED CRUSHED g,4' WASHED CRUSHED 4' MINIMUM CONCRETE WALL THICKNESS 2' STONE i•^"PRECASTREINFO CETE INSTALL ON COMPACTED LEVEL BASE BOTTOM T.H.#2EL.51.6 H 10 REINFORCED TRENCH SECTIONESMT.FLR $_:'i 14 4 A L. ELEV.80 5 .' r,. Y< a3 1 7M17.4-ul.•. 4,r',ic+:'oii:;:'=>?''.i:•,.41f.. 2•. .. .r,.,,dr`a':)' NOTE:EJ(CAVATET tG• _ SEPTIC TANK I dMH. r1 1AI:VA C1 °t 4 ,. 1.3' ' wL MIN. 3'OF1I8-1n^ WI IN'OF MAX, ;" +. DOUBLE WASHED INSTALL ON COMPACTED LEVEL'BASE H i 10 1 d' CU4Y-FR'. SAND 4"DIAM. PEASTONE I 030 \ Cs'ar OGOG r [ 0l( j p7,01 : "1 Ti a_ak -• Rdr u3 314"-1.11"DOUBLE .14110014•1142_Pfy Via'' WASHED CRUSHED i 4/I. L y kE v Y e T qt:v` ' 1: • 13?. " STONE M.''1' NUMBER OF TRENCHES 1' i M ,. L. S, } NUMBER OF ORYWELLS 3 r, 9 98G^ ^ol. ` OBSERVATI• ON PIT 4 r -`° GENERAL NOTES;TEST BY RICK7UDD r •• 1, 1.ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ONASSUMED PERCOLATION RATE:<2MIN,/IN J r • --x t{ ? DBY:L.MULKEEN i- y - 2.ALL PIPES IN THESYSTEM MUST BE CAST IRON PERCOLATION r i' qo' ,' • , q Da. ', :1. 'c OR SCHEDULE 40 PVC. YARMOUTH BOARD OP HEALTH r ' 3.HEALTH AGENT1CAPE 81SLAN0S ENGINEERING DATE;SEPT.28,2000 i J r i 4. MUST BE NOTIFIED WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS DESIGN DATA r St' COMPLETE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TEST HOLE qI EL.&.2 TESTROIS qt EL820 r, i 4.ANY CHANGES IN THIS PLAN MUST BE APPROVED 0' r 4Sr BY CAPE 8.ISLANDS ENGINEERING AND THE BOARD s = 0 a FS A/E US NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 9_P...,BY OF H. AIE 10YR 3/2 5.MATERIALS ANDINSTALLATION SHALL BE IN IDYR 412 T GARBAGE DISPOSAL • N2 I f i i COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE SANITARY CODE 3" DAILY FLOW 11.0_ P-- r BENCHMARK / 1 TITLE VI AND LOCAL APPLICABLE RULES AND H•LOAMYSAND SEPTICILYTANK REQUIRED 1500 GAL. HYD.SPIN r 3=LOAMY SAND OAR YE ryas, / EL.70A f REGULATIONS. IGYRE/E SEPTIC TANK PROVIDED. 1500 GAL 8.NORTH ARROW IS FROM RECORD PLANS AND IS LEACHING REQUIRED 440 GPO. 9„ b NOT INTENDED FOR SOLAR ENERGY PURPOSES. IgD 7 4 P 7. WATER SUPPLY:MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM. 4j" 5 = CI=FINE SANG SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: r 8.FLOOD ZONECINON-HAZARD] C1=PINESAND FILE/4 w __ '• =tan 9.THIS PROJECT DOES NOTINVOLVE ANY PHYSICAL SYR7/4 ee j a 1 GROUND DISTURBANCE ORVEGETATION REMOVAL SIDEWALL AREA=166 SF. yO c I_ A. IMTMN IOC OF WETLANDS,INIAND ORCOASTAL 10$ ta^ 186 SF.X.74 GISF.=137 GPD O • r ( ]a BoPGSED v- BANKS OR FLOOD HAZARD ZONES C2 VERY FtNE SAND BOTTOM AREA=441 SF. qed I B AQI.HSE. C' ct=VERY 7/4 SAND 25YR 7!2 441 SF.X 0.74 GISF.=326 GPD. F 2.EYR 7/4 PCHING PROVIDED=463 GPD. 0 X y , M 1 LEGEND 132' NOORouNDWATERa2 I '• NOGROUNDWA7ER EL.5- g j ads. , g I„ L. D u- PROPOSED CONTOUR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE r-'ro•T' --"• '`'' _ ; EXISTING CONTOUR L, Da+s3a \ SINofvvG.` PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM OBSERVATION PIT j RICRARo PREPARED FOR. AMESq.4; ', ` GARAGE BERTRN'10 m PADGETT BUILDERS DISTRIBUTION BOX v969<c/ . 4% A `°" A.7s o vanN O 4 LOT 110 MIDPINE ROAD 9 `, lo,.tE. .< YARMOUTH,MASS. 1 Sy a < M SEPTICTANK1. ` 1•'a.y J w o 11 I II SOILABSORPTION SYSTEM i"S PLAN N0.092502 SCALE:AS NOTED r'Attr• M1 • %` g.g /e Dr FILE NO. 393ABA DATE:SEP7.25,2002 92La •(1 Q RESERVE RESERVE AREA PCS RLE MIDPINE GAvIG, SEPTIC FILE N0.71 1 22 26 I PIPE INVERT ELEVATION LtiactMOO I CAPE&ISLANDS ENGINEERING c,enslN 8• 110 clul,Nos""'/ 000 FALMOUTH ROAD,SUITE 301CMASHPEE,MAo2849(508)477-7272 FIRESTONE DRIVE IAP PLOT PLAN MAP SEC PCL LOT HSE SCALE]"=30' Automatic safety cover options for every need and every pool! Coverstar automatic safety covers can be applied to a broad range of pool designs and types.Options include: Or 0 cD 132/ Choice of ten standard fabric colors: Many other custom colors and fabric weights available. i NO '. ' 020 o o 0jc Navy Royal Blue Light Blue Aqua Forest Green 5= o ARMOU o FinDKING'S HIG AY D diniali mi Mocha „maiCharcoalBlack Track Options Under track systems are embedded in the pool wall or mounted to the bottom side of rectangular pools'coping,allowing tracks to remain virtually unnoticed.For a more integrated look,tracks can be built directly into the nasem* 1.- pool wall using track encapsulation. under Track Encapsulated Under Track Top track systems can be used with most freeform pools.The cover's drive 4, Airsystemisinstalledunderanaluminumlidormountedtothesurfaceofthedeck. p Recessed track systems feature aluminum tracks that are recessed in the pool deck during the construction of the pool. The recessed track is flush I e , a with the top of the deck. Top TrackTop Recessed Track limnLidOptions Classic Aluminum Lid,Flat Lid,Flush Deck Lid,and Walk-On Lid if6: o\ y nAluminumLidFlatLidFlushDeckLidCICopingOptions oAluminum: Bullnose,Inclined,and Rounded Concrete:(also compatible for gunite and I i i s o i fiberglass pools)Inclined and Cantilever 1 Aluminum Coping Reusable Concrete Coping Forms Bullnose Inclined Rounded Inclined Cantilever.. PAGES MASTER HALCOF Colonial Panels & Gates A Tradition of Fencing Solutions r Vii. '9Illl d 1 n®APR" N ng111 Jfi" 11"1111.1wrAMIII wilowiii Universal When you're searching 1" Rails&5/8" Pickets for a great value in an Panels Gates Arch Gates 3 Rail I 1111111.111111 elegant fence, Colonial Hoa 48" 48 60" 1 60" 6" Aluminum"'provides you 0 C T 3 0420 72" 7z" YARMOLIT 11 0-r—........... a wide variety of styles OLD KING'S ' - I I 4'or F--4'or 5' 11111111W11111011111111111111111 111111111111111111tochoosefrom. Their 54": iiiiiiiLjj[' 1 111111111111 54„* installation are combined 6' I 4'or 5' I t with quality construction 1.. 2 Rail and outstanding 48"* 48"* 48"* durability. I 6' I I 4'or5'--I I 4'or5' Universal Spear I ..~ 1" Rails &5/8" Pickets jy.:.....,,,.. 3 Rail 48„ 48„ 48" apill` 6' I I 4'or 5' I I 4'or 5' ILcars€--r E—' . TYy Fi F p S S ga a 54"* 54”* 54„* roil I 6' I I 4'or5' I I 4'or5'—I MasterHalco.com I 888-MH-Fence 4 HMASTER HALCO About Colonial Aluminum ' Fencing A Tradition of Fencing Solutions 10 11111.111111111111 nI111111111raffir 11111-49 mu NI ir i- t- Mr ri 111;;PI Ili mil n ll . P!II Colonial Aluminum Fencing There are two families of Colonial Aluminum Fencing.Standard Colonial offers 5/8"pickets, Colonial Plus offers 3/4"pickets. O... Colonial Aluminum®fences offer a variety of design styles to customize te look of your property.All panels come in rackable sections,which 11101111111Ibeautifullyadjusttothecontoursofmostlandscapes.They also offer the beauty of a screwless design for that desired"good neighbor"look. Colonial Aluminum fences are an attractive ornamental fence with the classic look of wrought iron,and the low maintenance of aluminum.The 1 added benefit of a Lifetime Limited Warranty provides the peace of mind in knowing your investment will last for years to come. 6' Features & Benefits Colonial fencing adjusts 20 inches over 6 feet Aluminum panels and posts that never develop red rust,cost less to maintain,and are ideal for poolside installations 441.1/ Easy rackability over uneven terrain Durable Polyester TGIC powder coating resists fading and scratches for a lasting look Architectural grade powder coating meets or exceeds 111111111111111AAMA2603specifications Screwless panels for a clean"good neighbor"look Gates have welded rails and pickets for added strength and durability Assembled sections for quick and easy installation Lifetime Limited Warranty Many styles available to suit your needs:Universal,Spear,Universal 24 Spear,Picket,and Staggered Spear r 8 Made in the USA Colonial Plus offers punch post or bracket installation Colonial Plus fencing adjusts 24 inches over 8 feet New a i/, •/ C: 4, Cotor1tat PLUS /'4l ALUMINUM" III Il, Retaining Notch II Stainless Steelteel BracketsFeatureliIIl,ii II l iwith Bolts Brackets or punch post using IIIsamepanelIIS2o"x2/ post 11;11- 0 S 111 11 R uted 0 Il II 21/2"x 21/2"Blank Post 94"O.C. 96"O.C. MasterHalco.com I 888-MH-Fence 2 STO O, Q TANK °° 7 TANK O o 2). I. ii i EX./ I' DWELLING MNO // 11 EX. PATIO p cy in N. PROPOSED 30'x14' INGROUND POOL CONFORMING FENCE W/ ti4 N ALARMS AND GATES NN OEX.SHED APPRbVED\ OCT 3 0 2020 \ S'„ •tO n YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY SEPTIC FROM ASBUILT ON FILE AT THE TOWN HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDER TO CONFIRM CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN MBLU 112-09 E DRIVEN. OF 41gss9c 2 YARMOUTH, MAICERTIFYTHATTHEIMPROVEMENTSSHOWNo 4, HAVE BEEN LOCATED BY A FIELD SURVEY ROBB DATE: 11-12-2020 DRAWN: RBS o SYKES JOB #: 5796 No. 35418 ” SCALE: 1"=40' DWG. CPP Pow -AA.6o- EASTBOUND F's.'oiST.c c,` P.O. LAND SURVEYING, INC.PereQ 11-12-2020 P.O. BOX 442 W'- FORESTDALE, MA 02644 ROBB SYKES, P.LS. DATEi 014 r 508-477-4511 ACCURATE FENCE RESfXIfN1tA{./COMM P,RCINI Date ( -'f( 1 t , 774-521-9131 Architect lRG t ri Cii.scl d ,Ail, T t )i_\J 1 a.r- -'-.` - 2-1(±".- Phone No --t --/ 1Name ,t l t. AddrF>s ,i ; Email s_' r..R).zi,.:..t.-1.T\':t V `- Z s'L1..1.._-__ .__--- Area \:! r de at':: 3.3I:' 1r»•ng- NOT TO SCALE C-C 1 s i u t, f 2 L4•.I Y t Iiff i l r, 17-.!s4w I z y o f ' -1-- t 1 C olo,4 icili rt u_S- t,I a c oc„rr c Coe-, (I A )LiM;-,,,., ferj e-e. r c i`.ci p 5 C-J Arc Lc) J ii vi, ,, I 1 roc ! e oro i,e.-Nrai ,—e\f-e.5JOO Sub.co, r4- 1 d a,coo -16 r 5-14-' el; qi 4- 4-6p folie . All material isguaranteed to be as specified,and the above work to he performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work an completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of _Dollars with payments to be made as follows:vvikk k i v.C,Y1 coye_eyvu Al,r Cl n6 vevylc t 1(v.ve v- e;vA,,,t,v_ ( (v, .e ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL 1he above Prices,specifications,and conditions are satisfactory and are herby accepted. You are authorized to do t work as specified. Payments will be made as outlined above. Signature _ _ Signature ttos:ffmail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/1921#cv/searchjaccurate.fence%40yahoo.com/174823a0a1c2db78 11/17/20,8:26 AM age 2of3 Rogers, Grayce From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 4:56 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - 20-E096 Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. I take it that the pool will be 14X30 at the location shown on the plot plan. They will need to come back with proposed pool fence. While one can't see an inground pool, one can see a fence. So actually the fence is (for us) more important the the pool. I approve of the pool size and location. Richard On 10/30/2020 4:10 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, Here Is another Certificate of Exemption for your review. p ''VF! OCT 3 0 209 0 i.ysicG'S Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVIDI9, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. 1 Rogers, Grayce From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 4:56 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - 20-E096 Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. I take it that the pool will be 14X30 at the location shown on the plot plan. They will need to come back with proposed pool fence. While one can't see an inground pool, one can see a fence. So actually the fence is (for us) more important the the pool. I approve of the pool size and location. Richard On 10/30/2020 4:10 PM Rogers, Grayce<grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, Here Is another Certificate of Exemption for your review.@ T 3 0 2020 YARMOUTHLDKING'S HIGHWAY APROArD Thank you, OV Grayce Rogers YA. Liu L 1LD i(ING'S G AY Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVID19, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. i Rogers, Grayce From: RICHARD GEGENWARTH' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 1:24 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: FW: 2 Firestone Drive Pool Fence Attachments: RICHARDGEGENWARTH.vcf The fence design is appropriate. I approve for 2 Firestone Drive. Richard ps the material concerning 5 Marsh Side in not relivent. On 11/23/2020 1:01 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us>wrote: Hello Richard, I have spoken to both the agent and the applicant. The applicant has assured me that it will indeed be a 54 inch high metal fence and not an automatic pool cover. Therefore, I have attached the following for your review for a certificate of exemption. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVID19, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. 1 From: Marcus Buckley [mailto:mfbuckley@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 12:47 PM To: Rogers, Grayce <GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc: swimmingpoolandspadesign@gmail.com; Susan Buckley<sbbuckley@gmail.com> Subject: Re: 2 Firestone Drive Pool Fence Dear Ms. Rogers, We do not plan to have an automatic cover for our pool, but will have a code compliant fence. The fence is a 54"high metal fence surrounding the entire pool enclosure. The fence will have an automatic locking gate and alarm, as will the rear door from the house leading to the pool enclosure. After our pool contractor submitted a certified plot plan and fence specs last week,he informed us that he was told to expect the permit to be issued by the end of last week . It has been our intent all along to have the pool installed before really cold weather hits. I confess to being flummoxed by this delay. We have met every requirement for this project. As a taxpayer and a full time resident of Yarmouth, I am very disappointed. I would appreciate it if you or someone would call me at the phone numbers listed below, if any further discussion is needed. Sincerely, Marcus Buckley Marcus Buckley mfbuckley@gmail.com 518) 894-0444 (Mobile) 774) 330-3915 2