HomeMy WebLinkAboutShield MRI Replacement- Yarmouth - Permit SetarchitectsIssue:Date:Project No.9 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Tel. 617-769-6300Fax 617-769-6399Date:Issue: Project No.MRI EquipmentReplacement-WestYarmouthSHIELDS2 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673200034MRI Equipment Replacement-West YarmouthSHIELDS200034PERMIT ISSUE12-04-2020PERMIT ISSUE12-04-2020 F.E.C.F.E.C.664 SFAREA OF WORKMULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16PATIENTTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29EQUIPMENTROOM27SOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4WAITINGROOM2VESTIBULE1PATIENTRESUSCITATIONAREA20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14STORAGEROOM8RECEPTION6CORRIDOR5CORRIDORCO2CONTROLVESTIBULECO1CONFERENCEROOM10STORAGECLOSET11STAFFCORRIDOR14STAFFCORRIDOR14CORRIDORCO3Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/8" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:53 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthINFORMATION SHEETA0012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE12-04-2020PROJECT DIAGRAMABBREVIATIONSDRAWING LISTABCAABACACCESSACTACTAACTPADHADJADOAFAFFALFALTALUMANODAPPROXARCHASBASPHAUTOAWCB BDBCBDBED RMBEJBETBGBITMBLDGBLKBLKGBMBNCHBOBBOFBOSBOTBPWBRBRGBRKBSBSMTBWCACABCAFCASSCEMCGCH RACKCHKD PLCICJCJCLCL UTILCLGCLOCIPCLRCMCMSCMUCNTRCOCOLCOMPCONCCONFERCONNCONSTCONST JTCONTCORK TKBDCORRCPTCPT TCRCRBAIRANCHOR BOLTAIR CONDITIONINGACCESSORIESACOUSTICAL CEILING TILEACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ALUMINUMACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE PLASTICADHESIVEADJUSTABLEAUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORACCESS FLOORABOVE FINISHED FLOORASSISTED LIVING FACILITYALTERNATEALUMINUMANODIZEDAPPROXIMATEARCHITECT (ARCHITECTURAL)ASBESTOSASPHALTAUTOMATICACOUSTICAL WALL COVERINGBULLETIN BOARDBRICK COURSEBOARDBED ROOMBUILDING EXPANSION JOINTBETWEENBUMPER GUARDBITUMINOUSBUILDINGBLOCKBLOCKINGBEAMBENCHBOTTOM OF BEAMBOTTOM OF FOOTINGBOTTOM OF SLABBOTTOMBED PAN WASHERBUMPER RAILBEARINGBRICKBARIUM SINKBASEMENTBOTH WAYSCOMPRESSED AIRCABINETCOMPUTER ACCESS FLOORCASSETTECEMENTCORNER GUARDCHART RACKCHECKERED PLATECAST IRONCONSTRUCTION JOINTCONTROL JOINTCENTER LINECLEAN UTILITYCEILINGCLOSETCAST IN PLACECLEARCONSTRUCTION MANAGERCOMBINATION MIRROR SHELFCONCRETE MASONRY UNITCOUNTERCASED OPENINGCOLUMNCOMPOSITIONCONCRETECONFERENCECONNECTIONCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION JOINTCONTINUOUSCORK TACK BOARDCORRIDORCARPETCARPET TILECRASH RAILCRUTCH BRACKETCRSCSCSKCSWKCTCTRCTRKCUB CCWCGCWTCOURSE (BRICK OR BLOCK)CUP SINKCOUNTERSUNKCASEWORKCERAMIC TILECENTERCURTAIN TRACKCUBICAL CURTAINCOLD WATERCORNER GUARDCERAMIC WALL TILEDD BDD RMD TRKD WTDBLDEMDETDFDIADIAGDIFFDIMDISPDKRMDMPFDNDODPDRDRAPDRS DICDRWDRWGDSDTLDV CABDWDWGDWLDRAIN BOARDDRESSING ROOMDRAPERY TRACKDUMB WAITERDOUBLEDEMOLITIONDETAILDRINKING FOUNTAINDIAMETERDIAGONALDIFFUSERDIMENSIONDISPENSERDARKROOMDAMP PROOFINGDOWNDOOR OPENINGDOOR PROTECTIONDOCTORDRAPERYDOCTORS DICTATINGDRAWERDRAWINGDOWNSPOUTDETAILDOUBLE VIEW CABINETDISH WASHERDRAWINGDOWELEEEAEEGEHEIFS PMEKGELELECELEVELEVEMEREMGEPEPXYEQEQUIPETBRETREWCEXEXHEXP JTEXPDEXTEASTEACHELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHYELECTRIC HOLDEXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEMPOLYMER MODIFIEDELECTROCARDIOGRAPHYELEVATIONELECTRICALELEVATIONELEVATOREMERGENCYELECTROMYOGRAPHYELECTRICAL PANEL BOARDEPOXYEQUALEQUIPMENTEXISTING TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING TO REMAINELECTRIC WATER COOLEREXISTINGEXHAUSTEXPANSION JOINTEXPOSEDEXTERIORFFAFABFAB TKBDFDFDNFFLFGLFHMSFHWSFINFLASHFLDGFIRE ALARMFABRICFABRIC TACKBOARDFLOOR DRAINFOUNDATIONFINISH FLOOR LINEFIBERGLASSFLAT HEAD METAL SCREWFLAT HEAD WOOD SCREWFINISHFLASHINGFOLDINGFLRFLOURFPRFFRFRGWBFRSSFSFSTNRFTFTDFTGFURRFUTFWCFXCFTXRFLOOR(ING)FLOURESCENTFIREPROOF(ING)FLOOR RECEPTORFIRE-REINFORCEDGYPSUM WALLBOARDFLUSHING RIM SERVICE SINKFASCIA SUMPFASTENERFOOT (FEET)FACIAL TISSUE DISPENSERFOOTINGFURRINGFUTUREFABRIC WALL COVERINGFIRE EXTINGUISHERFIXTUREFGGAGALVGBGB SAGDRGFRCGFRGPSGLGLV DISPGRGR CGRANGRTGGTGWBGASGAGEGALVANIZEDGRAB BARGRAB BAR SWING WAYGUARD RAILGLASS FIBER REINFORCEDCONCRETEGLASS FIBER REINFORCED GYPSUMPOLYMER SHAPESGLASSGLOVE DISPENSERGRADEGROUT COORGRANITEGRATINGGLAZED TILEGYPSUM WALLBOARDGHH BDHCWCH PTH/CHBHCHDHDWHDWDHGRHGTHKHMFHNDRLHORIZHRHSTWYHVACHWHYDROGENHARDBOARDHANDICAP WATERCLOSETHIGH POINTHANDICAPPEDHOSE BIBHOLLOW COREHAND DRYERHARDWAREHARDWOODHANGERHEIGHTHOOK(S)HOLLOW METAL FRAMEHANDRAILHORIZONTALHOURHOIST WAYHEAT/VENTILATING/AIR CONDITIONINGHOT WATERHIBIDINCANDINCLINCUBINFOINSTINSTLINSULINTINTERINVIV TRKINTEGRAL BASEINSIDE DIAMETERINCANDESCENTINCLUDEINCUBATORINFORMATIONINSTRUMENTINSTALLATIONINSULATIONINTERIORINTERMEDIATEINVERTINTRAVENOUS TRACKIJICJSTJTJANITOR'S CLOSETJOISTJOINTJKDKITKOKOPKNOCK DOWNKITCHENKNOCKOUTKNOCKOUT PANELKL PTLABLADLAMLAULAVLBLBLBLLCCLDGLINACLINOLKRSLLLLHLLVLMSLPLPSLPSGLRGLTLTWTLVRLVWLOW POINTLABORATORYLADDERLAMINATE(D)LAUNDRYLAVATORYLAG BOLTPOUND(S)LABELLEAD COATED COPPERLANDINGLINEAR ACCELERATORLINOLEUMLOCKERSLIVE LOADLONG LEG HORIZONTALLONG LEG VERTICALLIMESTONELAMINATED PLASTICLIGHT PROOF SHADELIGHT PROOF SPEAK GRILLELARGELIGHT(ING)LIGHTWEIGHTLOUVERLEAD VIEW WINDOWLMMACHMAINTMATLMAXMBMBLMCMCGMECHMEDMEMBMEZZMFCWMFRMHMINMIRMISCMLDGMMMOMRMSRMTMTDMTLMTL ESMULLMWKMETERMACHINEMAINTENANCEMATERIALMAXIMUMMACHINE BOLTMARBLEMEDICINE CABINETMATEL CORNER GUARDMECHANICALMEDIUMMEMBRAMEMEZZANINEMETAL-FRAMED CURTAIN WALLMANUFACTURERMANHOLEMINIMUMMIRRORMISCELLANEOUSMOLDINGMILLIMETERMASONRY OPENINGMOP RACKMOP SERVICE RECEPTORMETAL THRESHOLDMOUNTEDMETALMETAL EDGE SUPPORTMULLIONMILLWORKMNCNNN2ONANATNICNOMNOSNRCNSNSCTNTSNURSES CALLNORTHNITROGENNITROUS OXIDENOT APPLICABLENATURALNOT IN CONTRACTNOMINALNOSINGNOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENTNON-SLIPNON-SLIP CERAMIC TILENOT TO SCALENOOAOAVSOBSOCODOFOFCIOFFOFIOXYGENOVERALLOXYGEN, AIR, VACUUM, SLIDEOBSCUREON CENTEROUTSIDE DIAMETEROUTSIDE FACEOWNER FURNISHED,CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDOFFICEOWNER FURNISHED & INSTALLEDOOHOHSOPGOPPORORNOVERHEADOVAL HEAD SCREWOPENINGOPPOSITEOPERATING ROOMORNAMENTALOP BDP BDP BXP TUBE (STA)PAPASSPBPCPCPC CONCPEDPERFPERIMPERPPLPLASPLBGPLTPLYWDPMPORC TPPPREPPRLPRTNPTPT DISTPTDPTDRPUBPVCPVGPVMTPWCPEGBOARDPARTICLE BOARDPASS BOXPNEUMATIC TUBE(STATION)PUBLIC ADDRESSPASSAGEPUSH BUTTONPRECAST CONCRETEPIECES(S)PRECAST CONCRETEPEDASTALPERFORATEDPERIMETERPERPENDICULARPROPERTY LINEPLASTERPLUMBINGPLATEPLYWOODPATCH & MATCHPORCELAINPUSH PLATEPREPARATIONPARALLELPARTITIONPOINTPAPER TOWEL DISPENSERPAINTEDPAPER TOWEL DISPENSER/RECEPTACLEPUBLICPOLYVINYL CHLORIDEPAVINGPAVEMENTPLASTIC WALL COVERINGPQTQTRQTYQUARRY TILEQUARTERQUANTITYQRRARADRCFSRCPRDRECRECEPRECEPTRECTRECVREFREFRREINFRELREMREQDRESILRETREVRFGRFSRGTRRHRLRMRORURUBRISERSRETURN AIRRADIUSROLLING COUNTER FIRE SHUTTERREFLECTED CEILING PLANROOF DRAINRECESSEDRECEPTORRECEPTACLERECTANGULARRECEIVINGREFERENCEREFRIGERATORREINFORCINGRELOCATEDREMOVABLEREQUIREDRESILIENTRETURNREVISEROOFINGROOM FINISH SCHEDULEREGISTERRIGHT HANDRAIN LEADERROOMROUGH OPENINGROLL-UPRUBBERRS DISPSCSCHEDSOAP DISPENSERSOLID CORESCHEDULESSCNSCRSDSECTSERVSFSGFTSGLSHSH PSHLVGSHTSHT VSHTGSHWRSIMSKSKLSNDSNFSNRSPKRSQSSSSMSTST STSTASTCSTDSTERSTGSTLSTORSTRUCTSUSPSWSYSSCREENSHOWER CURTAIN RODSTORM DRAINSECTIONSERVICESQUARE FOOT (FEET)STRUCTURAL GLAZED FACING TILESINGLESHELFSHELF AND POLESHELVINGSHEETSHEET VINYLSHEATHINGSHOWERSIMILARSINKSKYLIGHTSANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSERSKILLED NURSING FACILITYSANITARY NAPKIN RECEPTACLESPEAKERSQUARESERVICE SINKSOLID SURFACE METALSTREETSTAINLESS STEELSTATIONSOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTSTANDARDSTERILIZEDSEATINGSTEELSTORAGESTRUCTURALSUSPENSIONSWITCHSYSTEMSCTT DRTBTBBDTELTERRTGTHDTHKTHRESHTK BDTMTOCTOCTOFTOILTOMTOSTOWTPTTDTVTYPTREADTRENCH DRAINTOWEL BARTILE BACKER BOARDTELEPHONETERRAZZOTONGUE & GROOVETHREADTHICKTHRESHOLDTACK BOARDTELEMETRY MONITORTOP OF CONCRETETOP OF CURBTOP OF FOOTINGTOILETTOP OF MASONRYTOP OF STEELTOP OF WALLTOILET PARTITIONTOILET TISSUE DISPENSERTELEVISIONTYPICALTUUCUCTUGUNFUONUTILURINALUNDER COUNTERUNDER CUTUNDERGROUNDUNFINISHEDUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDUTILITYUVVATVBVBBVBRVBWFVCVCGVCRVACUUMVINYL ASBESTOS TILEVAPOR BARRIERVINYL BED BUMPERVINYL BUMPER RAILVINYL BONDED WOOD FLOORINGVIEW CABINETVINYL CORNER GUARDVINYL CHAIR RAILVARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGSA000 COVER SHEETA001 INFORMATION SHEETA010 EXISTING FLOOR PLAND101 LEVEL 1 - DEMOLITION PLANA101 LEVEL 1 - NEW WORK PLANA103 ROOF PLANA601 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS / MILLWORK DETAILS / WALL SECTIONA701 LEVEL 1 - REFLECTED CEILING PLANA1201 FINISHES PLAN, LEGEND AND SCHEDULESTRUCTURAL DRAWINGSS101 GENERAL NOTES, TYPICAL DETAILS, PLANS, & SECTIONSNAME: A001 Information Sheet 1/8" = 1'-0"Project Diagram - Level 1Mark Revision Date F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.CODECARTFILMPROCESSORSHREDDERMULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16STAFFTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29READINGROOM27WORKALCOVE12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4WAITINGROOM2VESTIBULE1STRETCHERHOLDING20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14CLERICALSPACE8RECEPTION6CORRIDOR5CORRIDORCO2CORRIDORCO1STORAGE28CONFERENCEROOM10ADMINAREA/STORAGE11INTERVIEW7CONSULTROOM2BCORRIDORCO3Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/4" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:54 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthEXISTING FLOOR PLANA0102000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020 1/4" = 1'-0"1LEVEL 1 - EXISTING CONDITIONSMark Revision Date F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONAND/OR EQUIPMENTTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING CONSTRUCTIONAND/OR EQUIPMENTTO REMAIND1D2D3D4D2D5D6D7D8D9D9D10D11D12D13D14D10D12D14D14D3D3D15D15D16D2MULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16STAFFTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29READINGROOM27WORKALCOVE12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4WAITINGROOM2VESTIBULE1STRETCHERHOLDING20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14CLERICALSPACE8RECEPTION6CORRIDOR5CORRIDORCO2CORRIDORCO1STORAGE28CONFERENCEROOM10ADMINAREA/STORAGE11INTERVIEW7CONSULTROOM2BCORRIDORCO3Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/4" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:59 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthLEVEL 1 - DEMOLITION PLAND1012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020WHERE NEW CEILINGS ARE INDICATED, REMOVE EXISTING CEILINGS AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN THEIR ENTIRETY INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LIGHT FIXTURES, ACOUSTIC CEILING, DRY WALL CEILINGS, SOFFITS, DIFFUSERS, SPRINKLERS, EXIT SIGNS, AND ALL OTHER CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE CEILING PLAN AND MEP DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.REMOVE ALL EXISTING WALL MOUNTED DEVICES AND SUPPORTS IN THEIR ENTIRETY UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO; TACK BOARDS, SHELVING, STANDARDS, VIEW BOXES, DISPENSERS, ETC. PATCH AND MATCH EXISTING FINISHES AS REQUIRED.WHERE NEW FLOORS ARE INDICATED, REMOVE EXISTING FLOORING AND BASE IN THEIR ENTIRETY AND PREPARE SUBSTRATE TO RECEIVE NEW FINISH FLOORING & BASE.REMOVE ALL ABANDONED OR REDUNDANT PIPING, DUCTWORK, AND/OR CONDUIT IN THEIR ENTIRETY. PATCH AND MATCH EXISTING FINISHES AS REQUIRED.ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL FIRE SAFETY, HEALTH AND BUILDING CODES, LOCAL AND STATE, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERMIT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS IN FORCE AT THE TIME OF REMOVAL FOR THE DISPOSAL OF ALL MATERIAL.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO DEMOLITION.AT THE CONCLUSION OF DEMOLITION, LEAVE THE AREA FREE AND CLEAR AND READY FOR THE APPLICATION OF NEW WORK.DEMOLITION REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION, AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON DEMOLITION DRAWINGS IS REQUIRED AND SHOULD BE COORDINATED.CONTRACTOR TO INVESTIGATE AND MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF ALL RATED ASSEMBLIES.REMOVE PORTIONS OF EXISTING WALLS AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL BLOCKING FOR NEW WALL MOUNTED ITEMS.IF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IS FOUND, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY.AS REQUIRED BY THE WORK, REMOVE EXISTING CEILINGS AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: LIGHT FIXTURES, ACOUSTIC CEILING, DRY WALL CEILINGS, SOFFITS, DIFFUSERS, SPRINKLERS, EXIT SIGNS, AND OTHER CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES. IF NOTED OR REQUIRED, REINSTALL AT COMPLETION OF PROJECT AND PATCH TO MATCH EXISTING.A)DEMOLITION NOTES:KEYED DEMOLITION NOTES:DEMOLITION LEGEND:B)C)D)E)F)G)H)I)K)L)M)D1 REMOVE EXISTING SHIELDED DOOR AND FRAME IN THEIRENTIRETY. RAISE HEAD HEIGHT AND RE-INSTALL DOORAND FRAME.D2 REMOVE EXISTING DOOR AND FRAME IN THEIR ENTIRETY.D3 REMOVE EXISTING MILLWORK AND COUNTERTOP ANDSTORE FOR RE-USE.D4 REMOVE EXISTING MILLWORK IN ITS ENTIRETY.D5 EXISTING MRI AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT TO BEREMOVED BY OWNER.D6 REMOVE EXISTING FLOORING AND SHIELDING IN ITSENTIRETY OVER SCAN ROOM FLOOR. INFILL 2" FLOORRECESS.D7 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW AND SIDING. STORE WINDOWFOR RE-USE.D8 REMOVE EXISTING WALL IN ITS ENTIRETY.D9 REMOVE EXISTING CEILING AND LIGHTING IN ITSENTIRETY.D10 REMOVE EXISTING MRI ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT IN ITSENTIRETY.D11 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER PANEL.D12 EXISTING READING TABLES, SHELVING, ETC. TO BEREMOVED AND RE-LOCATED.D13 REMOVE SECTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOORSLAB. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING FOR DETAILS.D14 REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING PARTITION AT FLOORLEVEL TO ALLOW TIE-IN OF NEW RF SHIELDING WITHEXISTING RF SHIELD.D15 REMOVE EXISTING FLOORING AND BASE IN THEIRENTIRETY.D16 REMOVE CONTROL ROOM CEILING TILES TO ALLOW FORNEW CEILING TILES IN EXISTING GRID.J)Mark Revision Date F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.SA5 G*DASHED LINE INDICATESFIRE RESISTANT BLOCKINGINTERIOR PARTITIONTO REMAINNEW INTERIOR NEW DOOR AND FRAME TO BE INSTALLED(SEE DOOR SCHEDULE SHEET A1001)EXISTING DOOR AND FRAMETO REMAINNEW MILLWORK(SEE A901)CORNER GUARDCGINTERIOR ELEVATION TAG?#KEYED NOTE (SEE "KEYED NOTES" ABOVE)FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET####ELEVATION SHEET 1iPARTITION TYPE (SEE SHEET A1002)MULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16PATIENTTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29EQUIPMENTROOM27SOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4VESTIBULE1PATIENTRESUSCITATIONAREA20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14CORRIDORCO2CONTROLVESTIBULECO1CONFERENCEROOM10STORAGEROOM8CONSULTROOM7RECEPTION6CORRIDORCO3STORAGECLOSET11WAITINGROOM2CORRIDOR58' - 0"12' - 6" CLEAR INSIDE1' - 6"8' - 6" CLEAR INSIDE28EQUIPMENTCLOSET287' - 6"P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P1128' - 9" +/-16' - 3" +/-A6014123MRU+1 1/2"6" x 3 1/2" WALL DUCTEF1PAEF2EO1EO2SPT PHANTOM CABINETMAIN DISCONNECT PANELMAGNET MONITORICCISCCOOLING CABINETSYSTEMS CABINETA ANEW SILLP7P7P9INJECTOREQ.EQ.AAREMOVE EXISTING DOOR AND FRAME AND INFILL OPENING TO MATCH EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONP8LIGHT CONTROLS PROVIDED BY PDCPOWER SUPPLY PROVIDED BY PDCP2P2(BELOW WINDOW)Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/4" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:55 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthLEVEL 1 - NEW WORK PLANA1012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020KEYED NOTES:GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES:CONSTRUCTION LEGEND:P1 RE-INSTALL EXISTING SHIELDED WINDOW. PATCH ANDMATCH EXISTING SIDING ON ZIP SYSTEM SHEATHING ON2"x6" INSULATED STUDS @ 16" O.C. RE-INSTALL EXISTINGEXTERIOR WINDOW TRIM.P2 ADDED RF SHIELDING TIED INTO EXISTING SHIELDINGSYSTEM.P3 3 5/8" INTERIOR METAL STUD WALL, WITH 5/8" GWBFINISH. SEE DETAIL A-A.P4 INFILL EXISTING DOOR OPENING WITH SIDING TO MATCHEXISTING ON ZIP SYSTEM SHEATHING ON 2"x6"INSULATED STUDS @ 16" O.C.P5 RAISE HEAD HEIGHT OF EXISTING DOOR OPENING ANDRE-INSTALL EXISTING DOOR AND FRAME.P6 EXISITNG FLOOR RAMPED UP TO FLOOR LEVEL OF MRI.P7 RE-INSTALL EXISTING MILLWORK IN THIS LOCATION.P8 PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW MILLWORK AS SHOWN. SEEDETAILS.P9 PROVIDE AND INSTALL "MAGNET ON" LIGHT.P10 MOISTURE MITIGATION SYSTEM TO ENTIRE FLOOR SLABWITHIN MRI SCAN ROOM AND RAMPED UP FLOOR AREA.P11 NEW SECTION OF CONCRETE FLOOR. (SEE STRUCTURALDRAWINGS).A. ALL WALLS TO REMAIN SHALL BE PATCHED AS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE NEW FINISH.B. WHERE PIPES, DUCTS AND PANEL BOXES OCCUR, PARTITIONS SHALL BE OF SUCH THICKNESS TO ACCOMMODATE SAME. SEE HVAC, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL TRADES.C. ALL PIPES, DUCTS, ETC., IN FINISHED AREAS SHALL BE FURRED IN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.D. EXISTING FINISHES INDICATED ARE INTENDED TO BE AN AID TO THE CONTRACTORS. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND FINISHES SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES.E. PATCH AND MATCH (PM) INDICATES THAT EXISTING/ NEW FINISH SHALL BE REPAIRED/ CONSTRUCTED TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH AS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE A FLAT EVEN SURFACE.F. PROVIDE CONCEALED, FIRE RESISTANT BLOCKING FOR ALL WALL AND CEILING MOUNTED EQUIPMENT, CASEWORK, AND SHELVING.G. ALL BUILDING COMPONENTS IN EXISTING BUILDING DISTURBED BY THIS WORK SHALL BE RESTORED AND REFINISHED TO MATCH EXISTING.H. ALL INTERIOR DIMENSIONS GIVEN ARE FROM FACE OF FINISH TO FACE OF FINISH; TYP. MECH. CHASES AND FURRING ARE DIMENSIONED TO FINISH FACE. VERIFY LAYOUT IN FIELD AND INFORM ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING.I. ROOM NUMBERS SHOWN ARE FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT FACILITY STANDARDS.J. IT IS ASSUMED THAT ALL EXISTING MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, AND FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES ARE ADEQUATE TO SUPPLY THIS PROPOSED RENOVATION. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND DESIGN-BUILD MEP AND FIRE PROTECTION SUBCONTRACTORS TO CONFIRM CAPACITY AND MAKE THE NECESSARY REVISIONS TO COMPLY WITH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH GUIDELINES. 1/4" = 1'-0"1LEVEL 1 - NEW WORK PLANLEGEND:EO1 EMERGENCY OFF BUTTONEO2 EMERGENCY OFF BUTTONEF1 ROOF EXHAUST FAN SWITCHEF2 ROOF EXHAUST FAN SWITCHPA PATIENT ALERT CONTROL BOXSA STAFF ASSISTMark Revision Date R1R3R1R2Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/8" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:56 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthROOF PLANA1032000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020A)GENERAL NOTES: 1/8" = 1'-0"1ROOF NEW WORK PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"2ROOF DEMOLITION PLANKEYED NOTES:R1 EXISTING ROOF ACCESS.R2 REMOVE EXISTING CHILLER IN ITS ENTIRETY.R3 NEW ROOF CHILLER.Mark Revision Date VERIFYVERIFY4"1 1/2"4" VINYL BASE3"2'-5" CLEAR INSIDELOCKFINISH CEILING7'-0"ADJ PLAMSHELFPLAM SOFFIT2'-0"3'-6"(2) PLAM SLIDE OUTSHELVES ON HEAVYDUTY FULL EXTENSIONDRAWER SLIDES8'-6"PLAM CABINETHINGES4"BRUSHED ALUMINUMHANDLEPLAM PULL OUT SHELFFULL EXTENSION HEAVYDUTY DRAWER SLIDES1/2" RADIUSSPACERV.I.F.ALIGN W/FACE OFEXISTINGCABINETS2"2" SIDES ALL AROUND FORBOTH SLIDEOUT SHELVES(1) FIXED SHELFREQUIRED FOR LOCKCONT. CONCEALEDWOOD BLOCKINGEXISTING MILLWORK RE-INSTALLEDNEW MILLWORKEXISTING RE-INSTALLED WINDOWPLAM SOFFIT TO MATCH EXISTINGEXISTING PLAM SOFFIT RE-INSTALLED 7' - 0"1' - 8"8' - 8"4"4"BUMPER RAILWALL PROTECTIONALIGN WITN BOTTOM OF VIEW WINDOW2' - 10" (V.I.F.)PLAM DOORS TO MATCH EXISTING3' - 6"3' - 6"SCHEDULED BASEADJ. SHELVING1 1/2"PLAM SLIDEOUTTC1TC1MRUBUMPER RAILWALL PROTECTIONALIGN WITN BOTTOM OF VIEW WINDOWSCHEDULED BASEEXISTING VIEW WINDOWSAEDU EF2MRUEMERGENCY LIGHT28EQUIPMENT CLOSET 28SCANROOMTWO291' - 0"ISCICCEQEQBUMPER RAILWALL PROTECTIONALIGN WITN BOTTOM OF VIEW WINDOW (V.I.F.)SCHEDULED BASEGWB FINISHPLAM BI-FOLD DOORS TO MATCH EXISTING4"4"2' - 10" (V.I.F.)BUMPER RAILWALL PROTECTIONALIGN WITN BOTTOM OF VIEW WINDOWSCHEDULED BASEBOTTOM OF EXISTING JOISTS5/8" GWB ON 3 5/8" INTERIOR WALL STUDS @ 16" O.C.3" THERMAFIBER SAFB5/8" GYPSUM BOARD ATTACHED TO EXISTING PARENT WALL3/4" PLYWOODCONC. FLOOR SLAB3/4" PLYWOOD FURRING @ 24" O.C. PERPENDICULAR TO JOISTSPARENT WALL (EXISTING)3/4" PLYWOOD. RECESS ALL FASTENER HEADSACT CEILINGRF SHIELD MATERIAL (BY OTHERS)MRI SCAN ROOMMAINTAIN 3/4" AIR GAP BETWEEN RF SHIELDING CHANNEL AND INTERIOR STUD TO INSURE NO CONTACT WITH RF SHIELDING @ SIDEWALLS3/4"PLYWOOD FASTENED TO FURRING BY OTHERS. RECESS ALL FASTENER HEADS.3/4" PLYWOOD FURRING PERIMETER OF CEILING9'-10"3/8" R.F. COMPRESSION CHANNEL @ 48" O.C. (BY OTHERS)8'-8"3/4" PLYWOODFINISH FLOORNOTE:RF SHIELDING BY OTHERSPARENT WALL (EXISTING)RF SHIELD MATERIAL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS3/4"Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUPAs indicated12/7/2020 12:38:28 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthINTERIOR ELEVATIONS /MILLWORK DETAILS / WALLSECTIONA6012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE12-04-2020 1/2" = 1'-0"1SCAN ROOM 2 - NORTH VIEW 1/2" = 1'-0"2SCAN ROOM 2 - WEST VIEW 1/2" = 1'-0"3SCAN ROOM 2 - SOUTH VIEW 1/2" = 1'-0"4SCAN ROOM 2 - EAST VIEW 1" = 1'-0"5SECTION A-A 1 1/2" = 1'-0"TC1TALL CABINETMark Revision Date F.E.C.F.E.C.F.E.C.MIN. 2'-0" x 2'-0" PRESSURE EQUALIZING WAVE GUIDE VENTEXHAUST DIFFUSER2' x 2' LED LIGHT FIXTURESUPPLY DIFFUSERLED DIMMABLE DOWN LIGHT PROVIDED BY PDC (MRI COMPATIBLE)QUENCH VENT (NEW QUENCH VENT CONNECTED TO EXISTING QUENCH VENT ABOVE CEILING)EXHAUST FAN AND AIR INLET(SEE GE DRAWINGS)EMERGENCY LIGHTINGLOW PROFILE LED DIRECTIONAL LIGHT PROVIDED BY PDC (MRI COMPATIBLE)MULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16PATIENTTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29EQUIPMENTROOM27SOILEDHOLDING12SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4WAITINGROOM2VESTIBULE1PATIENTRESUSCITATIONAREA20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14STORAGEROOM8RECEPTION6CORRIDOR5CORRIDORCO2CONTROLVESTIBULECO1CONFERENCEROOM10STORAGECLOSET11STAFFCORRIDOR14STAFFCORRIDOR14CONTROLAREA26CONSULTROOM78' - 8"8' - 6"C1C2C2C2C3C3C4C1C5Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUP 1/4" = 1'-0"12/7/2020 12:32:57 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthLEVEL 1 - REFLECTEDCEILING PLANA7012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020GENERAL CEILING NOTES:KEYED CEILING NOTES:CEILING LEGEND:UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED THE CEILING GRID SHALL BE CENTERED IN THE ROOM, EITHER BY THE CENTERLINE OF THE GRID OR THE ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE.ALL EXISTING CEILING S ARE TO REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.WHERE NEW CEILING ARE TO ALIGN WITH AND MATCH EXISTING, PATCH EXISTING CEILING TILES AND GRID TO MATCH EXISTING AS REQUIRED BY NEW WORK.IN AREAS WHERE NEW CEILINGS ARE INDICATED, EXISTING CEILINGS SHALL BE REMOVED. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, HVAC REGISTERS, CURTAIN TRACKS, AND ALL CEILING MOUNTED DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED, REPLACED, OR RELOCATED AS REQUIRED.ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL FIRE SAFETY. HEALTH AND BUILDING CODES, LOCAL AND STATE, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERMITS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELDWORK BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK.A)B)C)D)E)C1 MAGNET ON LIGHT.C2 NON-FERROUS CABLE TRAY.C3 PLAM SOFFIT ABOVE MILLWORK.C4 6'-0" x 6'-0" ILLUMINATED CEILING IMAGE PROVIDED BY PDC(MRI COMPATIBLE).C5 NEW ACOUSTIC CEILING TILES IN EXISTING GRID. USEARMSTRONG OPTIMA TEGULAR 3251, WHITE. 1/4" = 1'-0"1LEVEL 1 - REFLECTED CEILING PLANMark Revision Date RFP-1RFP-2VCT-1PATIENTTOILET17SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30RFP-1RFP-2RWB-129SCAN ROOMTWOVCT-1RWB-127EQUIPMENTROOMSOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26PATIENTRESUSCITATIONAREA20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1RFP-2P&MEXISTINGCO1CONTROLVESTIBULERFP-1RWB-128EQUIPMENTCLOSETTSP-1TSP-1R 2' - 6"45.00°FLOORING DIRECTIONCNG-1CNG-229SCAN ROOMTWOPNT-1PLM-1PNT-2PLM-2BPR-127EQUIPMENTROOMPNT-128EQUIPMENTCLOSETPNT-1CONTROLVESTIBULECO1CONTROLAREA30SOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26PATIENTRESUSCITATIONAREA20CLEANUTILITY20ACNG-1WPS-1WPS-1WPS-1WPS-1PNT-3WPS-1WPS-1WPS-1PNT-1CNG-2SEE ELEVATIONS ON SHEET A601 FOR WALL PROTECTION SHEETS AND BUMPER RAILSNOTE:HARDWOOD CHAIR RAIL (CHR-1). TOP OF CHAIR RAIL TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD WALL PROTECTION (BPR-2). SEE ELEVATION FOR HEIGHTFINISH TAG KEY. SEE FINISH LEGEND FOR MORE INFORMATION.ACCENT PAINTPNT-CORNER GUARDCNG-XXX1XXX1XXX1XXX1Frame PaintGeneralPaint Cabinets/ShelvesCounter SurfaceRoom NameNumberXXX1XXX1Misc.TransactionTopFINISH TAG KEY.SEE FINISH LEGEND FOR MORE INFORMATION.XXX-1BaseFlooring GeneralFlooring AccentFlooring AccentRoom NameNumberTSP-XTRANSITION STRIPFlooring AccentX/A120XFloor PatternXXX-1XXX-1 XXX-1XXX-1Tel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Project NorthDateIssueStampKey PlanScaleProject NumberSheet NumberNUPAs indicated12/7/2020 12:32:58 PMSHIELDSMRI Equipment Replacement-WestYarmouthFINISHES PLAN, LEGEND ANDSCHEDULEA12012000342 IYANNOUGH ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA. 02673PERMIT ISSUE 12-04-2020INTERIOR EXIT SIGNAGE TO BE FURNISHEDAND INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR.ALL OTHER INTERIOR SIGNAGE TO BEFURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY OWNER.FIRE RESISTIVE AND SMOKE SPREAD OFINTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH IBCCHAPTER 8 INTERIOR FINISHES.DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WALLCOVERINGS, FLOOR COVERINGS AND OTHERINTERIOR FINISHES.FLAME SPREAD RATINGS FOR INTERIOR FINISHOF WALLS AND CEILINGS SHALL COMPLY WITHIBC TABLE 803.5 AND SECTION 803.6.FLAME SPREAD RATINGS FOR INTERIOR FINISHOF FLOORS SHALL COMPLY WITH IBC SECTION 804.A)GENERAL FINISH NOTES:B)C)D)Finish LegendCode Material Manufacturer Style NameStyle#Size Color CommentsFLOORRFP-1 RESILIENT FLOOR PLANK MOHAWK GROUP LIVING LOCAL6" x 48" W123 WESTERN WOODS GENERAL RFPRFP-2 RESILIENT FLOOR PLANK MOHAWK GROUP LIVING LOCAL6" x 48" W342 DOWNTOWN ACCENT RFPRWB-1 RUBBER WALL BASE JOHNSONITE TRADITIONAL BASE4" 29 MOONROCKTSP-1 TRANSITION STRIP JOHNSONITEWHERE INDICATED ON PLANVCT-1 VINYL COMPOSITION TILE ARMSTRONG STANDARD EXCELON - IMPERIAL TEXTURE 51858 12" x 12" SANDRIFT WHITE GENERAL VCTWALLSPNT-1 PAINT BENJAMIN MOORE EGGSHELLOC-33 OPALINE GENERAL WALL COLORPNT-2 PAINT BENJAMIN MOORE SEMI-GLOSSOC-33 OPALINE TRIM PAINTPNT-3 PAINT BENJAMIN MOORE EGGSHELLHC-146 WEDGEWOOD GRAY ACCENT PAINTWALL PROTECTIONBPR-1 BUMPER RAIL INPRO WALL GUARD 1400 4" FEATHER 0238 - Option 2 RIVER ROCK 4" CRASH RAILCNG-1 CORNER GUARD INPRO HIGH IMPACT 160 2" FEATHER 0238 - Option 2 RIVER ROCK MATCH EXISTING COORNERGUARD HEIGHTCNG-2 CORNER GUARDMATCH EXISITNGWPS-1 WALL PROTECTION INPRO RIGID SHEETFEATHER 0238 - Option 2 RIVER ROCK WHERE INDICATED IN PLAN. REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR HEIGHTS.USE ASSOCIATED TRIM PIECES AND SEALANT AT SEAMS.CEILINGACG-1 ACOUSTIC CEILING GRID ARMSTRONG PRELUDE PLUS XL ALUMINUM AL7200 15/16" WHITEREFER TO A701, USE WITH ACT-1 (ALL ALUMINUM GRID AND TIEWIRES IN SCAN ROOM)ACT-1 ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ARMSTRONG OPTIMA SQUARE TEGULAR 3250 2'-0" x 2'-0" WHITEREFER TO A701CASEWORK/MILLWORKPLM-1 PLASTIC LAMINATE FORMICA MATTE FINISH7738-58 COGNAC MAPLE CABINETS AND SHELVESPLM-2 PLASTIC LAMINATE WILSONART FINE VELVET TEXTURE FINISH4886-38 PEARL SOAPSTONE GENERAL WORK SURFACESVEB-1 EDGE BAND CHARTER INDUSTRIES 1MM PVC- MATCH PLM-1 USE WITH PLM-1VEB-2 EDGE BAND CHARTER INDUSTRIES 3MM PVC- MATCH PLM-2 USE WITH PLM-2WOODWD-1 WOOD - -- STAINED TO MATCH PLM-1 PROVIDE ARCHITECT WITH SAMPLE FOR APPROVALABBREVIATIONSETR EXISTING TO REMAIN - -- --PM PATCH TO MATCH - -- --TBD TO BE DETERMINED - -- --FLOOR FINISH LEGENDRoom Finish ScheduleROOMNO.ROOM NAME FLOORFLOORACCENTBASE WALLWALLACCENTMILLWORK SEEELEV.DOORSDOORFRAMESREMARKS27 EQUIPMENT ROOM VCT-1 RWB-1 PNT-1PNT-228 EQUIPMENT CLOSET RFP-1 RWB-1 PNT-1WD-129 SCAN ROOM TWO RFP-1 RFP-2 RWB-1 PNT-1 PNT-3 TO MATCH EXISTINGCO1 CONTROL VESTIBULE RFP-2 P&M EXISTING 3/16" = 1'-0"1LEVEL 1 - FLOORING FINISH PLAN 3/16" = 1'-0"2LEVEL 1 - WALL AND CASEWORK FINISH PLANWALL FINISH LEGENDMark Revision Date QUALITY ASSURANCE:1.THE OWNER WILL EMPLOY AND PAY FOR THE SERVICES OF AN INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY TO PROVIDEQUALITY ASSURANCE TESTING AND INSPECTIONS FOR WORK SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE 2015INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. THE TESTING AGENCY SHALL BELICENSED IN MASSACHUSETTS AND ALL TESTING AND INSPECTIONS SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER THESUPERVISION OF AN ENGINEER REGISTERED IN MASSACHUSETTS.2.FAILURE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE TESTING AND INSPECTIONS TO DETECT ANY DEFECTIVE WORK OR MATERIALSHALL NOT IN ANY WAY PREVENT LATER REJECTION WHEN SUCH DEFECT IS NOTED, NOR SHALL IT OBLIGATE THEOWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE.3.THE TESTING AGENCY AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO REVOKE, ALTER, RELAX, ENLARGEOR RELEASE ANY PORTION OF THE WORK, PERFORM ANY DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTOR, OR BE A PARTY TOSCHEDULING OF WORK.4.RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS SHALL BE KEPT AVAILABLE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL DURING PROGRESS OF THEWORK AND FOR TWO YEARS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. RECORDS SHALL BE PRESERVED BY THEINDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY.5.SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE TESTING AND INSPECTIONS.GENERAL NOTESPOST-INSTALLED ANCHORS:1.EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, POST-INSTALLED ANCHORS SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWINGANCHOR TYPES AS PROVIDED BY HILTI, INC. CONTACT HILTI AT (800) 879-8000 FOR PRODUCT RELATEDQUESTIONS.A.WHERE PLANS, SECTIONS, OR DETAILS REQUIRE ANCHORAGE TO CONCRETE WITH ADHESIVE ANCHORS, USETHE HILTI HIT-HY 200 SAFE SET SYSTEM WITH HILTI HOLLOW DRILL BIT (TE-CD OR TE-YD) WITH HAS-ETHREADED RODS (SEE NOTE #2 BELOW) PER ICC ESR-3187, OR APPROVED EQUAL.B.WHERE PLANS, SECTION, OR DETAILS REQUIRE ANCHORAGE TO CONCRETE OR SOLID GROUTED MASONRYWITH MECHANICAL OR EXPANSION ANCHORS, USE HILTI KWIK BOLT-TZ EXPANSION ANCHORS PER ICCESR-1917.C.WHERE PLANS, SECTIONS, OR DETAILS REQUIRE NEW STEEL REINFORCING BARS TO BE ANCHORED TOCONCRETE, USE THE HILTI HIT-HY 200 SAFE SET SYSTEM WITH HILTI HOLLOW DRILL BIT (TE-CD OR TE-YD) WITHCONTINUOUSLY DEFORMED REBAR PER ICC ESR-3187.2.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THREADED ROD ANCHORS SHALL CONFORM TO HAS-E STANDARD IS 898 CLASS 5.8.3.ANCHOR CAPACITY USED IN DESIGN SHALL BE BASED ON THE TECHNICAL DATA PUBLISHED BY HILTI OR SUCHOTHER METHOD AS APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD. SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS FORALTERNATE PRODUCTS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TOUSE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CALCULATIONS DEMONSTRATING THAT THE SUBSTITUTED PRODUCT ISCAPABLE OF ACHIEVING THE PERFORMANCE VALUES OF THE SPECIFIED PRODUCT. SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BEEVALUATED BY THEIR HAVING AN ICC ESR SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH THE RELEVANT BUILDING CODE FORSEISMIC USES, LOAD RESISTANCE, INSTALLATION CATEGORY, AND AVAILABILITY OF COMPREHENSIVEINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ADHESIVE ANCHOR EVALUATION WILL ALSO CONSIDER CREEP, IN-SERVICETEMPERATURE AND INSTALLATION TEMPERATURE.4.INSTALL ANCHORS PER THE MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS, AS INCLUDED IN THE ANCHOR PACKAGING.5.OVERHEAD ADHESIVE ANCHORS MUST BE INSTALLED USING THE HILTI PROFI SYSTEM.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE AN ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO PROVIDE ONSITEINSTALLATION TRAINING FOR ALL OF THEIR ANCHORING PRODUCTS SPECIFIED. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OFRECORD MUST RECEIVE DOCUMENTED CONFIRMATION THAT ALL OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL WHOINSTALL ANCHORS ARE TRAINED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF INSTALLING ANCHORS.7.ANCHOR CAPACITY IS DEPENDANT UPON SPACING BETWEEN ADJACENT ANCHORS AND PROXIMITY OF ANCHORSTO EDGE OF CONCRETE. INSTALL ANCHORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPACING AND EDGE CLEARANCES INDICATEDON THE DRAWINGS.8.EXISTING REINFORCING BARS IN THE CONCRETE STRUCTURE MAY CONFLICT WITH SPECIFIC ANCHOR LOCATIONS.NO EXISTING BARS MAY BE CUT OR REMOVED TO INSTALL ANCHORS. CONTRACTOR MAY RELOCATE ANCHORS TOAVOID EXISTING REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED MAXIMUM SPACING AND EDGE CLEARANCE DISTANCES AREMAINTAINED.DESIGN LOADS:(2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE WITH MSBC, 9TH EDITION SUPPLEMENT)1.FLOOR LOADS (PER SECTIONS 1606 & 1607)A.LIVE LOAD:100 PSFB.STRUCTURE:ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS2.WIND LOADS: (PER CHAPTER 34)3.SEISMIC LOADS: (PER CHAPTER 34)4.GANTRY LOAD:16,600 LBS (MAX.)5.PATIENT TABLE:600 LBS6.NEW CHILLER (ON EX. ROOF):3,300 LBS (MAX.)EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:1.ALL INFORMATION RELATING TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS HAS BEEN DERIVED FROM EXISTINGSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND MEMBER SIZES AS INDICATED ONTHE DRAWINGS, IN THE FIELD. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE STRUCTURALENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE AFFECTED PORTION OF THE WORK.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF ALL TEMPORARY BRACING,SHORING, EARTH RETENTION SYSTEMS AND UNDERPINNING METHODS, AS REQUIRED, TO PREVENT DANGER TOPERSONS AND PROPERTY.4.ANY DIMENSION NOTED (±) ON PLAN SHALL BE COORDINATED AND VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR, IN THE FIELD,PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS.GENERAL:1.STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS,INCLUDING EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS ALONG WITH MANUFACTURER'S DRAWINGS.2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSIONS AND/OR ELEVATIONS NOT SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURALDRAWINGS.3.IN CASE OF CONFLICT AMONG CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE MORE SPECIFIC AND LOCALIZED INFORMATION IN THEFOLLOWING ASCENDING ORDER SHALL GOVERN: NOTES, PLANS, SCHEDULE, AND DETAILS.4.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DETAILS SHOWN ON ANY DRAWINGS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED TYPICAL FOR ALLSIMILAR CONDITIONS.5.ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD AND ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHTTO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE AFFECTED PORTION OF THE WORK.6.ANY DIMENSION NOTED (±) SHALL BE COORDINATED AND VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN THE FIELD PRIOR TOSHOP DRAWING SUBMISSIONS.7.SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REINFORCING STEEL (INCLUDING ALL ACCESSORIES) AND STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BESUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND A STAMPED ACCEPTANCE RECEIVED BEFORE FABRICATION CAN PROCEED.ERECTION SHALL BE EXECUTED FROM ACCEPTED SHOP DRAWINGS ONLY.8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING FOR THE BUILDINGDURING THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.9.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LATEST EDITIONS (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) OFTHE FOLLOWING BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS:a.THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, 9TH EDITIONb.THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, 2015 EDITIONc.THE INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE, 2015 EDITIONd.AISC 360 - "SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS"e.ACI 301 - "SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE"f.ACI 318 - "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE"g.AISC 303 - "CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES"h.NDS-2015 - "NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION" (INCLUDING ALL SUPPLEMENTS)CONCRETE:1.CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 4000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BENORMAL WEIGHT (150 PCF MAXIMUM).2.ALL REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE FRP (AKA FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMERS) AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTMD7957-17, AND SHALL BE FREE FROM LOOSE RUST AND SCALE. LAP ALL CONTINUOUS BARS IN 42 BAR DIAMETERSMINIMUM.3.CLEAR CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED:a.FOOTINGS AND OTHER CONCRETE ELEMENTS CAST AGAINST EARTH: 3"b.FOUNDATION WALLS AND OTHER CONCRETE ELEMENTS EXPOSED TO EARTH: 2"c.SLABS-ON-GRADE: 1 1/4" FROM TOP5.DETAILS NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ACIDETAILING MANUAL 315.6.CONCRETE SHALL BE CAST MONOLITHICALLY, EXCEPT AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS.7.NO BARS SHALL BE CUT OR OMITTED IN THE FIELD BECAUSE OF SLEEVES, DUCT OPENINGS OR RECESSES. BARSMAY BE MOVED ASIDE WITHOUT CHANGE IN LEVEL WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER.8.ALUMINUM CONDUITS AND PIPES SHALL NOT BE EMBEDDED IN STRUCTURAL CONCRETE UNLESS EFFECTIVELYCOATED OR COVERED TO PREVENT ALUMINUM- CONCRETE REACTION OR ELECTROLYTIC ACTION BETWEENALUMINUM AND STEEL.9.ALL CONDUIT SHALL RUN ABOVE BOTTOM REINFORCING AND BELOW TOP REINFORCING. LINES OF CONDUIT SHALLBE SPACED NOT CLOSER THAN THREE CONDUIT DIAMETERS ON CENTER. MAXIMUM SIZE OF CONDUIT IN SLABSHALL BE EQUAL TO 1/3 OF THE SLAB THICKNESS.10.PIPE PENETRATIONS THROUGH CONCRETE ARE NOT ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE ENGINEER.STEEL PIPE SLEEVES SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SPACED A MINIMUM OF THREE PIPE DIAMETERS APART. ALL OTHERSLEEVE LOCATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW. IN NO CASE SHALL SLEEVES BE PLACED IN CONCRETEBEAMS WITHOUT WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE FROM THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER.11.SUPPORT BARS FOR SLAB REINFORCING SHALL BE #5 OR GREATER, AND SHALL BE SPACED NOT MORE THAN 4'-0"O.C. SUPPORT BARS AND ENDS OF MAIN REINFORCING BARS SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 1'-6" PAST THEOUTERMOST CHAIR OR SUPPORT BAR.12.ALL REINFORCING ACCESSORIES FOR EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL HAVE UPTURNED LEGS AND BE PLASTIC DIPPEDAFTER FABRICATION. ACCESSORIES FOR REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACISTANDARDS, LATEST EDITION.13.ALL DOWELS SHALL MATCH LAPPING BAR SIZE AND SPACING, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.14.ALL KEYS SHALL BE FORMED BY A 2x4 WITH BEVELED SIDES (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED).15.SAMPLES FOR STRENGTH TESTS OF EACH CLASS OF CONCRETE PLACED EACH DAY SHALL BE TAKEN NOT LESSTHAN FIVE A DAY (FOR 1,3,7, 28, AND 56 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS).134"=1'-0"SECTIONEXISTINGGRADEBEAMEXISTINGR/C BEAMEXISTINGR/C BEAM-SLABEXISTINGPILECAPEXISTINGGRADEBEAM BEYONDEXISTINGPILECAP BEYONDEXISTINGPILE (TYP.)EXISTINGPILECAP BEYONDEXISTINGPILE (TYP.)1'-0"NEW GANTRY EQUIPMENT(BY OTHERS)EXISTING/NEWNON-BRG. WALL W/ RF SHIELDINGNEW RF SHIELDING & FLOORFINISH (SEE ARCH. DWGS)GANTRYBEARING PLATEGANTRYBEARING PLATE12'-6"± *(PER ARCH. DWG)ISOCENTER FOR NEWGANTRY EQUIPMENTNEW 8" SLAB 1'-1"±CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WALL THICKNESSTO LOCATE GANTRY ISOCENTER FROMSTRUCTURAL ELEMENT.PROVIDE ARDEX W/ PEASTONEFOR EXTENDED DEPTH TOINFILL EX. 2"± DP. DEPRESSION5"± 2"± 1'-1"± 5"±EXISTING 5"± DEEP R/CONE-WAY SLAB TO REMAIN.NEW 12" WIDE x 15" DEEP CONCRETE BEAMEXTENSION TO EXIST. R/C BEAM(2)-#8 (FRP) CONT. TOP & BOTTOM DRILL & EPOXY (2)-#8s(FRP) x 3'-0" LONG HORIZONTAL DOWELS W/ 6" MIN. EMBED.INTO EXISTING R/C BEAMS ON EACH END.PROVIDE #5 (FRP) @ 8" O.C.DOWELS x 2'-10" LONGDRILLED & EPOXIED 6" MIN.INTO EXISTING R/C BEAMS.PROVIDE #5 @ 12" O.C. (FRP) Z-BARS W/ 6" MIN. EMBED.(STAGGER TO BE BETWEEN STRAIGHT DOWELS)#3 @ 10" O.C. (FRP) TOPTEMP. REINF. BARS E.W.#4@ 6" O.C. (FRP)CLOSED TIES2S1014"± 4"± 4"± 5" 7" 8" 8"CHIP OUT EXISTING CONCRETE TO PROVIDE 2" WIDE x 6"± HIGHx CONTINUOUS SEAT FOR NEW CONCRETE POUR - DO NOTCUT EXISTING REBAR. (TYP. AT EACH SIDE OF NEW POUR)CHIP OUT EXISTING CONCRETE TO PROVIDE 2" WIDE x 8" DEEP xCONTINUOUS SEAT FOR NEW CONCRETE POUR - DO NOT CUTEXISTING REBAR. (TYP. AT EACH SIDE OF NEW POUR)#4@ 12" O.C. (FRP)BOTTOM TEMP. REINF.#5@8" O.C. (FRP) BOTTOM BARS (LAP W/NEW DOWELS 2'-4" MIN. AT EACH END.)1'-0"±234"=1'-0"SECTIONEXISTINGGRADEBEAMEXISTINGPILECAP BEYONDEXISTINGPILE (TYP.)EXISTING/NEWNON-BRG. WALL W/ RF SHIELDINGNEW RF SHIELDING & FLOORFINISH (SEE ARCH. DWGS)8'-0"± *(PER ARCH. DWG)1'-1"±CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WALL THICKNESSTO LOCATE GANTRY ISOCENTER FROMSTRUCTURAL ELEMENT.REMOVE EXISTING 5"± DEEP DEPRESSED R/CONE-WAY SLAB & REPLACE WITH NEW 8" DEEPSTRUCTURAL ONE-WAY SLAB (T.O.C. EL. OFNEW 8" DEEP SLAB IS NOT DEPRESSED)NEW GANTRYEQUIPMENT(BY OTHERS)ISOCENTER FOR NEWGANTRY EQUIPMENTEXISTINGPILECAP BEYONDEXISTINGPILE (TYP.)EXISTINGGRADEBEAM FAR BEYONDEXISTINGR/C BEAM-SLABEXISTINGR/C BEAM-SLAB (BEYOND)NEW 12" WIDE R/C BEAMEXTENSION BEYOND W/ TOP &BOTTOM REINF. DOWELS ATENDS (STIRRUPS NOT SHOWN)Z-BAR (FRP) BEAM DOWELS AT TOP OF8" DEEP SLAB AND THRU BOTTOM OFNEW BEAM EXTENSION DOWELINGINTO EX. R/C BEAM-SLAB (BEYOND)EXISTING/NEWNON-BRG. WALL W/ RF SHIELDINGCHIP BACK EXISTING CONCRETE 2" MIN. x 12" WIDEx 6"± HIGH SEAT (FOR NEW BEAM EXTENSIONBEYOND) - DO NOT CUT REBAR IN EX. BEAMCHIP BACK EXISTING CONCRETE 2"MIN. x 12" WIDE x 15" DEEP SEAT (FORNEW BEAM EXTENSION BEYOND).4"± 4"±(2)-#8s (FRP) x 3'-0" LONG HORIZONTALDOWELS W/ 6" MIN. EMBED. INTOEXISTING R/C BEAMS AT EACH END(TYP. @ TOP & BOTTOM BARS)(e)T.O.C. EL.(REF. = 100'-0")#5 (FRP) BOTTOM BAR (TYP.)TEMP. REINFORCEMENT (FRP)NOTE: BOTTOM SLAB (FRP)DOWELS NOT SHOWN TOCLARIFY BOTTOM REINF.8"#3@10" O.C. (FRP) E.W. TOPTEMP. REINF. BARS1'-0"± WIDE36"± DP. EX. GRADEBEAM 1'-0"± WIDEx13"±/15"± DP. EX. SLAB-BEAM1'-0" WIDEBEAM EXTENSIONNEW #8 (FRP) DOWELDRILLED & EPOXIEDINTO EX. BEAM W/ 6"MIN. EMBED. (TYP - 2TOP, 2 BOTTOM)PORTION OF EXISTING R/CBEAM (2"x12" WIDE x 15"HIGH) TO BE CHIPPED OUTTO PROVIDE SEAT FORSLAB-BEAM EXTENSIONEX. SOIL-SUPPORTED STRUCTURAL SLAB TO REMAINNEW 8" DEEP REINF.CONCRETE SLAB TOREPLACE EX. 5"± DP.DEPRESSED SLAB112"=1'-0"ENLARGED PLAN DETAIL 'X-X'334"=1'-0"SECTIONEXISTINGGRADEBEAMEXISTING/NEWNON-BRG. WALL W/ RF SHIELDING1'-1"±CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WALL THICKNESSTO LOCATE GANTRY ISOCENTER FROMSTRUCTURAL ELEMENT.Z-BAR (FRP) BEAM DOWELS THRU BOTTOMOF NEW BEAM EXTENSION DOWELING INTOEX. R/C BEAM-SLAB (BEYOND)CHIP BACK EXISTING CONCRETE 2"MIN. x 12" WIDE x 15" DEEP SEAT (FORNEW BEAM EXTENSION BEYOND).(2)-#8s (FRP) x 3'-0" LONG HORIZONTALDOWELS W/ 6" MIN. EMBED. INTOEXISTING R/C BEAMS AT EACH END (TYP.@ TOP & BOTTOM BARS)(e)T.O.C. EL.(REF. = 100'-0")CONT. #8 (FRP)TOP BAR#4 (FRP) CLOSED TIESCONT. #8 (FRP) BOTTOM BARNEW RF SHIELDING & FLOORFINISH (SEE ARCH. DWGS)#5 (FRP) BOTTOM DOWELS FROM NEW 8"DEEP STRUCTURAL SLAB INTO EX. R/CBEAM-SLAB (BEYOND) (SEE SECTION 1)1S1011'-3"±X''X7'-5"±14"=1'-0"FOUNDATION / FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PART PLAN19'-6"±(e)PC-2[94'-6"±](e)PC-2[94'-6"±](e)PC-1[96'-3"±](e)PC-3[96'-3"±](e)PC-2[94'-6"±](e)PC-1[94'-6"±]40'-0"±6"±8'-0"± 6"±18'-3"±19'-6"±6"±7'-5"±6'-9"±11'-6"± 6"± 6"±6"±7'-0"±(e)12"± WIDE x 36"± DP. R/C GRADEBEAM(e)12"± WIDE x 13/15"± DP. R/C BEAM (e)12"± WIDE x 15/13"± DP. R/C BEAM(e)24"± WIDE x 13/15"± DP. R/C BEAM(e)68"± WIDE x 15/13"± DP. R/C BEAM (e)12"± WIDE x 36"± DP. R/C GRADEBEAM(e)12"± WIDE x 36"± DP. R/C GRADEBEAM 3"±3"±19'-9"±3"±19'-9"±(e)12"± WIDE x 36"± DP. R/C GRADEBEAM (e)12"± WIDE x 36"± DP. R/C GRADEBEAM (e)12"± WIDE x 36"±DP. R/C GRADEBEAM2'-6"±(e)5"± DP. R/C ONE-WAY SLABDEPRESSED 2"± HERENOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1NOTE #1 EX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. UP(e)PC-2[94'-6"±]EX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. UPEX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. UPNEW GANTRYMAX. WGT. = 16,600 LBSNEW PATIENT TABLEMAX. WGT. = 600 LBSFOUNDATION / FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PART PLAN NOTES:1.INDICATES THE SPAN DIRECTION FOR THE EXISTING 5"± DP. REINF. CONCONE-WAY SLAB. (e)T.O.C. REF. EL. = 100'-0".2.REFER TO GENERAL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING.3.PROVIDE 2"Ø CORES AT CORNERS OF PENETRATIONS TO AVOID OVERCUTTING,PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF EXISTING SLAB.4. INDICATES THE SPAN DIRECTION OF A NEW 8" DEEP ONE-WAY R/CSLAB W/ #5@8" O.C. (FRP) BOTTOM BARS TO REPLACE EXISTING SLAB. T.O.C.EL. OF NEW 8" DEEP SLAB TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT TOP OF CONCRETEELEVATION (REF. EL. = 100'-0').5.GANTRY BEARING PAD BY OTHERS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY.6.PC-1 AND PC-2 DESIGNATE EXISTING PILECAPS WITH NUMBER OF EXISTINGPILES BELOW.7.NEW 12" WIDE x 15" DEEP x CONT. R/C BEAM EXTENSION TO EXISTING 12" WIDECONCRETE BEAM. REINFORCE NEW 12" WIDE BEAM EXTENSION W/(2)-#8's (FRP)TOP & BOTTOM & #4 (FRP) TIES @ 6" O.C. PLUS DOWELS AT EACH END.8.ALL REBAR SHALL BE FRP AND CONFORM TO ASTM D7957.EXISTING 5"± DEEP SLAB TOBE REMOVED IN THIS AREAFOR ENLARGEMENT OF EX.R/C BEAM AND THICKER SLAB.GANTRYISOCENTER1S1012'-0"MOD. BM.12'-6" *(COORD. W/ ARCH.)8'-0" * (COORD. W/ ARCH.)1'-1"±V.I.F.1'-1"± V.I.F.16'-0"±9'-4"±EXISTING/NEW I.F.WALL (V.I.F.)2S101NOTE #7NOTE #5NOTE #5NOTE #5NOTE #5CHIP OUT 2" x 12" WIDE x 6" HIGH FROMEXISTING CONCRETE BEAM FOR SEAT.(MAINTAIN EX. REBAR - DO NOT CUT EX.REBAR)CHIP OUT 2"x12"x15" DP. FROM EXISTINGCONCRETE BEAM FOR SEAT. (MAINTAINEX. REBAR - DO NOT CUT EX. REBAR)NOTE #4SEE ENLARGEDPLAN DETAIL 'X-X'3S10114"=1'-0"ROOF FRAMING PART PLANEX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. DN.EX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. DN.E X . H S S 4 " ± x 4 " ± C O L . D N .EX. HSS4"±x4"±COL. DN.20'-0"±19'-0"±EX. 3-PLY 18"± DP.LVL BM.NEW CHILLER LOCATIONMAX. WGT. = 3,300 LBSE X . 3 - P L Y 1 8 " ± D P . L V L B M . SLOPE DN.SLOPE DN.SLOPE DN.SLOPE DN.SLOPE DN.SLOPE DN. SLOPE DN.EX. 3-PLY 18"± DP.LVL BM.E X . 3 - P L Y 1 8 " ± D P . L V L B M .1178"± DP. LVLs @ 12"± O.C. (NO SLOPE)(-3'-0")2-PLY LVL HERE (-3'-0"±)2-PLY LVL HERE(-3'-0"±)EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM. EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM.EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM. (-3'-0")EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM.EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM.EX. 2-PLY 18"± DP. LVL BM. (-3'-0")1178"± DP. LVLs @12"± O.C. (-3'-0"±)0"±0"±INDICATES SLOPEDIRECTION OF EX.2"±x12"± DP.RAFTERS @ 16"±O.C. (U.O.N.) (TYP.)EXISTING CHILLERTO BE REMOVED.(e)UNIT(e)UNIT(e)UNIT (e)UNIT (e)UNIT(e)UNITEXISTING ROOFDRAIN (V.I.F.)INDICATES EX.UNIT TO REMAIN(TYP. U.O.N.)PROVIDE NEW 134" x 1178" LVL (Fb=2600PSI MIN.) x 10'-0" LONG (CENTERED ATMID-SPAN) SISTERED TO EX. LVL W/ (3)ROWS OF 14"Ø SDS SCREWS @ 8" O.C.ROOF FRAMING PART PLAN NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LOCATION OF NEW CHILLER WITH LOCATION OFEXISTING CHILLER TO BE REPLACED.2.CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING ROOF DRAIN TO ENSURE CHILLER BASEDOES NOT INTERFERE.NDATEISSUEStampScaleProject NumberDrawing NumberProject NorthKey PlanTel. 617 . 769 . 6300Fax. 617 . 769 . 63999 Billings RoadNorth Quincy, MA 02171Drawing TitleArchitectConsultants1800012-4-2020PERMIT ISSUEAS NOTEDS1012 Iyannough Road, West Yarmouth, MA 02673SOUZA, TRUE AND PARTNERS INC.STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS265 WINTER STREET, THIRD FLOORWALTHAM, MA 02451(617) 926 - 6100WWW.SOUZATRUE.COMSHIELDS MRI ATCAPE COD MRI/CTGENERAL NOTES,TYPICAL DETAILS,PLAN, & SECTIONSH:\2020\20180 - Shields MRI Yarmouth\20180 S101.DWG PARTIAL POWER RISER DIAGRAMEXITSTANDARD DEVICE MOUNTING HEIGHTSNTS(BO)FURNISHED BY OTHERS INSTALLED AND/ ORWIRED BY THE ECL E G E N D2' X 2' LIGHT FIXTURE (LUMINAIRE) AND OUTLET ON NORMALCIRCUIT. LETTER INDICATES TYPE. SUBSCRIPT INDICATES CONTROLAND CIRCUIT NUMBER.ARP1aLIGHT FIXTURE (LUMINAIRE) AND OUTLET ON NORMAL CIRCUIT.LETTER INDICATES TYPE. SUBSCRIPT INDICATES CONTROL ANDCIRCUIT NUMBER.DIMMER SWITCH, AS REQUIRED TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH FIXTURESPROVIDED. "a" = FIXTURES CONTROLLEDSINGLE POLE, 20 AMP, SWITCH CONTROLLING LIGHTS `a'LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING POWER SUPPLY FURNISHED WITH LIGHTING.RFFEMI FILTER BY OTHERSBRP1fHOSPITAL GRADE, 20 AMP-125 VOLT DUPLEX RECEPTACLECONNECTED TO CIRCUIT NUMBER `3'DOUBLE DUPLEX WALL RECEPTACLE.COMBINATION TELEPHONE/DATA OUTLET MOUNTED AT 18" ABOVEFINISHED FLOOR TO CENTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROVIDEA 4" SQUARE BOX WITH A SINGLE DEVICE RAISED COVER OPENING,BLANK PLATE AND PULL STRING WITH 3/4" CONDUIT TO ABOVECORRIDOR CEILING. "C" INDICATES MOUNTED 6" ABOVE COUNTERBACK SPLASH TO BOTTOM.RECEPTACLE FOR MAGNET RAMP-UP TOOL,480V-3∅-30A, NEMA L16-30R.FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTORFIRE ALARM HORN/STROBE COMBINATION. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED,CANDELA RATING SHALL BE 15/75.UNSWITCHED NIGHT LIGHT FIXTURE.(X)(XL)(XR)(XD)(XN)EXISTING TO REMAIN AS ISEXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING LOCATION TO BE RELOCATEDEXISTING RELOCATED (IN NEW LOCATION)EXISTING REMOVE & REPLACE WITH NEWTRANSFORMERTEMERGENCY BATTERY UNIT WITH INTEGRAL EMERGENCY LIGHTHEADS. "R" = WITH REMOTE CAPACITYNON-FERROUS, REMOTE DUAL EMERGENCY LIGHT HEADS.MOTOR, NUMBER INDICATES HORSEPOWERENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER3UNFUSED DISCONNECT SWITCHFUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH - 60 AMP SWITCH WITH 45 AMPDUAL ELEMENT, TIME DELAY FUSES6045NURSE CALL STAFF ASSIST STATIONSANURSE CALL ANNUNCIATORNCANURSE CALL PATIENT DOME LIGHT, CEILING MOUNTED, "T"INDICATES WITH TONE.IUMAGNET IN USE SIGNWALL PHONE OUTLET MOUNTED AT 60 ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR TOCENTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.M.C.GENERAL CONTRACTORG.C.MECHANICAL CONTRACTORELECTRICAL CONTRACTORE.C.CIRCUIT BREAKERC.B.GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTERGFIABOVE FINISHED FLOORAFFABOVE FINISHED GRADEAFGWEATHERPROOF (NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE)WPGROUNDGND, GEMERGENCYEMDUAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPANCY SENSOR, PASSIVE INFRARED ANDULTRASONIC TECHNOLOGY, WATT STOPPER #DT-300, WITH POWERPACK (1,000 SF). a = FIXTURES CONTROLLEDOSDT3WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOXJMANUAL STARTER (THERMAL OVERLOAD TOGGLE SWITCH)TSFIRE ALARM DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR, FURNISHED AND WIRED BYELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, INSTALLED BY HVAC CONTRACTOR.DSRTSFIRE ALARM SYSTEM DUCT TYPE SMOKE DETECTOR REMOTE TESTSTATION.FIRE ALARM SMOKE DETECTOR REMOTE INDICATING LIGHTDUAL TECHNOLOGY WALL MOUNTED OCCUPANCY SENSOR, PASSIVEINFRARED AND ULTRASONIC TECHNOLOGY, 120/277V WITH SINGLEINTEGRAL SWITCH, WATT STOPPER DSW-301.OSGROUND FAULT INTERRUPTING WALL RECEPTACLE ON NORMALCIRCUIT.SECURITY SYSTEM KEYPAD BY OTHERSSECURITY SYSTEM DOOR RELEASE BY OTHERSKPDRSECURITY SYSTEM MAGNETIC LOCK BY OTHERSMLFIRE ALARM ADDRESSABLE RELAY MODULERM30/3 600A-3PMAIN15/3 30/3 ?/3 100/3 40/3 60/3 200/3 150/3 125/3 125/3 125/3 70/3 BUILDING MDP600A-480Y/277V-3∅-4W(SIEMENS TYPE P4)EXISTING SPARE 100ACIRCUIT BREAKER3-#1AL,#6 ALG-2" PVCR25/3 25/3 15/3 15/3 HP100A MLO,480V-3∅-3W35KAICCCU-3CCU-4WPWP(BO)(BO)TAP BOXGE- MDPGE- MAINDISCONNECTPANELWPWP(BO)(BO)AHU-3 AHU-4 1,3,5 2,4,6 7,9,11 8,10,127.1FLA-480V-3Ø7.1FLA-480V-3Ø16.9FLA-480V-3ØWITH REHEATAND SCRREHEAT3-#10,#10G-3/4"3-#12,#12G-3/4"16.9FLA-480V-3ØWITH REHEATAND SCRREHEATARCTICCHILLER #1WP(BO)(BO)(2)2HP RE-CIRCULATOR PUMPS(2)1 1/2HP SYSTEM PUMPS(2)COMPRESSORS(2)CONDENSER FANSAND VOLTAGE PHASE MONITOR3-#1/0,#4G-2"NOTE: REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION(4) 3P SPACEAND HARDWARE480V PANELBOARDGENERAL NOTES1.WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRICAL CODE,MASSACHUSETTS BUILDING CODE, NFPA, DPH, AND REQUIREMENTS OF LOCALAUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION.2.REFER TO GE MRI STANDARDS DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL WORKREQUIRED.3.THE WORD "CONTRACTOR" AS USED IN THE "ELECTRICAL WORK" SHALL MEANTHE ELECTRICAL SUBCONTRACTOR.4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE WORK PRIOR TOSTARTING CONSTRUCTION. SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDDIMENSIONS AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES OR UNIDENTIFIEDCONDITIONS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION BEFORE BEGINNING WORK.5.UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OR NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS, NO STRUCTURALMEMBER SHALL BE CUT, NOTCHED, BORED OR OTHERWISE MODIFIED WITHOUTTHE PERMISSION OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, INSURANCE AND TESTS, AND SHALLPROVIDE LABOR AND MATERIAL TO COMPLETE THE ELECTRICAL WORK SHOWN.7.EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL INCLUDEDEMOLITION, PANELBOARDS, CIRCUIT BREAKERS, TRANSFORMERS, FEEDERS,BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING, RACEWAYS, LIGHTING FIXTURES, LIGHTINGCONTROLS, DEVICES, TELEPHONE AND DATA OUTLETS, SAFETY SWITCHES,ADDITIONS TO EXISTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND CONNECTION NECESSARY TOOPERATE MOTORS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT.8.AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BYTHE MECHANICAL SUBCONTRACTOR. STARTERS AND OTHER CONTROL DEVICESFOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE MECHANICAL SUBCONTRACTORFOR INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION BY THIS CONTRACTOR.9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL TEMPORARY LIGHTING AND POWER.10.DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP HISPORTION OF THE WORK NEAT, CLEAN, AND ORDERLY.11.ALL SYSTEMS SHALL BE TESTED FOR SHORT CIRCUITS AND GROUNDS PRIOR TOENERGIZING, AND ANY DEFECTS SHALL BE CORRECTED.12.COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR ALL ELECTRICALEQUIPMENT TO BE PURCHASED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL SUBMITTALS SHALL BEIN ACROBAT PDF FORMAT. PDF FILES SHALL BE MANUFACTURERS SPEC SHEETCLEARLY MARKED WITH ACTUAL ITEM BEING SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL.ILLEGIBLE SCANNED SUBMITTALS OR THOSE NOT CLEARLY MARKED WILL NOT BECONSIDERED.13.MATERIALS SHALL BE SPECIFICATION GRADE AND UL LISTED.14.WHERE MATERIAL IS CALLED OUT IN THE LEGEND BY MANUFACTURER, TYPE ORCATALOG NUMBER, SUCH DESIGNATIONS ARE TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS OFDESIRED QUALITY. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTIONS OF PROPOSED SUBSTITUTIONSSHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LANDLORD. ALL LIGHTINGCONTROLS SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY WATTSTOPPER, NO SUBSTITUTESWILL BE CONSIDERED UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE.15.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FIXTURES,EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES PRIOR TO ROUGHING IN FOR SAME.16.WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THAT OF OTHER TRADES TO ELIMINATEINTERFERENCES.17.EXACT LOCATIONS OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, DEVICES, ETC., SHALL BEVERIFIED WITH HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONINGSUBCONTRACTOR PRIOR TO ROUGHING FOR SAME.18.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN SHOP DRAWINGS/SPECIFICATIONS OFALL EQUIPMENT UNDER OTHER DIVISIONS FROM THE GENERAL CONTRACTORPRIOR TO PURCHASING AND INSTALLING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR SAME.VERIFY ALL DATA RATINGS, CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS, AND OVER CURRENTPROTECTION WITH NAMEPLATE DATA. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIESBETWEEN ACTUAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLED AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.19.ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROMDATE OF WHICH SYSTEM IS PUT INTO SERVICE.20.WORK SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE REQUIREMENTS.COMPLETE EQUIPMENT (INSULATED GREEN WIRE) GROUNDING SYSTEM SHALL BEINSTALLED. REFER TO GE ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES FOR ADDITIONALREQUIREMENTS.21.WIRE AND COPPER, TYPE "XHHW" INSULATED FOR 600 VOLTS PER GEREQUIREMENTS, MINIMUM SIZE #12 AWG COPPER UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTEDOTHERWISE.22.RACEWAYS SHALL BE RUN CONCEALED IN FINISHED AREAS. IN UNFINISHEDAREAS, RACEWAYS MAY BE RUN EXPOSED. CONDUIT AND TUBING SHALL BESUPPORTED ON GALVANIZED WALL BRACKETS, TRAPEZE HANGARS, OR PIPESTRAPS, SECURED BY MEANS OF TOGGLE BLOTS OR INSERTS IN WOODCONSTRUCTION. FEEDERS SHALL BE ROUTED TIGHT TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THEBUILDING STRUCTURE. CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED PARALLEL ANDPERPENDICULAR TO MAIN BUILDING SUPPORTS.23.FIXTURES SUPPORTED ON THE CEILING OR ON THE WALL SHALL HAVE SUITABLEFIXTURE SUPPORT FOR THE SPECIFIC FIXTURE.24.PANELBOARDS SHALL BE DEAD FRONT, THERMAL MAGNETIC BOLT-ON CIRCUITBREAKER TYPE, DESIGNED FOR SURFACE OR FLUSH MOUNTING AS INDICATED ONPLAN, AND HAVING CONNECTIONS TO 120/208 OR 277/480 VOLT, 3 PHASE, 4WIRE SERVICE. ALL BUS BARS SHALL BE ALUMINUM. CABINETS SHALL BE MADEOF CODE GAUGE GALVANIZED SHEET STEEL, WITH A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHGUTTERS, LOCKED DOOR, AND FLUSH HINGES. TYPEWRITTEN INDEX SHALL BEMOUNTED ON DOOR INSIDE TRANSPARENT COVER INDICATING LOAD SERVED.PANELS SHALL INCLUDE SEPARATE EQUIPMENT GROUND BUS AND BEMANUFACTURED BY EATON, SQUARE D OR APPROVED EQUAL.25.PANELBOARDS, DISCONNECT SWITCHES, AND CONTROLLERS SHALL HAVENAMEPLATES OF BLACK LAMINATED PLASTIC WITH ENGRAVED WHITE LETTERS,SECURED WITH SELF-TAPPING SCREWS.26.CONNECTIONS AT MOTORS SHALL BE MADE WITH 18" LENGTH FLEXIBLE LIQUIDTIGHT CONDUIT.27.WALL PLATES SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH SWITCH, RECEPTACLE, DATA ANDTELEPHONE OUTLET. PROVIDE WALL PLATES WITH IVORY VINYL FINISH FORALL DEVICES IN FINISHED AREAS. FOR DEVICES IN UNFINISHED AREAS, PROVIDECAST IRON OR ALLOY OF SUITABLE TYPE TO MATCH OUTLET BOXES SPECIFIED.MARK RECEPTACLE COVER PLATES WITH PANEL AND CIRCUIT NUMBER.28.DUPLEX WALL RECEPTACLES SHALL BE HOSPITAL GRADE, 2 POLE, 3 WIRE,GROUNDING TYPE 20 AMPERE, 125 VOLT WITH METAL PLASTER EARS.RECEPTACLES SHALL BE NEMA STANDARD CONFIGURATION 5-20R. PROVIDETAMPER RESISTANT RECEPTACLES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS.29.FUSED OR UNFUSED SAFETY SWITCHES SHALL BE TOTALLY ENCLOSED, HEAVYDUTY TYPE. SWITCHES SHALL HAVE VOLTAGE, HORSEPOWER AND AMPERERATING SUITABLE FOR THE APPLICATION. PROVIDE NUMBER OF POLES ASREQUIRED. SWITCHES LOCATED EXTERIOR TO THE BUILDING OR IN DAMP/WETLOCATIONS SHALL BE IN A NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE.30.FUSES SHALL BE DUAL ELEMENT, TIME DELAY TYPE, AS MANUFACTURED BYBUSSMAN, MERSEN, LITTLEFUSE, OR APPROVED EQUAL.GENERAL NOTES31.FURNISH AND INSTALL SLEEVES IN FLOORS, BEAMS, WALLS, ETC., REQUIREDFOR INSTALLING THIS WORK.32.CONDUIT PASSING THROUGH FIRE RATED WALLS AND FLOORS SHALL BEPROVIDED WITH ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS TO INSURE THAT THE FIRE- RATEDINTEGRITY IS MAINTAINED.33.LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE INDIVIDUALLY SUPPORTED FROM THESTRUCTURAL SLAB OR STRUCTURAL BUILDING MEMBER. FIXTURES WILL NOT BEPERMITTED TO BE SUPPORTED FROM SUSPENDED CEILING OR ROOF DECK.34.FEEDER TAPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN PANELBOARD GUTTERS.35.CONDUIT RUNS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY; EXACTLOCATION AND METHOD OF SUPPORT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD.36.DIMENSIONS RELEVANT TO EXISTING WORK SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD.37.IN AREAS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS RENOVATION, THIS SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLMAINTAIN CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE.38.PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF EQUIPMENT, THE OWNER WILL INDICATE WHICHEXISTING DEVICES OR MATERIAL SHALL BE SALVAGED AND TURNED OVER TO SAME.STORE AS AND WHERE DIRECTED. ALL ELSE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE.39.ALL EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES WHERE NEW ARE SHOWN SHALL BEREMOVED. ALL EXISTING OBSOLETE WIRING, CONDUIT AND ELECTRICAL DEVICESSHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL WIRING AND RACEWAYS MADEOBSOLETE SHALL BE REMOVED BACK TO SOURCE. WIRING AND DEVICES TO REMAINSHALL BE CONNECTED AND LEFT IN WORKING ORDER.40.WHERE CONNECTIONS ARE MADE IN EXISTING PANELS, THE PANEL INDEXSHALL BE REVISED TO INDICATE THE NEW LOADS SERVED. NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERSADDED TO EXISTING PANELS SHALL BE THE SAME FRAME SIZE, VOLTAGE RATING ANDINTERRUPTING CAPACITY AS EXISTING PANEL AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS.41.EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES INDICATED TO BE REUSED SHALL BE PUT INPROPER OPERATING CONDITION. CLEAN, AND RE-LAMP, EXISTING LIGHTINGFIXTURES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS CONTRACT.42.WHERE EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND DEVICES ARE INDICATED TO BE RELOCATED,ALL ASSOCIATED CONDUIT, WIRE AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE EXTENDED,RELOCATED OR PROVIDED AS REQUIRED.43.ELECTRICAL SHUTDOWN SHALL BE AT A TIME AND DATE APPROVED BY THEOWNER.44.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED POWER SUPPLIES,APPURTENANCES, FINAL CONNECTIONS, TESTING AND WORK REQUIRED FORADDITIONS TO THE EXISTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. PAY ALL COSTS ARISING THEREFROM, FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM.45.FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AUDIO/VISUAL UNITS TO MATCHEXISTING SYSTEM MANUFACTURER. CONNECT TO EXISTING SUPERVISORY LOOP. TEETAPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.RELOCATE EXISTING #1/0 CONDUCTORS FROM THEEXISTING 200A-3P CP AND RECONNECT TO SPARE125A-3P SHUNT TRIP CB. CAP OFF ST WIRING.3PSPACE#4G REQUIRED BYMANUFACTURER.JUNCTION BOXJPROJECT NO: DWN. BY: CKD. BY: MJS SHEET OFSCALE: DATE: AS NOTED REVISIONS: Dec 10, 2020 - 11:04 am 2 Iannough Road W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 This drawing is copyrighted and is subject tocopyright protection. The protection includesbut is not limited to the overall form as wellas the arrangement and composition ofmaterials, color and elements in the design.Under such protection, unauthorized use ofthis drawing may result in the cessation ofconstruction or buildings being seized and/ormonetary compensation being awarded toGlynn Design Incorporated .Anyreproduction, possession, or use of thisdrawing or any part thereof without theexpress written permission of Glynn DesignIncorporated , is prohibited. Violators will beprosecuted to the full extent of the law. © 2017GDIRL Shields Health Care Group MRI Equipment Replacement 70 Industrial Park Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Contract notes:All designs and engineering related to this project are part of a combined design/buildeffort with Glynn Electric, Inc. Information, drawings, specifications,etc. provided as part of this project will not be issued for bid to other electrical contractors or construct from. If Glynn Electric is not the electricalcontractor of record for this project, then then all work related products are deemed null and void. Payment for design work completed does not constituterelease of design materials for use in bidding or construction by another contractor other than Glynn Electric December 11, 2020 20GD66 For Construction 12.11.20LEGEND, FIXTURE SCHEDULE AND GENERAL NOTESE0.0 LIGHTING PLANSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"5 GMULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16PATIENTTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29EQUIPMENTROOM27SOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4VESTIBULE1STRETCHERHOLDING20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14CORRIDORCO2CORRIDORCO1CONFERENCEROOM10STORAGEROOM8CONSULTROOM7RECEPTION6INTERVIEW32CORRIDORCO3STORAGECLOSET11WAITINGROOM2CORRIDOR5EQUIPMENT CLOSET8' - 8"8' - 6"C1C2C3C3C4AC1"MAGNET ALWAYS ON" LED, SIGN LIGHT WITH BATTERYBACKUP LOCATED OVER DOOR.C2NON-FERROUS CABLE TRAY.C3PLAM SOFFIT ABOVE MILLWORK.C46'-0" x 4'-0" ILLUMINATED CEILING IMAGE (MRI COMPATIBLE).KEYED CEILING NOTESAAAAAAAAABACCPATIENT CARE VICINITYacOSDT3MRI ROOM LIGHTING AC/DC POWERSUPPLIES, ONE OVER THE OTHER, WITHREQUIRED 4" CLEARANCE ALL AROUND.FURNISHED BY OTHERS, INSTALLED ANDWIRED BY THE EC. SEE INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS ON SHEET E3.0ca,baaaaabbbb36vdc24vdcMRI ROOM LIGHTINGCONTROLS VIA EQUIPMENTROOM, DC POWER SUPPLIESMRI EXTENSIONRFb(X)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)(BO)20A-120VDEDICATEDCIRCUITDEEEdddPROJECT NO: DWN. BY: CKD. BY: MJS SHEET OFSCALE: DATE: AS NOTED REVISIONS: Dec 10, 2020 - 11:04 am 2 Iannough Road W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 This drawing is copyrighted and is subject tocopyright protection. The protection includesbut is not limited to the overall form as wellas the arrangement and composition ofmaterials, color and elements in the design.Under such protection, unauthorized use ofthis drawing may result in the cessation ofconstruction or buildings being seized and/ormonetary compensation being awarded toGlynn Design Incorporated .Anyreproduction, possession, or use of thisdrawing or any part thereof without theexpress written permission of Glynn DesignIncorporated , is prohibited. Violators will beprosecuted to the full extent of the law. © 2017GDIRL Shields Health Care Group MRI Equipment Replacement 70 Industrial Park Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Contract notes:All designs and engineering related to this project are part of a combined design/buildeffort with Glynn Electric, Inc. Information, drawings, specifications,etc. provided as part of this project will not be issued for bid to other electrical contractors or construct from. If Glynn Electric is not the electricalcontractor of record for this project, then then all work related products are deemed null and void. Payment for design work completed does not constituterelease of design materials for use in bidding or construction by another contractor other than Glynn Electric December 11, 2020 20GD66 For Construction 12.11.20 LIGHTING PLAN E1.0 POWER PLANSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"5 GMULTI-PURPOSESTAFFLOUNGE13BUSINESSOFFICE9STAFFTOILET16PATIENTTOILET17HOUSEKEEPING15SOILUTILITY17AAMBULANCEENTRANCE31CONTROLAREA30SCANROOMTWO29EQUIPMENTROOM27SOILEDHOLDING12CONTROLAREA26SCANROOM ONE25EQUIPMENTROOM24WATERROOM23ELECTRICROOM22READINGROOM21TOILET21BTOILET3TOILET4VESTIBULE1STRETCHERHOLDING20CLEANUTILITY20ACHANGING18CHNG. RM.CH1CHNG. RM.CH2CHNG. RM.CH4CHNG. RM.CH3CHNG. RM.CH5CHANGING19STAFFCORRIDOR14CORRIDORCO2CORRIDORCO1CONFERENCEROOM10STORAGEROOM8CONSULTROOM7RECEPTION6INTERVIEW32CORRIDORCO3STORAGECLOSET11WAITINGROOM2CORRIDOR5EQUIPMENT CLOSET8' - 8"8' - 6"EO1EMERGENCY OFF BUTTON BY OTHERSEO2EMERGENCY OFF BUTTON BY OTHERSEF1ROOF EXHAUST FAN SWITCH (WIRE INPARALLEL W/ EF2)EF2ROOF EXHAUST FAN SWITCHPAPATIENT ALERT CONTROL BOXSASTAFF ASSIST STATIONEO1 (48" AFF) E O 2 EF2 (48" AFF)EF1PAMRUSA (48" AFF)DSDSDOOR INTERLOCK SWITCHMRU (64" AFF)18" X 16" NON-FERROUS LADDER TRAYBOTTOM UP 8'-5 1/2" MIN, 10'-2" MAX AFF.18" X 6" NON-FERROUS LADDER TRAYBOTTOM UP 7'-9" MIN, 10'-2" MAX AFF.(1) 2" PVC ABOVE RF SCREEN(1) 3" PVC ABOVE RF SCREENPULL BOX WITH DIVIDER ABOVECEILING. REUSE EXISTING IFFEASIBLE.LP1BUILDINGMDP600AMAINSWITCH(X)(X)(X)LEGEND#1NOTES KEY1.INTERCEPT EXISTING SYMPHONY POWER CONDUIT ANDREROUTE TO GE "MDP" AS INDICATED. EXACT LOCATIONAND ROUTING TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD. REFER TOPOWER RISER DIAGRAM ON SHEET E0.02.REFER TO GENERAL ELECTRIC'S (GE) SITE SPECIFICDRAWINGS E1 THROUGH E6 FOR EXACT REQUIREMENTS.3.ELECTRIC SHADE AND SHADE SWITCH PROVIDED BYOTHERS WIRED BY GLYNN ELECTRIC. CONNECT TONEAREST 120V CIRCUIT.GE-MDP(BO)PBTO EXISTING 125A-3PSPARE. SEE POWER RISERDIAGRAM ON SHEET E0.0.PATIENT CARE VICINITY(X)(X)IGIG(XD)IGEXISTING ISOLATED GROUND RECEPTACLES ARENOT ALLOWED WITHIN THE PATIENT CAREVICINITY. MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY TOOTHER OUTLETS AND BLANK OUTLET.MAKE SAFE ANY ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATED WITHMILLWORK AND RECONNECT AFTER REINSTALLED.MAGNET MONITOR (BO)MAIN DISCONNECT PANEL (4'-8" AFF)UP 5'-5"AFF{DEDICATED CIRCUIT - REROUTEEXISTING DEMOLISHED EQUIPMENTROOM RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT.EFTS2INTEGRATED COOLING CABINET (ICC)INTEGRATED SYSTEM CABINET (ISC)22(X)REUSE EXISTING RECEPTACLES ANDASSOCIATED CIRCUIT IN THISCURRENT READING ROOMCONNECT TO EXISTINGEXHAUST FAN CIRCUIT.TO CONTROL ROOM "EF1"SWITCH AND MRI "EF2"EXHAUST FAN ON ROOF.PROVIDE DAMPER WIRINGPER DIAGRAM ON DETAILSHEET(X)EXISTING STAFF ASSIST ANNUNCIATOR.CONNECT NEW STAFF ASSIST STATIONAND DOME LIGHT HERETO. LABELINDICATOR AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER.EXACT WIRING REQUIREMENT PERMANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONFOR TEKTONE MODEL NUMBER.NCA SA(BO)(BO)MRUMAGNET RUN DOWN UNIT(BO)3/4" EMPTY TO ISCREMOTE WALL MOUNTED CHILLER PROCESSORPANEL. INSTALL 3/4" CONDUIT AND PULL STRINGHERE FROM TO CHILLER ON ROOF. COORDINATELOCATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS WITH THE MCPRIOR TO ROUGHING IN FOR SAME.CCCCCC(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(XN)(X)(X)(X)C(X)C(X)2(BO)EXISTING SMOKE DETECTOR TO REMAIN.(X)(X)4"x4"x2" OUTLET BOXBY THE ECEXISTING SURFACE WALL DUCTWITH DIVIDER MOUNTED 7"TO CENTER AFF. TO BE REUSEDEXISTING RECESSED WALLDUCT WITH DIVIDER REUSED.EXISTING FIRE ALARMMANUAL STATION TO BEREMOVED.J3PROJECT NO: DWN. BY: CKD. BY: MJS SHEET OFSCALE: DATE: AS NOTED REVISIONS: Dec 10, 2020 - 11:04 am 2 Iannough Road W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 This drawing is copyrighted and is subject tocopyright protection. The protection includesbut is not limited to the overall form as wellas the arrangement and composition ofmaterials, color and elements in the design.Under such protection, unauthorized use ofthis drawing may result in the cessation ofconstruction or buildings being seized and/ormonetary compensation being awarded toGlynn Design Incorporated .Anyreproduction, possession, or use of thisdrawing or any part thereof without theexpress written permission of Glynn DesignIncorporated , is prohibited. Violators will beprosecuted to the full extent of the law. © 2017GDIRL Shields Health Care Group MRI Equipment Replacement 70 Industrial Park Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Contract notes:All designs and engineering related to this project are part of a combined design/buildeffort with Glynn Electric, Inc. Information, drawings, specifications,etc. provided as part of this project will not be issued for bid to other electrical contractors or construct from. If Glynn Electric is not the electricalcontractor of record for this project, then then all work related products are deemed null and void. Payment for design work completed does not constituterelease of design materials for use in bidding or construction by another contractor other than Glynn Electric December 11, 2020 20GD66 For Construction 12.11.20 POWER PLAN E1.1 HPDNROOFHATCHARCTICCHILLER #1CU-4CU-3AHU-4AHU-3AHU-2AHU-1ROOFHATCHTT1 75KVATRANSFORMERRPI-1RPI-2RPI-3SYMPHONY MRI DC LIGHTINGCONTROL PANELESPREE MRI DC LIGHTINGCONTROL PANEL(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(XD)TSIEMANS (SYMPHONY)UPS MANUALTRANSFER SWITCHSIEMANS (SYMPHONY)MANUAL TRANSFERSWITCH(XD)(XD)CONDUIT RISERS PULL BOXDNMRI HITACH PANEL FEDFROM T2 VIA MDPMRI HITACH MANUALTRANSFER SWITCH ANDDISCONNETRPIG FED FROMUPS VIA RPIG-1ROOF PLAN - DO NOT SCALESCALE: ±1/4"=1'-0"ATTIC PLAN - DO NOT SCALESCALE: ±1/4"=1'-0"6055(XN)T2 15KVA TRANSFORMERNEW CHILLER IN PLACE OF EXISTING BY OTHERS(2) 2HP RE-CIRCULATOR PUMPS(2) 1 1/2HP SYSTEM PUMPS(2) COMPRESSORS(2) CONDENSER FANSAND VOLTAGE PHASE MONITOR(BO)REPLACE EXISTING CHILLERDISCONNECT SWITCH WITH NEW ASSHOWN. REUSE EXISTING FEEDERFROM EXISTING 70A-3P CIRCUITBREAKER IN BUILDING MDP. EXACTLOCATION IN THE FIELD.15151515WPWPWP(BO)(BO)HP-1,3,5HP-2,4,6(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)30253025HP-7,9,11HP-8,10,12EXISTING FEEDER TO MDP.CU-3 LOCATED ON EXISTING FRAME OVER CU-4.LOCATE DISCONNECTS IN PLACE OF EXISTINGDISCONNECTS ON FRAMENOTE:CHILLER AND CRITICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE WIRED TOTHE SECURITY PANEL PER SHIELDS' REQUIREMENTVERIFY THAT THESE SWITCHES ARE MADEOBSOLETE BY NEW LAYOUT PRIOR TODEMOLITION.PROJECT NO: DWN. BY: CKD. BY: MJS SHEET OFSCALE: DATE: AS NOTED REVISIONS: Dec 10, 2020 - 11:04 am 2 Iannough Road W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 This drawing is copyrighted and is subject tocopyright protection. The protection includesbut is not limited to the overall form as wellas the arrangement and composition ofmaterials, color and elements in the design.Under such protection, unauthorized use ofthis drawing may result in the cessation ofconstruction or buildings being seized and/ormonetary compensation being awarded toGlynn Design Incorporated .Anyreproduction, possession, or use of thisdrawing or any part thereof without theexpress written permission of Glynn DesignIncorporated , is prohibited. Violators will beprosecuted to the full extent of the law. © 2017GDIRL Shields Health Care Group MRI Equipment Replacement 70 Industrial Park Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Contract notes:All designs and engineering related to this project are part of a combined design/buildeffort with Glynn Electric, Inc. Information, drawings, specifications,etc. provided as part of this project will not be issued for bid to other electrical contractors or construct from. If Glynn Electric is not the electricalcontractor of record for this project, then then all work related products are deemed null and void. Payment for design work completed does not constituterelease of design materials for use in bidding or construction by another contractor other than Glynn Electric December 11, 2020 20GD66 For Construction 12.11.20 ROOF AND ATTIC PLANS E1.2 ELECTRICAL NOTES ·All junction boxes, conduit, duct, duct dividers, switches, circuit breakers, cable tray, etc., are to be supplied and installed by customers electrical contractor. ·Conduit and duct runs shall have sweep radius bends ·Conduits and duct above ceiling or below finished floor must be installed as near to ceiling or floor as possible to reduce run length. ·Ceiling mounted junction boxes illustrated on this plan must be installed flush with finished ceiling. ·All ductwork must meet the following requirements: 1.Ductwork shall be metal with dividers and have removable, accessible covers. 2.Ductwork shall be certified/rated for electrical power purposes. 3.Ductwork shall be electrically and mechanically bonded together in an approved manner. 4.PVC as a substitute must be used in accordance with all local and national codes. ·All openings in raceway and access flooring are to be cut out and finished off with grommet material by the customers contractor. ·General contractor to insert pull cords for all cable run conduits between the equipment room and the operators control room. ·10 foot pigtails at all junction points. ·Grounding is critical to equipment function and patient safety. Site must conform to wiring specifications shown on this plan. 1.All wires specified shall be copper stranded, flexible, thermo-plastic, color coded, cut 10 foot long at outlet boxes, duct termination points or stubbed conduit ends. All conductors, power, signal and ground, must be run in a conduit or duct system. Electrical contractor shall ring out and tag all wires at both ends. Wire runs must be continuous copper stranded and free from splices. 1.1.Aluminum or solid wires are not allowed. 2.Wire sizes given are for use of equipment. Larger sizes may be required by local codes. 3.It is recommended that all wires be color coded, as required in accordance with national and local electrical codes. 4.Conduit sizes shall be verified by the architect, electrical engineer or contractor, in accordance with local or national codes. 5.Convenience outlets are not illustrated. Their number and location are to be specified by others. Locate at least one convenience outlet close to the system control, the power distritbution unit and one on each wall of the procedure room. Use hospital approved outlet or equivalent. 6.General room illumination is not illustrated. Caution should be taken to avoid excessive heat from overhead spotlights. Damage can occur to ceiling mounting components and wiring if high wattage bulbs are used. Recommend low wattage bulbs no higher than 75 watts and use dimmer controls (except MR). Do not mount lights directly above areas where ceiling mounted accessories will be parked. 7.Routing of cable ductwork, conduits, etc., must run direct as possible otherwise may result in the need for greater than standard cable lengths (refer to the interconnection diagram for maximum usable lengths point to point). 8.Conduit turns to have large, sweeping bends with minimum radius in accordance with national and local electrical codes. 9.A special grounding system is required in all procedure rooms by some national and local codes. It is recommended in areas where patients might be examined or treated under present, future, or emergency conditions. Consult the governing electrical code and confer with appropriate customer administrative personnel to determine the areas requiring this type of grounding system. 10.The maximum point to point distances illustrated on this drawing must not be exceeded. 11.Physical connection of primary power to GE equipment is to be made by customers electrical contractor with the supervision of a GE representative. The GE representative would be required to identify the physical connection location, and insure proper handling of GE equipment. 12.GEHC conducts power audits to verify quality of power being delivered to the system. The customer's electrical contractor is required to be available to support this activity. CONNECTIVITY REQUIREMENTS Broadband Connections are necessary during the installation process and going forward to ensure full support from the Engineering Teams for the customers system. Maximum performance and availability for the customers system is maintained and closely monitored during the lifetime of the system. Proactive and reactive maintenance is available utilising the wide range of digital tools using the connectivity solutions listed below: ·Site-to-Site VPN/GE Solution ·Site-to-Site VPN/Customer Solution ·Connection through Dedicated Service Network ·Internet Access - connectivity for InSite 2.0 The requirements for these connectivity solutions are explained in the broadband solutions catalogue (separate document). LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS ·All lighting fixtures and associated components must meet all RF shielded room and RF grounding requirements (e.g., track lighting is not recommended due to possible RF noise). ·All removable lighting fixtures and associated components must be non-magnetic. ·All lighting must use direct current (the DC must have less than 5% ripple). ·300 lux must be provided at the front of the magnet for patient access and above the magnet for servicing. ·Fluorescent lighting must not be used in the magnet room. ·Lighting must be adjusted using a discrete switch or a variable DC lighting controller. ·SCR dimmers or rheostats must not be used. ·DC LED lighting may be used if the DC power converter and RF sources are all located outside the magnet room RF shield. NOTE: LED lighting could cause image quality issues due to RF interference. Make sure a MR-compatible LED lighting solution is chosen. ·Battery chargers (e.g., used for emergency lighting) must be located outside the magnet room. ·Short filament length bulbs are recommended. ·Linear lamps are not recommended due to the high burnout rate. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E1 - ELECTRICAL NOTES 22 RF #1 RF #2 B D C A ITEM QTY ELECTRICAL LAYOUT ITEM LIST 1 Cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] 2 Non-ferrous cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] 3 Non-ferrous cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] for gradient cables 4 Existing Surface wall duct 5 Existing Flush wall duct 6 100mm x 100mm x 50mm [4" x 4" x 2"] J-Box 7 Main disconnect panel 8 One 50mm [2"] cnd above RF Screen 9 One 75mm [3"] cnd above RF Screen 10 Non-ferrous unistrut cable support 11 RF Filters - located within 1016mm [10"] of common ground stud 12 Box above ceiling, size per code ITEM QTY Outlet Legend for GE Equipment System emergency off (SEO), (recommended height 1.2m [48"] above floor) Door interlock switch Emergency exhaust fan switch 1.2m [48"] height recommended) Duplex hospital grade, dedicated wall outlet 120-v, single phase power Network outlet Dedicated telephone lines/network connection Duplex hospital grade, dedicated outlet 120-v emergency, single phase power, 15a Duplex hospital grade, dedicated outlet 120-v, single phase outlet routed through RF filter DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E2 - ELECTRICAL LAYOUT 231/4"=1'-0" EQUIPMENT ROOM Additional Conduit Runs (Contractor Supplied and Installed) From To Qty Size (in)Size (mm) Main Disconnect Panel Facility power 1 as Req'd Main Disconnect Panel Integrated Systems Cabinet 1 as Req'd Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 as Req'd System emergency off 1 1/2 16 System emergency off Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 1/2 16 Door Switch Integrated Systems Cabinet 1 3/4 20 System emergency off Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 3/4 20 Magnet Rundown Unit Magnet 1 1 25 RF filter #1 1 as Req'd RF filter #1 120-V 1Ø Power 1 as Req'd Room Light RF filter #2 1 as Req'd RF filter #2 Facility emergency power 1 as Req'd MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM 8'-10"2'-10" 3'-5" 4'-1"0'-312"1'-1"2'-9" 1'-5" 2'-6" 8'-6"3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1'-10"8'-0"12'-6" C A B D DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E3 - ELECTRICAL ELEVATIONS 241/4"=1'-0" MAGNET ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM ± 0'-0" + 9'-0" + TBD + TBDMIN 0'-10"12 CONTROL ROOM 10'-2"MAXIMUM5'-4"6 ± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD ± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD + 9'-0" + TBD ± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD + 9'-0" 2 3 1 TBD5 4 MIN 0'-10"10'-2"MAXIMUMEQUIPMENT ROOM 7 5'-0" CABLE TRAY REQUIREMENTS IN MAGNET ROOM 2 7 4 3 8 7 213 mm [8.39 in] Min bend radius 1 - Ceiling 2 - Finished Floor 3 - Magnet isocenter 4 - Minimum cable tray support height required at back of Magnet: 2578 mm [101.5 in]. Tray height may be lower at other points to avoid obstructions. 5 - Maximum height from floor to top of tray (anywhere in Magnet room): 3251 mm [128 in]. 6 - Minimum distance from top of cable tray to ceiling: 254 mm [10 in]. Minimum distance on either side of an obstruction: 254 mm [10 in], minimum distance from top of cable tray to Obstruction: 178 mm [7 in]. 7 - Tray end to isocenter: 1245 ±12 mm [49 ±0.5 in]. 8 - Other cable termination to isocenter: 864 ±12 mm [34 ±0.5 in]. 9 - Minimum distance between trays: 12 mm [0.5 in]. 10 - Non-ferrous cable support 11 - The center of the gradient cable group is 89 mm [3.5 in] from the inside edge of the tray, in line with the magnet center. 12 - Distance between non-ferrous cable support: maximum 305 mm [12 in]. 13 - Non-ferrous cable support must be at least 203 mm [8 in] from last rung of cable tray. Cable Tray Requirements (Side-By-Side) 1 6 5 10 8 9 11 12 12 13 13 CABLE TRAYS IN EQUIPMENT ROOM CABLE TRAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 305 [12 in]min.400[15.7 in]Min. 300 [11.8 in] 450 [18 in] RF Shield ISC Max 150[5.9 in]DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E4 - ELECTRICAL DETAILS 25 POWER DISTRIBUTION Run M3030 Penetration L1 L2 L3 NC Panel G Run E3030 Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) Terminal strip Integrated Systems Cabinet (ISC) GE Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Ground Equipment Room "Emergency Off" Button (E02) Magnet Room "Emergency Off" Button (E01) CB#1 CB#2 CB#3 Fuses Emergency Off Safety circuit RF common ground stud (do not ground RF room to any point other than the common ground stud on the ISC) A B C D E F Run E0009 NC Xfmr ContactorCryo Compressor ON RF shield {Facility input power (380, 400, 415, 460, 480 VAC) 3 Phase + GND Cable SUPPLIED by CUSTOMER Equipment SUPPLIED by GE Equipment SUPPLIED by CUSTOMER Cable SUPPLIED by GE - Customer Installed CB MDP 1 125 AMPS 2 110 AMPS 3 25 AMPS NOTES: 1)Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) must operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 2)Runs E0009, E3030 and M3030 are GE supplied cables. All other wiring is customer supplied and installed. 3)Two remote Emergency Off Maintained Buttons are supplied with the MDP. Emergency Off removes power from all outputs when activated. 4)All MDP output circuits drop out on loss of power. the Cryocooler (CRY) circuit will automatically restart upon restoration of power. 5)MDP Short circuit current rating is 25,000 amperes at 480 VAC. 6)MDP is NRTL labeled. 7)All feeder circuits require dedicated ground wires. Accepts following range of standard stranded conductors. All wire types, color and sizing to be selected in accordance with governing electrical code(s). GE MDP M70022MA (380V-480V) Item Phase Ground AWG/kcmil sq mm AWG/kcmil sq mm A 12 - 3/0 4 - 95 6 - 250 16 - 120 B 12 - 1/0 6 - 50 6 - 250 16 - 120 C 10 - 1 6 - 35 10 - 1 6 - 35 D 14 - 8 2.5 - 10 14 - 4 2.5 - 25 E 14 - 10 2.5 - 6 14 - 10 2.5 - 6 F 22 - 12 0.5 - 2.5 24VAC Auto restart control circuit Terminal for power monitoring G Manual Restart ISC Power ON POWER REQUIREMENTS POWER SUPPLY 380/400/415/480V +7.5%/-10%, THREE-PHASE + GND FREQUENCIES 50/60Hz ± 3Hz POWER FACTOR 0.9 MAXIMUM INPUT POWER (5 sec MAX)77kVA CONTINUOUS (AVERAGE) POWER 64kVA STAND-BY POWER < 17kVA SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN POWER INPUT CABLES ·Power and cable installation must comply with the distribution diagram. ·Size of the Main power input cable is determined by the customer, taking its length and admissible voltage drops into consideration. ·All cables must be isolated and flexible, cable color codes must comply with standards for electrical installation. ·The cables from signaling and remote control (Y,Emergency Off Buttons,L...) will go to Main Panel with a pigtail length of 1.5m [60in], and will be connected during installation. ·Each conductor will be identified and isolated (screw connector). GROUND SYSTEM ·The equipotential link will be by means of an equipotential bar. ·The grounding point of MDP is directly connected to the building's ground by an isolated copper cable. ·The impedance of the earth bar should be less than or equal to 2 ohms. ·Power input must be separated from any others which may generate transients (elevators, air conditioning, radiology rooms equipped with high speed film changers...). ·Total harmonic distortion less than 2.5%. ·Phase imbalance must not exceed 2%. ·Lock-out/Tag-out: The Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) shall provide an external single point lock-out/tag-out feature for the entire system and a means to externally lock-out/tag-out each output breaker independently. Each lock-out/tag-out feature shall accommodate a standard sized lock hasp. SPECIFICATIONS OF BACK-UP POWER SUPPLY FOR CRYOCOOLER COMPRESSOR POWER INPUT 380/400/415/480V, THREE-PHASE + G POWER REQUIREMENT MIN 9kVA POWER CONSUMPTION MAX 7.2kW / STEADY STATE 6.5kW at 50Hz MAX 8.3kW / STEADY STATE 7.5kW at 60Hz FREQUENCY 50/60Hz ± 3Hz MAGNET MONITOR REQUIRES A 110/220 VAC, 50/60 HZ, 3.0 A FACILITY SUPPLIED OUTLET. POWER AT THE OUTLET MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY AVAILABLE. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E5 - ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS 26 GUIDANCE ON SLECTION OF FEEDER AND TRANSFORMER FOR MR SYSTEM Direct feed from facility to MR system MR system fed by dedicated facility distribution transformer Prerequisite Conditions MR System Incoming Voltage 480V 3-phase Minimum Source short-circuit kVA 2,500 kVA (at source of feeder to MDP) 2,500 kVA (at input to distribution transformer) Minimum No-Load Voltage 460V 475V (transformer secondary tapped accordingly) Feeder and Transformer Recommendations Dedicated Distribution Transformer Recommendations N/A Size: 112.5 kVA Impedance (Z): ≤5% K-Factor: ≥ K=20 125A overcurrent protection on secondary* Maximum Feeder Length* 465 ft 465 ft Feeder Size - 3-phase power conductors*1 AWG Cu 1 AWG Cu Feeder Size - Ground (USA)*6 AWG Cu (equipment grounding conductor) 6 AWG Cu (supply side bonding jumper) 6 AWG Cu (equipment grounding conductor) Feeder Size - Ground (Canada)*6 AWG Cu (bonding conductor)6 AWG Cu (bonding conductor) * NOTE: Recommendations shown apply only to cases defined exactly as shown in this table and when not in conflict with local electrical codes . For all other cases, refer to the local codes and the System Voltage Regulation Calculator located on the GE Healthcare Site Planning Website 16.8m [55 ft] MON MRU Customer supplied ISC MAGNET ROOM CRY System power panel (MDP or PDB) PT+MAG GOC ICC SEO2 SEO3 DS Customer supplied INTERCONNECTIONS CONTROL ROOMEQUIPMENT ROOM CABLES ROUTING FOR OPTIONS OPTION FROM TO CABLE LENGTH m ft MRE MRE Magnet Isocenter Nominal 7.31 24 Maximum 10.06 33 MRE ISC cabinet 15.24 50 MRE Ethernet Hub in ISC 15.24 50 MRE Customer Supplied Outlet 60 Hz 6.09 20 50 Hz 7.62 25 Remote MRU ICC Remote MRU Short 1.83 6 Long 30.48 100 9.40 m [30.8 ft] 25.00 m [82 ft] 5.40/9.40 m [17.5/30.8 ft] 30.48 m [100 ft] 16.80 m [55 ft] 16.40 m [53.8 ft] 0.40/6.40 m [1.3/21 ft] 13.00 m [42.7 ft] 25.00 m [82 ft] 24.4m [80 ft] 29.8m [97.7 ft] Long / Short cable selection guidance NOTE: This guidance is based on the assumption that the distance between cable tray and floor is 2.6 m [8.53 ft]. Magnet Room: ·If the Magnet – ISC Distance is less than 5.4 m [17.7 ft], select short cable. ·If the Magnet – ISC Distance is in between 5.4 m [17.7 ft] and 9.4 m [30.8 ft] , select long cable. Equipment Room: • If the ICC – ISC Distance is less than 0.4 m [1.3 ft], select short cable. • If the ICC – ISC Distance is in between 0.4 m [1.3 ft] and 6.4m [21 ft] , select long cable. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP E6 - ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTIONS 27 01 - C1 - Cover Sheet 02 - C2 - Disclaimer - Site Readiness 03 - A1 - General Notes 04 - A2 - Equipment Layout 05 - A3 - Section Views 06 - A4 - Acoustic - Proximity Limits 07 - A5 - RF shielding 08 - A6 - Equipment Details (1) 09 - A7 - Equipment Details (2) 10 - A8 - Delivery 11 - A9 -Shield_Requirements (1) 12 - A10 - Shield_Requirements (2) 13 - A11 - Shield_Requirements (3) 14 - S1 - Structural Notes 15 - S2 - Structural Layout WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHSETTS MARK JOHNSON SIGNA PIONEER TNC GE Healthcare GE does not take responsibility for any damages resulting from changes on drawings made by others. Errors may occur by not referring to the complete set of final issue drawing. GE cannot accept responsibility for any damage due to the partial use of GE final issue drawings, however caused. All dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. Do not scale from printed pdf files. GE accepts no responsibility or liability for defective work due to scaling from these drawings./27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG (508)450-6571 MARK.R.JOHNSON@MED.GE.COM TNC 5680003-1EN USA 1/4"=1'-0" 4969566 03/DEC/2020 SHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP A mandatory component of this drawing set is the GE Healthcare Pre Installation manual. Failure to reference the Pre Installation manual will result in incomplete documentation required for site design and preparation. Pre Installation documents for GE Healthcare products can be accessed on the web at: www.gehealthcare.com/siteplanning - Drawn by Verified by PIM Manual SheetFormat Concession Scale DateFile Name RevS.O.(GON) A3 5 REV DATE MODIFICATIONS A 03/DEC/2020 FINAL DRAWING BASED ON REQUEST DC-245543 FINAL STUDY 01 16 - S3 - Structural Details 17 - M1 - Mechanical Layout 18 - M2 - HVAC-Venting 19 - M3 - Chilled Water 20 - M4 - Cryogenics (1) 21 - M5 - Cryogenics (2) 22 - E1 - Electrical Notes 23 - E2 - Electrical Layout 24 - E3 - Electrical Elevations 25 - E4 - Electrical Details 26 - E5 - Power Requirements 27 - E6 - Interconnections GLOBAL SITE READINESS CHECKLIST (DI) DOC1809666 Rev. 7 Site Ready Checks at Installation EHS Site Requirements Overall access route to the scan room free from obstruction / high hazards. Enough space to store tools, equipment, parts, install waste and the general area free from obstruction and trip hazards. Enough necessary facilities for the GE employees available. No 3rd parties working in the area that may affect the safety of the installation activity. Area free from any chemical, gas, dust, welding fume exposure and has painting been completed and dry. All emergency routes identified, signed and clear from obstruction. Accessible single source lockable panel that LOTO can be applied to for GE equipment installation (MDP and/or PDU). There are no other conditions or hazards that you have observed or have been made aware of by the customer or contractors on site. Site Ready Checks for MR Magnet delivery if separate from system Specific for MR Magnet Delivery All permits, plans and permissions received for rigging and/or delivery. Adequate delivery route from truck to final place of installation has been reviewed with all stakeholders, all communications/notifications have occurred, arrangements have been made for special handling (rigging, elevator, fork lift, etc.) All floors along delivery route will support weight of the equipment, temporary reinforcements arranged if needed. Chilled water supply for Water Cooled Compressor or Air Cooled Compressor is ready and meets GE specifications. Water drain available in the equipment room, if applicable. Power for MR compressor & Chiller is available. Power is available for magnet monitoring. Connectivity is available for magnet monitoring. Ensure cryogen venting system is complete to outside the building & available for magnet connection. Exhaust fan system is installed per GE requirements and VERIFIED operational by suction at intake. Required for Mechanical Install start Room dimensions, including ceiling height, for all Exam, Equipment/Technical & Control rooms meets GE specifications. Ceiling support structure, if indicated on the GE drawing, is in the correct location and at the correct height according to the Original Equipment Manufacturer specifications. Levelness and spacing has been measured, and is ready for the installation of any GE supplied components. Finished ceiling is installed. If applicable ceiling tiles installed per PMI discretion. Floor levelness/flatness is measured and within tolerance, and there are no visible defects per GEHC specifications. Entry door threshold meets PIM requirement Floor Strength and thickness have been discussed with customer/contractor and they have confirmed GE requirements are met. Rooms that will contain equipment, including staging areas if applicable, are construction debris free. Precautions must be taken to prevent debris from entering rooms containing equipment. Cable ways (floor/wall/ceiling/Access Flooring) are available for installation of GE cables are of correct length and diameter. Overhead cable trays must be install exactly as shown in GE supplied installation draings to assure proper Gradient Cable length. Cable ways routes per GE Final drawings and cable access openings areas installed at a time determined by GEHC PM. Surface floor duct can be installed at time of system installation. Adequate room illumination installed and working. Customer supplied countertops where GE equipment will be installed are in place. RF Shield installed with possible exception of magnet entrance. RF Shield Effectivity and Ground Isolation Test needed. If GE responsible for supplying RF shield, the RF shield Effectivity and Ground Isolation Test data is a Mandatory attachment into MyProjects. Required for Calibration start HVAC systems Installed, and the site meets minimum environmental operational system requirements. System power & grounding (PDB/MDP) is available as per GE specifications. System power & grounding (PDB/MDP) is installed at point of final connection and ready to use. Lock Out Tag Out is available. PMI to confirm all feeder wires and breaker are size appropriately. EPO installed if needed. PMI to confirm with electrician all power and signal cables are well terminated ensuring there are no loose connections. Network outlets installed. Computer network available and working. Note: The details shown here are only an extract from DOC1809666. For the complete document please contact your PMI. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ·GE is not responsible for the installation of developers and associated equipment, lighting, cassette trays and protective screens or derivatives not mentioned in the order. ·The final study contains recommendations for the location of GE equipment and associated devices, electrical wiring and room arrangements. When preparing the study, every effort has been made to consider every aspect of the actual equipment expected to be installed. ·The layout of the equipment offered by GE, the dimensions given for the premises, the details provided for the pre-installation work and electrical power supply are given according to the information noted during on-site study and the wishes expressed by the customer. ·The room dimensions used to create the equipment layout may originate from a previous layout and may not be accurate as they may not have been verified on site. GE cannot take any responsibility for errors due to lack of information. ·Dimensions apply to finished surfaces of the room. ·Actual configuration may differ from options presented in some typical views or tables. ·If this set of final drawings has been approved by the customer, any subsequent modification of the site must be subject to further investigation by GE about the feasibility of installing the equipment. Any reservations must be noted. ·The equipment layout indicates the placement and interconnection of the indicated equipment components. There may be local requirements that could impact the placement of these components. It remains the customer's responsibility to ensure that the site and final equipment placement complies with all applicable local requirements. ·All work required to install GE equipment must be carried out in compliance with the building regulations and the safety standards of legal force in the country concerned. ·These drawings are not to be used for actual construction purposes. The company cannot take responsibility for any damage resulting therefrom. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES ·It is the responsibility of the customer to prepare the site in accordance with the specifications stated in the final study. A detailed site readiness checklist is provided by GE. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure all requirements are fulfilled and that the site conforms to all specifications defined in the checklist and final study. The GE Project Manager of Installation (PMI) will work in cooperation with the customer to follow up and ensure that actions in the checklist are complete, and if necessary, will aid in the rescheduling of the delivery and installation date. ·Prior to installation, a structrual engineer of record must ensure that the floor and ceiling is designed in such a way that the loads of the installed system can be securely borne and transferred. The layout of additional structural elements, dimensioning and the selection of appropriate installation methods are the sole responsibility of the structural engineer. Execution of load bearing structures supporting equipment on the ceiling, floor or walls are the customer's responsibility. DISCLAIMER THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT I HAVE READ AND APPROVED THE PLANS IN THIS DOCUMENT. DATE NAME SIGNATURE DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 02- ·Any deviation from these drawings must be communicated in writing to and reviewed by your local GE healthcare installation project manager prior to making changes. ·Make arrangements for any rigging, special handling, or facility modifications that must be made to deliver the equipment to the installation site. If desired, your local GE healthcare installation project manager can supply a reference list of rigging contractors. ·New construction requires the following; 1.Secure area for equipment, 2.Power for drills and other test equipment, 3.Capability for image analysis, 4.Restrooms. ·Provide for refuse removal and disposal (e.g. crates, cartons, packing) ·It is the customer's responsibility to contract a vibration consultant/engineer to implement site design modifications to meet the GE vibration specification. Refer to the system preinstallation manual for the vibration specification. CUSTOMER SITE READINESS REQUIREMENTS TYPCIAL MOVING MAGNETIC MASS DISTANCE RADIALLY DISTANCE AXIALLY Carts, Gurneys 100-400 lbs [45-182 kg]3 Gauss line 3 Gauss line Forklifts, small elevator, cars, minivans vans, pickup trucks, ambulances (objects greater than 400 lbs [182 kg])20.0 FT 6.05 M 25.0 FT 7.65 M Buses and trucks (dump, tractor trailer, utility, fire trucks)23.2 FT 7.10 M 29.2 FT 8.90 M For objects >400 lbs [182 kg], Z-axis EMI disturbances must not exceed 5.6 mG peak-to-peak. MAGNETIC INTERFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS ·The customer must establish protocols to prevent persons with cardiac pacemakers, neurostimulators, and biostimulation devices from entering magnetic fields of greater than 5 gauss (exclustion zone). ·Main power transformers must remain outside the 3 gauss field. ·Potential exists under fault conditions that the 5 gauss line may expand radially to 14.8 ft. [4.5 m] and axially to 19.7 ft. [6.0 m] for 8 seconds or less. It should be noted that normal rampdowns or magnet rundown unit initiated quenches will not cause the magnetic field to expand. ·It is recommended every site consider the event of a quench and plan accordingly (such as placing 5 gauss warning signs at expanded locations). ·The ferrous metal objects listed below must not move into or inside of the moving metal sensitivity line during scans. Please refer to pre-installation checklist in pre-installation manual listed on the cover sheet for items critical to image quality. 1.The layout should be arranged so that the 5g line is contained to the magnet room. If not possible, a barrier is recommended to prevent entry to the 5g field area. 2.The spaces around, above, and below the magnet must be reviewed for effects of the 5g, 3g, 1g, and .5g fields. Refer to the proximity limit chart in the MR pre-installation manual referenced on the cover sheet. 3.For moving metal, the restriction lines typically extend outside of the MR space. Please confirm there are no moving metal concerns within these areas. 4.For vibration, analysis to be completed as required per pre-installation manual. 5.For EMI, review the site for the location of the main electrical feeders, AC devices, or distribution systems. An EMI study is recommended if large AC systems are nearby. 6.Details of the floor below the magnet must be reviewed. The structural engineer must verify that the quantity of steel in the volume 10ft [3.1m] x 10ft [3.1m] x 1ft [.3m] deep (below the magnet) does not exceed the allowable steel content as given in the MR pre-installation manual referenced on the cover sheet. 7.Remove, cover, or fill-in abandoned ducts or troughs from the Equipment and Magnet rooms. Access/computer room flooring in the Equipment room can either be removed or assessed and reinforced to support heavier cabinets. Responsibility for the coordination, design, engineering, and site preparation resides with the customer and their project architects and contractors. GE does not, by providing reviews and furnishing comments and assistance, accept any responsibility beyond its obligations as defined in the MR system, sale/purchase agreement. MRI SITE PLANNING REMINDERS Broadband RF noise is a single transient or continuous series of transient disturbances caused by an electrical discharge. Low humidity environmental conditions will have higher probability of electrical discharge. The electrical discharge can occur due to electrical arcing (micro arcing) or merely static discharge. Some potential sources capable of producing electrical discharge include: ·Loose hardware/fasteners vibration or movement (electrical contunuity must always be maintained) ·Flooring material including raised access flooring (panels & support hardware) and carpeting ·Electrical fixtures (i.e. Lighting fixtures, track lighting, emergency lighting, battery chargers, outlets) ·Ducting for HVAC and cable routing ·RF shield seals (walls, doors, windows etc.) For additional information regarding image quality, refer to the pre-installation manual listed on the cover sheet. IMAGE QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 03 0.1mT (1G)0.3mT (3G)0.5mT (5G)1mT (10G)20mT (200G)For Accessory Sales: (866) 281-7545 Options 1, 2, 1, 2 or mail to: gehcaccessorysales@ge.com BY ITEM DESCRIPTION MAX HEAT OUTPUT (btu)WEIGHT (lbs) A 1 3T Magnet 8189 16500 A 2 Patient table -572 A 3 Magnet rundown unit -7 D 4 Phantom set storage cabinet -350 A 5 Integrated Cooling Cabinet 3412 1034 A 6 Integrated System Cabinet 24232 2758 A 7 Magnet monitor 819 10 A 8 Operator console computer 4947 122.80 A 9 Operator workspace -20 A 10 Pneumatic patient alert -0.5 A 11 Music system -- A 12 700 va partial UPS -26.5 D 13 Metal Detector (hand held)-- B 14 Main Disconnect Panel 901 142 C/D 15 Dimplex Chiller 123000 2550 C/D 16 Remote graphic display -- C/D 17 Water filter -- C 18 Define RF shield's inset according to provisions made by the RF Shield vendor C 19 Minimum opening for equipment delivery is 40 in. w x 82 in. h, contingent on a 72 in. corridor width C 20 Minimum opening for equipment delivery is 43 in. w x 82 in. h, contingent on a 96 in. corridor width C 21 Counter top for equipment- provide grommeted openings as required to route cables C 22 Base cabinet for storage of: surface coils, patient positioning pads, phantoms, etc. C 23 Louvered doors - refer to preinstall for requirements C 24 Magnet access 9'-0"x9'-0" C 25 Base cabinet to be trimmed in order to meet minimum clearance C 26 Warning! 5 Gauss line outside the Magnet room limits C 27 Secondary magnetic shielding LEGEND A GE Supplied C Customer/contractor supplied and installed B GE Supplied/contractor installed D Available from GE E Existing/Reinstall Secondary magnetic shielding 200 Gauss 5 Gauss 100, 50, 30, 10 Gauss 3, 1, 0.5 Gauss Exam room height Finished floor to slab height Finished ceiling height TBD 9'-0" RF SHIELD - 100 dB ATTENUATION DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 041/4"=1'-0" EQUIPMENT ROOM 27 LOCATED ELSEWHERE Moving metal sensitivity line for CARS, MINIVANS, PICKUP TRUCKS, AND AMBULANCES. NOTE: Ferrous objects must not move into or inside of the moving metal sensitivity line during scans. Moving metal sensitivity line for BUSES AND TRUCKS (DUMP, TRACTOR TRAILER, UTILITY, FIRE TRUCKS) MAGNET ROOM 29 (considering RF shield walls) CONTROL ROOM 30 8'-5"12'-6" 28'-9" 13'-0"8'-0"16'-3"8'-11"5'-0" 8'-6"1'-6"3'-6"8'-6"15'-8" 20'-4" 6'- 7 "3'-10"13'-7"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 0'-3"1'-9"5'-0"8'-11"27 200 G 1 G 3 G 10 G 30 G50 G 100 G 5 G T.B.D. 0.05mT (0.5G) 0.1mT (1G) 0.3mT (3G) 0.5mT (5G) 1mT (10G) 20mT (200G) 0.05mT (0.5G) 0.1mT (1G) 0.3mT (3G) 0.5mT (5G) 1mT (10G) 20mT (200G) DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 051/4"=1'-0" SIDE VIEW WITH MAGNETIC FIELD MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM ± 0'-0" FRONT VIEW WITH MAGNETIC FIELD 4 3 2 1 1 2 MAGNET ROOM + 9'-0" + TBD + TBD ± 0'-0" + 9'-0" + TBD + TBD3'-6"3'-6"26 18 3'-7" 4'-10" Cable tray Unistrut 4'-1" 12'-6" 5'-0" 13'-0"0'-1"10'-0"927 26 18 2626 MAGNETIC PROXIMITY LIMITS STEEL MASS LIMITS TO MAGNET ISOCENTER (3x3 m [10x10 ft] AREA UNDER MAGNET) Limits Of Steel Mass Distance From Magnet Isocenter Distance Below Top Surface Of Floor ŬŐͬŵϸ ůďƐͬĨƚϸ mm in mm in 0 0 0 - 1143 0-45 0 - 76 0-3 9.8 2 1143 - 1194 45-47 76 - 127 3-5 14.7 3 1194 - 1321 47-52 127 - 254 5-10 39.2 8 1321 - 1397 52-55 254 - 330 10-13 98.0 20 1397+55+330+13+ The actual field strength can be affected by Magnetic shielding, Earth's magnetic field, other magnetic fields and stationary or moving metal. This information must be used to evaluate potential site interaction of GE Healthcare equipment with other non-GE Healthcare equipment. Magnetic shielding can be installed to prevent interaction between the magnet and nearby sensitive devices. The GE Healthcare Project Manager of Installation (PMI) can work with the customer to coordinate the magnetic shielding site evaluation. The customer is responsible for installation of all magnetic shielding. The customer must provide detail defining ferrous material below the magnet to the Project Manager so the GE Healthcare MR Siting and Shielding team can review for compliance. Gauss (mT) Limit Equipment 0.5 gauss (0.05mT)Nuclear camera 1 gauss (0.1mT)Positron Emission Tomography scanner, Linear Accelerator, Cyclotrons, Accurate measuring scale, Image intensifiers, Bone Densitometers, Video display (tube), CT scanner, Ultrasound, Lithotriptor, Electron microscope, Digital X-Ray 3 gauss (0.3mT)Power transformers, Main electrical distribution transformers 5 gauss (0.5mT)Cardiac pacemakers, Neurostimulators, Biostimulation devices 10 gauss (1mT) Magnetic computer media, Line printers, Film processor, X-ray tubes, Emergency generators, Commercial laundry equipment, Food preparation area, Water cooling equipment, HVAC equipment, Major mechanical equipment room, Credit cards, watches, and clocks, Air conditioning equipment, Fuel storage tanks, Motors greater than 5 horsepower 50 gauss (5mT)Metal detector for screening, LCD panels, Telephones No Limit Digital Detectors Acoustic and vibroacoustic information is provided for site planning and architectural design activities. It is the customer's responsibility to hire a qualified acoustic engineer for solutions to further attenuate this transmitted noise and vibration, if required. The actual room noise level may vary based on room design, optional equipment, and usage: ACOUSTICS SPECIFICATIONS Control Room: 62dBA Equipment Room: 80dBA Magnet Room: 127dBA* (maximum sound pressure level at magnet bore isocenter) * Frequency: 20 Hz to 20kHz 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 FREQUENCY [Hz]VIBRATION AMPLITUDE [m/s²]Low Frequency Magnet Floor Vibration (Vibration Amplitude at Each Foot) FREQUENCY (Hz) AMPLITUDE ;ŵͬƐϸͿ 2 0.05 10 0.05 20 0.35 30 0.35 35 0.2 50 0.2 SOUND PRESSURE SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION 1/3 Band Relative SPL 12.56325010004000200000 20LAeq (dBA)Frequency (1/3 Octave) 40 60 80 100 120 ISOGAUSS PLOTS The isogauss contour plots illustrated represent the performance of the system and the steel room shield described in the final shield design dated DEC. 03, 2020. The actual magnetic flux density at any point in the vicinity of the magnet when installed may vary from the contour plots due to factors such as the concentrating effects of nearby ferrous objects and ambient magnetic fields, including the earth's magnetic field. Therefore, the contours shown are only approximations of actual flux densities found at corresponding distances from the magnet's isocenter. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 06 MINIMUM MAGNET CEILING HEIGHT (TOP VIEW) Shaded area within solid lines indicates floor to ceiling minimum height of 2500 mm [98.42in]. If ceiling is between 2500 mm [98.42in] and 2667 mm [105in], flexible main lead extension for low ceiling height is required for ramping the magnet. Contact the PMI for preparation.1461[57.5 in]1372 [54 in]1016[40 in]838[33 in]1372 [54 in] 2769 [109 in] MAGNET GEOMETRIC ISOCENTER FRONT OF MAGNET SCALE 1:50400[15.76 in]1774±5[69.84 in±.2 in]59 [2.32 in]824±5 [32.44 in±.2 in]1873 [73.74 in]942 [37.1 in] 1226 [48.27 in] 1107.2±5 [43.59 in±.2 in]59 [2.32 in]170±10 [6.69 in±.4 in]59 [2.32 in] Mesh shield frame area Finished wall 6140156 [241.74 in6.15 in ] Finished wall RF Shield PENETRATION PANELS WALL OPENINGS Integrated System Cabinet and Integrated Cooling Cabinet must be covered on both sides for safety. Equipment room Magnet room INTEGRATED SYSTEM CABINET Front View INTEGRATED COOLING CABINET Front View Equipment room side EQUIPMENT ROOM FLOOR INTEGRATED SYSTEM CABINET Top View INTEGRATED COOLING CABINET Top View MinPENETRATION PANEL CLOSET An enclosure (i.e. closet) must be provided to restrict access to the PEN panels and for storage of excess interconnections. ·The PEN closet must have a mechanical locking mechanism to restrict access to the PEN panels ·The PEN closet must maintain the minimum service area outside the 200 Gauss in the magnet room. ·PEN closet must allow free air exchange of ϰϬϬ&D;ϲϴϬŵϹͬŚŽƵƌͿ between the Magnet room and PEN closet for MR system blowers. Airflow may be achieved through door louvers or other openings in the PEN closet that meet all other PEN closet requirements A:300 mm [11.81in] side space for excess cable sorage. Left side space and right side space can be swapped. NOTE:All RF mesh Assy Shipping brackets should be kept on frame until after installed and RF test is completed. RF shield ICC/ISC minimum closet inner dimensions outline 2300[90.6 in]A 570 [22.4 in] 570 [22.4 in] 430 [16.9 in] 430 [16.9 in] 122 [4.8 in] 2600 [102.4 in] 400 [15.7 in] 200 [7.9 in] 50 [2 in] DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP RF shielding 07 PATIENT TABLE (PT)700[27.6 in]2450 [96.5 in]520[20.5 in]932[36.7 in]470 [18.5 in] 560 [22 in] 1190 [46.9 in]350[13.8 in]820[32.3 in]Top View Side ViewFront View Scale 1:25 INTEGRATED SYSTEM CABINET EQUIPMENT ROOM MAGNET ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM MAGNET ROOM SECTION VIEW PLAN VIEW FRONT VIEW Air flow Center of gravity Serviceclearance Cable droparea Service clearanceCover Cover 150 [5.9 in]150 [5.9 in]1000[39.4 in]1574 [62 in] 1140 [44.9 in]600[23.6 in]692 [27.2 in] 1275 [50.2 in]684[26.9 in]2000[78.7 in]150+70 0 [5.9 in+2.8 in 0 in ]1975[77.8 in]400[15.7 in]300[11.8 in]300 [11.8 in] 800 [31.5 in] 907 [35.7 in] SIDE VIEW Cable Tray 975 [38.4 in] 461 [18.1 in] 50G Limit 867 [34.1 in] INTEGRATED COOLING CABINET EQUIPMENT ROOM MAGNET ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM MAGNET ROOM Center of gravity TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Cover Service Clearance Service Clearance 150 [5.9 in] 150 [5.9 in] 1130 [44.5 in]1000[39.4 in]600[23.6 in]860 [33.9 in] 340 [13.4 in]825 [32.5 in]1067[42 in]1975[77.8 in]Serviceclearance Cable droparea Cover 150+70 0 [5.9 in+2.8 in 0 in ]1975[77.8 in]400[15.7 in]300[11.8 in]300 [11.8 in]1067[42 in]388 [15.3 in]800 [31.5 in] 907 [35.7 in] Center of gravity MAGNET ENCLOSURE Note: Center of gravity is approximate and includes the GE Healthcare supplied VibroAcoustic Dampening Kit, but does not include cryogens, gradient assembly, side mounted electronics, or enclosures. Enclosure dimensions are for reference only, NOT FOR SITE PLANNING USE. FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 961 [37.8 in]1065 [41.9 in]956[37.6 in]1030 [40.5 in]2370[93.3 in]1992 [78.4 in] 466 [18.4 in]2370 [93.3 in]1065[41.9 in]2492 [98.1 in] DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 08 GLOBAL OPERATOR CABINET (GOC) Center of Gravity SCALE 1:10 TOP VIEW FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEW 194 [7.64 in]593[23.35 in]401 [15.79 in]755 [29.71 in]271[10.67 in]308 [12.13 in] 700 [27.56 in]33[1.3 in]80[3.15 in]105[4.13 in]48[1.88 in]A - Seismic Anchor (M12) A A AA 127 [5 in] DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 09 DELIVERY 2700 [106.3 in] 2700 [106.3 in] ROUTING ·The customer is solely liable for routing of components from dock to final site. ·GE must be able to move system components in or out with no need to uncrate or disassemble any of the components. The entire passageway must be cleared, adequately lighted and free from dust. ·The floor and its surfacing must be able to withstand the live load of components and handling equipment. ·Floor surfacing must be continuous. ·The customer must protect any fragile flooring surfaces. MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAGNET ROUTING ·Floor must be able to withstand a moving load of 7804 kg ·Height: 2.5m [98.5in], width: 2.7m [98.5in] ·Maximum slope: 30° STORAGE CONDITIONS ·System components except the magnet should be stored in a cleaned room. ·Temperature = -30 to 60°C [-22 to 140°F], relative humidity < 90% non condensing. ·Material should not be stored for more than 90 days. ·The magnet will be delivered after GE validation of the site. INSTALLATION AND DELIVERY ACCEPTANCE ·A survey of the site established by the customer and GE will make the decision for the delivery time. ·This survey of the site (a form is made available by GE) is only to check if the apparent conditions of the site allow the equipment to be delivered. ·If the site is not ready, GE can delay the delivery time. Recommended minimum opening for side (wall) delivery : 2500 [98.5in] (width) x 2500 [98.5in] (height) PATH WITH 90 DEGREE TURN FRONT VIEW OF MAGNET RIGHT SIDE VIEW OF MAGNET STRAIGHT PATH (Rigging wheels required) 2387 [94 in] 1194 [47 in] 1160 [45.7 in] 2140 [84.3 in] 1146 [45.1 in]2252 [88.7 in]2363[93 in]193[7.6 in]GRADIENT COIL REPLACEMENT The weight bearing structure of the site should support any additional weight of the main replacement parts occurring during maintenance of the magnet, throughout the whole lifecycle of the MR. 991 [39 in] 2536 [99.8 in]1499[59 in]EQUIPMENT DIMENSIONS LxWxH WEIGHT NOTEmminkglbs Replacement XRM gradient coil assembly on a shipping cradle/cart 991x2536x1499 39x99.84x59 1449 3194 Initial gradient coil assembly is shipped installed in the magnet. Shipping/installation cart is used to install replacement coil assembly only. This is only a partial list of items required for delivery of the magnet. For a complete checklist refer to the pre-installation manual referenced on cover sheet. ·24/7 chilled water and 480v power for shield/cryo cooler ·24/7 120v power for the magnet monitor ·Phone lines for magnet monitoring and emergency use ·Magnet room exhaust fan ·Cryogen venting (if roof hatch, completed within 24 hrs) CRITICAL ITEMS FOR MAGNET DELIVERY DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 10 DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 111/4"=1'-0" PERFORMANCE STATEMENT FOR MAGNETIC SHIELD DESIGN SHIELDING PLAN [REFERENCE ONLY-NOT TO SCALE] ADDITIONAL NOTES ·Attractive force of a magnet on the ceiling and walls of the steel shield will be a maximum of 30% of the shield's weight. Support structure must account for these additional forces. ·Attractive forces on the floor or sub-floor may be sufficient to lift shield's weight. Support structure must prevent this with adhesive or bracing. ·M36 Silicon steel is used in this shield. see shielding requirements sheets for specifications. Rear wall and partial floor are 1/4" M36 GE HEALTHCARE ("GE") provides this magnetic shielding design solely for use with GE's Magnetic Resonance System ("System"). This magnetic shielding design applies solely to the magnetic resonance suite configured as shown in this drawing set. The magnetic shield, shown in this set, when constructed in strict accordance with this magnetic shield design will: 1.Contain the MRI-generated magnetic induction of 5 gauss within 13'-8" plan east of the magnet's isocenter. ("Design Objectives"), subject to and conditioned upon the following: 1.The magnetic field strength measurements are conducted using techniques which account for the effects of the earth's magnetic field and; 2.The magnetic field strength measurements are conducted using techniques which account for magnetic field distortions caused by magnetic materials in the vicinity of the measurement and; 3.Customer demonstrates to GE that the shielding material and fabrications are in strict accordance with GE's design and specifications and; 4.Customer demonstrates to GE that the shielding is installed in strict accordance with GE's design, specifications and requirements and; 5.Customer demonstrates to GE that (i) the System has not been and is not being subjected to improper or extraordinary use, (ii) the System has not been and is not being subjected to improper maintenance, and (iii) Customer has complied with all applicable instructions or recommendations of GE related to the System and magnetic shield; and 6.Customer operates the System at or below its specified field strength. GE will re-perform the magnetic shielding design services, to the extent that GE determines the design services fail to meet the Design Objectives specified above, provided GE is notified in writing by Customer of such failure within one (1) week after the date of availability of the System for first use, subject to all other terms and conditions of the agreement between GE and Customer for the purchase or lease of the System. The foregoing sets forth Customer's exclusive remedies and GE's sole liability for claims based on the failure of the magnetic shielding design services to meet the Design Objectives. In no event shall GE be liable for special or consequential damages. The magnetic field gradients resulting from the magnetic shield's effect on the System's magnet will allow the System's magnet to meet published homogeneity specifications upon completion of required installation procedures. The final performance of the magnetic shield set forth in this drawing set depends on strict adherence to the construction and material requirements detailed herein. Any deviation from these requirements will degrade shielding effectiveness. For this reason, GE recommends that only established magnetic shielding vendors be used. Vendors should be required to provide documentary evidence to demonstrate that their shielding product complies with GE's construction requirements, material requirements, chemical composition specifications, and annealing specifications; or the material's DC magnetization curve at high induction is equivalent to GE's specification on SH2.. A guarantee that the finished shield will meet the Customer's fringe field containment requirements should be sought from the shielding vendor. The isogauss contours shown on this drawing set indicate the magnetic fringe field containment which corresponds to the predicted interaction between the System and the magnetic shield design described. GE creates these isogauss contour plots only to predict if the shield design meets the Design Objectives. All other effects such as the superposition of the earth's magnetic field, residual magnetism, and localized field concentration effects, due to ferromagnetic structural elements, are not considered or indicated. The exact location of a particular isogauss contour may differ from that shown due to: (1.) the above stated reasons and (2.) the resolution limits of the mathematical modeling techniques used to derive these results. Note also that for actively shielded Systems, fault conditions may exist where the isogauss contours expand temporarily (refer to your System's Pre-Installation Manual for exact information regarding fault expansions). The Customer is responsible for the effect of the fringe fields produced by the System's magnet, and is responsible for the coordination of the magnetic shield design into existing or planned facilities, such as foundations/footings and other building components. The Design Objectives have been formulated by GE from information, both written and verbal, obtained from the Customer, his agents, and/or representatives as part of the MR Site Evaluation process. The final decision on the Design Objectives criteria and the amount of magnetic field containment needed at this site rests solely with the Customer or his designated representatives. Please contact MR Siting/Shielding immediately with any corrections and/or additions related to this magnetic shield design. GE recommends that your final shield fabrication drawings be forwarded for review. Any deviations from the design specified in this drawing set must be brought to the attention of GE. Please allow up to two weeks for the review process. Send drawings to your Project Manager as identified on the cover sheet. ShieldsHCG_20242855_run00_WestYarmouthMA_3Tlc-vf.xlsm 5'-0" 13'-0"8'-11"8'-11" TYPICAL SHIELD - GENERAL VIEW TYPICAL SHIELD OPENINGS A.WINDOW 4'-8" WIDE x 4'-2" HIGH (1422 mm WIDE x 1270 mm HIGH) B.DOOR 4'-8" WIDE x 7'-6" HIGH (1422 mm WIDE x 2286 mm HIGH) FOR C.SIGNA 3T, 1.5T PENETRATION PANEL 2'-2" WIDE x 6'-2" HIGH (660 mm WIDE x 1879 mm HIGH) C.A.FOR MR 1.5T HDe, SIGNA EXPLORER/CREATOR PENETRATION PANEL 5' -1" WIDE x 6'-7" HIGH (1550 mm WIDE x 2000 mm HIGH) C.B.FOR DV 3T AND 1.5T TYPICAL OPENING FOR 2 PENETRATION PANEL 6'-0" WIDE x 10'-0" HIGH (1830 mm WIDE x 3050 mm HIGH) C.C.FOR SIGNA PIONEER/VOYAGER OPENING FOR 2 PENETRATION PANEL 7'-2" WIDE x 10'-0" HIGH (2150 mm WIDE x 3050 mm HIGH) A BC - TYPICAL LAPPING PLATE DETAIL - - TYPICAL BEVELED CORNER DETAIL - - ALTERNATE LAPPING PLATE DETAIL - DETAIL D DETAIL F DETAIL C MAX. GAP 1/8" (3 MM) MAX. GAP 1/8" (3 MM) LAPPING PLATE 6" (152 MM) MAX. GAP 1/8" (3 MM) (76 MM) x 3" (76 MM) x 1/3 PLATE THICKNESS ANGLE PLATE x LENGTH OF JOINT GRAIN DIRECTIONSHORTERDIMENSION SLOTTED OR OVERSIZED HOLES (TYPICAL) LAP PLATE MINIMUM 6" (152 MM) MAXIMUM 1/8" (3 MM) GAP SHIELD SUPPORT STEEL 3" (76 MM) x 3" (76 MM) 1/3 PLATE THICKNESS DETAIL B (SEE FABRICATION NOTE 8) (IGNORE FOR M36) - TYPICAL STAGGERED LAYER DETAIL - - TYPICAL CORNER DETAIL - - PLATE DETAIL - DETAIL A DETAIL E WIDE x 1/3 PLATE THICKNESS x LENGTH OF JOINT LAPPING PLATE MINIMUM 3" LONGER DIMENSION WIDE x 1/3 PLATE THICKNESS X LENGTH OF JOINT LAPPING PLATE MINIMUM (SEE FABRICATION NOTE 8) ANGLE x LENGTH OF JOINT SHIELD PLATESTYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] SHIELD PLATES TYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] SHIELD PLATES TYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] SHIELD PLATES TYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] SHIELD PLATESTYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] SHIELD PLATESTYPICALLY 5 LAYERS TO EQUAL 1/8" [3MM] TYPICAL SHIELD - GENERAL VIEW DETAILS DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 12 ISOMETRIC DRAWING [REFERENCE ONLY-NOT TO SCALE] Rear wall and partial floor are 1/4" M36 1.The design of the shield support system is the responsibility of the customer's architect, structural engineer, and shield vendor. 2.The magnetic shield design must be adhered to exactly. Any deviation from dimensional design, fabrication technique or material specification must be assessed and documented by GE MR Siting. 3.Building and shield support structures should be outside of the steel plates to preclude detrimental effects on homogeneity. If it is absolutely necessary to have support structure on the inside of the shield, a homogeneity analysis must be performed and documented by GE MR siting. 4.For all 1.5T and 3T MR systems, use of non-magnetic materials for concrete floor reinforcement is recommended, unless a homogeneity analysis has been performed and documented by GE MR Siting. For older 1.5T systems with the Magnishield option, signa 0.5T systems, MR Max systems and Vectra systems, conventional reinforcing and structural members are acceptable. 5.A secondary plate must be magnetically isolated from the primary shield. The use of non-magnetic structural members such as aluminum or non-magnetic stainless steel is acceptable. 6.If the magnetic shield is installed inside an RF shield, both the shield and its support system must be isolated from ground by 1,000 ohms or greater and meet all the GE RF room requirements as specified in the appropriate GE pre-installation manual. 7.The minimum finished floor to finished ceiling clearance in the magnet room is shown on sheet A2. Clearance dimensions do not include space required for the magnetic shield, RF shield, shield structure, and finished ceiling materials. 8.Locations of the penetration panel, window, and door openings are established on the final layout. Changes must be documented by GE MR Siting and Planning. 9.Penetration panel mounting details are specified in the appropriate GE site planning direction. 10.Consult GE MR Siting for guidance on any issues relating to magnetic shielding. 11.There must be a minimum of 8 inch [200mm] between the magnetic shield and the area where the magnetic field is being reduced. For example if a hallway has a 5 gauss restriction goal, the magnetic shield should be positioned 8 inch [200mm] inside the hallway surface. Larger buffer spaces are preferred but 8 inch [200mm] is the recommended minimum. 12.If the magnetic shield is supported by the parent room structure, the parent room structure should be wood/concrete/aluminum whenever possible. If the parent wall structure is steel, then the magnetic shield needs to be decoupled from the steel studs by a minimum of 5/8 inch [16mm] gypboard, plywood, furring, or other non-magnetic media. 13.If the magnetic shield is supported inside the RF structure, care must be taken to avoid loose metal to metal contacts or dissimilar metal contacts. Refer to the RF section of the pre-installation manual for all requirements. Magnetic decoupling media may also be needed if the magnetic shield is attached directly to an RF shield that is primarily steel. 1.Magnetic shield ceilings, floors, walls, etc. Will consist of multiple layers to make of the design's required thickness. 2.Slotted or oversized bolt holes are recommended to assure adequate play for positioning plates tightly together. Refer to detail a. 3.If multiple layers of steel are used, some lapping plates can be eliminated by staggering plate separations. Refer to detail B. This is the recommended method for multiple layers. 4.If layers are not staggered or a single layer of the required thickness is used, lapping plate must be used to cover plate separation. Lapping plate is required at each corner, plate separations perpendicular to the magnet bore's axis. This include all vertical seams in the sidewalls, all cross seams in floor and ceiling, all horizontal and vertical seams in the front and rear surfaces and all corners where a front or rear surface meet any other surface. Refer to details C, D, E, F, and shield isometric. 5.Gaps in the shield which are perpendicular to the flux path are critical and should be kept to a minimum. Maximum separation between plates is 1/8 inch (3mm). 6.Hole diameter of 8" [200mm] or less, when separated from another hole by a minimum of 3 times the diameter of the hole is allowed as needed. Holes for cryogen venting, HVAC, etc. Must be assessed and documented by GE MR Siting. 7.Angled joints do not need to have beveled mating edges. Refer to detail E. 8.When lapping plate material is required, it should extend at least 3" [76mm] to each side of the separation, and should have a total minimum thickness of 1/3 the thickness of the shield thickness. 9.Any separation between plates which exceed 1/8" [3mm] cannot be corrected by placing a lapping plate over the separation or using full seam welds across the separation. Corrections for this situation must be assessed and documented by GE MR Siting. 10.Lapping plate can be attached by tack welding or bolting. 11.Shield plates are to be free of loose scale. Failure to remove scale can result in loose scale and steel particles becoming lodged in the magnet. The preferred method for removal of scale is sandblasting. Removal of scale using wire brush is permitted. Shot blasting is prohibited. 12.Shield plates must be rigidly supported to prevent movement resulting from air pressure or other environmentally induced changes which can alter the magnet's homogeneity or systems performance. 13.Shield plate must be well anchored to the support structure by plug welding or bolting. 14.Full seam welding is not recommended for attaching shield plates to support structure or adjacent shield plates. 15.Minimum penetration full seam welds are allowed when the magnetic shield also serves as the RF shield. 16.Full seam welding is not allowed on silicon steel sheets. 17.Minimize the need for flame cutting of steel plate after annealing, as material's magnetic properties can be altered as a result of stress induced by this process. 18.Loose ferrous components become dangerous projectiles when the magnet is energized. The actual performance of the magnetic shield depends upon strict adherence to the following requirements. MAGNETIC SHIELD CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS GENERAL SHIELD NOTES FABRICATION 1.0 FIGURE 1 6 0.1INDUCTION - KILOGAUSSES8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.5 1.0 MAGNETIZING FORCE - OERSTEDS 5.0 10 50 100 500 0.61000 INDUCTION - TESLA0,8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 ARMCO DI-MAX M-36 CR FPD-C Magnetization curve at high induction Test: AS; 50/50; A596 Excessive stresses may be produced in electrical steel by improper arrangement of coils in storage, as indicated. Impproper handling of strip, sheets or long laminations can introduce stress that impair magnetic properties of the steel. Coil set introduced in handling strip or long laminations.Unintentional introduction of excessive stress in steel during storage of coils. FIGURE 2 ARMCO DI-MAX M36 (or material with equivalent magnetic properties) CR FP BARE (non coated) non-oriented electrical steel (2.25% maximum silicon content, 0.004% maximum carbon content, 0.65% maximum aluminum content). ·Material must meet all requirements of ASTM A677 for fully-processed non-oriented electrical steel. ·Material must meet or exceed magnetic properties as illustrated in figure 1 when tested per ASTM A596 as sheared with laminations in test specimen half parallel, half transverse to the rolling direction. ·Material must not be handled with electromagnetic equipment. ·Each sheet of material must lie flat under it's own weight. ·Material supplier must provide manufacturers certification with shipment. NOTES: ·Shield thickness is not to scale. ·Magnetic properties of electrical steels are especially sensitive to stress. substantial reductions in magnetic properties can be caused by only a few hundred pounds per square inch. therefore, prevention of stresses due to elastic or plastic deformation during handling is critical. ·Refer to figure 2 for some examples of situations to avoid. ·Each 1/8" (3 mm) shield thickness consists of 5 layers of 24 gauge (0.0250 inch [0.64mm]) M36 steel. (SILICON-011310) SILICON STEEL MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Radius may be too small Corner may be too sharp DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 13 VIBRATION TRANSMITTED THROUGH VIBROACOUSTIC MAT 6312520080012.5400 0.025Peak AmplitudeEnvelope [m/s²]1/3 Octave Frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.075 0.1 80100400160025160250100016505002000315125020630250031.5VIBRATION SPECIFICATIONS Excessive vibration can affect MR image quality. Vibration testing must be performed early in the site planning process to ensure vibration is minimized. Both steady state vibration (exhaust fans, air conditioners, pumps, etc.) and transient vibrations (traffic, pedestrians, door slamming, etc.) must be assessed.The Magnet cannot be directly isolated from vibration. Any vibration issue must be resolved at the source. Transient vibration levels above the specified limits in the MR Site Vibration Test Guidelines must be analyzed. Any transient vibration that causes vibration to exceed the steady-state level must be mitigated. 0 0 EXCITATION FREQUENCY [Hz]ACCELERATION g's (10¯⁶)Above ambient baselineMAGNET STEADY-STATE VIBRATION SPECIFICATIONS 100 300 29 750 7 6570 25 33 39 45 500 ·All units that are wall mounted or wall supported are to be provided with supports where necessary. Wall supports are to be supplied and installed by the customer or his contractors. ·Dimensions are to finished surfaces of room. ·Certain MR procedures require an extremely stable environment to achieve high resolution image quality. Vibration is known to introduce field instabilities into the imaging system. The vibration effects on image quality can be minimized during the initial site planning of the mr suite by minimizing the vibration environment. See PROXIMITY LIMITS, PATIENT TABLE DOCK ANCHOR MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS AND VIBROACOUSTIC DAMPENING KIT details for additional information. ·Standard steel studs, nails, screws, conduit, piping, drains and other hardware are acceptable if properly secured. Any loose steel objects can be violently accelerated into the bore of the magnet. Careful thought should be given to the selection of light fixtures, cabinets, wall decorations, etc. To minimize this potential hazard. For safety, all removable items within the magnet room such as faucet handles, drain covers, switch box cover plates, light fixture components, mounting screws, etc. must be non-magnetic. If you have a specific question about material, bring it to the attention of your GE project manager of installations. ·Floor levelness refer to MAGNET ROOM FLOOR SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL, this floor levelness requirement is important for accurate patient table docking. ·Non-movable steel such as wall studs or hvac components will produce negligible effect on the active shield magnet. ·Customers contractor must provide all penetrations in post tension floors. ·Customers contractor must provide and install any non-standard anchoring. Documents for standard anchoring methods are included with GE equipment drawings for geographic areas that require such documentation. ·Customers contractor must provide and install hardware for "through the floor" anchoring and/or any bracing under access floors. This contractor must also provide floor drilling that cannot be completed because of an obstruction encountered while drilling by the GE installer such as rebar etc. ·Customers contractor to provide and install appropriate supports for the storage of excess cables. ·It is the customer's responsibility to perform any floor or wall penetrations that may be required. The customer is also responsible for ensuring that no subsurface utilities (e.g., electrical or any other form of wiring, conduits, piping, duct work or structural supports (i.e. post tension cables or rebar)) will interfere or come in contact with subsurface penetration operations (e.g. drilling and installation of anchors/screws) performed during the installation process. To ensure worker safety, GE installers will perform surface penetration operations only after the customer's validation and completion of the "GE surface penetration permit" STRUCTURAL NOTES DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 14 ITEM DESCRIPTION (GE SUPPLIED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED) 1 Vibroacoustic dampening kit (see floor structural detail) 2 Magnet curtain kit (CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED & INSTALLED) 3 Patient table dock anchoring 4 Structural wall backing for Main Disconnect Panel 5 Structural wall backing for Magnet Rundown Unit DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 151/4"=1'-0" EQUIPMENT ROOM 12'-6"8'-0"1'-10"8'-6" MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM 11 2 11 2 4 5 FEMALE ANCHOR METHOD (CUTAWAY SIDE VIEW) Female Anchor InsertBOLTED METHOD (CUTAWAY SIDE VIEW) RemovableAnchor Rod (Male insert) Dock Clamp bracket Finished Floor Filler Board or Grout RF Shield Conductive Fibrous Washer (RF seal) Concrete TABLE FRAME ANCHOR MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS NOT TO SCALE 1. The RF Shield vendor must design and install the table frame anchor bolt 2. The table frame anchor hole must be drilled after the Magnet is delivered 3. The table frame anchor must not contact floor rebar or other structural steel 4. The table frame anchor must electrically contact the RF shield at point of entry 5. The table frame anchors must have the following properties: a.Anchors must be two-part assembly (male/female) b.Female side must be expansion- or epoxy-type c.Male side must be a bolt or threaded rod with appropriate-sized nut (bolt or rod must be removable - not epoxied or cemented in place) d.Anchors must be electrically conductive e.Anchors must be non-magnetic f.Anchors must not induce galvanic corrosion with the RF shield g.Anchors must be commercially procured h.The anchor rod hole clearance in the table anchor base is 11 mm (0.43 in). The anchor rod diameter must be sized appropriately i.Anchors must meet the following clamping force: 2669 N (600 lbs) j.The anchor rod must extend 40 mm ± 13 mm (1.57 in ±0.5 in) above the finished floor k.The anchor rod must be less than 152 mm (6 in) in total length (length above the floor plus embedded length) 6. The RF shield vendor must perform a pull test on the anchor (equal to the clamping force). Results must be provided to the GE Healthcare Project Manager of Installation (PMI). CABLE CONCEALMENT Front of magnet NOTE: ·This drawing is to be used only as a design intent document. refer to ge installation manual for tray install. actual tray installation may be site dependent. ·This drawing not to scale Customer/contractor installed cable concealment frame customer/contractor to provide opening and install frame. Magnet geometric isocenter Cable trays 200±10 [7.9 in±.4 in] 700±10 [27.6 in±.4 in]940±10[37 in±.4 in]556±10[21.9 in±.4 in]673 [26.5 in]673 [26.5 in]673 [26.5 in]462 [18.2 in]462[18.2 in]1355 [53.3 in] 673 [26.5 in] Vibromat NOT TO SCALE MAGNET ON VIBROACOUSTIC DAMPENING KIT "VIBROMAT" Vibromat Patient table dock frame anchor hole 4 x Ø38mm [1.5in] seismic anchor holes 4 x magnet mounting holes VibroAcoustic Mat (M7000VA) weight: 8 kg (each) [17 lbs] 390 [15.4 in]495 [19.5 in]MAGNET ROOM FLOOR SPECIFICATIONS The finished floor must support the weight of all components (e.g., patient table, gradient coil replacement cart) throughout operation and service life. Floor must be flat and level to 3 mm [0.12in] between high and low spots over the area shown.1246mm [49.07in]3419mm [134.61in]1246mm[49.07in]943mm [37.13in] DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 16 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Cryogen vent (200mm [8"] O.D.) 2 Emergency exhaust vent - refer to magnet room vent requirements (position to be defined) 3 Pressure equalization vent - refer to magnet room vent requirements (position in ceiling to be defined) 4 (2) 38mm [1.5"] copper lines (insulated) and (2) shut off valves. refer to chilled water block diagram 5 Closet must allow free air exchange of 400 CFM between magnet room and closet MECHANICAL/PLUMBING NOTES · All piping, fittings, supports, hoses, clamps, ventlation systems, etc. are to be supplied and installed by the customer or his contractors. · For complete design and requirements, specifications and guidelines refer to the pre-installation manual: system cooling, cryogen venting, waveguides and exhaust venting. · An emergency water cooling back-up supply is recommended for continuous cryogen compressor operation. if using an open loop back-up design, ensure a drain is provided. please refer to the pre-install manual for optional back-up coolant supply requirements DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 171/4"=1'-0" EQUIPMENT ROOM 13.76±.25 16±.25MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM 12'-6"8'-0"1 3 2 4 5 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY SPECIFICATIONS IN-USE CONDITIONS NOTE In case of using air conditioning systems that have a risk of water leakage it is recommended not to install it above electric equipment or to take measures to protect the equipment from dropping water. NOTE 1)Operating temperature gradient limits shall be between -3°C/hr (-5°F/hr) and 3°C/hr (5°F/hr), when averaged over 1 hour 2)Operating humidity gradient limits shall be between -5% RH/hr and 5% RH/hr (5°F/hr), when averaged over 1 hour 3)Maximum ambient temperature is derated by 1°C per 300 m above 2000 m (not to exceed 2600 m). AIR RENEWAL According to local standards. MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM Temperature 15-21°C 15-32°C 15-32°C [3] 59-69.8°F 59-89.6°F 59-89.6°F [3] Temperature gradient [1] чϯΣͬŚ чϯΣͬŚ чϯΣͬŚ чϱΣ&ͬŚ чϱΣ&ͬŚ чϱΣ&ͬŚ Relative humidity 30% to 60%30% to 75%30% to 75% Humidity gradient [2]ч5%/h ч5%/h ч5%/h System heat dissipation Stand by Max Average Stand by Max Average Stand by Max Average 0.56kW 2.40kW 1.20kW(2)1.45kW 1.15kW 9.10kW 3.50kW(2) 1915 btu 8189 btu 4095 btu 4947 btu 3316 btu 30456 btu 11337 btu HEAT DISSIPATION DETAILS DESCRIPTION ROOM IDLE AVERAGE MAX W BTU W BTU W BTU Magnet (MAG) and Patient Table (PT)Magnet 561 1915 1200 4095 2400 8189 Main Disconnect Panel (MDP)Equipment 132 450 132 450 264 901 Integrated System Cabinet (ISC)Equipment 280 955 2130 7270 7100 24232 Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC)Equipment 0 0 500 1706 1000 3412 Cryocooler Compressor (CRY)Equipment 500 1706 500 1706 500 1706 Magnet Monitor (MON)Equipment 240 819 240 819 240 819 Operator Workspace equipment (OW)Control 1450 4947 1450 4947 1450 4947 MAGNET ROOM EXHAUST FAN SCHEMATIC Vent to outside environment Exhaust Fan To Facility Air Handler AC Power (rated as required for operation of Motorized Damper and Exhaust Fan) Ground secondary of low voltage transformer to RF Room Common Ground Stud RF Shield Dielectric Isolator Room ceiling Motorized Damper Exhaust Intake Vent MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM RF Filter ON/OFFManual fan switches in parallel Ductwork Ductwork MAGNET ROOM VENTING REQUIREMENTS HVAC VENT REQUIREMENTS ·HVAC vendor must comply with Magnet room temperature and humidity specifications and RF shielding specifications. ·RF Shield vendor must install open pipe or honeycomb HVAC waveguides. ·All serviceable parts in the Magnet room (e.g.: diffusers) must be non-magnetic. ·Waveguides must be nonmagnetic and electrically isolated. ·Incoming air must contain at least 5% air from outside the Magnet room (inside or outside the facility) to displace residual helium. EMERGENCY VENT REQUIREMENT ·Exhaust vent system is supplied by the customer. ·All items within the RF enclosure must be non-magnetic. ·The exhaust vent system must be tested and operational before the magnet is installed. ·The exhaust intake vent must be located near the magnet cryogenic vent at the highest point on the finished or drop ceiling. ·The Magnet room exhaust fan and exhaust intake vent must have a capacity of at least 1200 CFM (ϯϰŵϹͬŵŝŶ) with a minimum of 12 room air exchanges per hour. ·The exhaust fan must be placed above RF shielding located outside 10 gauss (1mT) and with appropriate waveguide. ·The system must have a manual exhaust fan switch near the Operator Workspace and in the Magnet room near the door (the switches must be connected in parallel). ·All system components must be accessible for customer inspection, cleaning and maintenance PRESSURE VENT REQUIREMENT ·A pressure equalizing vent is required in the magnet room ceiling or in the wall, at the highest point possible. ·The vent minimum size must be (610 mm x 610 mm [24 in x 24 in]) or equivalent. ·The pressure equalization vent must be located so any Helium gas is not vented into occupied areas. Note: Location may affect acoustic noise transmission into occupied spaces. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 18 CHILLED WATER SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER REQUIREMENTS Chiller size Minimum 36kW Inlet temperature 5 to 15°C [41 to 59°F] measured at the inlet to the ICC Hose connection to ICC (supplied by customer)25.4mm (1 in) minimum hose inside diameter MINIMUM FLOW 50 l/min (13.2 gpm) MAXIMUM FLOW 80 l/min (21.1 gpm) PRESSURE DROP IN ICC CABINET 40% propylene glycol, 60% water 1.8 bars (26.1 psi)3.4 bars (49.3 psi) Availability Continuous Antifreeze 0-40% propylene glycol Maximum inlet pressure to ICC Maximum 5.52 bar (80 psi) Minimum continuous heat load 7.5 kW pH level 6.5 to 8.2 at 25°C [77°F] Total hardness Less than 200 ppm Suspended matter Less than 10 ppm Particle size Less than 100 micron Facility filter 100 micron or smaller with a field-changeable filter Condensation protection Facility plumbing to the ICC must be properly routed and insulated to prevent equipment damage or safety hazards NOTE ·The customer must balance the cost of cryogens and local controls with the cost of emergency backup facility coolant. ·For the site without insite connection, the customer must provide and install an in-line thermometer on the supply facility coolant hose. The thermometer must be capable of visually displaying thermometer covering 41 to 59°F (5 to 15°C) and configured for the properties of the cooling fluid in use.MAGNET ROOM Integrated System Cabinet (ISC) FACILITY CHILLED WATER EQUIPMENT ROOM * * *CUSTOMER SUPPLIED Water Cooling Water Cooling Return Supply Magnet (MAG) Gradient Coil (VRMw) RF Shield Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) Patient Air Cooling FLOWMETER * (100 micron) FILTER * Facility Plumbing Unit (FPU) Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) Water Cooling Water Cooling Supply Drain Customer Supplied Piping Backup Water Customer Supplied Piping Body Coil Air CoolingAir Filter Air Filter CHILLED WATER BLOCK DIAGRAM INLET WATER FLOW/TEMPERATURE FOR CRYOCOOLER COMPRESSOR *RECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE AND WATER FLOW TO CRY ENTRY CITY WATER BACKUP SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPRESSOR 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 30 40 50 60 70 9080 °F * MIN MAX INLET TEMP 39.2°F (4°C) 82.4°F (28°C) INLET FLOW 1.0 gpm (4 l/min) 2.6 gpm (10 l/min) TEMP RISE 89.6°F at 1.0 gpm (32°C at 4 l/min flow) 53.6°F at 2.6 gpm (12°C at 10 l/min flow) HEAT DISSIPATION (kW)7.2 kW PRESSURE DROP 8.7 psi at 2.1 gpm flow (60 kPa at 8 l/min flow) DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 19 CRYOGENIC VENTING ( EXTERIOR ) GROUND VENT CAP (customer supplied) OUTSIDE WALL ROOF VENT CAP (customer supplied) NOT TO SCALE 4600 [181.1 in] Exclusion area Warning sign 914 [36 in]3650[143.7 in]minminEXHAUST AREA 10.7m x 4.6m [35ft x 15ft] (LxW) EXHAUST AREA 10.7m x 4.6m [35ft x 15ft] (LxW) RF WAVEGUIDE EXTENDED TYPICAL CRYOGEN SIDE WALL EXIT OUTSIDE rigid support38 [1.50 in] insulation 203 [8 in] ventglas outside RF room 25.4±6.35 [1 in±.25 in]2327 [92 in]KEY COMPONENTS: ·RF waveguide extended from wall to magnet adapter ·Must be all same material and all welded or brazed ·Support system must withstand 11125 N (2500 lbs) ·GE ventglas must be installed in vertical section directly over magnet Mesh bird screen NOTE: for the Dielectric Break outside the Magnet room please see the Typical Cryogen Vent Pipe Detail TYPICAL CRYOGENIC VENT PIPE DETAIL Waveguide is contractor supplied. Minimum 812 mm [32 in]. Must extend at least 100 mm [4 in] on magnet room side of the wall/ceiling and 25±6 mm [1±0.25 in] from the GE supplied pipe below isolation joint. Magnet room end must not be more than 2969 mm [117 in]above finished floor. 1.The 203 mm [8 in] OD vent material must be one of the following materials with the wall thickness indicated: a.SS 304: Minimum 0.89 mm [0.035 in]; Maximum 3.18 mm [0.125 in] b.AL 6061-T6: Minimum 2.11 mm [0.083 in]; Maximum 3.18 mm [0.125 in] c.CU DWV, M or L: Minimum 2.11 mm [0.083 in]; Maximum 3.56 mm [0.140 in] 2.Either tubes or pipes may be used and must be seamless or have welded seams NOTE All welds on the pipe must be ground down to a smooth 203 mm [ 8 in] diameter so that it can be clamped to the Ventglas with enough force. 3.Corrugated pipe or spiral duct must not be used 4.If required, bellows pipe less than 300 mm [12 in] in length may be used as a thermal expansion joint 5.The vent pipe must withstand the maximum pressure listed in the Pre-Installation Manual 6.Waveguide vent material must match the outside diameter of the magnet flanged vent adapter2327 [91.6 in]2969 [116.9 in]610 [24 in]102 [4 in]914 [36 in]supplied by GEsupplied by customer25±6 [1 in±.2 in]~210[8 in]19.6 [.8 in]102 [4 in]FINISHED FLOORFRONTBACKRF SHIELD MAXMINMINMINMIN812 [32 in]Bird screen 12.7 mm [0.5 in] mesh Additional pipe/tubing DIELECTRIC BREAK VENTGLAS CONNECTOR VENT PIPE 610 mm [24 in], may be cut to a minimum of 102 mm [4 in]. NOTE: for the Dielectric Break inside the Magnet room please see the Detail for the Cryogen Side Wall Exit MAGNET VENT ADAPTER Do not remove or modify the vent adaptor bolted to the magnet. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 20 MAGNET CRYOGENIC VENT SYSTEM PRESSURE DROP MATRIX Outer dia. of pipe (D) Distance of vent system component from magnet Pressure drop for straight pipe Std sweep ϰϱΣĞůďŽǁ Long ƐǁĞĞƉϰϱΣ elbow Std sweep ϵϬΣĞůďŽǁ Long ƐǁĞĞƉϵϬΣ elbow ϵϬΣ miter bend ft m psi/ft kPa/m psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa 8 in. (200mm) 0- 10 0.00-3.05 0.14 3.22 1.12 7.70 0.74 5.13 2.09 14.43 1.40 9.62 4.19 28.86 10-20 3.05-6.10 0.24 5.49 1.83 12.63 1.22 8.42 3.43 23.67 2.29 15.78 6.87 47.34 20- 30 6.10-9.15 0.36 8.23 2.49 17.20 1.66 11.45 4.67 32.21 3.11 21.48 9.34 64.43 30- 40 9.15-12.2 0.47 10.65 3.11 21.42 2.07 14.26 5.82 40.11 3.88 26.74 11.64 80.23 40- 50 12.20-15.25 0.57 12.80 3.67 25.32 2.45 16.86 6.88 47.42 4.58 31.61 13.75 94.84 50- 60 15.25-18.30 0.65 14.68 4.20 28.93 2.79 19.26 7.86 54.17 5.24 36.11 15.71 108.33 60- 80 18.29-24.39 0.77 17.44 5.13 35.35 3.41 23.53 9.60 66.16 6.40 44.11 19.19 132.33 10 in. (250mm) 0-20 0.00-6.10 0.06 1.280 0.62 4.29 0.41 2.86 1.17 8.04 0.78 5.36 2.33 16.07 20-40 6.10-12.22 0.12 2.725 1.05 7.25 0.70 4.83 1.97 13.58 1.31 9.05 3.94 27.16 40-60 12.22-18.29 0.17 3.904 1.43 9.86 0.95 6.56 2.67 18.44 1.78 12.29 5.35 36.88 60-80 18.29-24.39 0.21 4.859 1.76 12.14 1.17 8.07 3.29 22.70 2.19 15.13 6.58 45.40 80-100 24.39-30.49 0.25 5.626 2.05 14.14 1.36 9.40 3.83 26.43 2.56 17.62 7.67 52.86 12 in. (300mm) 0-20 0.00-6.10 0.020 0.441 0.26 1.78 0.17 1.19 0.48 3.34 0.32 2.22 0.97 6.67 20-40 6.10-12.22 0.041 0.937 0.43 3.00 0.29 1.99 0.81 5.61 0.54 3.74 1.63 11.22 40-60 12.22-18.29 0.060 1.353 0.59 4.08 0.39 2.72 1.11 7.64 0.74 5.09 2.22 15.27 60-80 18.29-24.39 0.075 1.702 0.73 5.06 0.49 3.36 1.37 9.45 0.91 6.30 2.74 18.89 80-100 24.39-30.49 0.088 1.991 0.86 5.20 0.57 3.93 1.60 11.06 1.07 7.37 3.21 22.12 14 in. (350mm) 0-20 0.00-6.10 0.008 0.180 0.123 0.85 0.082 0.57 0.231 1.59 0.154 1.06 0.462 3.18 20-40 6.10-12.22 0.017 0.380 0.206 1.42 0.137 0.95 0.386 2.66 0.257 1.77 0.771 5.32 40-60 12.22-18.29 0.024 0.552 0.281 1.94 0.187 1.29 0.525 3.62 0.350 2.42 1.051 7.25 60-80 18.29-24.39 0.031 0.699 0.349 2.41 0.232 1.60 0.652 4.50 0.435 3.00 1.304 8.99 80-100 24.39-30.49 0.036 0.824 0.411 2.83 0.272 1.88 0.766 5.28 0.511 3.52 1.533 10.57 16 in. (400mm) 0-20 0.00-6.10 0.004 0.083 0.065 0.45 0.043 0.30 0.122 0.84 0.081 0.56 0.244 1.68 20-40 6.10-12.22 0.008 0.174 0.108 0.75 0.072 0.50 0.202 1.39 0.135 0.93 0.404 2.79 40-60 12.22-18.29 0.011 0.253 0.148 1.02 0.098 0.68 0.275 1.90 0.184 1.27 0.551 3.80 60-80 18.29-24.39 0.014 0.323 0.184 1.27 0.122 0.84 0.342 2.36 0.228 1.57 0.685 4.72 80-100 24.39-30.49 0.017 0.383 0.022 1.49 0.144 0.99 0.404 2.78 0.269 1.86 0.807 5.57 Notes 1.Elbows with angles greater than 90 deg must not be used 2.Data in Table 2 is based on the following facts and assumptions: a.Initial flow conditions at magnet interface b.EM energy (13MJ) is dumped to He during quench and rises He temperature to 10 Kelvin c.Gas temperature starting at 10 Kelvin and increase with length determined by thermal energy balance d.90% He is assumed to be evacuated within 30 sec. None left after quench. e.Absolute roughness is assumed to be 0.25 mm. f.R/D = 1.0 for standard sweep elbows, R/D = 1.5 for long sweep elbows where D = outer diameter of pipe; R = radius of bend 3.The total pressure drop of the entire cryogenic vent system must be less than 20 psi (138 kPa). The calculation starts at the magnet vent interface and ends at the termination point outside the building. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 21 ELECTRICAL NOTES ·All junction boxes, conduit, duct, duct dividers, switches, circuit breakers, cable tray, etc., are to be supplied and installed by customers electrical contractor. ·Conduit and duct runs shall have sweep radius bends ·Conduits and duct above ceiling or below finished floor must be installed as near to ceiling or floor as possible to reduce run length. ·Ceiling mounted junction boxes illustrated on this plan must be installed flush with finished ceiling. ·All ductwork must meet the following requirements: 1.Ductwork shall be metal with dividers and have removable, accessible covers. 2.Ductwork shall be certified/rated for electrical power purposes. 3.Ductwork shall be electrically and mechanically bonded together in an approved manner. 4.PVC as a substitute must be used in accordance with all local and national codes. ·All openings in raceway and access flooring are to be cut out and finished off with grommet material by the customers contractor. ·General contractor to insert pull cords for all cable run conduits between the equipment room and the operators control room. ·10 foot pigtails at all junction points. ·Grounding is critical to equipment function and patient safety. Site must conform to wiring specifications shown on this plan. 1.All wires specified shall be copper stranded, flexible, thermo-plastic, color coded, cut 10 foot long at outlet boxes, duct termination points or stubbed conduit ends. All conductors, power, signal and ground, must be run in a conduit or duct system. Electrical contractor shall ring out and tag all wires at both ends. Wire runs must be continuous copper stranded and free from splices. 1.1.Aluminum or solid wires are not allowed. 2.Wire sizes given are for use of equipment. Larger sizes may be required by local codes. 3.It is recommended that all wires be color coded, as required in accordance with national and local electrical codes. 4.Conduit sizes shall be verified by the architect, electrical engineer or contractor, in accordance with local or national codes. 5.Convenience outlets are not illustrated. Their number and location are to be specified by others. Locate at least one convenience outlet close to the system control, the power distritbution unit and one on each wall of the procedure room. Use hospital approved outlet or equivalent. 6.General room illumination is not illustrated. Caution should be taken to avoid excessive heat from overhead spotlights. Damage can occur to ceiling mounting components and wiring if high wattage bulbs are used. Recommend low wattage bulbs no higher than 75 watts and use dimmer controls (except MR). Do not mount lights directly above areas where ceiling mounted accessories will be parked. 7.Routing of cable ductwork, conduits, etc., must run direct as possible otherwise may result in the need for greater than standard cable lengths (refer to the interconnection diagram for maximum usable lengths point to point). 8.Conduit turns to have large, sweeping bends with minimum radius in accordance with national and local electrical codes. 9.A special grounding system is required in all procedure rooms by some national and local codes. It is recommended in areas where patients might be examined or treated under present, future, or emergency conditions. Consult the governing electrical code and confer with appropriate customer administrative personnel to determine the areas requiring this type of grounding system. 10.The maximum point to point distances illustrated on this drawing must not be exceeded. 11.Physical connection of primary power to GE equipment is to be made by customers electrical contractor with the supervision of a GE representative. The GE representative would be required to identify the physical connection location, and insure proper handling of GE equipment. 12.GEHC conducts power audits to verify quality of power being delivered to the system. The customer's electrical contractor is required to be available to support this activity. CONNECTIVITY REQUIREMENTS Broadband Connections are necessary during the installation process and going forward to ensure full support from the Engineering Teams for the customers system. Maximum performance and availability for the customers system is maintained and closely monitored during the lifetime of the system. Proactive and reactive maintenance is available utilising the wide range of digital tools using the connectivity solutions listed below: ·Site-to-Site VPN/GE Solution ·Site-to-Site VPN/Customer Solution ·Connection through Dedicated Service Network ·Internet Access - connectivity for InSite 2.0 The requirements for these connectivity solutions are explained in the broadband solutions catalogue (separate document). LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS ·All lighting fixtures and associated components must meet all RF shielded room and RF grounding requirements (e.g., track lighting is not recommended due to possible RF noise). ·All removable lighting fixtures and associated components must be non-magnetic. ·All lighting must use direct current (the DC must have less than 5% ripple). ·300 lux must be provided at the front of the magnet for patient access and above the magnet for servicing. ·Fluorescent lighting must not be used in the magnet room. ·Lighting must be adjusted using a discrete switch or a variable DC lighting controller. ·SCR dimmers or rheostats must not be used. ·DC LED lighting may be used if the DC power converter and RF sources are all located outside the magnet room RF shield. NOTE: LED lighting could cause image quality issues due to RF interference. Make sure a MR-compatible LED lighting solution is chosen. ·Battery chargers (e.g., used for emergency lighting) must be located outside the magnet room. ·Short filament length bulbs are recommended. ·Linear lamps are not recommended due to the high burnout rate. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 22 RF #1 RF #2 B D C A ITEM QTY ELECTRICAL LAYOUT ITEM LIST 1 Cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] 2 Non-ferrous cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] 3 Non-ferrous cable ladder 450mm x 150mm [18" x 6"] for gradient cables 4 150mm x 100mm [6" x 3 1/2"] Surface wall duct 5 150mm x 100mm [6" x 3 1/2"] Flush wall duct 6 100mm x 100mm x 50mm [4" x 4" x 2"] J-Box 7 Main disconnect panel 8 One 50mm [2"] cnd above RF Screen 9 One 75mm [3"] cnd above RF Screen 10 Non-ferrous unistrut cable support 11 RF Filters - located within 1016mm [10"] of common ground stud 12 Box above ceiling, size per code ITEM QTY Outlet Legend for GE Equipment System emergency off (SEO), (recommended height 1.2m [48"] above floor) Door interlock switch Emergency exhaust fan switch 1.2m [48"] height recommended) Duplex hospital grade, dedicated wall outlet 120-v, single phase power Network outlet Dedicated telephone lines/network connection Duplex hospital grade, dedicated outlet 120-v emergency, single phase power, 15a Duplex hospital grade, dedicated outlet 120-v, single phase outlet routed through RF filter DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 231/4"=1'-0" EQUIPMENT ROOM Additional Conduit Runs (Contractor Supplied and Installed) From To Qty Size (in)Size (mm) Main Disconnect Panel Facility power 1 as Req'd Main Disconnect Panel Integrated Systems Cabinet 1 as Req'd Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 as Req'd System emergency off 1 1/2 16 System emergency off Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 1/2 16 Door Switch Integrated Systems Cabinet 1 3/4 20 System emergency off Integrated Cooling Cabinet 1 3/4 20 Magnet Rundown Unit Magnet 1 1 25 RF filter #1 1 as Req'd RF filter #1 120-V 1Ø Power 1 as Req'd Room Light RF filter #2 1 as Req'd RF filter #2 Facility emergency power 1 as Req'd MAGNET ROOM CONTROL ROOM 0'-3"8'-10"2'-10" 3'-5" 4'-1"0'-312"1'-1"2'-9" 1'-5" 11'-5" 8'-6"3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1'-10"8'-0"12'-6" C A B D DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 241/4"=1'-0" MAGNET ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM ± 0'-0" + 9'-0" + TBD + TBDMIN 0'-10"12 CONTROL ROOM 10'-2"MAXIMUM5'-4"6 ± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD ± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD + 9'-0" + TBD 0'-7"± 0'-0" + TBD + TBD + 9'-0" 2 3 1 TBD5 4 MIN 0'-10"10'-2"MAXIMUMEQUIPMENT ROOM 7 5'-0" CABLE TRAY REQUIREMENTS IN MAGNET ROOM 2 7 4 3 8 7 213 mm [8.39 in] Min bend radius 1 - Ceiling 2 - Finished Floor 3 - Magnet isocenter 4 - Minimum cable tray support height required at back of Magnet: 2578 mm [101.5 in]. Tray height may be lower at other points to avoid obstructions. 5 - Maximum height from floor to top of tray (anywhere in Magnet room): 3251 mm [128 in]. 6 - Minimum distance from top of cable tray to ceiling: 254 mm [10 in]. Minimum distance on either side of an obstruction: 254 mm [10 in], minimum distance from top of cable tray to Obstruction: 178 mm [7 in]. 7 - Tray end to isocenter: 1245 ±12 mm [49 ±0.5 in]. 8 - Other cable termination to isocenter: 864 ±12 mm [34 ±0.5 in]. 9 - Minimum distance between trays: 12 mm [0.5 in]. 10 - Non-ferrous cable support 11 - The center of the gradient cable group is 89 mm [3.5 in] from the inside edge of the tray, in line with the magnet center. 12 - Distance between non-ferrous cable support: maximum 305 mm [12 in]. 13 - Non-ferrous cable support must be at least 203 mm [8 in] from last rung of cable tray. Cable Tray Requirements (Side-By-Side) 1 6 5 10 8 9 11 12 12 13 13 CABLE TRAYS IN EQUIPMENT ROOM CABLE TRAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 305 [12 in]min.400[15.7 in]Min. 300 [11.8 in] 450 [18 in] RF Shield ISC Max 150[5.9 in]DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 25 POWER DISTRIBUTION Run M3030 Penetration L1 L2 L3 NC Panel G Run E3030 Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) Terminal strip Integrated Systems Cabinet (ISC) GE Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Ground Equipment Room "Emergency Off" Button (E02) Magnet Room "Emergency Off" Button (E01) CB#1 CB#2 CB#3 Fuses Emergency Off Safety circuit RF common ground stud (do not ground RF room to any point other than the common ground stud on the ISC) A B C D E F Run E0009 NC Xfmr ContactorCryo Compressor ON RF shield {Facility input power (380, 400, 415, 460, 480 VAC) 3 Phase + GND Cable SUPPLIED by CUSTOMER Equipment SUPPLIED by GE Equipment SUPPLIED by CUSTOMER Cable SUPPLIED by GE - Customer Installed CB MDP 1 125 AMPS 2 110 AMPS 3 25 AMPS NOTES: 1)Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) must operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 2)Runs E0009, E3030 and M3030 are GE supplied cables. All other wiring is customer supplied and installed. 3)Two remote Emergency Off Maintained Buttons are supplied with the MDP. Emergency Off removes power from all outputs when activated. 4)All MDP output circuits drop out on loss of power. the Cryocooler (CRY) circuit will automatically restart upon restoration of power. 5)MDP Short circuit current rating is 25,000 amperes at 480 VAC. 6)MDP is NRTL labeled. 7)All feeder circuits require dedicated ground wires. Accepts following range of standard stranded conductors. All wire types, color and sizing to be selected in accordance with governing electrical code(s). GE MDP M70022MA (380V-480V) Item Phase Ground AWG/kcmil sq mm AWG/kcmil sq mm A 12 - 3/0 4 - 95 6 - 250 16 - 120 B 12 - 1/0 6 - 50 6 - 250 16 - 120 C 10 - 1 6 - 35 10 - 1 6 - 35 D 14 - 8 2.5 - 10 14 - 4 2.5 - 25 E 14 - 10 2.5 - 6 14 - 10 2.5 - 6 F 22 - 12 0.5 - 2.5 24VAC Auto restart control circuit Terminal for power monitoring G Manual Restart ISC Power ON POWER REQUIREMENTS POWER SUPPLY 380/400/415/480V +7.5%/-10%, THREE-PHASE + GND FREQUENCIES ϱϬͬϲϬ,njцϯ,nj POWER FACTOR 0.9 MAXIMUM INPUT POWER (5 sec MAX)77kVA CONTINUOUS (AVERAGE) POWER 64kVA STAND-BY POWER < 17kVA SPECIFICATIONS OF MAIN POWER INPUT CABLES ·Power and cable installation must comply with the distribution diagram. ·Size of the Main power input cable is determined by the customer, taking its length and admissible voltage drops into consideration. ·All cables must be isolated and flexible, cable color codes must comply with standards for electrical installation. ·The cables from signaling and remote control (Y,Emergency Off Buttons,L...) will go to Main Panel with a pigtail length of 1.5m [60in], and will be connected during installation. ·Each conductor will be identified and isolated (screw connector). GROUND SYSTEM ·The equipotential link will be by means of an equipotential bar. ·The grounding point of MDP is directly connected to the building's ground by an isolated copper cable. ·The impedance of the earth bar should be less than or equal to 2 ohms. ·Power input must be separated from any others which may generate transients (elevators, air conditioning, radiology rooms equipped with high speed film changers...). ·Total harmonic distortion less than 2.5%. ·Phase imbalance must not exceed 2%. ·Lock-out/Tag-out: The Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) shall provide an external single point lock-out/tag-out feature for the entire system and a means to externally lock-out/tag-out each output breaker independently. Each lock-out/tag-out feature shall accommodate a standard sized lock hasp. SPECIFICATIONS OF BACK-UP POWER SUPPLY FOR CRYOCOOLER COMPRESSOR POWER INPUT 380/400/415/480V, THREE-PHASE + G POWER REQUIREMENT MIN 9kVA POWER CONSUMPTION MAX 7.2kW / STEADY STATE 6.5kW at 50Hz MAX 8.3kW / STEADY STATE 7.5kW at 60Hz FREQUENCY ϱϬͬϲϬ,njцϯ,nj MAGNET MONITOR REQUIRES A 110/220 VAC, 50/60 HZ, 3.0 A FACILITY SUPPLIED OUTLET. POWER AT THE OUTLET MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY AVAILABLE. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 26 GUIDANCE ON SLECTION OF FEEDER AND TRANSFORMER FOR MR SYSTEM Direct feed from facility to MR system MR system fed by dedicated facility distribution transformer Prerequisite Conditions MR System Incoming Voltage 480V 3-phase Minimum Source short-circuit kVA 2,500 kVA (at source of feeder to MDP) 2,500 kVA (at input to distribution transformer) Minimum No-Load Voltage 460V 475V (transformer secondary tapped accordingly) Feeder and Transformer Recommendations Dedicated Distribution Transformer Recommendations N/A Size: 112.5 kVA Impedance (Z): ≤5% K-Factor: ≥ K=20 125A overcurrent protection on secondary* Maximum Feeder Length* 465 ft 465 ft Feeder Size - 3-phase power conductors*1 AWG Cu 1 AWG Cu Feeder Size - Ground (USA)*6 AWG Cu (equipment grounding conductor) 6 AWG Cu (supply side bonding jumper) 6 AWG Cu (equipment grounding conductor) Feeder Size - Ground (Canada)*6 AWG Cu (bonding conductor)6 AWG Cu (bonding conductor) * NOTE: Recommendations shown apply only to cases defined exactly as shown in this table and when not in conflict with local electrical codes . For all other cases, refer to the local codes and the System Voltage Regulation Calculator located on the GE Healthcare Site Planning Website 16.8m [55 ft] MON MRU Customer supplied ISC MAGNET ROOM CRY System power panel (MDP or PDB) PT+MAG GOC ICC SEO2 SEO3 DS Customer supplied INTERCONNECTIONS CONTROL ROOMEQUIPMENT ROOM CABLES ROUTING FOR OPTIONS OPTION FROM TO CABLE LENGTH m ft MRE MRE Magnet Isocenter Nominal 7.31 24 Maximum 10.06 33 MRE ISC cabinet 15.24 50 MRE Ethernet Hub in ISC 15.24 50 MRE Customer Supplied Outlet 60 Hz 6.09 20 50 Hz 7.62 25 Remote MRU ICC Remote MRU Short 1.83 6 Long 30.48 100 9.40 m [30.8 ft] 25.00 m [82 ft] 5.40/9.40 m [17.5/30.8 ft] 30.48 m [100 ft] 16.80 m [55 ft] 16.40 m [53.8 ft] 0.40/6.40 m [1.3/21 ft] 13.00 m [42.7 ft] 25.00 m [82 ft] 24.4m [80 ft] 29.8m [97.7 ft] Long / Short cable selection guidance NOTE: This guidance is based on the assumption that the distance between cable tray and floor is 2.6 m [8.53 ft]. Magnet Room: ·If the Magnet – ISC Distance is less than 5.4 m [17.7 ft], select short cable. ·If the Magnet – ISC Distance is in between 5.4 m [17.7 ft] and 9.4 m [30.8 ft] , select long cable. Equipment Room: • If the ICC – ISC Distance is less than 0.4 m [1.3 ft], select short cable. • If the ICC – ISC Distance is in between 0.4 m [1.3 ft] and 6.4m [21 ft] , select long cable. DateRev /27MRI-M242855-FIN-00.DWG A 03/DEC/2020SIGNA PIONEERSHIELDS HEALTH CARE GROUP C1 - Cover Sheet 27