HomeMy WebLinkAboutNHESP confirmation Grant, Kelly From:Longsdorf, Jennifer (FWE) <jennifer.longsdorf@state.ma.us> Sent:Friday, February 19, 2021 12:43 PM To:Danielle Spicer Cc:Tom Bigelow; Oxana Fartushnaya; Lima, Amanda Subject:RE: File Transfer: NOI Submission for Higgins Crowell Rd in Yarmouth, MA - Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Road SUP Hi Danielle, Our front desk clerks rotate days in the office, so someone is at the front desk and able to accept mail during normal business hours Monday-Friday. Therefore, hard copies can be mailed to 1 Rabbit Hill Rd, Westborough, MA 01581, ATTN: Regulatory Review. Best, Jennifer Jennifer Longsdorf Natural Heritage Program Coordinator Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581 p: (508) 389-6360 | f: (508) 389-7890 | e: jennifer.longsdorf@mass.gov mass.gov/nhesp| facebook.com/masswildlife From: Danielle Spicer <dspicer@greenintl.com> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 12:37 PM To: Longsdorf, Jennifer (FWE) <jennifer.longsdorf@mass.gov> Cc: Tom Bigelow <tbigelow@greenintl.com>; Oxana Fartushnaya <ofartushnaya@greenintl.com>; Lima, Amanda <Alima@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE: File Transfer: NOI Submission for Higgins Crowell Rd in Yarmouth, MA - Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Road SUP CAUTION: This email originated from a sender outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mail system. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Jennifer, I just sent a link to download the files to MESAReview@mass.gov. The email includes links to the NOI, Stormwater Report and Plans. For the hard copy, should I send it to Rabbit Hill Road in Westborough via Overnight or regular mail? I know other DEP offices have had issues with receiving hard copies since no one is there to pick them up. Once you confirm how we should send the hard copy, we will send that out on Monday. Thanks, Danielle H. Spicer, P.E. Office. (978) 923-0400 Direct. (978) 843-5218 1 From: Longsdorf, Jennifer (FWE) <jennifer.longsdorf@state.ma.us> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 12:22 PM To: Danielle Spicer <dspicer@greenintl.com> Subject: RE: File Transfer: NOI Submission for Higgins Crowell Rd in Yarmouth, MA - Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Road SUP Hi Danielle, In light of current events with state employees now working remotely, the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program has established a designated inbox for electronic submittals of Notices of Intent, MESA Project Review Checklists, Conservation and Management Permit applications, and Information Requests which are being requested in addition to the required paper submittal. Please send an electronic copy of the complete filing (including all attachments) using a file share service to MESAReview@mass.gov. Please ensure that the entire electronic submittal, including attachments and site plans, are accessible and legible and that the link to download the electronic submittal can be accessed by others (not just the direct recipient). Due to volume restrictions of the mass.gov email system, please do not directly send the electronic submittal as a PDF. Please be prepared to provide copies of electronic submittals in an alternative format (such as reduced file sizes or zip files) if requested. Thank you, Jennifer Longsdorf Natural Heritage Program Coordinator Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581 p: (508) 389-6360 | f: (508) 389-7890 | e: jennifer.longsdorf@mass.gov mass.gov/nhesp| facebook.com/masswildlife From: Danielle Spicer <dspicer@greenintl.com> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 12:13 PM To: Longsdorf, Jennifer (FWE) <jennifer.longsdorf@mass.gov> Subject: File Transfer: NOI Submission for Higgins Crowell Rd in Yarmouth, MA - Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Road SUP CAUTION: This email originated from a sender outside of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mail system. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. IMPORTANT: Click a link below to access files associated with this transmittal that came in through the Green International Affiliates, Inc. Info Exchange web site. Download all associated files Additional links: Reply to All Project Name: Yarmouth - Higgins Crowell Road SUP Project Number: 19094 2 From: Danielle Spicer To: Jennifer.Longsdorf@mass.gov; emily.holt@mass.gov CC: Tom Bigelow; Alima@yarmouth.ma.us; Danielle Spicer; Oxana Fartushnaya Subject: NOI Submission for Higgins Crowell Rd in Yarmouth, MA Purpose: For review and comment Sent via: Info Exchange Expiration Date: 3/6/2021 Remarks: To NHESP, On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth, Green International Affiliates, Inc. is pleased to submit a copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) application that was submitted to the Yarmouth Conservation Commission yesterday (2/18/2021). This NOI Application has been prepared for construction of the new shared-use path along the east side of the Higgins Crowell Road in the Town of Yarmouth, from the Higgins Crowell Road roundabout south to Buck Island Road for a total project length of approximately 7,700 feet. The NOI is being sent to NHESP as there is one outfall that discharges in close proximity to the Priority Habitat. Below is a link to download the following reports: - NOI Application Report - Stormwater Report - Full size plan set This link will remain active for 15 days. It is our understanding that NHESP staff is working remotely. Please let us know if you need any hard copies mailed and where to mail them to. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Danielle Spicer Transferred Files NAME TYPE DATE TIME SIZE Transmittal - 00003.pdf PDF File 2/19/2021 12:12 157 PM KB YARMOUTH - NOI - PDF File 2/17/2021 4:47 5,537 Higgins Crowell Road - PM KB Town of Yarmouth.pdf YARMOUTH - NOI - PDF File 2/18/2021 8:28 13,300 Higgins Crowell Road - AM KB Town of Yarmouth_Plan Set.pdf 3 YARMOUTH - NOI - PDF File 2/18/2021 7:50 12,331 Higgins Crowell Road - AM KB Town of Yarmouth_SW Report.pdf Danielle Spicer, P.E. LEED AP, ENV SP Group Leader Stormwater & Permitting Group Green International Affiliates, Inc. 239 Littleton Road, Suite 3, Westford, MA 01886 office: 978-923-0400 direct: 978-843-5218 w: www.greenintl.com e: dspicer@greenintl.com Building Strong Client Relationships Through Engineering Excellence Transportation | Structural | Water Resources | Civil/Site Offices in Westford, MA and Lincoln, RI Please connect with us on 4