HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-A111 YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK °FYI TOWN OF YARMOUTH z 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508)398-0836 '2i.FEB3PI#12:3S RPC OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS,PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appl : Indicate type of Building: 0 Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: ✓ New Building , j Addition ■ Iterations Reroof Garage. _ Shed Solar Panels Other: RFCEI M EO 2) Exterior Painting: ✓ Siding _',Shutters ✓ Doors ✓TrimOther: II 'DV 2 5 2020 3) Signs/Billboards: ✓ New Sign Change to Existing Sign ;AHivlO JTH 4) Miscellaneous Structures: llFence Wall ,IIFlagpole Pool IIOther: n KING'S Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 227 Pine St, Yarmouth Port Map/Lot# 105/8.1 Owner(s): Cape Cod & Islands Council, Inc. Boy Scouts of America Phone#: 508-3624322 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 247 Willow St, Yarmouth Port MA 02675 Year built: N/A Email: michael.riley@scouting.org Preferred notification method: Phone 1. 1 Email Agent/contractor: Bruce Hamilton, Architect Phone#: 603-878-4823 Mailing Address: 833 Turnpike Rd, Ipswich NH 03071 Email: BHamilton@brharch.com Preferred notification method: Phone ✓ Email Description of Proposed Work: APPROVEDNew construction of a 3,195 square foot (outside fndn.) mul i-purpose building at t, amp Greenough with appropriate parking area and landscaping JAN 1 1 2021 YARIvIOU i f OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Michael Riley 10/21/2020 Signed(Owner or agent): 'ppo Date: D Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) • If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. • This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. D All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: V Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Date:` Reason for Denial: Amount 4TOr' 60 5C) Cash/CK#: Signed: _ Rcvd by: 611- 20-A111 227 Pine Street Hearing: 1/11/2021 45 Days: Approved Remotely by: 20-A111 227 Pine Street Hearing: 1/11/2021 Richard Gegenwarth Applicant shall OKH approval for any Rosemary Nicholls changes to these plans prior to the change Paula Morrison Date Signed: being incorporated into the project. 1 APPLICATION#: TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING’S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant’s agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations “As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application.” Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print):______________________________________________ Applicant/Agent signature:_____________________________________Date:_____________ Application #: ___________________ 3/2020 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING’S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS’ LIST Applicant’s (Owner) Name: __________________________________________ Property Address/Location: __________________________________________ Hearing Date: ________________ Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who’s property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor’s Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King’s Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: Application #: _______________________ 3 8.2018 105/ 2/ / / 105/ 6/ / / BANKS CAROLYN E ONEIL DONNA J TRS 208 CARLSON LN 245 PINE ST, W BARNSTABLE , MA 02668 YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 105/ 1/ / / 105/ 5/ / / KUBIAK JOAN P DILILLO MARILYN N 24 MYRTLE LN 255 PINE ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 105/ 47/ / / 105/ 7/ / / MCMANUS MARTIN S DELMONICO RALPH TRS 112 ANZIO RD O'NEIL DONNA J ATHOL , MA 01331 245 PINE ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675-2377 105/ 48/ / / 105/ 11/ / / LOVEJOY RALPH L TRS MARVIN CYNTHIA L TRS LOVEJOY CAROL L HUNLEY NANCY A TRS 10 BALSAM WAY 240 PINE ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 104/ 5/ / / JOLY ROBIN S PO BOX 219 YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 227 Pine St., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 104/ 6/ / / Assessors Map 105, Lot 8.1 PREBENSEN DENNIS M PREBENSEN SALLIANNE 44.‘24 i�G��/ C%CIl.6,c249- 156 SUMMER ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 Andy 16 chado, Director of Assessing 104/ 8/ / / ARNETT KEETON ARNETT BEVERLY J 158 SUMMER STREET YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675-1731 105/ 8.1/ / / CAPE AND ISLANDS COUNCIL BSA Sef\k- 12 .2, /202 0 247 WILLOW ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675-1744 105/ 16/ / / CAPE AND ISLANDS COUNCIL BSA 247 WILLOW ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675-1744 105/ 10/ / I GRAHAM NICHOLE A 228 PINE ST YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 North Side, Main Entrance South Side, Front of Building West Side View from Northeast East Side FIRST FLOOR0"4'-10 3/4"2'-9"3'-5"4"4"1'-4"5'-1"4"B.O. SILL2'-3"AWITH SHUTTERS4'-10 3/4"2'-9"3'-5"4"4"4"B.O. SILL2'-3"BWITHOUT SHUTTERS3'-10 1/2"3'-7 1/4"3'-5"1'-2"4'-0"C2'-9"FIRST FLOOR0"16'-7 1/2"R 1' - 9"4"D4"4"7'-0"SINGLE EXT. FLUSH DOOR3'-0"6'-2"7'-0" 2'-4 1/2"DOUBLE EXT. FLUSH DOOR9'-6"FIRST FLOOR0"3'-10 1/2"2'-3 1/2"4"4"15'-1 1/4"EDORMER WINDOWS833 TURNPIKE ROAD P.O. BOX 104NEW IPSWICH NEW HAMPSHIRE 03071ARCHITECTURELAND PLANNINGINTERIOR DESIGN3D VISUALIZATION146 COMMERCIAL STPROVINCETOWN, MASSACHUSETTS02657SCALE - 1/4" = 1'-0"227 PINE STYARMOUTH, MA10/20/2020EXTERIOR WINDOWS:• ANDERSON WINDOWS OR EQUAL• VINYL WINDOWS/EXTERIOR - COLOR WHITE• NATURAL WOOD/INTERIOR• NATURAL WOOD FINISH/INTERIOR• 4" FLAT TRIM KIT - COLOR WHITE • SHGC: 0.40 MAX• (CLIMATE ZONE 5)• LOW E-GLAZING• FIRE-RETARDANT-TREAT WOOD BLOCKING REQUIRED AT HEAD, SILL AND JAMBS OF EXTERIOR WALLS PER IBC 2009 SECTION 603.1 EXTERIOR DOORS: • ANDERSON OR EQUAL• WOOD EXTERIOR, PAINTED.• WOOD NATURAL INTERIOR• HOLLOW METAL FRAME- PAINTED WHITE• WOOD TRIM- COLOR WHITE• ENTRANCE DOORS: U-FACTOR: 0.80 MAX• ALL OTHER DOORS AND FENESTRATION U-FACTOR: 0.55 MAX FIRST FLOOR 0" T.O. WALL @ HALL 10' -0" ROOF 25' -5" T.O. APPENDAGE 8' -0"                      6"8"8"6"6"6"   C C A 9 12 9 12 FIRST FLOOR 0" T.O. WALL @ HALL 10' -0" ROOF 25' -5"                           E A A E E A A E 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 FIRST FLOOR 0" T.O. WALL @ HALL 10' -0" ROOF 25' -5" T.O. APPENDAGE 8' -0"    6"     6"8" 6"                 101 BB B B 102 9 12 9 12 9 12 FIRST FLOOR 0" T.O. WALL @ HALL 10' -0" ROOF 25' -5" T.O. APPENDAGE 8' -0"          6"8"        6"8"6"6"        D A A 103 AA A 9 12 9 12 HORIZONTAL 4" CEDAR PAINTED CLAPBOARD SIDING     COLOR LIGHT GRAY   CEDAR WOOD SHAKERS, PAINTED COLOR LIGHT GRAY AZEK TRIM BOARD COLOR WHITE  COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BRILLANT WHITE OR EQUAL   ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES COLOR BLACK SEE ROOF PLAN TRIM KIT COLOR WHITE ANDERSEN WINDOWS (OR EQUAL) (SEE DETAILS IN WINDOW SCHEDULE) TRIM KIT 4" INSULATED WOOD PANEL DOOR, PAINTED - W/ GALVANIZED HOLLOW METAL FRAMES   COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE STONINGTON GRAY HC 170 OR EQUAL AZEK FASICA & SHADOW BOARD COLOR WHITE VINYL GLAZING SYSTEM WITH INSULATED LOW E' GLAZING AND THERMALLY BROKEN FRAMES AZEK WRAPPED COLUMNS, PAINTED COLOR WHITE COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE STONINGTON GRAY HC 170 OR EQUAL COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BRILLANT WHITE OR EQUAL ANDERSEN DOORS (OR EQUAL) PAINTED EXTERIOR AND NATURAL WOOD INTERIOR FINISH. (SEE DETAILS IN WINDOW SCHEDULE) COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BRILLANT WHITE OR EQUAL TRIM KIT COLOR WHITE WINDOW CROWN TRIM COLOR WHITE COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BRILLANT WHITE OR EQUAL WOOD WINDOW SHUTTERS, PAINTED COLOR WHITE COLOR TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE XXX   EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIZE TO BE APPROVED W/ LOCAL APPROVALS. 833 TURNPIKE ROAD P.O. BOX 104 NEW IPSWICH NEW HAMPSHIRE 03071 ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN 3D VISUALIZATION 146 COMMERCIAL ST PROVINCETOWN MASSACHUSSETTS 02657   227 PINE ST YARMOUTH, MA 10/20/2020 1/4" = 1'-0"A-4.0 1  1/4" = 1'-0"A-4.0 2  1/4" = 1'-0"A-4.0 3 1/4" = 1'-0"A-4.0 4  1 Rogers, Grayce From:Greene, Karen Sent:Monday, November 30, 2020 6:05 AM To:Rogers, Grayce Subject:FW: Proposed Boy Scout Building on Pine Street, Yarmouth Port Fyi ‐    Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development  Town of Yarmouth  kgreene@yarmouth.ma.us  508‐398‐2231 x1278    From: William Fragaszy [mailto:magyarbill@gmail.com]   Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 12:16 PM  To: Vozella, Beth   Subject: Proposed Boy Scout Building on Pine Street, Yarmouth Port  Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Ms. Vozella: I have recently learned of the Boy Scouts of America’s proposal to build a large multi-purpose commercial building at 227 Pine Street in Yarmouth Port. In reviewing their application to the Old King’s Highway Historic District Committee, I feel that the proposal should not be approved due to several reasons. First, Pine Street is a residential street. The addition of a large commercial building on such a residential street would bring added traffic and noise. I note that the proposal calls for parking spaces for 50 cars. If there is a large event at the proposed facility, dozens of cars traveling along Pine Street at approximately the same time would be noisy. In addition, as there are no sidewalks on Pine Street, a large number of cars would present a safety issue for the neighborhood. Second, the building being proposed is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. I note that the Committee’s web site specifically states that it has been protecting the character of Cape Cod since 1974. As I mentioned in my first point, Pine Street is residential. Dropping a large commercial building amid the residential houses of the neighborhood would severely alter the character of the neighborhood in a negative way. Third, in looking at the depiction of how the building would look, I believe that the facade is not in keeping with the character of Cape Cod architecture. Indeed, it looks totally out of place with its stone veneer, which is not a Cape Cod style. So, again, not only is it not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood, it is also not in keeping with the character of the historic district. In conclusion, I believe that the Boy Scouts of America’s proposal to build a multi-purpose building at 227 Pine 2 Street in Yarmouth Port should not be approved. Sincerely, William J Fragaszy 65 Greenland Circle Yarmouth Port (508) 362-3656 1 Rogers, Grayce From:quinlivanl@aol.com Sent:Sunday, November 29, 2020 1:15 PM To:Vozella, Beth; Clark, Sandi Cc:nrgrham80@aol.com Subject:Pine St Boy Scout Camp Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Ms Vozella and Ms Clark, We would like to state our concerns with the proposed expansion of the Boy Scout Camp on Pine Street. My husband and I live on the corner of Pine Street and Duck Pond Road. The traffic in Pine Street has always been worrisome as most drivers do not obey the speed limit and this is a narrow road with poor sightlines and no sidewalks. It is inherently dangerous to walk or bicycle here. Our grandchildren cannot go out in the yard without adult supervision due to the traffic and speed situation. We cannot image the problems this additional traffic will cause. It is our understanding that this is a zoned residential area in addition to being in the OKH Historic District. As homeowners, we are bound by the regulations of the OKH and have had to seek approval for changes made while improving our home and property. Abutters have been notified whenever we have applied to the OKH, yet we have not received any official notification of the requests made by the Boy Scout Camp. Are they not bound by the same rules as homeowners? In conclusion, we would like to state our unequivocal objection to this project. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Linda & Kevin Quinlivan 1 Duck Pond Road As homeowners, we are required to follow all guidelines set forth by the OKH. , r j' E t F' s 5� ( i•r,u , a • R . 7, c w Y '! y t rE r' 1 l 9 it+ 1 � •a 'P' t^. -'r, G ,'i9 , f'ixi, a�+'. „ij:.°e +,#+ r,�.... ''�, sl. :i• "'��il,y>(yr2 ,. ,:�+� �', vrd/d , Y 8 A � • 3 R�I,+i , � c4 civ �' \ ` tv N `S'�' �' %�i "v$r'' � L , '�.� r I�v ' "i•� 1.., Arid�t�.? 4,f n ;.r if�., i �.�},, y�-vl.�',:1i'�d Nr�:: .,. r .1`h•J:�'�fpx ``�yyr -! t r Vy, . \ 4 �l�v¢,�:�; ��-�!%'+7�pK..�1�a4.:.. 1 '",Mi"✓s�Ykf,CL,?, .w%�'��: 6J#' , ':n�a ��d ,')�..�.'".. . l+ �...,. ,:, .,.r•,i<:aS � /., iM`.,,,4,e , ara} z ..v' '!r,Cy ! vf: 'y'w ' 0• v t''r S,'. ,,, i' pn h } J- l b r a f : J- i ,J M 1 r J a •L' i r 21a ! N, BRUCE RONAYNE t r 6w . r 1 N�A'�"i• � rc ."'. 4f+H + "'A •,�... ... <, Lt'., .. r. ,.v. •- ..<... v ' S.,V,v11. .x•>(.t 1{'t;.>C.,, .n, .A":. .v, $ (• w YQ,. .., pa F $ \ .•d v rE. 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T l' In rL ,• 'A k`• 't :►i 1 ~4•,, `q J�,' ►, : �`:►�,1-� ! •.ri._ '3 i�.y�� - �% �.?. ,.r•I,♦ :a _ ''t'" , r� !•: Kv v"l-I L-1 . & or; fib J41f.' �_ ✓ •t- ✓��is.�'�: •kr� ::� �. - �•s;eJ !`31 •F `y f.,, PA 4'p. nft, '* - � d' � _, r �y� . 3'r r. -ri:�.'/ „ w - ••Ct ,<. - Vii.. � `�..±: � P 'oo. BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS 462 • 580.1 452 56.86 4575810 v ' PLAN OF LAMB IN v v 626 .5213 ��R70UTHPORT, AIM. , FOR COD .III 62353.98 52.\ \ 1\ 51.65 \, \\ \ \ [iAPl:p (.OD COUNCIL 46956.70 1, 62052.16 }0951.34 BOY SCOUTS OF AIYILRICA 62252.86 D_97E- OCT 20, 2020 \ GAL✓. NAIL 627 \ ^ SC1LE- 1 /N = 20 FT Nor RNO 459 46857.37 // \ 1550.83 EL -4852 7�g g 2 46.98 `: / -4 5 0 0 �, O 20 40 59.88 ff 619 1�0 65 50.92 50.49 , \ \ \ R. J. O'Heam PLS 48 N5 '//6165 54.34 6185160 1j1 / 624 49,42 625 359 • j 50.29 4.?.r27 35 Route 134 S26Lte 2, P.O. 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TEN S MAY EEN (70 X 78) FOOT DES WHERE AT LEAST I l 1 A A AV f V A SPACES MAY BE SUBSTITUTED W RES WHS'RE AT AND W 1 I \ 3704944 \ AND ONE HALE OR EEEi OF OVERHANG SPACE ANG WF �\ \_ BUMPEF TOPS OR AO OUFl 1.E CURBS ARE PROVIDED, I \ •12150.74 -y \\ 4 NOTARKI :.. 1 4 bl ,�. 4U /\ , II\ 1I I5I61 I, 64 4812 L \214 16347.26 4 49.43 4813 1527 .54 . 12 85022)/ 5158 /21248.44 156 029158s1J(48.83 4532 155 137 45.49 49.01 59 \\ \ \ \ I 2 • 4351 \t57 4511 \\ CJ 13846.90 I 1 l23 I �25 \ .52.36 V - 247I I A 335 ,34,x# v 13> 19 AV (- T ,.n f - 1\ I 11121b7- 14 \\ 2�149,3y/ �s2a1 ar AV V A \\\ II 184 I1 \\\ \\ 1 2b 52.6 / .i� 5%2.�3O6 5x143.16 53.33 73 1 25 284 /\5 0 .62 i 183 53.71 40.64 52.0 2 6529e74143 / 52.94 \ \ A S3 / A \V A. //F415 7 I I A 23z.5�7053.86 2 / 3J 1.42 1b 7 191 5685285 cATA815 5 .23 1 275 / 53.81 / A \ 1 lar eILN f�D50N \ - . 5279 \ \\ 1 3360,13 185.89 \\ , I 1 - I_ 8 p % / /27453.98 /' 1 3752'2 -veiV J1$$ 1 5�EIM53,Sit I I/ 22 353.58 /2322 -(, / .1 �3111gJ4. 35 55 \V I \\ II r, I A\ \5281 ' •652.60: MY1IL NOT ENOL \\ 33443.84\\ \\ I I \ �ti5301 20 5 I 339 EL -35.65 51.09 2 379 653.56 \ �.J4 } 3644 \ EI I \ I \ / / 51.69 \ I\ 335\ 1 \ / 272 / \ 34 0.23 \\ 4'x.53 11 I \ ' \ / / \ / JO.: /i' mo / \ \ \ 1 1 \ �� 238 239 34 8 / 380 \ A I 236 ,7♦)_236 31,35 / k52.83 J' 5257 / 52.67 _ 24%53.34 4 54.22 \ I �� \ 21°51.84 -'5.3'2\ / \ I \\ \\ 333 III 1 .J n \ \ \ \ / / �� 5, 38154.50 \ 54.23 242 \ 290 \ a 210 / BOl TOF '--, 5y'fa j 3.98 A/^ y ✓\.(�'h\.1I 433.61 \ \ •46.26 II 50,53\\ .54.20 \\ / r�3.2� / \\\ �Ol iyvvv V NAIL 6�` NnIL �I- / py 29136.59 42.43 I \\ I pV ll p 84.2 3 _ _ �� EL = z51 1 / / AV O� AMEMCA / I \ \\ 4Atl- \ 2H54.5B- - �49. �23452.J3 1� 2 .20 204 09• ♦ / d -c9 26554.53 ///55.7243 38356604 \\ MWIH.M \\ 33849.03 \ •51.15 654,81 20954 ��952.85 \ 32 :J1 --/ \ 382 K7 P1 20 YAR A\ T Io-zo-abxp \ \ 1 5 �` 52.51 + 6 / 384 _ \ 4845 202 50 �66 55.86 \ 288 \ F* I 20\SI �F PLAN 121. ,•55.27 \ \ \ •. 42.62 \ I \\ ' r, 2�6 \ 153.5 1 38756.39 A CHITE�(URE \ \ \ 20146.32 I \ I SCMX: \3/4• _ a . 54.44 52.85 233 30 1 \ LA D PLANNING \ \ I \ . 54.52 \53.08 2\ 51.68 257 \ IN IOR DESIGN \ Y \ Iry I 20052.15 \ 2653,64 \\\ \ �f54.12 3D UALIZA ION \\ V 31 qq \ 833MRN RMD RO BO%IW �` I p 53�p950741 K \ NMINW H NEWHA HIRE 03071 Aks . . . . . . . . ... t I WA .-A w.o 47 nipaw. 4F A �� �W V , . t gop A 491 A .4 lad T "WN Arl IWN's 0 nt I 'Al Oi ol� Atir AD A�l vie ? b ;'Au n f I I BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS 0A sN I WA .-A w.o 47 nipaw. 4F A �� �W V , . t gop A 491 A .4 lad T "WN Arl IWN's 0 nt I 'Al Oi ol� Atir AD A�l vie ? b ;'Au n f I I BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS Ilk Iii `4 I WA .-A w.o 47 nipaw. 4F A �� �W V , . t gop A 491 A .4 lad T "WN Arl IWN's 0 nt I 'Al Oi ol� Atir AD A�l vie ? b ;'Au n f I I BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS 7 Arl x L , eAi� is A ft rA Ar Al - rl. sf sw jam, i 1*7 7. .7. *w I&L"94- 10, 71 -V,. 7siv, _04 4i io• g APO kip ii 1:4t's• 4w lkl;� .. I V. INN Joe U'd WF low, 1V 1AW, MTV 7- 7 1 0 As— Ira 441* n. BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS lot. low, 1V 1AW, MTV 7- 7 1 0 As— Ira 441* n. BRUCE RONAYNE HAMILTON ARCHITECTS It : R ` �A it • AOR i • V ; @&I V 44i, 17 'w 4 i IN t r, 1� ioll..� -41 , <� i t .� i. �i Is �, •� 3 i' �t 3 ' t III V�is ' ' . , All 181'x► .. sf . .I. � r 1R'- -4 - aOM-cy '�1, t0o Q's I 4 It a 1I .�;14 A5 w lit.III .. fi • it �ry v I'.r�. •v _ t I it r.r'I A.A.t'IF t ON I III Al. I A -"oni � r ti: ti� 1I. .I l 4 olm . I 111. I V 1, .4 - % I1 ?40 4 :;t- - or0k \ I I . IL 1 v9j Ipi I I I . I k I % I I .4 •�1•i } 11 7 y - .•. - "I I*It t 1 1 1w `s 1 w {' • � i.� tk OF =I - 111'1 / -- . P A Vovlo.4r 1 _ .,.� f ' I. 4 Iyp i ee :1tl { or 14 'lN I r. I I ON 0 e I . I.O, I . .. r III Or I <^ it&; A r e y, + ,. ' �, �5�•=` WA °L Ido I tw' IfIPO .. 14 i r I III �oc wwf & V. V 7 Il P� 24ft A *44210 I : I , Af (fito II t276- .�' '7 .� 04 -.�"{{ � `Rd',sw. (k�(��!,Q��j �r 6••l'q'Y -�! i `4 �'��- �. 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PG10 7 Picea glauca White Spruce B & B 8-10' HT. PS10 12 Pinus strobus White Pine B & B 8-10' HT. FLOWERING TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL PLANT SIZE PC -A 3 Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' Aristocrat Flowering Pear B & B 3.5" cal. C L Ll EVERGREEN TREE DETAIL NTS U5E 211X2" HARDWOOD STAKE LOCATE ANCHOR STAKE 18" AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK ON 51DE OF PREVAILING WIND. INSTALL TREE PLUMB - L.A. TO APPROVE FACE/ORIENTATION OF TREES ON 51TE TREE SHALL BE PLANTED ;3" ABOVE 51JKROUNDING GRADE - TREE 5HALL BE PLUMB AFTER 5ETTLEMENT IF ROOTBALL 15 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC OR NON-BIODEGRADEABLE MATERIAL REMOVE ENTIRE WRAP - IF WRAPPED IN BURLAP, CUT OPEN AT LEAST 1/3 OF TOP $ REMOVE ALL TWINE/ ROPE. PULL WIRE CAGE BACK DOWN INTO PLANTING HOLE 1/3 HEIGHT OF FOOTBALL EXCAVATE HOLE TO DIAMETER 2X WIDER THAN ROOT BALL - BACKFILL HOLE WITH PLANTING MIX A5 SPECIFIED 3" PINE BARK MULCH (UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAN5) TEMPORARY EARTH SAUCER TO CONTAIN 3" MULCH - PULL MULCH 3-G" AWAY FROM TRUNK OF TREE (KNOCKDOWN/REMOVE SAUCER AFTER FI R5T 5EA50N) UNDISTURBED 5UBGRADE PLANTING STANDARD 501L MIX: 1/3 PEAT - MANURE BLEND 1/3 HIGH ORGANIC LOAM 1/3 EXISTING 501L L) -)L- VL)1-I\JILL I I\LL f"11V1..1 IIJI\ I UI\ J l�l'l L. OR GREATER PLANTING 501L MIX: 1/3 PEAT - BLEND MANURE 1/3 HIGH ORGANIC LOAM 1/3 EX. 501L DECIDUOUS TREE DETAIL NTS INSTALL TREE PLUMB - L.A. TO APPROVE FACE / ORIENTATION OF TREES ON SITE NON-GURDELING STRAP SUCH A5 CHAIN LOCK OR ARBOKTAPE INSTALL TREE GATOR5 ON ALL TREES NOT COVERED BY IRRIGATION A5 PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DURING PERIOD OF WARRANTY TREE SHALL BE PLANTED ;3" ABOVE 5UKROUNDING GRADE - TREE 5HALL BE PLUMB AFTER 5ETTLEMENT IF ROOTBALL 15 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC OR NON-BIODEGRADEABLE MATERIAL REMOVE ENTIRE WRAP - IF WRAPPED IN BURLAP, CUT OPEN AT LEAST 1/3 OF TOP 3" PINE BARK MULCH (UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) HAND EXCAVATE HOLE TO DIAMETER 2X WIDER THAN ROOT BALL - PRUNE ROOT FLARE - BACKFILL HOLE WITH PLANTING 501L MIX A5 5PECIFIED EARTH SAUCER TO CONTAIN 3" MULCH - PULL MULCH 3-G" AWAY FROM TRUNK OF TREE (KNOCKDOWN/REMOVE SAUCER AFTER FIRST 5EA50N) USE 211X21' HARDWOOD STAKE (FOR BELOW 3" CAL.) UNDISTURBED 5UBGKADE NOTE: FOR ALL FALL PLANTING, WRAP TRUNK A5 5PECIFIED TO 2ND LOWEST BRANCH - REMOVE THE FOLLOWING SPRING ALL TREES SHALL BE FLOODED TWICE DURING THE FIRST 24 HOUR5 AFTER PLANTING PINE ST RE ET 0 20 40 60 7L7L77--7�7 Ned Design, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Sagemore, MA 508-833-8800 info@hawkdesigninc.com HAWK DESIGN, INC. 2020 THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF HAWK DESIGN, INC. AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ANY METHOD, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF HAWK DESIGN, INC. D 0 Date: 116121 Revisions: Num. Date Descr lbn cc y CM cm COD Cm La COD CIOCOD OD 0 yCqm :0- 0 a2 y... CODCoCOD CIS CLO N N Drawn By, P,1K Checked By, DH Landscape Submission Plan Scale: 1" = 20'-0" Sheet: Ll 5.7 2.3 2.21.8 ViewDISCLAIMER:-THESE DRAWINGS ARE FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLYAND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION. VALUESREPRESENTED ARE AN APPROXIMATION GENERATEDFROM MANUFACTURERS PHOTOMETRIC IN-HOUSE ORINDEPENDANT LAB TEST WITH DATA SUPPLIED BY LAMPMANUFACTURERS.NOTES:-REFLECTANCES ASSUMED:GROUND: 20SURFACE: 50- MOUNTING HEIGHTS:SITE LIGHTS: 20'-0" AFGBOLLARDS: 3'-0" AFG- TASK HEIGHT: AFG- CALCULATION POINT SPACING: 4'X4' OCSYMBOL LABEL QUANTITY MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION LAMP LLF WATTAGESL1 Lithonia Lighting DSX2 LED P2 30K T3M MVOLTMOUNTING XX FINISHDSX2 LED P2 30K T3M MVOLT LED 0.9 740DL3 Lithonia Lighting LDN4 30/07 LO4AR LSS MVOLTDRIVER XX4IN LDN, 3000K, 750LM, CLEAR, SEMI-SPECULAR REFLECTOR, 80CRILED 0.9 8.6B5 Lithonia Lighting RADB LED P2 30K ASY MVOLTDDBXDRADB LED P2 30K ASY DDBXD LED 0.9 8227 Pine St.Boy Scouts of America01-07-2021DesignerBenjamin P. RoweDate12/28/2020ScaleNot to ScaleDrawing No.Summary1 of 1DESCRIPTION SYMBOL AVG. MAX MIN. MAX/MIN AVG/MINCalc Zone #1 3.3 fc 22.2 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/ACalc Zone #4 0.2 fc 12.0 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/APath 3.1 fc 15.7 fc 0.0 fc N/A N/A 0 PLANT SCHEDULE SITE EVERGREEN TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL PLANT SIZE PA10 6 Picea abies Norway Spruce B & B 8-10' HT. PG10 7 Picea glauca White Spruce B & B 8-10' HT. PS10 12 Pinus strobus White Pine B & B 8-10' HT. FLOWERING TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL PLANT SIZE PC -A 3 Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat' Aristocrat Flowering Pear B & B 3.5" cal. C L Ll EVERGREEN TREE DETAIL NTS U5E 211X2" HARDWOOD STAKE LOCATE ANCHOR STAKE 18" AWAY FROM TREE TRUNK ON 51DE OF PREVAILING WIND. INSTALL TREE PLUMB - L.A. TO APPROVE FACE/ORIENTATION OF TREES ON 51TE TREE SHALL BE PLANTED ;3" ABOVE 51JKROUNDING GRADE - TREE 5HALL BE PLUMB AFTER 5ETTLEMENT IF ROOTBALL 15 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC OR NON-BIODEGRADEABLE MATERIAL REMOVE ENTIRE WRAP - IF WRAPPED IN BURLAP, CUT OPEN AT LEAST 1/3 OF TOP $ REMOVE ALL TWINE/ ROPE. PULL WIRE CAGE BACK DOWN INTO PLANTING HOLE 1/3 HEIGHT OF FOOTBALL EXCAVATE HOLE TO DIAMETER 2X WIDER THAN ROOT BALL - BACKFILL HOLE WITH PLANTING MIX A5 SPECIFIED 3" PINE BARK MULCH (UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAN5) TEMPORARY EARTH SAUCER TO CONTAIN 3" MULCH - PULL MULCH 3-G" AWAY FROM TRUNK OF TREE (KNOCKDOWN/REMOVE SAUCER AFTER FI R5T 5EA50N) UNDISTURBED 5UBGRADE PLANTING STANDARD 501L MIX: 1/3 PEAT - MANURE BLEND 1/3 HIGH ORGANIC LOAM 1/3 EXISTING 501L L) -)L- VL)1-I\JILL I I\LL f"11V1..1 IIJI\ I UI\ J l�l'l L. OR GREATER PLANTING 501L MIX: 1/3 PEAT - BLEND MANURE 1/3 HIGH ORGANIC LOAM 1/3 EX. 501L DECIDUOUS TREE DETAIL NTS INSTALL TREE PLUMB - L.A. TO APPROVE FACE / ORIENTATION OF TREES ON SITE NON-GURDELING STRAP SUCH A5 CHAIN LOCK OR ARBOKTAPE INSTALL TREE GATOR5 ON ALL TREES NOT COVERED BY IRRIGATION A5 PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DURING PERIOD OF WARRANTY TREE SHALL BE PLANTED ;3" ABOVE 5UKROUNDING GRADE - TREE 5HALL BE PLUMB AFTER 5ETTLEMENT IF ROOTBALL 15 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC OR NON-BIODEGRADEABLE MATERIAL REMOVE ENTIRE WRAP - IF WRAPPED IN BURLAP, CUT OPEN AT LEAST 1/3 OF TOP 3" PINE BARK MULCH (UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) HAND EXCAVATE HOLE TO DIAMETER 2X WIDER THAN ROOT BALL - PRUNE ROOT FLARE - BACKFILL HOLE WITH PLANTING 501L MIX A5 5PECIFIED EARTH SAUCER TO CONTAIN 3" MULCH - PULL MULCH 3-G" AWAY FROM TRUNK OF TREE (KNOCKDOWN/REMOVE SAUCER AFTER FIRST 5EA50N) USE 211X21' HARDWOOD STAKE (FOR BELOW 3" CAL.) UNDISTURBED 5UBGKADE NOTE: FOR ALL FALL PLANTING, WRAP TRUNK A5 5PECIFIED TO 2ND LOWEST BRANCH - REMOVE THE FOLLOWING SPRING ALL TREES SHALL BE FLOODED TWICE DURING THE FIRST 24 HOUR5 AFTER PLANTING PINE ST RE ET 0 20 40 60 7L7L77--7�7 Ned Design, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Sagemore, MA 508-833-8800 info@hawkdesigninc.com HAWK DESIGN, INC. 2020 THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF HAWK DESIGN, INC. AND MAY NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ANY METHOD, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF HAWK DESIGN, INC. D 0 Date: 116121 Revisions: Num. Date Descr lbn cc y CM cm COD Cm La COD CIOCOD OD 0 yCqm :0- 0 a2 y... CODCoCOD CIS CLO N N Drawn By, P,1K Checked By, DH Landscape Submission Plan Scale: 1" = 20'-0" Sheet: Ll Outdoor D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics DSX1 Lighting Where You Need It… Not Where You Don’t Addressing unwanted spill light along the perimeter and corners of your outdoor lighting design is no easy task. Whether you are trying to limit the light trespass due to concern for neighboring properties, or seeking additional points for certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) green building program (V4), in either case, you need the most stringent light control available. We now have the perfect solution for you! The D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics, with its industry-leading optics addresses light trespass using innovative backlight control and corner cutoff optics, delivering outstanding performance, long life and energy efficiency. This is accomplished through the use of specialized point-source black light engines, integrated specular reflectors with optimized optics and dedicated light-absorbing backlight shields to provide maximum control for backlight and corner applications while providing superior lighting levels and luminaire efficiency. Specialized, Black D-Series Light Engines The stray-light absorbing light engines remove light scattered during refraction, ensuring light is directed exactly where it is needed – virtually eliminating spill light. Integrated Shield The integrated shield design virtually eliminates light trespass, reduces glare, and maximizes forward-reflected light, while maintaining high luminaire efficiency. DSX2 DSX0 Innovative Optics that Support Your Design D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics Innovation in Action The D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics use an innovative backlight control that significantly reduces light spill behind the pole for applications with pole locations close to adjacent properties. This helps support compliance with LEED light trespass requirements along the perimeter of the lot, while maintaining light levels that provide high visibility. Once backlight control is addressed, the corners of the property require attention in your design. The innovative LEED is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council®. It is the obligation of the end-user to consult with a LEED accredited professional advisor to determine compliance with LEED requirements for a particular project. Curb Line Property Line Virtually all light is cutoff right at that property line, even with the corner cutoff luminaire only 7' from the property line in either direction! LEED Boundary Line Anything beyond that red line is unacceptable spill light. DSX0 LED P5 40K BLC MVOLT DSX0 LED P4 40K RCCO MVOLT DLC Qualified The D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics are DesignLights Consortium® qualified, which makes them eligible for utility rebates and can help improve project ROI. corner cutoff optic enables pole mounting in the corners of your site, virtually doing away with light spill behind, and to one side of the pole. This is ideal for applications with corners that are close to a neighboring property or roadway, enabling more design options for pole placement, even at the property line. Dedicated Backlight Control and Corner Cutoff Optic Lithonia Lighting® is a member of the Acuity Brands portfolio of lighting, controls and daylighting solutions. Lithonia Lighting offers one of the industry’s broadest lighting portfolios for commercial and industrial lighting applications. Our LED, fluorescent and HID lighting are recognized for their quality, reliability and solid performance, making Lithonia Lighting one of the most specified brands in the lighting industry. www.lithonia.com One Lithonia Way | Conyers, Georgia 30012 | Phone: 800.279.8041 | www.acuitybrands.com ©2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. | LL_6292_0817 Product Specifications D-Series LED Extreme Cutoff Optics DSX2 400W - 1000W MH Replacement DSX0 175W - 400W MH Replacement DSX1 250W - 750W MH Replacement Model Input Watts Pole Height Optic Delivered Lumens Rear Setback from Property Line Side Setback from Property Line DSX0 LED P2 49W 15' BLC 4,925 6'— LCCO or RCCO 3,665 6'7' DSX0 LED P4 92W 15' BLC 8,656 7'— LCCO or RCCO 6,441 6'7' DSX0 LED P6 134W 20' BLC 13,090 8'— LCCO or RCCO 9,740 8'8' DSX0 LED P7 166W 25' BLC 15,051 9'— LCCO or RCCO 11,199 9'10' ers, G From: Marshall Lovelette <marshall.lovelette@icloud.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 10:55 AM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Old King's Highway Historic Committee - Camp Greenoug JAN 0 8 2021 , ,%r11V1%JU I h Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good morning Grayce, I'm writing to you today in support of the proposed new building at Camp Greenough. I grew up in Yarmouth Port, about a mile from the camp. During my time as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout in Yarmouth, I spent many days and nights enjoying the camp property. After college, I began to volunteer with my old troop (Troop 50 in Yarmouth Port.) I spent several years as an Assistant Scoutmaster and then as the Scoutmaster of the troop. When the BSA began welcoming girls into the program a few years ago, I founded Troop 150 in Yarmouth Port so that my daughters could participate in the program as well. My daughters are 4th -generation scouts and they love spending time at the camp. Camp Greenough is an incredible resource for scouts across the cape. The proposed building will open many new opportunities to our youth and scouting families. The proposed building looks like a traditional Cape Cod building. I think the design is very attractive and appropriate for the historic district. Further, it will be located nearly 100 feet from the road behind significant natural vegetation as well as additional screening to be planted. My family spends several weekends each year at the camp when I serve as the "camp master." During my time in camp, both as the camp master and as a scout leader, I've observed many youth and adults taking advantage of the property. I have never witnessed any behavior or activity in or around the camp that would have had any negative impact on the camp's neighbors. I hate to be cynical, but when I learned that the neighbor in opposition to the project operates an Air BnB across the street from the camp, my first reaction is that he or she must be concerned about increased camp activity harming their property rental business. I hope this is not the case, but I find it difficult to disregard the possibility. It would be a shame if scouts from the cape, and visiting scouts from off -cape, were not able to use the proposed new building because it may impact the rental income from a single Air BnB. If the opposition is not rooted in financial concerns and the neighbor simply finds camp activities to be disruptive, then I must wonder why he or she would purchase a home next to a camp. My family and the scouts in my troops have been excited about this project since it was first announced. I hope that if the decision comes down to rental income versus opportunities for our youth, that our youth prevail. Thank you for your time and for taking my thoughts into consideration. JAN 0 r i �niVivv i L , January 7, 2021 Heather Giangregorio 65 Windjammer Lane South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Grayce Rogers: I am writing this letter in support of the Scouts BSA Council and Camp Greenough, for the new construction of the Welcome and Education Building. I have been a member of the Scouts BSA for almost 10 years. I am currently the Advancement Chair for Cub Scout Pack 59, South Yarmouth; Scouts BSA Troop 50, Yarmouthport; and Scouts BSA Troop 150, Yarmouthport. I am also a Den Leader and Treasurer for Cub Scout Pack 59, as well as a Committee Member for the Cub Scout Pack and both Scout BSA Troops. With this being said, I would like to show my support for the proposed new building. Both the Pack and the Troop use the land at Camp Greenough very often, for events and/or meetings. Having the use of this new building would give everyone a new indoor space to conduct Pack Meetings and Troop Court of Honors, throughout the year. During the summer the Camp offers Summer Day Camp to Cub Scouts,p 3, Scouts BSA, as well as other children from communities here on the Cape as well as off Cape. With this building, the Council will be able to have a building for Check -In, and rest rooms available without having to walk through camp. The proposed design makes it blend in well with nature as it will be set back almost 100' and will have dense woods in front of it, which will make it less visible to see from the street. I understand additional screening is also being planned. It looks like a traditional Cape Cod building. In conclusion, there are many benefits of this building for Scouting as well as the community. The building has many amazing things to offer to not only Scouts and Scouting but also other organizations and schools that have taken advantage of -the resources at Camp Greenough. Camp Greenough is a great blessing to all of us. This building will only enhance our program. We have always been very respectful of Camp Greenough's neighbors, and will continue to be. Thank you for your time in reading this letter. Sincerely, Heather Giangregorio Cub Scout Pack 59 Scouts BSA Troop 50 Scouts BSA Troop 150 From:John Cooke To:Rogers, Grayce Subject:Camp Greenough Date:Monday, January 11, 2021 10:50:04 AM Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good morning, I am a resident of Yarmouth, 32 West Road in West Yarmouth, and have been involved with Scouting here in Yarmouth when I was a child growing up in town and again now as Cubmaster and Den Leader for Pack 59, Yarmouth. We are fortunate to have Camp Greenough in our backyard. Scouting teaches the youth many valuable skills, and as I am sure you are aware, is a wonderful character development program that is vitally important in teaching our youth skills outside of the classroom. I am excited by the proposal by the Cape & Islands Council of the Boy Scouts of America in seeking to improve the property with a much needed welcome center. This would certainly improve the experience of Scouts from near and far as they enter the property, which would serve as an entryway for them to our Town. Hundreds of Scouts and families from all over currently enjoy this property, and having a proper way to check-in for weekend camping, activities, and more will certainly help enhance their experience. For us locals, there are many direct benefits to Pack 59, who use the property year-round. Especially this year with COVID, Camp Greenough has been the only place we have been able to meet. This building will be a local, usable space available year around, a central indoor meeting point for activities at camp, and as a parent whose children attend day camp, it will provide restrooms, an indoor space if needed during drop off and pick up, and mitigate some of the dust that is currently turned up each day with the sand/dirt currently there. The Council and Camp have historically maintained wonderful relationships with their neighbors. A couple of years ago, the neighbors directly abutting the entrance to property were gifted a brick in the outdoor Chapel in memoriam of the passing of a family member. This ceremony took place at the same time as a similar memoriam for Sgt. Sean Gannon. Many neighbors walk around the property when the Scouts are not there, and enjoy the beauty, tranquility and ambiance of the Camp. I understand that there is a neighbor that uses their property for short-term rentals (https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/34972943?check_in=2021-05-16&check_out=2021-05- 22&s=67&unique_share_id=c778e921-8daa-43ce-a3e8-8a4c6ff62ab4) who has voiced objection to the project. Currently, the road and entry way are all sand/dirt and this new proposed building has asphalt parking and entry. This will certainly be an improvement that should alleviate any concerns of noise. After carefully reviewing the plans, I believe this proposed project would be an asset to the neighborhood and improve the ambience of the property for all that pass by on Pine Street, and most certainly for all of the youth who enjoy Scouting at Greenough. Should you have any questions about my endorsement of the project or would like to reach out at any time, my contact information is below. Sincerely, John Cooke 508-498-8812 (cell) Rogers, Grayce From: Jane Lovelette <jbl424@hotmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 12:21 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Camp Greenough Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this entail. Good afternoon, I'm writing to you in favor of the new building at Camp Greenough. As a resident of Yarmouth Port I am in full favor of the historic rules, and this building meets those requirements. I have reviewed the plans for the new building, and the style fits in well with our historic district. I have a long association with Camp Greenough. My father, Winsor C Baker was the first Cape Codder to earn the rank of Eagle Scout, and became Scoutmaster in Yarmouth in the 1950s. Our family spent quite a bit of enjoyable time there. My husband spent time there with in the 1960s, and again with our boys in the 19805 and 1990s as Assistant Scoutmaster in Yarmouth Port. Our as our boys were growing up in town, they also attended camp there. Our oldest son is now Scoutmaster for the girls troop in Yarmouth Port. Camp Greenough has been a very important part of many boys' and girls' lives on the cape and islands for years, and will continue to do so for generations to come. It needs to continue to grow to meet these needs. It has always been a good neighbor, and will continue to do so. It's not right that an outsider should be able to buy a house, that they know is across the street from a Boy Scout camp, turn it into an Air BnB, and expect the camp to stagnate for her. Camp Greenough has played an important role in our children's lives for generations. They have designed an appropriate building to take care of our children for years to come. Please don't let one person buy into town and try to take that away from all of us. Thank you for taking the time to listen. DECEIVED Sincerely, ,SAN 0 8 2021 Jane B Lovelette 11 Homestead Lane YAHMOUTH Yarmouth Port OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Sent from Mail for Windows 10