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4 01.. Appeal#: TOWN OF YARMOUTH s Gi_-E BOARD OF APPEALSi3 ` s APPLICATION FOR HEARING Hearing Date: Q ! 1 Fee$ /�& Owner -Applicant: 51t-io/vZ l— - L 1; S I '}`/ 5(-11 -i)�� Full Names- including d/b/a) _ PlNEcow e �QllE. U)'y�m"114 608-2-57-�Z-,,-L 5L44 CTZA (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address and is the (check one) Owner Tenant Prospective Buyer er Interested Property: This application relates to the property located at: 2-1- {?l Nff CcrR F J'�121 u7 and shown on the Assessor's Map as Parcel#: Zoning District: 2S� If property is on an un-constructed (paper) street name of nearest cross street, or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10' by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant se�rks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: AryW-&P &0EY 6C—C45 a�'�1 9Il01 4 6 0 13-u/c- P /) El- wI ��f LoCr 1)LIREVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2)E1 SPECIAL PERMIT under § of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3)EVARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: k-WQX?-� Section: Z6� Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: ab PUl? 5(4z� 3 5m�6 — y-)cnv ►n a9y--An esyff3; /Le2v»2- LP ,1; R1 dw Aw c*-N Sm?Pr6AtnC- i3 tG -'t-&" — FACTSHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): i0vY1 A-kfi) Name & Address Title deed reference: Bgo..k & Page# or Certificate # Land Court Lot #Plan #J � /� (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: §202.5 # Proposed: §202.5 # Is the property vacant: #d If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: Plan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes El No —E:I— Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review (if needed)? Yes D No FZ71 Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/ or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: 616 Repetitive Petition: Is this a re -application: H If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? FPO] Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s) with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: App icant's /Attorney /Agent Signature Owner's Signature Address: 2- 0/P r, COY1e 01 Vff UJ F-5N/�Qn�-Ka . M- 02L 73 Phone E-Mail: 5c..-1 i Z(_-_> C� ✓� Bu� ' mmissioner Signature Date DOC:-- 1 r209 v 020 12-14--2012 3 : 6 Ctf tw:199007 BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY NOT QUT�M MED NOT AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL KNOW ALL MEN BY TIiESE PRESENTS that 1, Dj%%)�RM A. (W&A, of 531 W. 40th Street, Baltimore, MD, onsideratiop id and in ft 1�0cgmiderationNff One & 00/100 Dollars OT ($1.00), AN AN AN AN grant to: D� � &Wlg i�d �gPA C1 W I AL husbg&Ad wife, tegtgsYby the entf;QyY COPY of 531 W. 40th Street, Baltimore, MD NOT NOT NOT NOT AN AN AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL with QUrrCLAM cow()Jifrs, the OffiPYin YARMOMH (We ftplgamstable County, Massachusetts, together with any buildings thereon, being Unregistered Land, as shown on the hereinafter mentioned , bounded aH(btescribed as ws: NOT AN AN AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL The land together with fgildings th(qMysituated it'gouth, BaTtlike County, Massachusetts, more particularly described as follows: NOT AN OFFICIAL COPY NOT NOT OF�� R(B CIAL CP N 11435-ROPY NOT NOT NOT NOT AN OFFICIAL COPY NOT So much of said Lot is AN.�n e�mbracedO artly includ implicatioN'bf law within the limits of the ways asOg;irihfid'sai(q�l oP-i&jectWt�iOgWof O�O YAIlawfully entitled in and over the same. COPY C There is appurtenant to said Lot rights of way in common with others entitled thereto over Beach Road and Silver Leaf Lane, as shown on said plan_ Subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, easements, appurtenances, reservations and restrictions of record, if any, as the same are of legal force and effect. For Title, see deed recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Land Court Division, being Document No. 1,012,807, Certificate of Title No. 177902. Page I of 2 File No. 13,198 NOT NOT NOT NOT AN AN AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL WITNESS our handPPAyseals this Cis day of Del-dnber MTOPY NOT NOT NOT NOT AN AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL COPY COPY Debor.YCebula Copy NOT NOT AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL COPY COPY NOT NOT AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL COPY COPY NOCrOMMONWF�LTH OF SSACHUMTrS AN AN AN Abecember•Z, 2012 Barnstable, ss. OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL Before me, tlfeogdersignedgiitaYy public,Cp9-FsT)nally ap�eRX Deborah A. Cebula and proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was NOT NOT , to b� a person wWW name is signed above, and acknowledges to met he/she/they ed the fordoing instmmM voluntarily of his/her/their own free act and d& .ICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFFICIAL COPY COPY COPY COPY NOT NOT NOT AN AN AN OFFICIAL OFFICIAL OFF�k?puI' H. Crowell COPY COPY COPY COPY SAMUEL H. GROWELL Nosasy Public GO,ApA0j,Vr£AJH OF "SSAcHUSETTS My Commission 30. 2 1=xP4res July 30, 2015 Page 2 of 2 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# DAa Name �--� Filing Date: Hearing Date: Property Location: Notices must be sent to the petitioner (applicant), abutters, and owners of land direct!y opposite on any public or private street or wa , and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line) of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters_ map_ and lot number. Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters and the garcel sin uestion times 3U which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number 4pjlicant # Abutters #'s G 2 Labels- I Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 231 791 1 I 231 901 1 1 231 761 1 1 CLIFFORD DESMOND P KEMMITT JANICE TRS TURCO DEAN ANTHONY SR CLIFFORD DEIRDRE M COURAGE CAROL K TRS TURCO KAREN 14 MERRYMOUNT RD 12 CRUISER LANE 26 MERRYMOUNT RD WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 781 1 1 231 621 1 1 SHMULSKY ALEXANDER T CLIFFORD DESMOND P SHMULSKY LUCINDA CLIFFORD DEIRDRE M 42 ADSIT CROSBY RD 14 MERRYMOUNT RD NEW MARLBOROUGH , MA 01230-2086 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 771 1 1 GENDRON RAYMOND P GENDRON PAMELA 28 CYPRESS LN TYNGSBORO , MA 01879 231 841 1 1 SAUCIER ARTHUR 16 OLD HYANNIS RD YARMOUTH FORT, MA 02675 231 831 1 1 ROCHE TIMOTHY M ROCHE CAROL M 18 WOODBINE ST CHELMSFORD , MA 01824 231 851 1 1 RICCI LOUIS W RICCI BARBARA L 5 SPRUCE RD HYDE PARK, NY 12538 231 861 1 1 ROBERTS SANDRA B TR SANDRA B ROBERTS BARNSTABLE REAL 52 KENILWORTH RD WELLESLEY , MA 02482 231 871 1 1 SMOLINSKY DAVID J SMOLINSKY P A R A & D P 79 STONEY HILL RD SHREWSBURY , MA 01545 231 881 1 1 HARROP PAUL E 2 CRUISER LN WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 1011 1 1 KELLIHER DAVID A KELLIHER SUSAN D 345 WEST HARTFORD AVE UXBRIDGE , MA 01569 231 1121 1 1 MUIR MICHAEL MUIR CHRISTINE 35 LAWRENCE ST WEST BOYLSTON , MA 01583-1617 231 1101 1 1 GRANT MARILYN GRANT SALLY ANN 33 TUFTS RD WINCHESTER , MA 01890-1246 231 501 1 1 SMITH PAUL W 3 EGG HARBOR RD WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 511 1 1 KERR MARY E CIO WILLIAM KERR 1213 PLEASANT ST CANTON, MA 02021 231 491 1 1 OBRIEN PATRICIA A 9 EGG HARBOR RD WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 481 1 1 MONROE PATRICIA TR CIO MONROE WILLIAM & TARA 110 SILVER LEAF LN WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 751 1 1 KELLY WILLIAM KELLY DORIS 7 MARY CATHERINE LN SUDBURY , MA 01776 231 741 1 1 NIKOLAIDIS LILLIAN MARTINOS TR MARTINOS FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUS 510 SCHOOL ST BELMONT , MA 02478 231 1001 1 ASWAD GARY ASWAD TINA 952 SALEM RD DRACUT , MA 01826 231 1141 1 1 KING COLLEEN M 24 POND VIEW DRIVE KINGSTON , MA 02364 231 691 1 1 BROVELLI JOHN J BROVELLI PATRICIA A 1 WILDWOOD DR SOUTHBOROUGH , MA 01772 231 721 1 1 KELLY ROBERT TR KELLY CAPE FAMILY TRUST 17 PHILLIPS ST QUINCY , MA 02170-2006 231 711 1 1 POWELL DAVID E POWELL NANCY A 3 MCMAHON RD BEDFORD , MA 01730 231 701 1 1 HUFF STEVEN L TR STEVEN L HUFF REVOCABLE TRUST 123 WOODRIDGE AVE FAIRFIELD , CT 06825 231 891 1 1 231 471 1 1 231 931 1 1 CURRAN JOANNE BELLAVANCE RICHARD L SHAHEEN ROBERT S 20 HARDING LN 9 MORGAN RD SHAHEEN LISA M WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 31 OLD PASTURE RD DRACUT , MA 01826 231 941 1 1 231 1111 1 1 NELSON CHRISTINE ECCLES JAMES F 68 REICH RD 6 HEARTHSTONE DR CORNWALLVILLE , NY 12418 LONDONDERRY , NH 03053 231 731 1 1 231 1041 1 1 SPURIA PAUL J TRS LEVEE BREAKS INVESTMENT GROUP LL SPURIA ANNA G 21G FRUEAN AVE 46 SPAULDING RD SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 CHELMSFORD , MA 01824 231 681 1 ! 231 1031 1 1 BENNETT RICHARD R TRS DALEY JOHN F TRS BENNETT THEODORA TRS DALEY EILEEN M TRS 11 PINE CONE DR, 10 EGG HARBOR RD WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 671 1 1 231 521 1 ! GOODMAN JUDY L SPRAGUE SHIRLEY A 19 PINE CONE DR 36 PINE CONE DRIVE WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 661 1 1 CEBULA DEBORAH A CEBULA THOMAS A Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 531 TI 40TH ST MD 21211 g BALTIMORE abutting within 300' of the parcel located at: BAOR 21 Pine Cone Dr., West Yarmouth, MA 02673 231 651 1 1 Assessors Map 23, Lot 66 BURKE KERRI CIO BURKE JONES KERRI 25 PINE CONE DR Andy hado, Director of Assessing WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 641 1 1 OBEIRNE JAMES G OBEIRNE ELIZABETH A 17 MORGAN DR UNIT 109 NATICK , MA 01760 231 631 1 1 BARRETT KENNETH D TR CIO BARRETT JOHN C 17 ROWAN ST DEDHAM , MA 02026 231 1131 1 1 BEVILACQUA RICHARD P BEVILACQUA MARIA G 2 SANDY LANE WEST YARMOUTH , MA 02673 231 1021 1 I KUCHARSKI KELLEE T TR KUCHARSKI WAYNE W TR 50 GREAT WOODS RD SAUGUS , MA 01906 FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: PETITION NO HEARING DATE: TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION #4852 September 29, 2020 September 10, 2020 PETITIONER: Deborah A. Cebula PROPERTY: 21 Pine Cone Drive, West Yarmouth, MA Map & Lot#: 0023.66; Zoning District: R-25 Doc. #:1,209,028; Ctf. #:199007 Avg:RE MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung, Chairman, Sean Igoe, Dick Martin, Thomas Nickinello, and Tom Baron. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner Deborah Cebula is the owner of property located at 21 Pine Cone Dr., West Yarmouth, MA which property is in a Zoning District R-25. The applicant was well represented by Steve Hetzel who is the builder in connection with the addition which requires the requested relief The specific relief sought by the Petitioner is for a grant of a Variance under By-law §203.5. The need for a Variance is because of the reconstruction of the existing deck which, when completed, will exceed allowed lot coverage by 2.6 %. No one spoke in favor of the Petition while one person spoke in opposition to it. The Board did receive correspondence in favor of the Variance. No new evidence was received. The abutters to the rear of the subject property, Bill and Doris Kelly, spoke quite eloquently about her concerns as to whether people standing on the deck would cause an invasion of their privacy. Certainly, these concerns are legitimate and understandable. However, the Board generally agreed that they should not be an issue as the deck was only being risen by a small amount over what is there now and is merely being extended though all construction will remain within required setbacks. The Board generally felt that the relief sought was de minimus and that the Petitioner met her burden under By-law Section sections §203.5 {Table of Dimensional Requirements) and § 102.2.2 (Variance criteria). Specifically, after hearing the Board concurred that the literal enforcement of the provisions of the bylaws as it relates to this requested relief would create a substantial hardship in that there is a need to re -conform the deck to assist a household member and there are no other options other than to reconfigure this deck; that the hardship is owing to the shape and topography of the land and structures thereon which affect this home though not generally the zoning district. This is a very small lot and, consequently to maintain the required 25% or less lot coverage is difficult to achieve. The deck that is proposed will result in a very small (2.6%) lot coverage of no consequence to abutters. Moreover, the Board concluded that desirable relief could be granted without either substantially creating a detriment to the public good or by nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of the bylaws. After discussion relating to all requirements for relief, Mr. Igoe moved and Mr. Baron seconded for allowance of the relief sought by the Petition, i.e., the grant of a Variance. All 5 members of the Board, upon a roll call vote, concurred and the decision was to grant such Variance 5-0. The relief was, therefore, granted. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein are not excised within 12 months. (See MGL c40A § 10) ACZ-1. !�ft� Steven S. DeYoung; Chairman N 28 CURRENT OWNER: TITLE REFERENCE: z PLAN REFERENCE: LOCUS Q m z N ASSESSORS MAP: a PARCEL: SILVER LEAF IANE ZONING DISTRICT: LOCUS MAP NOT TO SCALE THE DECK AT THE REAR OF THE BUILDING WAS APPROVED BY THE YARMOUTH ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ON SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 AND THE DECISION WAS RECORDED AT THE BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS IN DOCUMENT #1410782 TO ALLOW THE NEW LOT COVERAGE TO BE OVER 25% LOT 7 LOT 14 SETBACKS: weQuolp STEPS 6.3' WIDE IN UEU OF 4.0' WIDE EXISTING N APPROVED SHED ro iu LOCUS INFORMATION DEBORAH A. CEBULA CTF. 177902 LCP 11435-A 23 66 R-25 FRONT 25' SIDE 15' REAR 20' N49'45'10"E 80.00' REAR OF DECK 28.6' WIDE IN UEU OF 28.3' APPROVED MINIMUM LOT SIZE: EXISTING TOTAL LOT AREA: NITROGEN SENSITIVE ZONE: FEMA FLOOD ZONE DISTRICT: OVERLAY DISTRICT: BUILDING COVERAGE: BUILDING COVERAGE APPROVED: LOT 13 9 600t S F. ,- -- ---------- - - - -------,, 17.2 28.7' *0BULKHEAD 0 I I a I NEW DECK I 0 I I I I I I I ENCLOSED I I PORCH STOOP 17.2' I I I I SHOWER I 4 I ( EXISTING 1.5 STORY 4. WOOD FRAME HOUSE I o I TOF=102.0 STOOP 0 I g I I I I I I I I I COVERED I I I I PORCH I I I l I I I 16.8' I L--- ----- — — — — — — ---------))_1 ' I O O O BUILDING SETBACK LINE ( APPROXIMATE SEPTIC L----� SYSTEM LOCATION SHELL DRIVEWAY W � I I -------� 101' N49'45'10"E 80.00' CBDH FND I 1 --------------------------- EDGE OF PAVEMENT PUBLIC--50' WIDE 0 0 O 25,000 S.F. 9,600t S.F. NOT A ZONE II "X" NONE 2,659/9,600=27.7% 2,649/9,600=27.6% LOT 12 BENCHMARK: TOP OF CONCRETE BOUND. ELEV 100.00 ASSUMED CBDH FND I `------- #! GW� , _ 9n96, I t E 3 , u t:i_rrr REVISIONS: NO. DATE DESC. I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF THAT THE LOT CORNERS, DIMENSIONS AND SETBACKS TO THE STRUCTURE AS DETERMINED BY INSTRUMENT SURVEY AND AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE CORRECT. tH OF MASSgcyGr 'F 1(IERAN HEALY No.48135 owFS �G15TER��J�,W S(Oh`AL LANOS t, KIERAN HI LY PLS . DATE FOR THE BSC GROUP INC CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN WITH NEW DECK AT ;�421 PINE CONE DRIVE IN WEST YARMOUTH MASSACH USETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DECEMBER 11, 2020 PREPARED FOR: TOM & DEBORAH CEBULA 531 WEST 40TH ST. BALTIMORE, MD 21211 C/O STEVE HETZEL 508-259-5252 u. * BSC GROUP 349 Route 28, Unit D West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 © 2020 The BSC Group, Inc. SCALE: 1" = 10' 0 1.25 2.5 5 0 5 10 20 r1a1 PROJ. MGR.: CRAIG FIELD FIELD: P. HAGIST CALL./DESIGN: K. HEALY DRAWN: P. HAGIST CHECK: CRAIG FIELD FILE: 9706-ASBU ILT-2020.DWG DWG. NO: 6149-05 SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB. NO: 4-9706.01 o < $ -1>m-Moe- %r¢/k§ e>=n >r-]§ «n 00 z O . z g < mn «o®e 5 )§ ao>� mo �= Re m m , ca 0z ?G = E$ n $7 ) j) // ){ \ §ƒ -] §] § ®m §/ // � L /0 2a `- n n to oz0o X �mm-n e& _° 0zm« wa =o O \\ k Mm 0-n j/ k§ § / } �< , . M ( fo ®)55 } �-n Eo �kE§ Mw G* I m \ mm \ 2° 0 3 0$ a § z m)z 2 Amr-4 i z > %2m0=Gm \j m ]M§02>0 K--A e zn > \pLo §n\M \ x 0 \ OZ ~ ` § < m z> q2 , m § 0 = § Poo k m 2 2 =n > En 2> . § 3 m @ > z n = m ) E 3 [ 2 cn cn m > � / i { © R> \\ } ! « / r � : � � � % — - \ ! ( ® Rq � --------- � � f wo � §|§§ \ \)§ § k\) �))/ z 7[ ' 2k) \ / f ; c §\ ` • G)Xk ` \ � } oNEW �@>to DECK FOR: . COTUITB«Y Sw%�C @ §_m22 CEBUL& RESIDENCE ;� q e ye ROAD�m ,wwrE2A.0�a \� -� 21PINE CONE PW ~® ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA � z , � z z 7/ � � \ o> §||| - �$MG { 0 IP o /kK\))§)\)\ o § z |m f/ rA. 0 \ O z ` ) , J. Iw G� §k §a o� eoZe a.71 � §0m0 ;, !( !§);) `§§ ; :§ q po dD!2§2 §§f & \ \($§k§\} !�2]] §� m&•§fK� ``/2 «`, 2I / Z [� m /��k/��� , k 00 !2 o C§' '0 :; ! )44 \6,\\\ . � § NEW DECK FOR: CO T m BAY DESIGNL C gBREl»e ROAD EK MAS11PEEMA. $/� m ;> CEBULA RESIDENCE �8 02649 21R|NE CONE ROAD W. YARMOUTH, MA PH.,z me