HomeMy WebLinkAbout4877demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard, or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood nor of the town. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS MR1 O _ ; CIE E APPLICATION FOR HEARING '2 0DEU20PM25:33 REC Appeal#: � 7 Owner -Applicant: Via• I.0X I12 u Hearing Date: �— J ^ 4 Fee$ (Full Names- including "/a) E 03 V7 S 09 --6,706 �eTn;71?r1313 e— J v'a. AGU, <C.— (Address) `' (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) caner Tenant Prospective Buyer Other Interested Party Property: This application rela,�s to the property located at: '�] v�.f'�i% S►y4 _ 50v,� T�`rrnor f-C, m 1� and shown on the Assessor's Map #: 3 as Parcel#: JSla Zoning District: 2 S If property is on an un-constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The ap iflcantlseeks the flolllowin relief from the Board of pple1 s: I `t° �ki{.t P/L / M r - - " _ . ea l-" 0-- iJ �h f7 � '� 3 el ��YY 1} ❑ REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. State the reason 2)� SPECIAL PERMIT under § 1 G y . 3. 2 2 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 )4 - I .(use space below if needed) 30VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: r FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name & Address Title deed reference: Book & Page# _3C7S_ 3 / '70 or Certificate #_ Land Court Lot # Plan # (provide copy of recent deed Use Classification: Existing: Proposed: 2 §202.5 # §202.5 # Is the property vacant: N If so, how long?: lvc r e. q kg-Z) 5y 4e-4- —/ Lot Information Size/Area: I Plan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes ❑ No ❑ �/ Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: U Repetitive P ' ' n: Is this a re -application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s) with this application ,Z JI- Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant's /Attorney /Agent Signature Address: P 0 - 6ex / r1l �)- Si Phone -7 O tv E-Mail: Itet,r3r3 Building issioner Signature Date YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: March 2G, 2003 PETITION NO. 93817 HEARING DATE: March 13, 2003 PETITIONER: Thomas M. Taylor & Audrey A. Miller TH TYARNA OWS CILERKP I� X3 MAR 2 6 PH 12: 12 REC ENE) PROPERTY: 7 Evergreen Street, South Yarmouth Assessors Map: 34, Lot: 156 Zoning District: R25 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: David Reid, Chairman, John Richards, Joseph Sarnosky, Diane Moudouris, Sean Igoe, Richard Neitz, Alternate. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated above. The petitioner proposes to replace a pre-existing non -conforming single-family home, on an undersized lot, and therefore seek a Special Permit per bylaw § 1 04.3.2 (5). The lot is in the R25 zone. The site contains approximately 4850 square feet. The petitioner represents that the alteration and renovation of the pre-existing home was undertaken with the benefit of a building permit. However, after pouring the new foundation beneath the home, it became apparent that the structural elements of the home were unsound. The sill and members were badly damaged from past insect infestation. It has therefore been recommended that it is necessary to replace the entire structure. The proposed structure will contain a one story, one bedroom home. It will have a partial cathedral ceiling, with an un-occupiable storage loft. It will remain on the present foundations, in the same location as the present house. The existing foundation is located only 5.97' from the westerly side line, at its nearest point. The house is situated on an angle, rather then in the middle of the lot. The petitioner indicates that had he planned to replace the house, it would have been easy to move it to the center of the lot. However, having already poured the foundation, it would be an extreme hardship to now demolish it and move it over to the middle. The closest abutter (on the west) did not object to this limited side setback, provided there was no second floor or upper window looking over onto her house. The petitioner acknowledged both requests and agreed. The Board finds that the proposed house will be a one story one bedroom home. It will be of appropriate size for the lot and neighborhood, essentially reconstruction the original house. The Board accepts the petitioner's representation about the discovery of the decay late in the rebuilding process, thereby limiting his option to alter the foundation. Given the very modest size and occupancy potential for the house, the Board is prepared to find that the Special Permit may be granted, with conditions needed to assure that there be no future increases in the non- conformity. Given the condition of the present house, its replacement with a new version of the old will itself be a substantial improvement welcomed by the neighbors. Since this is essentially a reconstruction of the original house, involuntarily undertaken, without an increase in the size of the main house, except for the filling -in of the open corner at the rear, and without change in the character or use of the house, the Board finds that this is more closely akin to a reconstruction under § 104.3.3. Therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Igoe, seconded by Mr. Richards, to grant the Special Permit, as proposed, on the condition that; 1. the loft not become habitable space, but remain storage only (with no stairs accessible it ) 2. there be no windows on the upper level of the west end gable, 3. that full scale building plans, conforming to this decision, be fled with the Board of Appeals prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plans to include all construction details and floor plans and cross sections. The Board members will promptly review the plans and inform the building department if they are in conformity with the decision and the Boards expectations and understanding. 4. that no further additions, alterations or construction be undertaken at the site with out further Special Permits from this Board. The Board members voted unanimously in favor of the motion. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the fling of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw § 103.2.5, MGL c40A §9) UnIess otherwise provided herein, a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein are not excised within 12 months. (See MGL c40A §10) , (Z "_ David S. Reid, Clerk 2 r TOWN OF YARMOUTH z 0/l - H MAT7I. H [SE �Oahrutna4 Lyc� BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Telephone 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 VIOLATION NOTICE Date: November 13, 2020 Address: 7 Evergreen Street, So. Yarmouth, MA 02664 Owner's Name: Audrey A. Miller Mailing Address: P.O. Box 773 So. Yarmouth, MA 02664 VIOLATIONS 1. Failure to comply with the Zoning Board of Appeals decision conditions. Re: MGL Chapter 40A, and Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw Section 102.2. 2. Failure to obtain a Building Permit to construct a second floor stair system and the installation of a window. Re: 780CMR, Chapter 1, Section R105.1 SUMMARY It has come to this department's attention that the loft area is being used for sleeping purposes, is accessed by a stair way and has a double hung window. The use and these physical element alterations are in violation of the Zoning Board of Appeals' Petition No. 3817, which included the following Conditions: 1. "The loft not become habitable space, but remain storage only (with no stairs accessible to it)". 2. "There be no windows on the upper level of the west end gable." 3. "That full scale building plans, conforming to this decision, be filed with the Board --- Note: Plans were filed depicting compliance with the Board's requirements. 4. "That no further additions, alterations or construction be undertaken at the site without further Special Permits from this Board." Accordingly, you are hereby ordered to take appropriate remedial action, by ceasing the use of the loft for sleeping purposes, removing the stairway and window; or in the alternative, file a petition with the Board of Appeals for relief from said conditions. Should the Board grant your petition, you will then be required to obtain a Building Permit for the physical alterations. Failure to do so within thirty (30) days will result in the issuance of Building Code and Zoning related tickets. The law provides for fines of up to $300 per day for zoning tickets and up to $1,000 a day for Building Code tickets; with each day constituting a separate violation. So ordered, James D. Brandolini, Deputy Building Commissioner cc: Zoning Board of Appeals Kinlin Grover Real Estate, MLS 72700858 5 • s. 9 %Z, December 7, 2020 PO Box 1912 Ogunquit, ME 03907-1912 Town of Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 / 1 11,20zl RECEIVED; VIA E-MAIL RE: Application to File Relief from Violation Notice Requiring Removal of Stairs to Loft area at 7 Evergreen Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 To the Members of the Yarmouth Town Zoning Board of Appeals: I write this letter to be attached to the application I have submitted to seek relief from a March 13, 2003 ZBA hearing relative, most specifically, to number 1 and 4. Let me first offer apologies for the violation. When I received the letter from the Town of Yarmouth I was surprised to learn of the restrictions placed on the property in the ZBA's hearing decision of 3/13/03. My former husband, a licensed builder, coordinated the construction of the house. We purchased an already existing house in 2001 on the lot and he attempted to renovate it. At that time, he said he was told by the Town to stop the building and apply to tear the house down and request permission to build a new one. It seems there were a few years between the buying of the original house to the actual completion of the house. During this time, I was caring for two very young children, ages 2 & 6 and working. I did not attend the meeting, i don't recall signing any paperwork involving permits, nor did I meet with any of the sub -contractors or Town inspectors. I was not shown a copy of the Board's decision by him and he shared no information with me whatsoever. I did not participate in the building of the house. This was his project. Subsequently, we divorced and I was granted the house. There was no title search, simply a signing of the deed over to me. Had there been a title search I would have discovered the deed restrictions at that time. And unfortunately for me, I did not have the full protection of a title search. I have the septic pumped as required and am aware it has a 3 bedroom septic. I do not understand why the house has a 3 bedroom septic if it is a legal 1 bedroom home. I am not asking the Board to grant me a second legal bedroom as Mr. Brandolini said the stairs would be non -conforming to a second bedroom. However, I am not clear as to why there was a requirement for a 3 bedroom septic. In July 2020 1 listed my house for sale. My realtor informed me that a potentially interested buyer had questions about the house and was intending to go to Town Hall. I was supportive of that and said I would do the same if I were buying a home. The realtor listed pictures of the loft and stairs. Had I been hiding something I would not have agreed to openly show the house in its entirety on MILS or other websites. The day I received the letter from the Town citing the violation, I contacted the realtor and requested the house be withdrawn from the market immediately to allow for addressing this issue. The following day I contacted the ZBA and the day following I contacted Assistant Deputy Building Commissioner James Brandolini who signed the letter. I discussed the issues and he reviewed whatever info he could find with me over the telephone. He also emailed the full Board decision tome on 12/3. I have attempted to be cooperative in every way and invited Mr. Brandolini to visit the house with my realtor and view the stairs. We spoke the following day and he said they do not meet the building code. (Attached are pictures of the loft). I am currently residing in Maine, part time, and due to COVID-19 and for an illness I have, I am unable to travel to MA to review the full file. The original letter citing violations to the 3/2013 BOA special permit list 4 conditions: The Board's decision says, 1. "The loft not become habitable space, but remain storage only (with no stairs accessible to it" However, there is no statement in the decision stating how one would access the storage area of the loft. I asked Mr. Brandolini about this and he stated one would use a ladder. Due to the fact that for years, I have suffered with an equilibrium problem and lack of balance, I become dizzy with vertigo and the episodes are sudden and violent. I believe any of the ladders I have seen on line would not be nearly as safe as the sturdy, permanent staircase with its handrail currently installed in my home. The ladders I have seen online are expensive and appear very unsafe, mostly without handrails and the ones I found would allow a foot to easily slip through unless you install a ladder vertical straight up and down flush with the wall with no angle. This type of ladder seems the most unsafe and I certainly would not scale a vertical ladder. Some of the ladders roll which also begs the question of safety. I would not feel comfortable using any type of "ladder" bringing items up and down the stairs to store. In fact, how would one hold a tote or bag safely in your hands while climbing straight up a ladder? It would seem no one of any age and agility would be any safer using a ladder over the current staircase. None of the ladders appear any more conforming than the staircase in place. (see enclosed pictures). My house is 460 square feet. Its size is a disadvantage certainly - Given its small size, even if I demolished the stairs I could never have new ones built to code as there is simply no space as I would lose my kitchen. I suggest that a ladder type device is not safe and it would be a financial burden on me to demolish stairs in place and then install a ladder. I am currently not employed due to my health and the cost of demolition work i have been quoted to remove the stairs is $2,000-$3,000 and the cost of a ladder ranges from several hundreds of dollars to several thousands of dollars. I do not refute there has been a violation of the Board's decision nearly 18 years ago but I see no purpose in demolishing steps to a loft which are safer than an expensive ladder. Condition 2. "There be no windows on the upper level of the west end gable" Mr. Brandolini has stated after visiting the property there are, in fact, no windows on the western gable end. The window installed is on the east end gable. Condition 3. "That full scale building plans, conforming to this decision, be filed with the Board. I have never seen the plans filed. However, it seems that my ex-husband installed the stairs at some point following the submission of final plans. Condition 4. "That no further additions, alterations or construction be undertaken at the site without further Special Permits from this Board." I ask the Board to waive this condition and allow the apparent installation of the non -conforming stairs following the submission of the final plans to the Town. I am not asking to increase the size of the house footprint nor am I encroaching on any of my neighbor's property; I am simply asking for a reasonable decision from the Board to allow non -conforming stairs which have been in place for approximately 15 years to remain in place, allowing access to a 115 square foot loft area to be used for storage. Please pardon an act that was done by another party, a licensed builder, many years ago, and for which I am now being held accountable. Although the current stairs are non- conforming, a ladder will also be non -conforming compared to conforming stairs and much less safe. I request that the Board allow the current stairs to remain in place, for safety and to alleviate the financial hardship this would pose. Aesthetically, dismantling the current stairs would diminish the character of this very small home which is only 460 square feet. Thank you. Sincerely, Audrey A Miller Encs. Bk 31753 P:u 170 �643u7 1 `?`-28----2018 & 10 ; ,31 vE QUITCLAIM DEED We, Thomas M. Taylor and Audrey A. Miller, both of 69 Mayflower Terrace, South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, in full consideration of a Separation Agreement dated September 28, 2018, and filed with the Barnstable Probate and Family Court (Docket No. BA18D0458DR) , Po 80 773 grant to Audrey A. Miller, Individually, .A of South Yarmouth, MA, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, with quitclaim covenants the land, together with the buildings thereon, located at 7 Evergreen Street, Yarmouth (Bass River), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: NORTHERLY by Evergreen Street, as shown on hereinafter mentioned plan, fifty (50) feet; EASTERLY by Lot 105, as shown on said plan, ninety-four and 69/100 (94.69) feet; SOUTHERLY by Lot 111, as shown on said plan, fifty (50) feet; and WESTERLY By Lot 103, as shown on said plan, ninety-four and 69/100 (94,69) feet; Being shown as LOT 104 on plan entitled "Property of George W. & Marian P. Wood, Plan of Land South Yarmouth, Mass. as Surveyed for Melva Jones, October 1941 ", which said plan is duly filed in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 72, Page 51. Subject to a Taking by the Town of Yarmouth dated March 20, 1959 duly recorded with said Registry of Deeds in Book 1033, Page 567. The above described premises are conveyed subject to and with the benefit of restrictions, rights and easements of record insofar as the same are now in force and effect. LOCUS: 7 Evergreen Street, South Yannouth, MA 02664 For title see deed of John J. Robinson to Thomas M. Taylor and Audrey A. Miller, as tenants by the entirety, dated August 13, 2001 and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 14136 Page 45. Witness our hands and seals this l day of r, 2018. Thomas M. Taylor 11 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. >f4, On this 1'� �� day of SGpWRaber, 2018, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Thomas M. Taylor, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged that he signed it for its stated purpose. i H )LLY A, HARNEY Notary FublIC 1 COMMpNWEALT4t C °AASSACHl19Eiia y Catnrn+sslon Explra6 July IS. 2025 BARNSTABLE, ss. C �, iN Notary Public '-lu lk ►j H % 1 a,e-1 -1.2y Coy insission Expires: -III �,- j COMMONWEALTH -OF MASSACHUSETTS 1%14114 .ti-- On this j 4,` day of Spfomibm, 2018, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Audrey A. Miller, proved: -to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged that she signedit for its stated purpose. Notary Public 01'.L. - t-!- My Commission Expires: /. f -q 7 /� y 2 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, .°Register -77 Petition# ABUTTERS LIST Name Filing Date %4)Hearing Date: Property Location: m0 v(-(� A719--. 0 z���/ Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .56C which is the current cost for the two required mailings. add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant # Abutters #'s 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing SCHEDULE OF BOARD OF APPEALS MEETINGS FOR 2020 (subject to change) Abutting Properties for 7 EVERGREEN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 34/ 1561 / 1 (300 feet) Location: Location: location: 42/ 204/ 1 1 421 203/ 1 1 421 202/ 1 1 39 BREEZY POINT RD 16 MELVA ST 10 MELVA ST Owner: Owner: Owner: PODJARSKI MICHAEL HARRIS STEPHEN B DEGREGORIO MARK GALICHINA NATALIA BAGLEY LAURA C DEGREGORIO LYNNE 95 PARKER ST 115 GREENACRE RD 51 INDIAN RIDGE RD S WESTWOOD, MA 02090 WESTWOOD, MA 02090 HOLLISTON, MA 01746 Location: Location: Location: 42/ 199/ / I 421 198/ 1 ! 421 1971 1 1 40 RUN POND RD 7 MELVA ST 9 MELVA ST Owner: Owner: Owner: MCGUIRE DIANE H TR KINKOW LEON R JOHNSTON WILLIAM THE DIANE H MCGUIRE REV TRUST KINKOW JANE A JOHNSTON ELAINE 107 MACY ST PO BOX 592 9 MELVA ST RAYNHAM, MA 02767-1327 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: Location: Location: 42/ 196/ / 1 42/ 195/ / 1 42/ 194/ 1 1 11 MELVA ST 19 MELVA ST 45 BREEZY POINT RD Owner: Owner: Owner: FAVREAULT BARBARA A VAUGHAN PATRICIA LIFE EST BOUDREAU DAVID F 12 HENSHAW ST KAMBEGIAN ELAINE C TRS CAPUANO DOROTHY M WORCESTER, MA 01603-1415 P O BOX 201 10 BENGTSON LN PLYMPTON , MA 02367 MILLBURY, MA 01527 Location: Location: Location: 421 193/ / 1 421 1921 1 1 42/ 1 1 51 BREEZY POINT RD 6 EVERGREEN ST 12 EVERGREEN ST Owner: Owner: Owner: BOUDREAU DAVID F CANANE JEFFREY S SR ERT JEAN PIERRE CAPUANO DOROTHY M COMEAU D A & BURLINGAME E K 14 EVERGREEN 14 EVERGREEN ST 45 BREEZY POINT RD 852 MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 LEICESTER, MA 01524 Location: Location:42/ 1891 1 1 Location: 42/ 190/ / 1 16 EVERGREEN ST 42/ 1881 1 1 14 EVERGREEN ST Owner: 18 EVERGREEN ST Owner: FLEISHER LEONID Owner: JOUBERT JEAN PIERRE FLEISHER LEONIIDYA CHASE AMY 1 14 EVERGREEN ST 23 THURLOW ST 97 COMMONWEALTH AVE SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 WEST ROXBURY, MA 02132 WORCESTER, MA 01604 Location: Location: Location: 421 1871 ! 1 34/ 1611 1 1 421 1821 1 1 22 EVERGREEN ST 52 RUN POND RD 42 BREEZY POINT RD Owner: Owner: Owner: ANDRADE THOMAS C TRS FERRIS JAMES T WINKLER KATHLEEN M TAA REALTY TRUST FERRIS C A & MACWILLIAMS D & J WINKLER WARREN G 166 BROOK ST 47 KELLOGG AVE 42 BREEZY POINT RD PLYMPTON, MA 02367 FEEDING HILLS, MA 01030 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: Location: Location: 421 1831 / 1 42/ 184/ ! 1 341 2151 1 / 44 BREEZY POINT RD 50 BREEZY POINT RD 58 BREEZY POINT RD Owner: Owner: Owner: CARDELLO GREGORY S WEAVER ERNEST E CHESSON HAROLD R JR TRS CARDELLO LAURA J WEAVER KATHRYN L CHESSON LAUREL A 33 BARSTOW AVE 50 BLOSSOM LN 176 S POND RD NORWELL, MA 02061 AMHERST, MA 01002 EAST BROOKFIELD, MA 01515-2007 Location: Location: Location: 34/ 2161 I l 34/ 2171 1 1 34/ 218/ 1 1 62 BREEZY POINT RD 64 BREEZY POINT RD 66 BREEZY POINT RD Owner: Owner: LAXTON WAYNE C Owner: WINNE DIAZ MALORIE R NUSSBICKEL DALE E 401 EAST SEVENTH ST 10 MORGAN AVE NUSSBICKEL BONNIEJEAN M SOUTH BOSTON, MA 02127-4120 ONEONTA , NY 13820 107 REILLY ROAD LAGRANGEVILLE, NY 12540 Location: Location: Location: 34/ 2191 1 / 34I 1 1 34/ 1581 ! 1 70 BREEZY POINT RD 15 EVERGREEN ST 13 EVERGREEN ST Owner: Owner: Owner: SPADA DANA M IRO D J KELLY EUGENE G SPADA DIANE M 86 GERALD AVEAVE KELLY FRANCESCA M 28 GLEN ST BROCKTON, MA 02302 100 JAQUES ST WHITMAN, MA 02382 SOMERVILLE, MA 02145-1806 Location: Location: Location: 341 1571 / 1 34I 1561 1 1 341 1551 I I 11 EVERGREEN ST 7 EVERGREEN ST 5 EVERGREEN ST Owner: Owner: Owner. PIONEER REAL ESTATE LLC MILLER AUDREY A BLAKEMORE SOPHIE 26 SCHULYE R AVE PO BOX 773 PO BOX 1485 POMPTON LAKES, NJ 07442-1126 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 NORTH EASTHAM, MA 02651 Location: Location: Location: 341 154/ 1 1 341 1691 1 1 34/ 1681 1 1 1 EVERGREEN ST 2 DANBURY ST 8 DANBURY ST Owner: Owner: Owner: SCOTT JEFFREY CARENO PAUL J TRS LEARY EDWIN M 81 POINSETTIA DRIVE CARENO JEAN E TRS LEARY ELIZABE I SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-2517 5 WEDGEWOOD RD 46 SO LIBERTY ST HOVER, NH 03820 BELCHERTOWN, MA 01007 Location: 34/ 167/ 1 I Location: Location: 10 DANBURY ST 34/ 166/ 1 1 341 165/ 1 1 Owner: 14 DANBURY ST 16 DANBURY ST CUSSON JOAN M (LIFE EST) Owner: Owner: CUSSON CHRISTOPHER D AND LANE HOGAN PATRICIA FEMINO SANDRA L LINDSEY B 141 VIRGINIA RD 4320 HEATH LAND LN 696 CONCORD RD WALTHAM, MA 02453 LAKE WALES, FL 33859 MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 Location: Location: Location: 341 1641 1 1 341 1631 1 1 34/ 1621 1 1 18 DANBURY ST 20 DANBURY ST 56 RUN POND RD Owner: Owner: Owner: COSTA GENADIO COSTA KENNEDY ANNETTE L TRS KENNEDY ANNETTE L TRS COSTA RIBY C KENNEDY PAUL S TRS KENNEDY PAUL S TRS 15 CULVER ST UNIT 52 56 RUN POND RD 56 RUN POND RD PLAISTOW, NH 03865 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: Location, Location: 34/ 1601 1 1 341 15211 1 341 17611 1 17 EVERGREEN ST 55 RUN POND RD 64 RUN POND RD Owner: Owner: Owner: COAKLEY CATHERINE M AYRE BRIAN M TRS HEATON W HOWARD FAVREAULT BARBARA A AYRE TERI B TRS KENNEDY MARY THERESA 111 LONGFELLOW RD 370 BEULAH ST 64 RUN POND RD WORCESTER, MA 01602 WHITMAN, MA 02382 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: Location: Location: 34/ 1751 / 1 341 1741 1 I 341 173/ 1 1 15 DANBURY ST 11 DANBURY ST 7 DANBURY ST Owner: Owner: Owner: CASARANO JOSEPH J JR CHAMBERLAIN KEITH R WILSON JOHN A CASARANO BARBARA J CHAMBERLAIN KAREN B WILSON LUANNE R 36 ABIGAIL WAY UNIT 2007 327 COUNTY PARK RD 43 HARRISON AVE READING, MA 01867-4080 POTTSTOWN , PA 19465 BRAINTREE, MA 02184 Location: Location: Location: 341 1721 1 1 34I 1711 1 1 34/ 170/ I 1 5 DANBURY ST 3 DANBURY 5T 67 BREEZY POINT RD Owner: Owner: Owner: CERVONE JOSEPH MOLLOY MARY BETH YASEVAC ANTHONY R CERVONE ELAINE 64 KIMBALL ST YASEVAC TERESA J 34 LAKESIDE AVE MALDEN, MA 02148 9 BUTTERMILK LN CRANSTON, RI 02910 BRANFORD, CT 06405 Location: 341 183/ 1 1 Location: Location: 73 BREEZY POINT RD 34/ 1821 ! 1 34/ 1811 1 1 Owner: 6 CEDAR ST 10 CEDAR ST BERUBE JAY A Owner: Owner: MOORE-BERUBE CHRISTINE L WATT VIRGIN IA H PYBAS ANGELA 635 SCHOOL ST 158 NORFOLK AVE BOX 89 NORTH DIGHTON, MA 02764 SWAMPSCOTT, MA 01907 LINWOOD, MA 01525 Location: 341 1801 1 / 14 CEDAR ST Owner: AYOUB NANCY C 74 ORCHARD ST CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 Location: 341 1771 1 1 24 CEDAR ST Owner: MURPHY CHARLES H MURPHY KATHLEEN M 11 WEST STREET STONEHAM, MA 02180 Location: 34/ 1791 1 / 18 CEDAR ST Owner: SURILOV GREGORY 18 CEDAR ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Location: 341 1781 1 ! 20 CEDAR ST Owner: MILLER CHRISTOPHER F CIO KIMBERLY WILLIAM 3 HEMLOCK CIR SHREWSBURY. MA 01545 a 42.222 42.175 2.22' 42.176 C�` _ 42.139 ' 42.257 2.21 42.162 �-- 42.223.1 42.1 i39.3 42 140 42.241 42.213 42 1fi1 t 42141 42.27j � Fit 42.13 , 2.11 42.9 1.32 42.30 , 42 6 42.7 42.8 1. 31 42. 31 42.2 A2.3. 42- 4l 42.5 , ' cr ram`^ s 42.1 �� F 34,43 34.46 34.47 ar r 34.1 n � 0 34.208 - 32.180 42.155 42.160 c 181 42.154 , 42.142 42153 42.157 ,42.159 a 42.152 42.143 42.18er fi c� 42.151 �~ r 34.221 34.224 34.225 34.274 34.273 34.272 34,269�� 34.268 34.266 yAiC rE.! 4 34.28fi 34.289 I i 34 293 i 34.292.1 ' 34.294 I 34.292.2 �C 7 EVERGREEN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 , ", 1 inch = 308 feet W e Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision s Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 12/1/2020 C rn a It f J I J, J .. . {.A s�r� : • 1 �5�. I. > > 0t-LrOico rn 0 0 N N N C O y C }r U O lD O Q N N O m Cn N (n o 0 O O c. 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