HomeMy WebLinkAbout4879demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard, or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood nor of the town. TOWN OF YARMOUTH YARMOUTH TOWN CU ^R BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR HEARING 1JANOA.14i9:'2' 7 REC Appeal#:Iq Hearing Date:—�� ( Fee$zff) Owner -Applicant: Joshua D. Bilotta (Full Names- including d/b/a) 50 Bilotta Way, Fitchburg, M, (617) 719-2114 jbilotta[ca_walshbrothers.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) Owner Tenant Prospective Buyer Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at:160 Run Pond Road South Yarmouth, MA and shown on the Assessor's Map #:26 as Parcel#: 100 Zoning District: R-26 If property is on an un-constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): add second story to home RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: I)EIREVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2)❑✓ SPECIAL PERMIT under § of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3)❑✓ VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: 203.5 Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: increase non -conformity of side setback from 5.7 feet to 5.5 feet ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name & Address Title deed reference: Book & Page# Land Court Lot # 66 Plan # 14114-A2 or Certificate # 208226 (provide f rccent Use Classification: Existing: R-25 Residential §202.5 # Proposed: §202.5 # Is the property vacant: no If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: .18 acres Plan Book and Page 1 Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes F-1 No —Z. Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes ❑ No Z Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Pep' i n: Is this a re -application: El If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? I — Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: bVLAkk-W� Applicant's /Attorney /Agent Signature Address: Pizzuti & Mazzeo, LLC 336 South Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone (508) 771-1911 E-Mail: kristen@pizzutimazzeo.com Owner's Signature :ure Date Town of Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals In re Joshua Bilotta ) Case # MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT OR VARIANCE Now comes the Petitioner, Joshua Bilotta, (hereinafter, "Petitioner") and submits this memorandum support of his petition for a Special Permit pursuant to Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw Section and Variance pursuant to 203.5 of the Bylaws. I. THE FACTS: Petitioner seeks a special permit to alter the existing single-family home so as to add a second story. Bilotta seeks a variance to add a two-inch exterior insulation system to the rear left wall of the structure. The lot is 8,059 square feet and is located in the R-25 zoning district. There currently exists one residential structure with three bedrooms containing approximately 1,280 square feet of living space. The proposed second story will be for the three bedrooms and all existing non -conformities will remain the same as follows: (a) Sideline setback (15 feet): 5.7 feet; (b) Front setback (30 feet): 28.4 feet; (c) Rear setback (20 feet): 89.1 feet. The proposed two-inch exterior insulation system will increase the left side setback non- conformity as follows: (a) Sideline setback (15 feet): from 5.7 feet to 5.5 feet; The maximum building coverage ratio allowed by the By-law is 25%. The current ratio of 17.7% will be increased to 18.0%. The building height will be increased from single story height to 24.7 feet which is under the maximum height limitation of 35 feet. II. THE PROPOSED FINDINGS FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT Section of the Yarmouth Zoning By -Laws provides that single-family structures and their accessory structures may be altered upon Special Permit from the Board of Appeals if it is determined that such alteration will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than is the existing non -conforming structure. The proposed addition will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood as there are other homes in the surrounding area that have also added a second floor. The alteration will also be more architecturally pleasing. The Applicant respectfully requests that a Special Permit issue in accordance with Section of the By-law. III. THE PROPOSED FINDINGS FOR A VARIANCE Petition seeks a variance pursuant to 203.5 of the Bylaws which requires a 15-foot side setback. Section 102.2.2 grants the Yarmouth Zoning Board the right to grant variances so long as the Board of Appeals finds all of the following: 1. Literal enforcement of the provisions of the bylaw would involve a substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner or applicant; and The Petitioner seeks to add a two-inch exterior insulation system to the rear left wall of the structure. The original structure of the home was built in 1966 when homes were built either lacking proper insulation or they did not contain any at all. The petitioner seeks to increase the energy efficiency of his home by well insulating it to reduce energy usage and utility costs. Without proper insulation, the petition will be paying increased costs for utilities. 2. The hardship is owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of such land or structures and especially affecting such land or structures, but not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is located. The parcel is reverse pie shaped. The widest portion of the lot is the frontage and the lot lines narrow as they approach the rear setback. The narrowing parcel results in the structure getting closer to the side setback the further back the structure goes into the parcel. The narrowing of the parcel increases the likelihood that the structure on the parcel will not meeting the setback requirements. 3. Desirable relief may be granted without either; substantial detriment to the public good; or nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of this bylaw. The resulting two inches of exterior insulation to the rear left corner of the structure is de minims. The additional two inches is a minor difference in the overall non -conformity of the structure. It will appear unchanged to the naked eye. The Petitioner respectfully requests that the Variance be granted as relief to Section 203.5 of the Bylaws. Respectfully submitted, Joshua Bilotta by his Attorney: { 0Av\\ P� VI�3 Cl Vti. Kristen E. Walsh Pizzuti and Mazzeo, LLC 336 South Street Hyannis, MA 02601 (508)771-1911 (508) 790-0800 email: kristen@pizzutimazzeo.com DATED: December 14, 2020 .1 * 284 # 177 12-11-2.0.it5 1:57 �icYc,. ++�-- � t it f ■ 20826 a f3#iRNSTABL E LAND COURT REGISTRY 4 DEED � 1, EI EENI M, GORMAN, Trustee of the Charles E. McGovern Revocable Trust, u/d/t dated 4 June 30, 1311 of 160 Ledgewood Road, Dedham, MA for consideration of three hundred two thousand five hundred dollars and 0/100 j$307,5(i0,0Dj , grant to Joshue D, Bilotta and tl Heather oom as, ���,: a} 7-0.9 A' &rYof So 13110tta Way, Fitchburg, MA, all of my title o and interest to a certain parcel of lard meted at 16€1 Run Pond Road, South Ya rmouth, OD -A Barnstable County, Massachusetts, with quitclaim covenants, described as follows y st The land together with the buildings thereon situate Its Yarmouth {mass River), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as foilo s: WESTERLY by Run Pond Road, seventy-two (72) feet, iR NORTHERLY by Lot 85, one hundred sixty-four and 91/100 (164.91) Feet; WTERLY by lot 71, twenty-seven and 44J= (27,44) feet, and SOUTHERLY by Lot 87, one hundred fifty►Arilneand 77/1D0(15717} feet. c� All said boundaries are determined by the Courtto tie located as shown on plan 14114-A2 (Sheet 2) dated August 22,1930, drawn by George F. Clements, Clv, Eng., filed with the Land Court at Boston, a copy of which is fired in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, in the Land Registration Office and said land is shown thereon as Lot $6. ` Meaning and intending to convey the same premisesfrom Charles E. McGovern to Charles E. McGovern as trustee of The Charles E. McGovern Revocable Trust uld/t dated June 30, 2911 and registered with the Barnstable Registry District of the Lard Court as Document Number 14 1169754 and noted on Certificate of Title as 194740. (The remainder of this page ho Internt(onally been left blank) 114�2i4.a�57�7,��A Executed as a sealed Instrument this ,day of O c 2011 _ EILEEN M. GORMlAN, Trustee COMMONWEALTH Ct MASSACHUSET'TS ss. Can this eday, o 2015, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared the above -named EILEEN M. GORMAN, proved to rite by satisfactory evidence of Identification, being {check whichever appllesy,Wdriver's license or other state or federal governmental document bearing a photographlc image, (] oath or affirmation of a credible witness Mown to me who knows the above signatory, or [] my own personal knowledge of the Identity of the signatory, to be the person whose. name Is signed above, and acknowledged the foregoing to be signed by her, as her free act and deed, voluntarily for its stated purpose. Print Marne of Notary PWIC L)�e&rd� ef4dtk44& My Commission Expires:„ -Zj 7 v E1 OiiAM R. I 10,SkIN3 c+as+o+.� tin �jrpr,rr. aa, N19 bw SSACWMTT9 STATE LXCISE TAX IMNStASLE LAND COURT REGISTRY Datel 12-11-2015 d 01157om CGIO 7V2 Dods 1234177 FSes I"1 rtt3#. 5 COASS t302000. $Ma`N'QjAELE CITY EXCISE TA B"ItHS'AtLE LAW COURT REGISTRY Pat%r 9 *: 2 1 o C1115111tt CK113 7V2 &bctl 1254177 114624411,6112,4500 citARLES E. b CGOVERN REVOCABLE TRUST Dated June 30, Ml, as amende d by first Amendment dated September f, 2011 CERTIFICATI.QFTT UST 1, EILEEN CORMAN, Trustec of the: CHARLES E. MCGOVERN REVOCABLE TRUST ul&t dated June 30, 2011, as amended by First An dmcnt dated September 6. 20tI (the pursuant to Massachusetts Crencral Laws, Chapter 184, Section 35, heady certify the following: a 1 have accepted my appointment as Trustee of the Trust; 2. Except as so forth herein above the Trust has not been f6flhcr amended, altered, modified, revoked or t=inated, and the Trust remains in fill force and effect; 3. Pursuant to the Trust, when specifically authorized and directed by the beneficiaries of the Trust„ the Trustees have full right, power and auth(wity to deal with any prop" owned or held by the Trust with the sarne force and effect as ftogh such property were individually owned, 4. We have been authori7 od and directed by all of the beneficiaries of the Trust to (1) execute, acknowledge and deliver to Joshua Bilotta and Heather Bilotta, a Quitclaim Dctd in connection with the We of th+c premises Down as 160 Run Porto Road, South Yarrnoutk Massachusetts said heed being in *onsidamation of Three hundred Two Titnusand Five Hundred and W100 (3O2,500.00); and (2) to execute such ether agreemaits, instruments and documents as the Trustees deem necessary in order to et ectuato said sale. 9. Na beneficiary is a minor, it corporation selling, all or substantially all its Massachusetts assets, or is new deceased or under any lepl disability. 5. There = no remaining oonditims greoedent under the Truett to the transaction described above by the Trustee which have not beau satisfied. 9. Pursuant to said Trot, any person or entity dealing with the Trust Estate or the Trustees ;may rely without further inquiry on this Trustee Certificate signed by the Trustee as to they authority of The Trustea to act in the manner described by this Certificate. [TIle rejnaj)ttlrr of this page %us been lit tratio nattyk tNanihi 114%21s1ta.a5W Signed under oath, as a sealed instrument this 1:day of � r ., 2015. CHARLES E. MCGO ERN REVOCABLE TRUST By LI�1 N M. GORMAN, Trustee h#MONWEALT110F UMSACHUSF,TT3 ss. AV On this 94�ayy o 2015, before mc, the undmigted notary public, pemnally appeared EILEEN M. GORMAN, Trustee as aforesaid, proved to me through satisfactory cvi&mm of identification, being (check whichvrcr applirs):.0 driver's license or other state or federal govermnenW document bearing a photogmphic image, [] oath or affirmation ofa credible witness known to me who knows the above signatory, or [) my own personal knowledge of the identity of the signatory, to be the person who signed the pmcWing document in my presenco, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document arc truthfbl and accurate to the best of her knowWge and belief. �Qh 6e),AL4dLd Nctmy Public My commission expires: alAAj z,<1 2401 E0650RANRDHUSKN43- kPol obtic W-11101, or iotary PM► w 99 !019 URNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, ROOM ABUTTERS LIST Petition# fl� Name Joshua Bilotta Filing Date: Hearing Date: Property Location: 160 Run Pond Road, South Yarmouth, MA Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)i, n questiajn times .5Q,, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Number Lot Number Map Number Lot Number Applicant # 26 100 34 265 Abutters #'s 26 88 26 107 34 8 26 108 34 11 26 109 26 89 26 110 34 12 26 103 26 34 26 104 26 36 26 105 34 5 26 106 34 6 34 1 34 9 34 2 34 10 34 3 26 98 34 4 26 99 26 92 26 101 26 95 26 102 34 253 26 90 26 96 26 91 26 97 34 13 34 249 34 14 34 28 26 35 34 254 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing SCHEDULE OF BOARD OF APPEALS MEETINGS FOR 2020 (subject to change) 26/ 88/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECREATION DEPT 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-4463 34/ 5/ / / ALLEN STEPHEN 83 WILFIN RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 34/ 6/ / / OCONNOR LINDA B TR LINDA B OCONNOR REV TRUST 65 ELINOR RD NEWTON , MA 02461 34/ 8/ / / PALMA CAROLINE TR THE PALMA FAMILY YARMOUTH RLTY T 139 LAWSBROOK RD CONCORD , MA 01742-2014 34/ 9/ / / CAMDON LLC 29 BAYBERRY RD CONCORD , MA 01742 34/ 10/ / / LAMBERT MICHAEL A LAMBERT ASTRID K 91 GEORGE ST MEDFORD , MA 02155 34/ 11/ / / CURRAN KATHLEEN 30 HANCOCK ST AUBURNDALE , MA 02466 26/ 98/ / / FLORI ANTONETTE 76 PIGEON LN WALTHAM , MA 02452 26/ 99/ / / SHUMAN KAREN R 49 BRIDLE RIDGE DR NORTH GRAFTON , MA 01536 26/ 100/ / / BILOTTA JOSHUA D BILOTTA HEATHER 50 BILOTTA WAY FITCHBURG , MA 01420 26/ 101/ / / OTERI BARBARA C 289 WILDROSE COMMON UNIT 1 LIVERMORE , CA 94551 26/ 102/ / / PANTALEO JOHN LIFE EST C/O TARNUZZER MAUREEN 164 RUN POND RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 26/ 89/ / / SPLAGOUNIAS LESLEYANN TRS MARAVELIS FAMILY IRR TRUST 16 JENNYS HILL RD WINDHAM , NH 03087 26/ 90/ / / DECRISANTIS PAUL J DECRISANTIS DOROTHY A 104 WADHAMS RD BLOOMFIELD , CT 06002-1209 26/ 91/ / / RESIDENTIAL REHAB HOUSING INC 14 LOTS HOLLOW RD ORLEANS , MA 02653 34/ 12/ / / BRODEUR PAULINE J 384 W WRENTHAM ROAD CUMBERLAND , RI 02864 34/ 13/ / / HOGREFE WAYNE RICHARD C/O BRAVO WILLIAM A 14 ANNE MOORE RD BOLTON , MA 01740 34/ 14/ / / ARDOLINO ANDREW G TRS ARLINE C ARDOLINO IRREV TRST 52 LIBERTY AVE SOMERVILLE , MA 02144 26/ 34/ / / THOMPSON LAURA M LOZINSKY LEONID B 86 FALMOUTH RD WEST NEWTON , MA 02465 34/ 28/ / / WEISBERG MICHAEL WEISBERG ERIN 5 HEMLOCK LN EAST GREENBUSH , NY 12061 26/ 35/ / / THIBODEAU NEIL J JR THIBODEAU KAREN J 9 LINDA CIR SUTTON , MA 01590 26/ 36/ / / ALMQUIST MICHAEL A ALMQUIST MARY M 1 GALVIN CIR WAKEFIELD , MA 01880 34/ 254/ / / DEMPSEY DAVID V DEMPSEY MARGARET 100 WILFIN RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-5857 34/ 255/ / / SEARENITY ESTATES LLC C/O PAGE WALLERT 320 ROSE GARDEN LN ALPHARETTA , GA 30009 26/ 107/ / / CAMPO LIBORIO TRS CAMPO LYNN D TRS 825 HILL ST HAMDEN , CT 06514 26/ 108/ / / LUM SHARON W C/O YEE KENNETH P O BOX 923 MOODY , ME 04054 26/ 109/ / / FYFE LYNN A TRS MOODY RUTH S TRS 114 WILFIN RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 26/ 110/ / / DAVENPORT DEWITT TR DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 26/ 103/ / / WENSLEY HOWARD SAUL WENSLEY ELLEN RUTH 3 FLINT LN NORTON , MA 02766 26/ 104/ / / HERTZBERG RICHARD E JR TR HERTZBERG IRENE TR 321 EAGLES NEST WAY UNIT 321 FRANKLIN , MA 02038 261 105! 1 1 341 2491 1 1 HIGGOTT ELEANOR K NEITHERCUT SCOTT J TR CIO ELEANOR & KATHRYN MORRISSEY SK AND MUHA C E TRS 68 PRESTON ST APT 1 F 5 APPLEWOOD RD WAKEFIELD , MA 01880 WEST BOYLSTON , MA 01583 261 1061 1 1 341 2531 ! 1 SAMPEL JAMES E MARTIN EDWARD J PALMIERO-SAMPEL SUSAN MARTIN MARY LOU 85 CAMP AVE UNIT 13B 96 WILFIN RD STAMFORD , CT 06907 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 341 11 ! 1 DAVIS HOWARD S KENWOOD DR RUTLAND , MA 01543 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties abutting within 300' of the parcel located at: 341 21 1 1 160 Run Pond Rd., South Yarmouth, MA 02664 BROOKS DAVID F BROOKS JUDITH A Assessors Map 26, Lot 100 9 SUMMER LN FRAMINGHAM , MA 01701 Andy chado, Director of Assessing 341 31 ! I BARRYJOHN BARRY MARY P 8 WEDGEWOOD CT NEWTOWN , CT 06470 341 41 1 1 RIDGE JAMES A RIDGE ELLEN H 88 UNION ST WATERTOWN, MA 02472 261 921 1 ! NELSON BERNADETTE TRS NELSON M J & PALIE J J JR TRS 178 RUN POND RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 26! 951 ! 1 SABINA MICHAEL I TRS 10 BARSTOW DR BRAINTREE , MA 02184-6813 261 961 1 1 LOWE ROBERT A TRS LOWE ROSALYN TRS 172 RUN POND RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 261 971 ! FROST ROBERT FROST LILIYA V 223 GREEN RD BOLTON , MA 01740 From:karenrobin66@gmail.com To:Clark, Sandi Cc:fsmith@easterninsurance.com Subject:Yarmouth Board of Appeals re Petition #4879: Joshua Bilotta, 160 Run Pond Rd., South Yarmouth Date:Wednesday, February 10, 2021 9:52:07 PM Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. As an abutter I would like to provide some comments for you to take into consideration. Our home is next door to the Bilotta’s who we consider to be good neighbors and friends. We have no interest in stopping their building an addition on their home. But we would like to have an opportunity to find the best possible way to mitigate the impact it will have on our available sunlight and casting shadows on our family room, our patio, and in our back yard. Their home is very close to our lot line and raising their roof line will increase shadows and decrease sunlight. The impact varies depending upon the time of day and the time of the year. To some people natural light is less important but to me it is very important. Josh Bilotta is aware of the negative impact that his addition will have on our home and has been discussing with us ways to mitigate the impact of his project. He has kept the roof line as low as he can and has offered to add a window or a skylight to our home at his expense. He has also offered to remove trees and lower his fence. He also offered to use cardboard or plywood to “mock up” his new roof line so we can better understand the impact of his project on our home. We would like to develop the solution that works best for both of us. However, we are in Florida for the winter and cannot travel back now or in the near future because of virus/health concerns. We are not comfortable in coming up with the best solution without being at our home to see Josh’s mock up and get a better feel for the new building height and roof line and to see firsthand if removing some trees or adding a skylight or a window will provide a reasonably good solution. We also know that Josh is trying to keep his roof line as low as possible, but perhaps dormering the addition on the side opposite our home may also be something to consider. Josh has provided us with a sun/shadow report that he created but we don’t feel comfortable making decisions from that information. To be clear, we want Josh to be able to expand his home. But we need time to work with him at our home to find the best possible solution. We cannot do that from Florida so we would like your final decision to be deferred until a later date after we return to Massachusetts, meet with Josh at our home and observe in person his mock up, the trees, and determine if adding a window or changing the roof line will be a good solution for both of us. Thanks for your consideration. Karen Shuman 156 Run Pond Rd South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508 208 8542 ======================================================= The information contained in this electronic communication is intended to be sent only to the stated recipient and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or their agent, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies. Please be advised that nothing contained herein is meant to be legal or tax advice. Further, we strongly encourage you to seek qualified legal and tax advice regarding your specific situation. Insurance products offered through Eastern Insurance Group LLC are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any federal agency, are not deposits of, or guaranteed by, Eastern Bank or its affiliates and may lose value. ======================================================= NaQ "00 8 - CG= Q en i C7)U wmoo4q oWoQ OCm nn street L^ Vi Z oow mQ bo0=O o 0-4 Pt a <Z O CvQQ� aQ 02 nPmLLo 0 toe oz< w Zti2 q co p I- O 3-Fv �Woo0 s° 3 Z 000w<55Z # N w 5 ono o O a zzzzi<aozz a N ssE�Esszyo o g .5 1 a �o F p �F rc� W y. Sits b�N O &7 2a oJ, tfLLI Fm O Z FWMR gaq& x� ID 1 WO OK F OO t•\ \ ry o z� \ LO O zo 3 ¢ Ozxp x 0000 \ wwW j¢ x 3\ p OW II x \ rypS x x O Q �7 C1 g 8 O W w o J U q PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION124 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 0 0 J W �_ lL Z H X W Z O F Q w J W F- Z O w C7 Z F- X w z o � rc o III = A 0 � N �' 0 0 a z o 0 1 a v �_ � � > IU= 0 oa 0 a� — _o -o _ o a s _o "LN SIN � - , 'd"(HSBN2) ..s'(HssU2) w-2-10 I 4'9 R457I 3 3 O N p � 0] cl W (O N N m � O ❑ O Z O W O Md aU 0 y C) 3 N m IJ W 3 5 1 7Hs 9(425� w3512 VH 4'S^(44s W 3 5 V2 (Hs 9(42n) p � � n Y o O a q O O 0 o o` u z O a w w H Q W W W K d z 0 w J w F >W O W O a O a z O a w J W S F 0 Z W W a z O w J W S H w O a O a I,� o< oa 0 0 o a o e � -