HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E016 of Y44 YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 r_ r Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 '2_t. rf '25PM3 58 ?EC OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI CE'Vc APPLICATION FOR CD CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MAR 1 1 2021 Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and OLD �ARMet!4 I •�, Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photogra• accompanying this application. Type or print legibly:Address of pro osed work: / C ��SS/ H�/ ' 7I' ? ), 'p _-,7 ' p 9 Map/Lot# Owner(s): Vases-t e-$ f- St 7 ' �/f/7' / `! Phone#: �02- All applications must/[�G/y-i besubmittedby owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: �( s.zrtg/1//%e- Year built: / 7'K Email:1)"/-7,/,/,P74-,— (Gjsy, Preferred notification method: Phone !� Email Agent/Contractor: /�1 GG(//Zt ' Phone#: Mailing Address: 4,'11—e la— Email: Preferred notification method: Phone �! Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): - 5'4 e �'iP7J2 Grp d�v� lU;sC/4 ; 1,21.8e7 _c e/M Z - we�f .2 -A/o $ e,o% G'�. ` -s�� r.� T /Gfi�� y ?/ Signed (Owner or agent): �i1Ci ;.yam ��� Date: 7/ -Ve P > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: l 3 I I/2o2-I Approved Approved with changes Denied Reason for denial: , i' ( Pq a('44i t 41-c. Amount 7e Cash/CK#: HI APPROVED Rcvd by: MAR 2 4 2021 YARMOUTH QLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1"7"i Date Signed: Signed: APPLICATION#: 1 V5.2017 V ICREATABLES C .\ (( ---s cslc - (707) 901-7433 Call Us SHED PLANS SHOP STYLES SHOP SIZES HOW TO BUILD A SHED GARAGES FAQ PHOTOS vV ..... 10x12 Cape Cod Shed III M 1 J ,�..,�.- Plans ,3 ;tea sku (shed10x12-CC) ".;,..A- Emailed Plans: $19.99 (8 1/2" x 11" Emailed PDF Buy Now Build Your Own Backyard Shed! *Kreatables.com Postal Mailed Plans $25.99 (8 1/2" x 11" Postal mailed) Buy Now II Our Shed Plans Feature: REE - How To Build A Shed eBook included with every shed plans purchase. ost Effective - Our shed plans are designed to make your shed simple and expensive to build. asy To Build From - Professionally drawn with step by step instructions to show both i old pro or a first time framer how to build a shed. (see the plans example below). tart Now - Instant download - The shed plans are emailed to you when you archase so you can start immediately. We use the free PDF file format so you can int them on your home printer or we can postal mail them to you. aterials List - Easily get bids and use the list numbering system to know what part )es where. he 10x12 Cape Cod shed plans include: -7" wall height - This wall height allows you to either purchase pre-hung factory built )ors or build home built doors. Shed Floor Plan 1 2' iz), 6'--0"x 6'-8" Doors , 1 3'-D" x 6-'-8" 2%0"x 3.6" Door Window ni.4r.i. Build Your Own Backyard Shed! 1.c reatables.com Exterior Elevations of the 10x12 Cape Cod Garden Shed Plans Mita SEW 1 n soda;-ow IN.A.Pewri e.I .toortmi mi •di.1,0.0 1%2;0440 -- - ;Ad EVE EAMON"! 0 rEMPEDPLO0 YWO 101114 Val i ' 1 I ...?IPArriA rett I) 1 -.. ..- •.4 optvii TIM(INI :KVA ire tar ohni I LU Ztr FT-031144"41"; IIIIIMINIENIIIIMINIMIN r 1 OW 0.01.104r10.4. • a MNIIImimmmosimmmogi _--.• .......- REAR ELEVATICIA. 7.410.6.10 I,EVEL Fillaqi WOE ELENA:10N .; ,i7..7Lital . f" ........___......... ....... HH ,; [ .; 4 ?!. I , I i i: U.' NOMMONOMMOMMINIIII * a ilimminimisig ___-- ......... ......, ...... • • AN.• a I. AMA&_ . ... . • ., ... .SI,.,. . .S.,.. III., V.1 10..•,01.1,..1 I.,., ...,.. ..... .,...N., ...,,. .,..v.. ..., ..%,.. 6 .111%...411 1,4 VI IV%A farm. Foundations - Skid, concrete slab, poured concrete pier, concrete block pier, precast e r. Of\ I\ c.It I Li„ i I ' ,.. ...._ 4 ,. 0 , �l''' \ _L-,..] 1 i0lifd;'. I uild Your Own Backyard Shed! *iCreatables.com Build Your Own Backyard Shed! *iCreatables.com ,e,/,/ 1, ill ..„!'------.7:4_--,..1„;,-,,..„ . . 0 ,•„,„,..„.„ Li, ___1 1iI I 1.-r-cui 1i uild Your Own Backyard Shed! *iCreatables.com Build Your Own Backyard Shed! *iCreatables.com ABL MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN y REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS NAME JAMES M. GILMARTIN & BETTE J. GILMARTIN t" P.O.Box 70702 QuinaigamondVillage Station LENDER NEW ENGLAND FEDERAL CREDIT UNION I WORCESTER,MA 01607 0 508-752-8050(PHONE) LOCATION 61 CONGRESSIONAL DRIVE ca 508-752-8004(FAX) I YARMOUTH, MA N A Division of H. S. & T. Group, Inc. Co CO REGISTRY BARNSTBALE SCALE 1 " = 60 ' DATE 10-10--16 II MENTS WEREBASED PMADE OF TN HE FRONTAON GE SAND BED,UILDINRG(S) SHOWND ME ASURE- DEED BOOK/PACE 29503/279cn ON THIS MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN, IN OUR JUDGEMENT ALL _ VISIBLE EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN AND THERE ARE NO VIOLATIONS qOF ZONING REQUIREMENTS REGARDING STRUCTURES TD PROPERTY PLAN 800K/PL/W ZJ4�J',�UNE OFFSETS {UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN ORAWIND BELOW).OR SHEDSNOT WIITH NQ FOUNDATIONS THIS NS A�uo•R TOAGEAn' WE CERTIFY THAT THE BUILDINC(S) R E NOT WITHIN THE INSPECTION PLAN; NOT AN INSTRUMENT SURVEY. DO NOT USE TOSP£CW- �HAZARD ARFA SEE FEAU AIAP;ERECT FENCES, OTHER BOUNDARY STRUCTURES,OR TO PLANTSHRUBS. LOCATION OF THE STRUCTURE{S) SHOWN HEREON I5 EITHETt 599J DTD 07—)6-14 IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL ZONING FOR PROPERTY UNE OFFSET . JI REQUIREMENTS, CR IS EXEMPT FROM VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT FLOOD HAZARD ZONE HAS ACTION UNDER MASS. C.L TITLE M. CHAP. 40k SEC. 7, UNLESS 41i �� ' BEEN UNTILLRDINED BY PLANSANE AND OTHERWISE NOTED. THIS CERTIFICATION IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. D•C\a,I�r IS NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE.VDEFINITIVEROARE THE ABOVE CERTIFICATIONS ARE MADE WITH THE PROVISION THAT e' _ AJJ, '�� ISSUED BY FEW AND/OR A VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEY IS THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ACCURATE AND THAT THE MEASURE- m •'��� MEWS USED ARE ACCURATELY LOCATED IN RELATION TO THE ,'� PERFORMED, PRECISE ELEVATIONS CANNOT BE DETERMINED. PROPERTY UNES. Lif Ce 4 S87°18'11°E Cr' 220.00' tl z ' L' 0 N in A d LOT 1188S�� / 37,200 S.F.± L . ' w J. __----\ l z 0 o �� \\\\ - PORCH j s, ,II / HOUSE . o, y� K Q �Ff0� y _ . .7 POND `� '' ro bs P01-?C r. gra a,. o N - .� ai �n 5 S B6°06'11"W REQUESTING OFFICE:KEYES LAW OFFICES, PC REQUESTED BY: DRAWN BYBLM CHECKED BY: i0 Y m N � r Q 0 4 \°�JN . • al a I b �plNer� gi ..d) if a "" SS RAILROAD I ,1s 3 1 5 \. GMM OF NIA -- - �� I �t�OW ,,''''- I U 'Q RNE / 1 old • / r1 I a- '.. 1...j Q r✓ON • GR�gg10NA� `, o Q Z 1 n Q r- -i `N,b"' U , o A o A�6`Q 11i_ 0 - •moo I fQ . 'a m I Q� o — / , Q I i 1_ /= ati ,;r_ I flcr i b Z 1-v Q o 0 . Im J j�`1 gS I.,,-; els 1 Z _ 'm ,---- 11.1.11\--.._ �h— I o I Q r. -b S. IO U 1 ,-I W N 1 d • U .-Q I u O a Iz« ; TOWN OF BARNSTABL + bbl 9Z1. \, 3nIb0 -ez1. y 7yNOl1bN --L 1 1b1SnOnb I I — L �}.j . "� ' mwl `,'•q 5•s %-}"9,. d,its�.4 .#•. l.> 4dfi d r•r•.4 • 5r-F� �: ' ' 4rs ,r^^I .r Tr3• s•Y ;o.f .}.s.••' ' Ke^ t 'Xi ,^` . " ° • `4. 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' °° �" 400 SERIES TILT-WASH DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOWS OUR MOST POPULAR DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW Providing a classic blend of engineering and craftsmanship along with energy efficiency, the 400 Series tilt-wash double-hung window is our best-selling window. Classic Styling Long-Lasting,* Weathertight The thinner profile on these , ;^ Performance windows is the perfect balance of Our Perma-Shield®exterior modern and traditional design. r cladding protects the unit and offers low maintenance. Dual-layer weatherstripping helps seal out Interior Options dust, wind and water. Choose from unfinished stain-grade = ----_ Pine or three low-maintenance prefinished interior options. n St I t `WATCH '' This product available with Pine White Dark Bronze Black Stormwatch® protection, including _® impact-resistant glass. Tilt-In Feature Easily tilt your sash in to clean your Consider Bay & Bow Windows windows from inside your home. Bay and bow window combinations are available for this product. Narroline'Window Conversion Kit El If your home has Andersen® Narroline®windows that were made after 1967, our quick conversion kit can easily turn them into convenient, _____________40.___ double-hung windows. e<- } Designed for Every Application Available for easy replacement, insert For new construction or remodeling windows are built to help save you time projects, full-frame windows are and money with minimal disruption to available. These offer the maximum6, your home. Available in three sill angle visible glass area and are a good option options for a weathertight fit. when wanting to change the size or CUSTOM SIZES shape of the existing window opening. Available for both insert and full-frame windows. 8 *See the limited warranty for details. Rogers, Grayce From: 'Richard Gegenwarth' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 4:54 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: FW: Certificate of Exemption - 61 Congressional Drive Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good answers thank you. I approve. Richard On 03/24/2021 1:45 PM Rogers, Grayce<grogers@yarmouth.ma.us>wrote: Here are the answers to your questions from the applicant: Following are answers to your questions: - The siding will be clapboard, similar to the house. It is NOT board&batten, revers board&batten, or T111. - Yes, the paint and roof shingles will match the house - As for the windows, the front side (north) and right side (west) will have grills between the glass. On the south side of the house, the back of the house unseeable from the public, the window will not have grills, for energy efficiency purposes. Hope this is okay. From: Rogers, Grayce Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 4:41 PM To: 'Richard Gegenwarth' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Cc: Flett, Dawn-Marie <dflett@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: Certificate of Exemption - 61 Congressional Drive Hello Richard, I have attached the Certificate of Exemption for 61 Congressional Drive for your review. 1 Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVID19, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. 2 Rogers, Grayce From: 'Richard Gegenwarth' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 10:10 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - 61 Congressional Drive Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are suic this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email.; I have a few questions. What is the siding going to be? Is it board and batten? Or is it plywood in T- 111 or revers board and batten? We allow rear board and batten. Will the paint and roof shingles match the house. Are the windows replacement, with same grills , between the glass? Location of shed , seems close to the neighboring house considering the size of their lot. There are plenty of trees over there. Richard On 03/16/2021 4:40 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: h evOc1 4,6 kc\Se �vU Hello Richard, I have ',ttached the Certificate of Exemption for 61 Congressional Drive for your review. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 Due to COVID19, Yarmouth Town Hall is open from 10-2pm to the public on the main level Monday through Friday with occupancy limitations to abide by social distancing policies. The lower level is closed to the public. All materials can be either emailed, mailed, or drop off can be arranged. 1 Rogers, Grayce From: 'Richard Gegenwarth' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 5:04 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - 280 Weir Road Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. I approve of this CE Grayce. Richard On 03/24/2021 4:20 PM Rogers, Grayce<grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, I have attached the Certificate of Exemption for 280 Weir Road here for your review. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 1