HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoake Pools Structural DesignProject Number: 2019.129.001 DESIGN COMPUTATIONS FOR 13’-0” x 7’-0” x 5’-1” Precast Soake Pool/Spa Concord, New Hampshire PREPARED FOR: Larson Design, LLC 118 Perkins Road Madbury, New Hampshire 03823 PREPARED BY: State License # 02101 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, New York 13760 TEL: 607-231-6600 FAX: 607-231-6650 EMAIL: precast@delta-eas.com www.delta-eas.com COA 02101 3/25/19 COA 111870 Page 2 of 12 Check: RA PRECAST VAULT DESIGN DESCRIPTION Length (I.D.) = 13.08 ft Width (I.D.) = 7.08 ft Denotes input field Height (I.D.) = 5.08 ft Wall Thickness = 4.50 in Base Slab Thickness = 6.00 in Cover Slab Thickness = 0.00 in TECHNICAL DATA Earth Cover (Min.) = 0.00 ft Earth Cover (Max) = 0.00 ft Min Watertable Depth = 0.00 ft ka = 0.50 Unit Weight of Soil = 120 pcf Equivalent Lateral Fluid Pressure = 0.091 kcf LL Surcharge = 0.03 ksf Depth Below F.G. to Apply Surcharge = 8.00 ft Concrete Strength (f'c) = 4.0 ksi Unit Weight of Concrete = 150 pcf Ec = 57,000 * √f'c =3.60E+06 psi ( Yield Strength (fy) = 60 ksi Es =2.90E+07 psi ( n = Es / Ec =8.0 β1 =0.85 (Table fr = 7.5 √f'c =474 psi ( Rho max = (.75 Ub) =0.0213801 Design Wheel Load (Pw) = 0 kips Uniform Live Load = 0 psf Capacity Reduction Factors: I - Shear =0.75 (Table 21.2.1) Load Factors: (Table 5.3.1) E - LL =1.60 E - DL =1.20 E - EL =1.60 (5.3.8) References: 3. “Rectangular Concrete Tanks, 5th Ed.” – PCA Publication. 5. "Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Monolithic or Sectional Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures" – ASTM C890 4. “Theory of Plates and Shells” – Timoshenko, S. 1959. 1. "Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed." - AASHTO 2."Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" - ACI 318-14. 13.08 ft 5.08 ft 7.08 ft Vault Isometric View (Joints not shown for clarity) (All dimensions I.D.) DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 3 of 12 Check: RA (avg.) ka = 0.50 Unit Wt. of Soil = 120 pcf Max. Fill Above Structure = 0.00 ft. (Worst Case) Structure Inside Ht. = 5.08 ft. Top Slab Thickness = 0.00 in. Min. Watertable Depth = 0.00 ft. Lateral Pressure (Dry) = 60.0 pcf (Ka*Soil Wt.) Lateral Pressure (Sat.) = 91.2 pcf (Ka*(Soil Wt.-62.4pcf)+62.4pcf) Equivalent Lateral Pressure = 91.2 pcf Finished Grade 0.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 0 in. Water Table Eq. Lat. Pressure 5.08 ft. 5.08 ft. EQUIVALENT LATERAL FLUID PRESSURE: DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 4 of 12 Check: RA Height, a = 5.08 ft. Length, b = 13.08 ft. Width, c = 7.08 ft. Wall Thickness = 4.50 in b/a = 2.6 Height a for Hor. = (1/4b) = 3.27 ft. Top of wall hinged? n (Y or N) OUTSIDE FACE Bar Cover = 1.50 in Uniform Triangular PCA Case # 8 3 (-) Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.343 0.084 Eq. Lat. Press.= 0.091 kcf (-) Max vert. Coeff. = 0.299 0.113 W2 = 0.03 ksf W3 = 0.49 ksf Max horiz. neg. moment = 1.27 kip-ft Max vert. neg. moment = 1.58 kip-ft Mu IMn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 2.03 kip-ft 2.20 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.25 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Vertical 2.53 kip-ft 2.73 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.75 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Horiz Vertical Moment, ФM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=0.90 0.90 c=a/β1=0.41 0.41 Reinforcing Strain Ht= (d-c)/c*0.003 =0.0136 tension controlled 0.0172 tension controlled Hty= fy/Es =0.002 0.002 Uniform Triangular Side Edge Shear coeff. = 0.994 0.293 Vu = 1.35 kips IVc =2.56 kips IVc>Vu:OK Bottom Edge Shear coeff. = 0.962 0.484 Vu = 2.06 kips IVc =3.13 kips IVc>Vu:OK ldb = 12 in min lap = 21 in Cracking Reinforcing Spacing:ACI 318 - Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical U = As / b * d =0.008727 0.007139983 U * n =0.070201 0.057436814 k = √(2Un + (Un)2) - Un =0.311 0.286 j = 1 - (k/3) = 0.896 0.905 M = 1.27 kip-ft 1.58 kip-ft fs = M / As j d = 32.06 ksi OK 32.36 ksi OK s =15(40000/fs)-2.5cc =15 in OK 15 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] Can NOT use forced cantilever with top of the wall hinged. MONOLITHIC BASE SECTION WALL DESIGN Lateral Earth Pressure (Surcharge Applied Over Entire Height of Unit) COMB. UNIFORM & TRIANGULAR LOAD PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Horizontal line indicates top of wall (varies from 0.9 for tension controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) B.O.B.(W3) T.O.B.(W2)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Depth ftW ksf Soil Loading Diagram DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 5 of 12 Check: RA Monolithic Base Section Design Continued: MINIMUM REINFORCING - ACI 318 - Table Horizontal As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft Vertical As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft INSIDE FACE Bar Cover = 2.00 in Uniform Triangular PCA Case # 8 3 (+) Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.099 0.027 Max horiz. pos. moment = 0.40 kip-ft (+) Max vert. Coeff. = 0.023 0.013 Max vert. pos. moment = 0.18 kip-ft Mu IMn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 0.64 kip-ft 2.20 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.25 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Vertical 0.29 kip-ft 1.67 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 1.75 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Horiz Vertical Moment, ФM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=0.90 0.90 c=a/β1=0.41 0.41 Reinforcing Strain Ht= (d-c)/c*0.003 =0.0136 tension controlled 0.0099 tension controlled Hty= fy/Es =0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing:ACI 318 - Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical U = As / b * d =0.008727 0.011219974 U * n =0.070201 0.090257851 k = √(2Un + (Un)2) - Un =0.311 0.344 j = 1 - (k/3) = 0.896 0.885 M = Mdl + Mll = 0.40 kip-ft 0.18 kip-ft fs = M / As j d = 10.17 ksi OK 5.86 ksi OK s =15(40000/fs)-2.5cc =47 in OK 82 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING - ACI 318 - Table Horizontal As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft Vertical As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft OK, As Provided > As Min. (varies from 0.9 for tension controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) OK, As Provided > As Min. OK, As Provided > As Min. OK, As Provided > As Min. DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 6 of 12 Check: RA ID OD Length = 13.08 ft 13.83 ft Width = 7.08 ft 7.83 ft Wall Thickness = 4.50 in Slab Thickness = 6.00 in b/a = 1.8 Number of Wheels= 0 Distributed load used Vertical Loads:from top slab design Soil = 0.00 kips Cover slab = 0.00 kips Walls = 11.96 kips Other = Total Dead Load = 11.96 kips Live Load = 0.00 kips Net upward bearing pressure: Dead Load, fbdl = 0.11 ksf Hydrostatic, fbhyd = 0.35 ksf <== Controls Live Load, fbll = + 0.00 ksf w = 0.35 ksf Wu = 0.42 ksf Top cage Transverse Coeff. = 0.093 Longitudinal Coeff. = 0.040 Bar cover = 1.50 in Transverse Moment = 1.62 kip-ft Longitudinal Moment = 0.69 kip-ft Mu IMn Bar Sz Sp d As a Transverse 1.94 kip-ft 3.63 kip-ft # 4 12.0 in 4.25 in 0.20 in. sq/ft.0.29 in Longitudinal 0.83 kip-ft 3.19 kip-ft # 4 12.0 in 3.75 in 0.20 in. sq/ft. 0.29 in Shear Coeff.= 0.452 Vu @ 'd'= 1.27 kips IVc =IVc>Vu:OK4.84 kips BASE SLAB DESIGN HINGED 4 SIDES PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Case #10 (5.58 ft * 0.0624 kcf) F.G.5.58 ft0.00 ft5.58 ftfbll fbdl OR fbhyd Loading Diagram Ref: ASTM C857 Sec 4.3 DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 7 of 12 Check: RA Transverse Longitudinal Moment, ФM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=0.90 0.90 c=a/β1=0.34 0.34 Reinforcing Strain Ht= (d-c)/c*0.003 =0.0345 tension controlled 0.0301 tension controlled Hty= fy/Es =0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing:ACI 318 - Table 24.3.2 Transverse Longitudinal U = As / b * d =0.003850 0.004363 U * n =0.030971 0.035100 k = √(2Un + (Un)2) - Un =0.220 0.232 j = 1 - (k/3) = 0.927 0.923 M = 1.62 kip-ft 0.69 kip-ft fs = M / As j d = 25.15 ksi OK 12.22 ksi OK s =15(40000/fs)-2.5cc =19.09 in OK 39.29 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING - ACI 318 - Table Transverse As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.13 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.10 in²/ft Longitudinal As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.13 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.10 in²/ft OK, As Provided > As Min. OK, As Provided > As Min. (varies from 0.9 for tension controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) BASE SLAB DESIGN HINGED 4 SIDES PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Case #10 (Continued) DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 8 of 12 Check: RA PRECAST VAULT DESIGN Free Standing, Full of Water Length (I.D.) = 13.08 ft Width (I.D.) = 7.08 ft Denotes input field Height (I.D.) = 5.08 ft Wall Thickness = 4.50 in Base Slab Thickness = 6.00 in Cover Slab Thickness = 0.00 in TECHNICAL DATA Earth Cover (Min.) = 0.00 ft Earth Cover (Max) = 0.00 ft Min Watertable Depth = 0.00 ft ka = 0.00 Unit Weight of Soil = 0 pcf Equivalent Lateral Fluid Pressure = 0.064 kcf LL Surcharge = 0.00 ksf Depth Below F.G. to Apply Surcharge = 8.00 ft Concrete Strength (f'c) = 4.0 ksi Unit Weight of Concrete = 150 pcf Ec = 57,000 * √f'c =3.60E+06 psi ( Yield Strength (fy) = 60 ksi Es =2.90E+07 psi ( n = Es / Ec =8.0 β1 =0.85 (Table fr = 7.5 √f'c =474 psi ( Rho max = (.75 Ub) =0.0213801 Design Wheel Load (Pw) = 0 kips Uniform Live Load = 0 psf Capacity Reduction Factors: I - Shear =0.75 (Table 21.2.1) Load Factors: (Table 5.3.1) E - LL =1.60 E - DL =1.20 E - EL =1.60 (5.3.8) References: 3. “Rectangular Concrete Tanks, 5th Ed.” – PCA Publication. 5. "Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Monolithic or Sectional Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures" – ASTM C890 4. “Theory of Plates and Shells” – Timoshenko, S. 1959. 1. "Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed." - AASHTO 2."Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" - ACI 318-14. 13.08 ft 5.08 ft 7.08 ft Vault Isometric View (Joints not shown for clarity) (All dimensions I.D.) DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 9 of 12 Check: RA ka = 0.00 Unit Wt. of Soil = 0 pcf Max. Fill Above Structure = 0.00 ft. (Worst Case) Structure Inside Ht. = 5.08 ft. Top Slab Thickness = 0.00 in. Min. Watertable Depth = 0.00 ft. Lateral Pressure (Dry) = 0.0 pcf (Ka*Soil Wt.) Lateral Pressure (Sat.) = 62.4 pcf (Ka*(Soil Wt.-62.4pcf)+62.4pcf) Equivalent Lateral Pressure = 62.4 pcf Finished Grade 0.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 0 in. Water Table Eq. Lat. Pressure 5.08 ft. 5.08 ft. EQUIVALENT LATERAL FLUID PRESSURE: DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 10 of 12 Check: RA Height, a = 5.08 ft. Length, b = 13.08 ft. Width, c = 7.08 ft. Wall Thickness = 4.50 in b/a = 2.6 Height a for Hor. = (1/4b) = 3.27 ft. Top of wall hinged? n (Y or N) INSIDE FACE Bar Cover = 2.00 in Uniform Triangular PCA Case # 8 3 (-) Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.343 0.084 Eq. Lat. Press.= 0.064 kcf (-) Max vert. Coeff. = 0.299 0.113 W2 = 0.00 ksf W3 = 0.33 ksf Max horiz. neg. moment = 0.71 kip-ft Max vert. neg. moment = 0.95 kip-ft Mu IMn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 1.13 kip-ft 2.20 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.25 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Vertical 1.52 kip-ft 1.67 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 1.75 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Horiz Vertical Moment, ФM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=0.90 0.90 c=a/β1=0.41 0.41 Reinforcing Strain Ht= (d-c)/c*0.003 =0.0136 tension controlled 0.0099 tension controlled Hty= fy/Es =0.002 0.002 Uniform Triangular Side Edge Shear coeff. = 0.994 0.293 Vu = 0.78 kips IVc =2.56 kips IVc>Vu:OK Bottom Edge Shear coeff. = 0.962 0.484 Vu = 1.28 kips IVc =1.99 kips IVc>Vu:OK ldb = 12 in min lap = 21 in Cracking Reinforcing Spacing:ACI 318 - Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical U = As / b * d =0.008727 0.011219974 U * n =0.070201 0.090257851 k = √(2Un + (Un)2) - Un =0.311 0.344 j = 1 - (k/3) = 0.896 0.885 M = 0.71 kip-ft 0.95 kip-ft fs = M / As j d = 17.84 ksi OK 31.21 ksi OK s =15(40000/fs)-2.5cc =27 in OK 14 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] Lateral Earth Pressure (Surcharge Applied Over Entire Height of Unit) COMB. UNIFORM & TRIANGULAR LOAD PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Horizontal line indicates top of wall (varies from 0.9 for tension controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Can NOT use forced cantilever with top of the wall hinged. MONOLITHIC BASE SECTION WALL DESIGN B.O.B.(W3) T.O.B.(W2)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 Depth ftW ksf Soil Loading Diagram DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 11 of 12 Check: RA Monolithic Base Section Design Continued: MINIMUM REINFORCING - ACI 318 - Table Horizontal As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft Vertical As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft OUTSIDE FACE Bar Cover = 1.50 in Uniform Triangular PCA Case # 8 3 (+) Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.099 0.027 Max horiz. pos. moment = 0.23 kip-ft (+) Max vert. Coeff. = 0.023 0.013 Max vert. pos. moment = 0.11 kip-ft Mu IMn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 0.37 kip-ft 2.20 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.25 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Vertical 0.18 kip-ft 2.73 kip-ft # 4 10.0 in 2.75 in 0.24 in. sq/ft. 0.35 in Horiz Vertical Moment, ФM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=0.90 0.90 c=a/β1=0.41 0.41 Reinforcing Strain Ht= (d-c)/c*0.003 =0.0136 tension controlled 0.0172 tension controlled Hty= fy/Es =0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing:ACI 318 - Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical U = As / b * d =0.008727 0.007139983 U * n =0.070201 0.057436814 k = √(2Un + (Un)2) - Un =0.311 0.286 j = 1 - (k/3) = 0.896 0.905 M = Mdl + Mll = 0.23 kip-ft 0.11 kip-ft fs = M / As j d = 5.79 ksi OK 2.31 ksi OK s =15(40000/fs)-2.5cc =83 in OK 208 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING - ACI 318 - Table Horizontal As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft Vertical As, min = Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy) * Ag = 0.10 in²/ft <= Controls OR 0.0014 * Ag =0.08 in²/ft OK, As Provided > As Min. (varies from 0.9 for tension controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) OK, As Provided > As Min. OK, As Provided > As Min. OK, As Provided > As Min. DESCRIPTION: 13' x 7' x 5'-1" Soake Pool JOB: 2019.129.001 SHEET NO.: of CALCULATED BY: MPD Date 3/20/19 CHECKED BY: Date Page 12 of 12 Check: RA