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Grant, Kelly
From:Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Sent:Tuesday, December 22, 2020 8:17 AM
To:'Jeffrey Chizmas'
Subject:RE: Steps to the pier
Hi Jeff
Please sketch their location and dimensions on the plan and I will add this to the January 7 agenda for them to review as
a Request for Approval of Updated Plan.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: Jeffrey Chizmas \[mailto:jchiz@comcast.net\]
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2020 3:37 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: Steps to the pier
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Hi Kelly,
If you recall, I spoke with you about lowering and adding to my pier a few months ago to accommodate an
additional gate. I have given this some more thought and have a simpler solution that I would like to propose.
Another related problem that I have is that the grass and small stone path to the pier is relatively steep and gets
dangerously slippery when the grass is wet and people are carrying supplies down to the boat. I am concerned
that someone will fall and get hurt. I would like to place 3 stone / granite steps from the higher elevation of the
lawn down to the existing entrance to the pier. They would be 4’ wide X 20 " deep X 7 “ high. I would set
them in the earth with no concrete - just a little stone dust. Doing this, eliminates the need to add wooden stairs
lengthining the pier. Please see the images below for reference.
Please advise if this is something that you can review with the CC Members and approve.
I also planted 400 sea grass plugs to augment the area in the fall. I am working with Steve LaBranch at
Wilkinson to make sure that the remaining flowering plants have been ordered so that they can be planted as
early as is advisable in the spring. This, I believe will conclude all mitigation work.
Thank you.
Jeffrey Chizmas