HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklist Legal Ad Voting SheetYarmouth Conservation Commission Voting Sheet Aotfre5.s: 55 Suliivan Road Applicant; Chrl5tirfe Melmaris bate 4E Hearing,- 6/6 2014 Owner. Ret}rp�entative: Shannon Goheen, The SBE Companies Proje_tt Dfsgnptjg . landscaping Green Reeipt.s__ Legal Ad 55-. Nutir,e of Intent, DEP File Number Certificate of Cornpl.ipnce DECISION: Notice of Intent: DISCUSSION: w TYPE OF HEARING Request for Determination: R�tjest for betqZrnrination.. , Request to Amend an Order Other: VOTES. For: Against; Bishop Bishop DUFkln Durkin Johnston johftston Lawrence Lawrence Luttazi LUttazi 1 ugeins HuIggins Mulht2arn Molhearn YkRLCOurwC �PUELIC H�AAPIYG Sui g UGA11< NE TOWN OF Y COKSERVAT"m l Tha '140MGkjl#M Cort#irvallon _ 5, ere�d� SkvSk�� :XUy , z81 gkbn < the zowa piaYarrmauRti olland x•1ar�, Cnay er 1�7 on Thutmdavr Jpn I, 2 10 i khe Ygam�o4Eh fr cas, 1146 w10 epuninalfoh o� ChrA M Mvrx%nis. eS Sulllhai4 Raid, west Yarmouth ifiA, pp�ap4smd le MO- XAP4 q rn1Rn 1�7a ow,�ler mro io B -g f+ ailmortln, 67 Cengraealandi a1�,F ern, pow +A, pied avAI loot Is Ing and `JX16 laot Miura lCq VOrO AWO!M WTftn Roe 1YUtlOF ZQM to LWj PMW Br4na Rg3gtrk. NOF14, AmeFLGaI Di1,e1q mgn1, III Ctuw olr Road Yarnrau , Lb%, *Pozv6 a4doon imp aepllc_ lami wiltimOW*90. nQ #uLI6C1 10 MOMM OF kkhmt- OWerd eNli h._y�4.'t BON �GUMb01% AC*ae+m0iitlSUT np BeWmPk�q aSOIC Peng Graaw� 7u aRYrei m "WAM aecn erev�JLa arw soap %m canlml. pimma vna +'ARr'rationo ror rho above I�RFy Dg a} aRan#d im thi Yamwvth liem tlam l*pmuir� un CWM 114tl Fw#11l 0 Soy h Tar758151i1, M*. Morin to Priddy. Deivmin riiC howll u E:#6 i14 9W 4.W p m. Tt*i MthHanad Hance ma Ge vlswcm-W4 e4 MaL#acre#sl�s �+lEtie pi fF u# Ass4t+tllh4m 1ht p+ w44• sim 911t N�'iaae,o+y. � �� $�Gewpmwtea+ Frmoi,th rvalxn �vn Ap■,Male The RayLsfor fhr"19 ; . c.A IN srRVAT 1c; adtnif#�uaum SeqW.;-st Am Dekrunination of applicabifit* ggi sud3rife-wigiffasi. All filings joust be made on Town of Y annouth forms. All app Iications iniisi be subminedt�%Lo weeks prior to the rim �ichedul d Consen-anon Commission meetiny No new information ntav h - twd int to 'c+rnmissionor'scke1 a %% eek- bel r the m��etin�, �atlure to f`olltr s the .4dntinastrati e _PgCheck List LuA!I Ines shat l result nn an .•ldim inr3'rraN1-c 'urion and wiI11;orr be ad for a Puh]ie Hc-arm�-- Refer io the meet Inu and fee sclwdule. C'oniacl the oF1'ice if ou need assistance. WL will be happy to help guide you tbrough the process. 1 original application wy'ih oriental signatures Idouble sided.). ffthe applicant is not the properly owner, plcase submit a signed copy of1he Site Access Aulhorization Form- The owner roust be sent a copy of the application on the same day it is Filed %%Ith this office (proo r o f mailing Is requireddl- 7 cop ics o f t h e first anti second page of the application (doul}le sided} with a cGmpre liensi 'c and detailed narrative ofthe project includnng exnstnnL & propowd eondiiions, ronsirucIion sequence, i}W of Nuipment. siagingi locations. drainaVe and stormwater. erosion controls. inn-asive species managenwrit and alwmadve analysis. The narrative shall dcrcurmennt how the project niteets jvdlorrnance ,iandards per 310 C MR t0.0 & TOY Wetland 5YIaw- Chapter 143. BVW delineation sheets and other supponinz- infomiation- 9 cope* o€'the plan/sketch, folded separately, right side aut wlih title Visible and atuclu! i to each app Iication. AAI plants shall reference 1tiAVD 1989 wiless otherwIse noted- Landscape plans shall be detailed to show proposed & existing conditions. nazi} -e species, size and spacing- A pdf copy of the application, supporting in fonnation and plats -sketch emailed io kgrant,#r varrnoutlt. ma. us. j ] copy of Yarmouth As,3omors loc.ntor map highlighting patcv](s) where work is proposed. includin+ mapand parcel ounibers. �! lural filing fee - separate check payable ro "Town of Yarmouth". Legal ad fee - separate elm:k payable to "Town of Yarmouth". _ One ( l 1 copy of application and plan,sketch shall be sent to Department of Environmental Protection, Soothe{`ist Rc�iort, 20 Riverside Drive, Roble 105, Lakeville. N1 (12347. Submit the proof of mai Iing via Certified 1%faij Receipts I PS Rom 3800) For DE P or others such as Massachusetts N aitnral Herii:4-e and EndanLFered Species Proeram, Nlassachusms Di%inion of Mar nic Fisheries, U.S Ariny C otps of Engineer or property owner. A M -S:l Nmp-� , r'.11: d4t Yannof1coitSerctiott Con�tttissiazt * 11f} Routes Scitrtli arrztorith, [4tr102664-442 Tel. (�08}-398-223l Ext. 1288 • Fax (508).398-0536 • TTD=- (508) 398-2231 etc%+wd RLhruary 2016