HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-CPA Sandy Pond CPA App with history2021-11-CPA
Project Name: Sandy Pond Recreation Area - Phase I construction Date: October 4,2019
Project Location: 482 Buck Island Road
Assessor Map/Lot: I|uf.ap 546 Parcel 24
Deed: Book Page
(leave amount blank for land acquisitions.)
Fiscal Year: 2021
Project Proponent: Yarmouth Department of Public Works
Business Name:
Mailing Address: 99 Buck Island Road, West Yarmouth, MA. 02673
Telephone Number: 508-398-2231 xl29l
E-mail Address: jcolby@yarmouth.ma.us
Community Preservation Categories:
_ Community Housing _ Open Space
Historic Resource X Recreation
NOTE: Some projects may be subject to a permanent deed restriction that meets the requirements of MGL c. 44B $ 12 and
MGL c. 184 $23 to 31. The deed restrictions run with the land in perpetuity and are enforceable by a governing agency.
OBJECTM. State the purpose of the project.
Construction of Sandy Pond Recreation Area Phase 1 improvements, which include a Splash Pad,
driveway, parking area, and associated site improvements.
PROJECT SUMMARY. Include statement of community needs, how the project meets the criteria
for funding, and how the project benefits the Town of Yarmouth. Describe the site, including zoning,
number of acres, natural features ofthe property, and how the property is being used now and its
proposed use.
The site is a current Recreation Area. The Recreation Commission has approved a Master Plan for this
site that includes improved playing fields, tennis courts, a new Splash Pad, upgraded parking, and
associated site enhancements.
COMMUNITY BENEFIT. In the past year, how many total visitors came to the project location?
Several thousand visitors.
CONTROL OF SITE. Indicate if applicant owns or has a purchase agreement for the property. If
under agreement, attach a copy. Attach the current deed to the application.
The Town of Yarmouth owns this property.
PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS. List permits needed for completion of project, including any
special permit, variance or other approval required.
Site Plan Review, Building Permit, and potentially Conservation Commission review.
IMPLEMENTATION. Who will implement the project and is there a project manager?
The Department of Public Works, Building & Grounds Division.
PROJECT WORKPLAN AND TIMELINE. Include estimate time line or anticipated phases for
completion of Project.
It is anticipated that there will be at least three construction phases, and the total cost is expected to be
approximately $5 Million.
MAINTENANCE. CPA Funds cannot be used for maintenance. If ongoing maintenance is
required, who will be responsible and how will it be funded?
The Department of Public Works, Building & Grounds Division.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT. What is the nature and level of support for this project?
Supported by the Recreation Commission.
SUCCESS FACTORS. How will the success of this project be measured? List identifiable
Enhanced site usage.
BUDGET. Itemize the project budget. Expenditures and estimated costs must be clearly identified and
back-up documentation provided. A minimum of two cost estimates for the project must be included
in the application.
Town license and permit fees are not waived for CPA nroiects on privatelv
owned propertv and should be included in budset estimates.
Cost Estimoles
Item Description CPA Funds Other Funds
I Splash Pad $ 490,000
2 Parking Area & Driveway improvements $ 570,000
GRAND TOTAL $ 1,060,000
ALTERNATE FUNDING. List additional or alternate sources of funding for this project. (Required)
Grant Name/Organization Date Applied Amount Requested Status of Your
Date grant is
Please list any donated labor and/or materials and the value for each.
1. _Town staff Project Manager
$ 50,000
Please note that your application should contain the following supplemental information to be
1. List of Board of Directors
2. Site plan: stamped by a Registered Professional
3. Project budget
4. Project costs (include a minimum of two cost estimates)
5. Assessor's summary sheet
6. Title and deed to the property
7 . Photographs of site or renderings
8. Architectural plans and specifications
9. Letters of support
10. Tax Determination Leffer (IRS)
I l. W-9 Form
12. Town of Yarmouth Automatic Payment form for electronic reimbursements
13. Form PC (Massachuseffs Office of Attomey General)
14. Annual Corporate Report (Massachusetts Secretary of State)
15. Form 990 (IRS): provide one copy only
16. For Affordable Housing Rental Projects - submit affordable rental housing creation price
proposal sheet.
17. For Historic Resources: attached proof of listing on the State Register of Historic Places or a
letter from the Yarmouth Historic Commission indicating that the resource has been determined
to be significant in the history, archeology, architecture, or culture of Yarmouth.
18. For Open Space Acquisitions (see Administrative Assistant-Community Preservation):
a. Written report from the Health Department on the environmental quality of the site and
whether a2lB study is necessary.
b. Account of any taxes or other bills owed from Collectors.
c. Written report from Conservation Administrator on the environmental quality of the site.
d. Appraisal(s) on the property.
Yarmouth, MA
Sandy Pond Recreation Area
Phase I
Site Prcparation
3ontractor Mobilization/Demobilization 1 ls $ 45,000.00 $ 45,000.00
and sediment control
Ueqetation clearinq and duqh graOinq
$ 5,000.00
$ 10.000.00
I 5.qq0 0!$ 10,000.00
lxisting topsoil strip, remove and screen
$ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
$ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00
i ite P ip ariti o n s u otoat $ 100,000.00
G e n eral Site I m p rovem ents
lit. conc. Pavement(4" top course;12" dense qraded:):30,077 sf 3,342 sy $ 75.00 $ 250,700.00
)ense graded crushed stone access drive: 6,889 sf 765 sy $ 12.00 $ 9,200.00
y'ehicle qate 1 ls $ 5.000.00 $5,000.00
:oncrete sidewalk: 4,406 sf 490 sy $50.00 $ 24,500.00
Stormwater control areas layout, qradinq, loam and seed I ls $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00
Granite curb 400 tf $ 45.00 $ 18,000.00
Flow-throuqh solash park svstem with concrete brush finish and olumbino enclosure 1 ls $ 275,000.00 $ 275,000.00
Precast catch basin J ea $ 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00
Precast manhole 2 ea $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00
12" PVC drain and trench 250 tf $85.00 $ 21,300.00
Loam and seed disturbed areas (25.000 sfl 2,777 SY $3.00 $ 8,300.00
lvliscellaneous work and clean-up 1 ls $ s0,000.00 $50,000.00
Gen eral Site lmprovements Subtota,700,000.00
Proiect Subtotal $ 800,000.00
Subtotal Direct Costs s 600.000.00
Div 0t (Gen. Cond.) and General Contractors OHP - 8% (Rounded )60,000.00
Estimated Subtotal Site Construction Cost 860,000.00
Engineering and Contingency - 25% (Rounded)200,000.00
Estimated Construction Gost (Today's Dollars)$
Estimated Construction Cos (June 2020)$ 1,090,000.00
Estimated Construction Cos
Estimated Construction Cos
(June 2021)
(June 2022)
$1120rq00.0!,t,,t 50,000.00$--#
CDM Smith 1011t20't9 Page'l
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Yarmouth, MA
Sandy Pond Recreation Area
lnclusive Playground
control areas layout, qradino, loam and seed
12" PVC drain and trench
and seed disturbed areas (12,000
25,000 00
Estimated Subtotal Site Construction Cost
Engineering DellgILBid Documents, Bidding Assistance, Limited Construction Oversight - 12olo
Esltmglqq Construction Cost (June 2021)
Estimated Construction Cost (June 2022)
CDM Smith 11t13t2019 Page 1
remove and screen
I l$
Project Subtotal
Yarmouth, MA
Sandy Pond Recreation Area
Splash Park
Site Preparation
lontraclor Mobilization/Demobilization 1 ls $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00
lrosion and sediment control 1 ls $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
y'egetation clearing and rough grading 1 ls $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00
topsoil strip, remove and screen 1 ls $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
Demolition 1 ls $ 1,s00.00 $ 1,500.00
S lte P re pa rati on Subtolal $28,500.00
General Sife lm prove m e nts
Stormwater control area layout, grading, loam and seed 1 ls $ 20,000.00 $ 10,000.00
Flow-throuqh splash park svstem with concrete brush finish and plumbing enclosure 1 ls $ 275,000.00 $ 275,000.00
Precast catch basin 1 ea $ 3,ooo.oo $3,000.00
Precast manhole 1 ea $ 4,500.00 $ 4,5oo.oo
12' PVC drain and trench 265 tf $ 8s.00 $ 22,500.00
Loam and seed disturbed areas (5,000 sf)555 SY $ 3.oo $ 1,7oo.oo
ilIiscellaneous work and clean-up 1 ls $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00
General Site lmprovements Subtota,s 320,000.00
Project SuOtotal $ 3s0,000.00
subtotal lJirect Gosts (Rounded)I 35{r,000.00
Div 01 (Gen. Cond.) and General Contractors OHP - 8olo (Rounded )$30,000.00
Estimated Subtotal Site Construction Cost $ 380.000.00
Engineering and Contingency - 30o/o (Rounded)$ 110,000.00
Estimated Gonstruction Cost (Today's Dollars)$ 490,000.00
Estimatod Construction Gost (June 2021)
Estimated Construction Cost (June 2022)
CDM Smith 10t3t2019 Page 1
72/23/2O Sandy Pond
CPC Application Update
Based on discussions subsequent to the November Town Meeting and feedback received from the
Recreation Commission, an update to the original Phase lcost estimate (including both the Splash Pad
and the Accessible Playground) has been sought. The cost estimate will be shared with the Recreation
Commission, Board of Selectmen and CPC when available.
For information, the sequence of events relative to the Sandy Pond CPC Application is as follows:
. 4/L8 S275K voted at ATM for Design and Engineering for Master Plan of Sandy Pond
Recreation Area.
. 1o/79 S1.06 million CPc Application for Splash Pad and Parking/Driveway lmprovements. This
application was revised based on feedback from the Recreation Commission to include the
Handicap accessible playground. This increased the request to S1.28 million. This request was
tabled to the Fall 2020 Town Meeting.
. 9/20 ln response to 8/21/2O CPC memo (attached), and in light ofthe Board of Selectmen
Goals, S500k in funding for the Splash Pad portion of the Phase I request was submitted for
consideration at the November 2020 SpecialTown Meeting. CPC articles were ultimately
. Based on subsequent discussion and feedback from the Recreation Commission
CPC could consider this request for the April 2021 ATM or a subsequent Town Meeting.
On 12116t2020, on a motion by Christine Marzigliano, seconded by Nate Small' the
committee voted 5-0 to rpprove these minutes.
Highway District. and *'ill be used throughout Town. Renderings of the proposed signs
r,l ere shou'n.
Mr. tluggins asked uhy there is only one quote. Ms. Armstrong explained that the cost is
lower if using the pre-existing design. but she is uilling to seek out another quote. In
2018. a quote was also received from the Sandwich Group which was more expensive.
Other vendors wanted to use wood inslead ofa synthetic, but wood requires more
maintenance and does not last as long. Chairman llllis noted thal any other quotes need to
be for the same design and material.
Mr. Slama asked if the developmenl costs are lo*'er for this second set of signs. Ms.
Armstrong confirmed that. yes.
Mr. tluggins asked what the post is made of. Ms. Armstrong stated that it is synthetic. and
installation is done by Town slafl'. She explained how the cost for installalion was
determined, which is an in-kind donation.
Ms. Clark asked which other cemeteries could get signs. Cemeteries at the Baptist church
at Old Main & Wood Road, and the cemetery on Willow Street in South Yarmouth behind
ERA Realty should get signs. Chandler Gray is not old enough to be historic yet, and the
remaining cemeteries are too small to accommodate signs.
3. Review of postponed articles
South Yarmouth Methodist Church application needs more work and detail. On hold until
YHC gets the inlormation it needs in order to recommend the project. The application
u,ill not be on the 2021 ATM Warranl.
Riverwalk Park was postponed last spring to the 2021 Al'M. A memo was provided b1
Town Planner Kathy Williams.
Sandy Pond Phase I Recreation Commission representative Debbie Clark \.!'as recentl,
swom in and provided information on the Conrmission's position regarding the project.
When the plan was initially developed under Parks & Recreation, the splash pad was put
on the back bumer for the following reasons: it could only be used for a few months out
of the year; required supervision: standing water and maintenance requirements: an
existing water park up the street. An accessible plal'ground u'as deemed to be more
benefrcial to the community because it can be used more often than a splash pad.
Chairman Ellis noted that CPC has funded handicapped equipment at Homer Park and the
Yarmouth Port Playground. Money for the splash pad cannot simply be re-allocated to a
playground; a separate application would be need to be filed. The splash pad application
will be up for Town Meeting vote. Ms. Clark stated that the Recreation Commission was
nol aware that the splash pad was pushed forward.
Director of ('ommunity Developmenl Karen Greene revie*ed the history of the
application: Applicants who had been postponed lrom spring (due to the uncertainty of
Page 4 of6
On 12l1612D20, on a motion by Christine Marzigliano, seconded by Nate Small, the
committee voted 5-0 to approve these minutes.
CPA funding) were asked for a status update on their projects prior to the Fall Special
Town Meeting. The Selectmen had the splash pad on their list ofgoals. so that portion of
the application was prioritized. The article was again postponed in the fall. allowing more
time to revise the application to include both the splash pad and the inclusive playground.
DPW Director JeffColby has asked the design firm for an updated price estimate
including both.
Ms. Hartsgrove was not comfortable with an amended applicationl Mr. Ullis concurred.
noting that the splash pad was initially planned for a beach on South Shore Drive and
when the proposal was made to relocate it to Sandy Pond. the Committee required a new
application to be filed.
Ms. Marzigliano asked why the Recreation Commission has not filed an application for a
handicap play'ground. Ms. Clark explained that they did not know the splash pad was put
forward. but she is willing to bring it up at tonight's meeting. Ms. Marzigliano noted that
the application would be for the 2021 fall meeting.
Mr. Slama suggested that the Recreation Commission submit a Letter of Intent. Over the
summer there had been no consensus among the CPC members on the project. so it was
voted to move the application forward because there had not been a Recreation
Commission representative on the Committee.
Mr. Huggins clarified that the vote was made to advance the current application to the
ATM Warrant. and a separate application tbr the handicap playground will be considered
at a different town meeting.
Caoe Playhouse will go forward.
5. lmportant Dates -
l. 12/1612020 - VotinBto begin. conditions will be discussed at a separate meeting.
2. ll5l202l - Wanant Articles are due to the BOS
3. | 12612021 - Warrant closes
4. Chairman Ellis received a request to hold offon votes until l/13/20. but after
reviewing the timeline, it is not possible.
5. There was consensus to meet on either or both 1212312O and 12130120.
Committee Updates - Ms. Hartsgrove announced the third Community Visioning Workshop on
Tuesday at 2:00.
6. Staff Updates - None
7. Minutes -l. 718120 - VOTE: On a motion by Paul Huggins, seconded by Christine Marzigliano. rhe
Committee voted 5-0-2 (Ms. Hartsgrove, Ms. Clark, Ms. Marzigliano
abstaining; by roll call) to approve the minutes of 7/g/20 as presented.
Page 5 of6
TOWN OF YARMOUTH Depaftment of
DevelopmentI 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 026644492
Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1277, Fax (508) 398-2365
November 9, 2020
Mr. JeffColby
Department of Public Works Director
99 Buck Island Road
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
Re: CPA Application for Sandy Pond Recreation Area - Phase I Construction (2021-11-CPA)
Dear Mr. Colby;
Thank you for your interest in and continued suppod of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) program. Twelve
CPA applications were considered in the FY2l grant round and the amount requested totaled over $4 million.
I am pleased to inform you that on September 30, 2020, the Community Preservation Committee voted 6-0 to
recommend your application for design, engineering, and construction of a splash pad at Sandy Pond Recreation
Are in an amount not to exceed $500,000.
As you lnow, the CPC's recommendation is the first step in the award process. The CPC will present its
recommendations in the form of a Town Meeting warrant article for each project. Yarmouth Special Town
Meeting will be held on Tuesday. November 17. 2020 at the Mattacheese Middle School. Included with this letter
is a copy of the Sandy Pond article (Article #9). Representatives of your project should be in attendance at town
meeting to answer questions that may arise. If the representatives are not Yarmouth residents, please contact the
Yarmouth Town Moderator, Ken Mudie, at kennethmudie@gmail.com prior to town meeting in order to be
recognized at the meeting.
More inforrnation about Town Meeting, including social distancing precautions and protocols, can be found at:
httos://www.yarmouth.ma.us/ I 880/Town-Meeting
If your project is successfully voted at Town Meeting, funds will be administered through a Community
Preservation Act contract on a reimbursable basis. Expenses incurred prior to Town Meeting appropriation are not
eligible for reimbursement.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Deparftnent of Community Development at (508) 398-
2231 ext. 1277 .
Respectfully yous,
Gary Ellis, Chair
Community Preservation Committee
cc: Community Preservation Committee
ARTICLE #9: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate the following sums of
money from the Community Preservation Act Fund for recreational purposes:
EXPLANATIONT This article provides funding for the Splash Pad portion of Phase I of the
Sandy Pond Recreation Area Master Plan buildout. This project includes site work and
installation of a Splash Pad Park system. The Splash Pad installation is listed as a FY202 I Board
of Selectmen Goal.
Board of Selectmen Will Recommend from the Floor
Finance Committee Does Not Recommend (5-0) (Community Preservation Committee)
ARTTCLE #10: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to convey an electrical
service easement over across and upon a certain parcel of land located at 74 Town Brook Road;
said easement to allow the installation and maintenance of electrical lines and related equipment
necessary for the transmission of electricity.
EXPLANATIONl. Thk article will authorize Eversource to install and maintain electrical
service lines and related electrical equipmen! necessary lo provide electrical service for the new
DPW Building that is cunently under construction. The address of the new DPW Building will
be 74 Town Brook Road.
Board of Selectmen Will Recommend from the Floor (Board of Selectmen)
ARTICLE #11: To see if the Town will authorize thc Board of Selectmen to take, by eminent
domain, a certain parcel ofland located at 50 Workshop Road, said parcel to be utilized for general
municipal purposes, and to appropriate the sum of $ 0, to pay for the costs associated with such
EXPLANATION: This article will authorize the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen to take the
property at 50 llorkshop Road by eminent domain, in order lo provide a clear litle lor the enlire
pruperty. A previous eminent domain taking of the property at 50 Workshop Road did not include
a portion of the waslern section of lhe property. ln order to clarify the record, another eminent
domain taking must be initiated to include lhis western portion of 50 Worl<shop Road. The 50
lYorkshop Road property cunently contains a regional Septage Trealment Facility, and the
regional Commercial lYaste Transfer Faciliry.
Department of
Public Works
To fund a design, engineering and
construction ofa Splash Pad Feature
at Sandy Pond Recreation Area
located at 482 Buck Island Roa4
West Yarmouth
$ 500,000
Undesignated Resewe
Board of Selectmen Will Recommend from the Floor (Board ofSelectmen)
Item Approprlate To Purpose Amount and
CPA Fundins Source
Oa lOll4l2O7O, on a motion by Paul Huggins, seconded by George Slama, the committee
voted 4-0 to approve these minutes.
MINUTES for September 30, 2020 '200CT156ili10:46 REC
PRESENT: Gary Ellis, Chnstine Marzigliano, Paul Huggins, Nate Small, George Slama,
Mary Ann Walsh, Liz Hartsgrove
ABSENT: Thomas Kelley
STAFF: Karen Greene, Director of Community Development; Dawn-Marie Flett,
Administrative Assistant
LOCATION: RemoteAccess
The meeting was held by remote participation pursuant to Massachusetts Govemor Charles D.
Baker's March lZ,2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law. No
in-person attendance of members of the public was permitted. but every effort was be made to
ensure that the public could adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological
means. An audio or video recording, transcript. or other comprehensive record ofthe
proceedings will be posted on the torvn's website.
Karen Greene read the instructions for public access to the meeting and advised that all votes
will be roll call votes.
Chairman Ellis opened the meeting at 3:05 p.m. and introduced Liz Hartsgrove. pending new
Planning Board representative to CPC.
l, Fall Town Meeting Update
Sandv Pond Splash Pad
At its 9/t0/20 meeting, the Committee's vote was tied on whether to advance the Sandy Pond
application to the FallTown Meeting Warrant. It was then voted to table the application. Thc
warrant articles are now due, so a decision must be made.
Thcrc rvas concem expressed about the splash pad design reflecting appropriate social
distancing; the construction timelinet and whether $500.000 for a splash pad is a good use of
funds in this economic climate and with large capital prqects looming.
Discussion followed regarding the Committee's ability to withdraw the article at town meeling.
There rvas also consensus to get written recommendations from the Board of Health, Health
Director, and Recreation Commission. Staff will also draft a memo to the Board of Selectmen
advising that the article may be withdrawn.
DPW Director Jeff Colby anived at 4:00 p.m. and explained that the splash pad has not been
designed yet. but this grant would fund the design. [fawarded, a design contract would
immediately be signed, a construction bid would go out in the winter, and the project would be
930,2020 Page I of3
On l0ll4/2020, on a motion by Paul Huggins, seconded by George Slama, the committee
voted 4-0 to approl'e these minutes.
completed for use in summer of 2021. Mr. Colby will confinn with the Conservation office that
the project area is outside the resource area, and he rvill keep all the boards and c6mmittees
advised of the project's progress.
VOTE: On a motion by Paul Huggins. seconded by George Slama. the Committee voted
unanimously, 6-0 to place on the warrant s500,000 lor design, engineering. and construction ola
splash pad at Sandy Pond Recreation Area.
Roll call: Mr. Huggins - yea; Ms. Walsh - yea; Mr. Small - yea: Mr. Slama - yca: Ms.
Marzigliano - yea; Mr. Ellis - yea.
Draft Articles:
The first article is a housekeeping article to transfer funds from CPA revenue accounts back to
the CPA Reserve accounts from which thev originally came.
The second article is a bundle of tu'o historic prtlects. There uas consensus to keep the projects
bundled in one question. There rvas discussion regarding rvhich historical authorities r,r'iil be
reviewing the architecture of the South Yarmouth Methodist Church project. Mr. Slama rvould
like an opinion from the Yarmouth Historical commission. '[he cornmittee agreed that a copy
of the church's application for the Mass Historical commission grant ivill be required or the
project will be pulled from the rvarrant. This condition rvill be added to the mcmo to the Bos.
2. Annual Town Mceting Update
CPC Aoolication and Meetine Schedule
The F\'21 Grant Application has been released rvith a filing deadline o I 10122/20. A one-pagc
Project Interest form is also available fbr applicants u'ho are considering applying in the future.
The Committee agreed to the tbllorving meeting dates: 10,121l20, ll/4120,and illtglZO.
The consensus was to hold the cPC Annual Meeting via Zoom on a date to be determined in
The FY22 Budget Update is in process.
water Resources Ad'isory committee (WRAC) voted to support the $100,000 residential
3. Committee Nlember Updates
Liz Hartsgrove advised that the Planning Board is working with Horsley witten on the TorvnVisioning project and asked that the Iink be sent to interested parties.
Christine Marzigliano advised that the open Space Committee will be sending a letter olsupport
for the Crab Creek/Upper Mill Pond project.
930i2020 Page 2 of3
Oa 1114t2020, on r motion by George Slama, seconded by Nate Small the committee voted
5-0-l (Liz Hrrtsgrove abstaining) to approve these minutes.
Wrstewater Funding
As requested. a memo w.rs sent to the Board of Selectmen asking for confirmation of the
$.l00.000 exemption plan with regards to CPA. There has been no response as yet. however
there is a placeholder on the drall list of warrant articles.
Pending Application Updates
All applicants responded in a timely manner.
Sandv Pond Recreation Area
DPW Director JeffColby responded that the splash pad component is a BOS priority and
provided an updated quote to include it in Phase I of the project.
There was discussion around the safety of a splashpad during the Covid-I9 pandemic and
whether the article would be better suited for consideralion at ATM in spring. Some members
argued for the need to take a longer-term view and that the design. build. and construction ofthe
splashpad could take a year or more.
VOTE: On a motion by Paul Huggins. seconded by Nate Small. the Committee voted to place
on the warrant an article to fund the construction.
Roll call: Ms. Marzigliano - nay: Mr. Huggins - yea: Mr. Slama - nay; Ms. Walsh - yeal Mr.
Small - yea; Mr. Ellis naY. TIE VOTE.
VOTE: On a motion by Christine Marzigliano. seconded by George Slama. the Committee
voted 4-2 to table the discussion until the next meeting.
Roll call: Mr. Ellis - yea: Ms. Marzigliano - yea; Mr. Huggins -nay; Mr' Slama - year Ms.
Walsh - yea; Mr. Small - nay.
Riverwalk Park
Town Planner Kalhy Williams responded that the project can wait until Annual Town Meeting in
the spring.
VOTE: On a motion by George Slama. seconded by Mary Ann Walsh. the Committee voted 6-0
to table the discussion until spring.
Roll call: Mr. Ellis - yea; Ms. Marzigliano - yea: Mr. Huggins -nay; Mr. Slama - yea; Ms.
Walsh - yea; Mr. Small - nay.
Cape Plavhouse
Leslie Gardner provided an update on the work that has been done to datc. Chairman Ellis
thanked her for the thorough response. There were no additional questions for Ms. Gardner.
VOTE: On a motion by Paul Huggins. seconded by Nate Small. the Committee voted to place
on the fallwarranl an article to fund the Cape Playhouse project.
Roll call: Mr. Ellis - yea; Ms. Marzigliano - yea; Mr. lluggins - yea; Mr. Slama - yea; Ms.
Walsh yea; Mr. Small - yea.
9il012020 Page 2 of3
On lll4l2020, on a motion by George Slama, seconded by Nate Small the committee voted
5-0-l (Liz Hartsgrove abstaining) to approve these minutes.
South Yarmouth United Methodist Church
David Dovell was in attendance to ansu'er any questions. The response from the church included
a request for an additional $8.000 from $214.700 to $222.700.
VOTE: On a motion by Nate Small, seconded by Christine Marzigliano, the Committee voted
6-0 to place on the fall warrant an article to fund the South Yarmouth [.lnited Methodist Church
project in the amount of$222,700.
Roll call: Mr. Ellis yea; Ms. Marzigliano - yea: Mr. Huggins - 1'eal Mr. Slama - yea: Ms.
Walsh - yea; Mr. Small - yea.
Grant conditions *ill be discussed at the next meeting.
CPC Schedule for Annual Town Meeting Articles
The schedule for next round ofgrant applications was discussed. There was consensus to accept
and review applications on a rolling basis, and to develop a l -page letter of interest for applicants
who may not be ready to submit a full application. The grant round announcement will be run in
the Register. posted on the website and Channel 18. and emailed.
Regular meetings on Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. will begin 10114. Staffu'ill begin an accounl
clean-up to recover any unspent funds.
VOTE: On a motion by George Slama, seconded by Nate Small, at I l:22 a.m. the
Committee voted 6-0 lo enter into Executive Session with CPC members and relevant
staffto consider the purchase. exchange. lease or value ofreal property as noted in the
agenda item for this Executive Session. and NOT to reconvene in Open Session at the
conclusion of the Executive Scssion.
Roll call: Mr. Ellis - yca: Ms. Marzigliano - yeal Mr. Huggins - yea; Mr. Slama - yea: Ms.
Walsh - yeal Mr. Small - yea.
Distributed via email ([-ocated in the Department of Community Development)
l. Agenda
2. Program Annual Calendar
3. I"Y2l Application Summary and Projected Revenue Balances - 9/10/20
4. Board ofSelectmen Projected 2020 Agenda ltems
5. List of Warrant Articles
6. Z02l-l l-CPA Sandy Pond Phase I Construction update
7. 2021-09-CPA Riverwalk Park and Boardwalk Loop update
8. 2021-04-CPA Preservation of 'l'he Cape Playhouse update
9. 2021-06-CPA Restoration and Preservation of SY Methodist Church update
10. Coalition LJpdate - 91312020
Respectfully submitted.
Dawn-Marie FIett
Program Coordinator
s11012020 Page 3 of3
Greene. Karen
Colby, Jeff
Friday, August 28, 2020 1:40 PM
Greene, Karen
Flett, Dawn-Marie; Williams, Kathleen; Knapik, Daniel
RE: CPA Application - Sandy Pond Recreation Area
Sandy Pond_SplashPark_Cost Estimate.pdf
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Karen & Gary,
Thank you for your letter requesting an update on the Sandy Pond Recreation Area Phase 1 Construction CPA request.
As you know, the improvements at Sandy Pond are planned to be completed over at least three construction phases.
Portions of the planned improvements can wait until later construction phases, and therefore don't need to be
considered for the Special Town Meeting tentatively scheduled for November 2020. But due to the updated FY2021
Board of Selectmen goals that include installation of a Splash Pad at Sandy Pond, it is necessary to request that the
Splash Park portion be included in Phase 1 of the construction. I have attached the most recent cost Estimate for the
Splash Park improvements. Therefore the current Phase l Construction CPA request is for 5500,000.
Please let me know if you have further questions, and I look forward to discussing this project with the Community
Preservation Committee.
Thank you,
Jeffrey 5. colby, P.E.
Town of Yarmouth
DPW Diregtor
99 Buck lsland Road
West Yarmouth, MA. 02673
(508)398-2231 Ext 1291
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Friday, August 21,2020 4:28 PM
To: colby, Jeff
Cc: Flett, Dawn-Marie
Subject: CPA Application - Sandy Pond Recreation Area
Please see and share accordingly, the attached correspondence from the Community Preservation Committee regarding
the DPW's CPA Application for Construction at the Sandy Pond Recreation Area which was postponed from
consideration for this yea/s Annual Town Meeting.
Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Yarmouth, MA
Sandy Pond Recreation Area
Splash Park
Site Preparation
lontraclor Mobilization/Demobilization 1 ls $ 20,000.00 $20,000.00
lrosion and sediment control 1 ls $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
y'egetation clearing and rough grading 1 ls $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00
topsoil strip, remove and screen 1 ls $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
Demolition 1 ls $ 1,s00.00 $ 1,500.00
S lte P re pa rati on Subtolal $28,500.00
General Sife lm prove m e nts
Stormwater control area layout, grading, loam and seed 1 ls $ 20,000.00 $ 10,000.00
Flow-throuqh splash park svstem with concrete brush finish and plumbing enclosure 1 ls $ 275,000.00 $ 275,000.00
Precast catch basin 1 ea $ 3,ooo.oo $3,000.00
Precast manhole 1 ea $ 4,500.00 $ 4,5oo.oo
12' PVC drain and trench 265 tf $ 8s.00 $ 22,500.00
Loam and seed disturbed areas (5,000 sf)555 SY $ 3.oo $ 1,7oo.oo
ilIiscellaneous work and clean-up 1 ls $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00
General Site lmprovements Subtota,s 320,000.00
Project SuOtotal $ 3s0,000.00
subtotal lJirect Gosts (Rounded)I 35{r,000.00
Div 01 (Gen. Cond.) and General Contractors OHP - 8olo (Rounded )$30,000.00
Estimated Subtotal Site Construction Cost $ 380.000.00
Engineering and Contingency - 30o/o (Rounded)$ 110,000.00
Estimated Gonstruction Cost (Today's Dollars)$ 490,000.00
Estimatod Construction Gost (June 2021)
Estimated Construction Cost (June 2022)
CDM Smith 10t3t2019 Page 1
Telephone (508) 398-2231, Exr. 1277, Fax (508) 398-2365
Jeff Colby, Director
Yarmouth Department of Public Works
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 0266
Dear Mr. Colby:
I am writing in regards to your previously submitted application (S1.06 million for phase 1 Construction
of the Sandy Park Recreation Area) for yarmouth Community preservation Act Funds, which was
postponed from consideration during our deliberations for the Fy21 Annual Town Meeting.
With a SpecialTown Meeting tentatively scheduled for November and COVID-19 Restrictions still very
much in place, the Yarmouth community Preservation committee is considering whether to move
forward with considering previously postponed applications at this time, or whether to hold off until the
AnnualTown Meeting (schedule d lot Aptil27,202tl.
To that end, and understanding the various ramifications of the COVTD-19 Pandemic, we are requesting
that you provide the Committee with an update on your application. Please describe the current status
of your project as well as how your budget or timelines may have changed since your original
application. Please be sure to note whether and how the impact a delay in consideration of your
requested funding will impact your project.
Please provide your update and any supporting information electronically by Friday, september 4th.
Questions and responses may be directed to Karen Greene, Director of community Development at:
Yarmouth Community Preservation Committee
Department of
Cc: Community Preservation Committee
Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1277,Fax (50S) 398-2365
December 5,2019
Mr. Jeffrey Colby
Director, Public Works Department
Town of Yarmouth
I 146 Rt 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Re: CPA Application for Sandy Pond Recreation Area - Phase I Construction (2021- I I -CPA)
Dear Mr. Colby;
Thank you for your interest in the Community Preservation Act (CPA) program in Yarmouth. Twelve CpA
applications were considered in the FY2l grant round, and the amount requested totaled over $4 million. After
careful consideration, the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) voted to defer your application to
consideration in the fall 2020 round of CPA applications, which begins in spring 2020. This is based on
uncertainty about the availability of CPA funds as this issue remains under review by the Yarmouth Board of
Selectmen and will be the subject of a warrant article at Yarmouth's annual town meeting on April ZB,ZO2O.
You will not have to reapply, but the CPC may ask you to visit again for an interview. If you decide to
withdraw your application, please contact the Yarmouth Community Development Department at 5OB-31B-2231
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) wishes to thank you for your application and for meeting with
them to discuss it. We look forward to working collaboratively with you in the future.
Gary Ellis, Chair
Community Preservation Committee
cc: Community Preservation Committee
Flett, Dawn-Marie
Williams, Kathleen
Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:14 AM
Greene, Karen; Barry Mike
Colby, Jeff
RE: Sandy Pond CPA Applications
Hi Guys,
I spoke with Jeff colby this morning regarding Sandy Pond and he felt it would take some time to accurately identify a
pared down project and develop a realistic cost estimate for that project. The Riverwalk Park project is currently
concentrating on hiring a consultant for design and permitting and providing follow-up information on the Land & Water
grant. Forthese reasons, bothJeffand lare comfortable with deferringthe requests until thefall whentherewill also
be additional funds available. This will give Jeff time to look at defining a smaller scale project and more information will
be available on the status of the L&w grant for the Riverwalk Park.
Kathy Williams, PE
Yarmouth Town Planner
I 146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 026644492
(508) 398-2231 Ext 1276
From: 6reene, Karen
sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:11 AM
To: Williams, Kathleen <kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: Barry, Mike <MBarry@yarmouth.ma.us>
subject: FW: sandy Pond cPA Applications
Hi Kathy
Please see below. We can't really speak formally for the committee on such short notice. Any thoughts?
Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
From: Barry Mike
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 8:59 AM
To: Colby, Jeff <igglbylQyglMglh.E!.gs>
Cc: Greene, Karen <(GICe.!.9@Le.q!.9.Uh.JtrA.g!>
Subiect: Sandy Pond CPA Applications
Today at 3pm the CPC will meet to review decisions taken at their last meeting on the CPA applications. The Sandy Pond
application was deferred to fall 2020, but it is possible that the CPC could revisit their decision if you can provide a lower
cost option that reduces the scope of the Phase 1 effort. Because both Sandy Pond and the Drive ln applications were
deferred, there still remains about Sl million in the CPA Undesignated Reserve Fund. While this is insufficient to fund
both applications, if you were to craft a less ambitious Phase 1 approach, this might be more appealing to the CPC.
Let me know what you think.
Kathy: This would apply as well to the Drive ln application.
Michael Barry
Community Development Off ice
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 ertt L277
Cape Cod.
Within Re.rch.
On 4 December 2019, on a motion by Nate Small, scconded by George Slama, the
committee voted 8-0 to approve these minutes.
Application 2021-l l-CPA, Sandy Pond Recrealion Area Phase I Construction. Applicanl
revised request: $ I,280,000.
VOTE: On a motion by Christine Marzigliano, seconded by Paul Huggins, the
Commiftee approved 9-0 to table lhis application until the fall 2020 town meeting.
Application 2021-12-CPA, Little League Backstop. Applicant request: $28.000.
VOTE: On a motion by Christine Marzigliano. seconded by Paul Huggins, the
Committee approved 9-0 $28,000 for this application.
Stete CPA Match
Mr. Barry provided an announcement from the State of Massachusetts on matching CPA funds
that werejust released. Yarmouth received $274,766 on l5November20l9. Thisis 15.6
percent of CPA revenues raised by the Town. This free money could be augmented by State
surplus funds ifthey are distributed to CPA communities later in the fall. No state decision has
been made yet. Mr. Barry provided some background on how the state distributes CPA funds,
with particular focus on what extra iunds go to communities that allot the I'ull 3% tax surcharge.
On a motion by Tom Roche, seconded by George Slama, the Committee voted 8-0 (Mr.
Small had not arrived yet) to approve CPC minutes for 6 November 2019.
Upcoming Meetings
Members next will meet on 4 and I 8 December 2019.
VOI'E: On a motion by Nate Small, seconded by George Slama, the Committee voted 9-
0 to adjoum at 5:46 pm.
Hrndouts at the Meeting (Located in the Department of Community Development)
l. Agenda
CPC l1/20t19
On 4 December 2019, on a motion by Nate Small, seconded by George Slama, the
committee voted 8-0 to approve these minutes,
2. Table: Community Preservation Act, FY2l Grant Application Summary (as of
I l/18/19).
3. Spreadsheet: Scenarios tbr Use ofCPA Resen'e Funds FY20
4. l0l24ll9 email from Pat Armstrong "Backhoe for Cemetery".
5. I l/14/19 email from Kathy Williams "Yarmouth Bike Path Survey".
6. '['able: November 15,2019 CPA'l-rust Fund Distribution.
7. CPC DraIi Minutes for 6 November 2019 meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Barry
Program Coordinator
CPC ly20/19
On 4 December 2019, on a motion by Gorge Slama, seconded by Nste Small, the committee
voted t-0 to approve these minutes.
MINU IUS for l3 November20l9
Gary Ellis, Thomas Kelley, Christine Marzigliano, George Slama, Mary Ann
Dorcas McGurrin, Tom Roche. Paul Huggins, Nate Small
Susan Brita. Curt Sears, Jim Saben
Michael Barry. Karen Greene, JeffColby, Kathy Williams
Room A, Town Hall. I146 Rt 28, South Yarmouth, MA
Chairman Ellis opened the meeting at 3:02 p.m.
CPA Application Review
Aoolication 2021-l l-CPA. Sandy Pond Phase I Construction. DPW Director
JeffCotby provided an overview ofthe design plans for the Phase I construction at Sand Pond
Recreation Area. He noted overall construction would cost about $5 million and would be done
in phases. He passed around a 30-percent design plan with an inclusive playground as Phase l. cu.thagiud
He noted that the Recreation Commission seeks lhe inclusive playground as the Phase I
construction effo(. Yarmouth does not have a fully inclusive playground. which is a playground
accessible to children of all abilities, including limited abilities. Phase I costs would total $1.28
million, up from $ I .06 million for the previous Phase I estimate that was focused on a Splash
Pad. The new estimate would include shade structures and site improvements, including
handicap parking spaces. The eslimate includes a cost contingency and cost escalators. Mr.
Colby noted that the future order ofconstruction phases will be worked out between the DPW
and the Recreation Commission. Mr. Slama asked whether future pickle ball court construction
at Sandy Pond is still needed given the new courts at Flar Pond. Mr. Colby noted that the DPW
and the Recreation Commission will review the need for pickle ball as construction phases are
planned. Mr. Ellis asked about what construction could be done at lower funding levels. Mr.
Colby said that DPW could adjust the plan toward more and smaller construction phases. Mr.
Colby noted that the Senior Softball League was seeking to have the outfield fences on the
soflball moved further out. Mr. Colby noted that movement ofthe fences are be considered in
the Masler Recreation Plan lbr future phases. Chairman EIlis raised the issue of liability whcn a
playground is placed near the softball field. Mr. Kelley asked ifthere is work that DPW could
do to reduce the cost ofthe project. Mr. Colby said that DPW could supplement the consultant's
work to cut costs.
CPC lvt3n9
rS)ECEsl!11.:52 REC
On 4 December 2019, on a motion by (iorge Slama, seconded by Nate Small, thc committee
voted 8-0 to approve thesc minutes.
Application 2021- 12-CPA. Little League Field Backstop Replacement. Mr.
Colby summarized the condition olthe backstop that is old and missing pieces and failing to
keep foul balls from traveling into a resident's yard. The project would be a full replacement of
the backstop. Upon approval, the project would go out to bid. Some CPC members asked about
contributions from the Little League. Mr. Colby noted that capital improvements usually are
handled by the Town. IIe note that ifl.ittle League can contribute some funds, this would reduce
the cost ofthe project. Chairman Ellis noted that matching funds might need to be requested.
Mr. Colby noted that he will talk to the Little League president. Mr. Colby said he would look
into whether insurance might cover repairs to the l'ence.
Aoplication 2021-09-CPA. Riverwalk Park & Boardwalk Loop. Mr. Jim Saben,
Chairman of the Drive In Site tJtilization Commitlee. provided an overview olthe application
for additional funding for the Riverwalk Park and Boardwalk Loop. IIe reviewed the requesl
from last year, which totaled $3.7 million but was approved for $2.2 million. This year's request
is for $1.5 million, the remainder of the original $3.7 million. He showed the plans lbr design
and construction ofthe site. The current ask lor $1.5 million is for construclion and 1o leverage
matching funds from the state and other sources. He noted that l'own Staffhas applied for a
state grant of$956,000 that looks promising. He noted that matching funds could bc available
from the Blue Economy for educational purposes. Kathy Williams added that they currently
have a DCR grant for $200,000 on hand and $62,000 reallocated from the Town budget. Also
looking at a Seaport Grant, a PARC Grant. and water conservation l'unds. All of these matching
grants require more commitment of Town funds.
The project envisions hiring a consultant in January 2020. Design and permitting will take place
in spring 2020. Construclion is envisioned in January 2022. Mr. Saben emphasized that CPA
funding approved by Town voters demonslrates the Town's support and triggers eligibility for
matching grants. When asked about remaining funds needed (about $2 million) lor the project.
Ms. Williams noted that they do not anticipate seeking additional CPA funds beyond the current
request for $ 1.5 million. Chairman Ellis asked about the need for septic systems, given that
sewers should be coming at some point. Ms. Williams noted that current plans do envision a
septic system, but depending on the timing this may nol be needed. thus potentially reducing the
CPA Appraisal
VOTE: On a motion by George Slama, seconded by Mary Ann Walsh, the committee
approved 4-l (Tom Kelley opposed) spending up to $1,600 for an appraisal at 75
Meadowbrook Rd in West Yarmoulh.
CPC lLn3/t9
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a.4.t.tdeth 4 fim4F{suq trH"w@tutr.mr,frffi,..ff
Yarmouth, MA
Sandy Pond Recreation Area
lnclusive Playground
control areas layout, qradino, loam and seed
12" PVC drain and trench
and seed disturbed areas (12,000
25,000 00
Estimated Subtotal Site Construction Cost
Engineering DellgILBid Documents, Bidding Assistance, Limited Construction Oversight - 12olo
Esltmglqq Construction Cost (June 2021)
Estimated Construction Cost (June 2022)
CDM Smith 11t13t2019 Page 1
remove and screen
I l$
Project Subtotal