HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E019 ,20, ;At- , us• itet,/ 5ro9eir Ci) eywat a)4. US. 'F?.'SRmo I p H TOWN 5 FR,: °4Vp�`4 4.4 .'c,,_ TOWN OF YARMOUTH ,. 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 ' t.A`R F*2:(_51 REC �F Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption def-Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below.! W9tns, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. APR 0 6 2021 Type or print legibly: II__ Address of proposed work: 2 .' N I clog 6s Di- eIN r IYARMOUTH l ICIIWAMaD/Lot# 121.1-12c1, 44- A Owner(s). The i c!ore. RI'✓ n e/\ Phone#.31g S t 9-947 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 2.3 Y r ic,L4letc Dr. Year built: etc/Y Email: ti-tep dote Iii i rinQiAQ yal oo, c 0,41.i M rJFQn thod: Phone Email • A en Contracto : Toei POVYV4 lc O APR - 5 2021 Phone#: ,-,.7 ^ A,3 2 - ,FS 73 Mailing Address: YAHNIOU I t i OLD KI^'�S HIGHVY Email: referred notification Ametl hod: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): CUtrrev-Li lWe- kwe a scX eeined /I f al1.O, 1_04Cc r was rco4, we. Are, rernc o rt j the caw u as rroP 4.'id sc.re-ens. PZ.e ice c cAl �L` PIN Wt 0 le eA.-I-k-ra ch oe w -Yu.di- c s- wc Nd WGA. ylvp, RerAit c.•,4 I c gay as P if s;i i (K -}a ,'&cck& fih.De UN blo ws G. S lie Cs -tit e s c,.W,e., L c aa..1- I': lb Pe.21-. i ppra V. 250 31. • 6 Signed(Owner or agent): A.04-1-c .1 _ LGw Date: C,Cf.,( 1, 26 2-1 Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: / Date: Approved Approved with changes/ Q , Denied ��/�� Amount 1- r, ( Reason for denial: % .4, �� at,1JLej4.Zd— V (A fiXti�U Cash/CK#. C r `u' /.e ut u Rcvd by: Date Signed. Signed. APPLICATION#: 019 Rogers, Grayce From: 'Richard Gegenwarth' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:35 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption - 23 Nicholas Drive Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. This will be pretty much out of view. I approve. Richard On 04/06/2021 12:31 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, I have attached a Certificate of Exemption for 23 Nicholas Drive for your review. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 1 "3// is Nv \P � 9 William Ravels healape v Estate-Yarmouth Port Restorative-Dentistry DV v Quest Diagnosticstr -,(` Yarmouth Poro,r UP 9 si (),' \o .y c • de v" D'i`r l„k 9"(pi c" E r� 4\" `—\_r:—. ' 1 G ,3�t�,� CI)�— . fa}.S (,0a tisy Ger kiVid°91)\' ,9 KrishnaYoga eo e d t bol- ck, 4ouse. r___________ . 6.9)V Pio )?ii9Q .)3_ Goftiel t •C. Q , t,N J V U \ _________I____ hi0J t , 1, et- n j C ii google,com1maps/@41.7152198,-70.2000755,207m/data=!3m1!le3 -" ',..... • 4" .,,,, ... ... See trave times.traffic and nearby places 4 . "-a / . 1 * " •41, , ,‘. V 1 , i ,,,j •';_ / 0 11,1t.1,I .1 t)it hill.) • ., 4166.••••Owl opy a--lite - 2 , . t. • •t•-••a,*.\e,V .... .. Willimattav-eis Real . ..4,,,,....„'2-37,--late Y.t IOMP.S . -- °I111. .i'eter;:cm's mark-I . ' 104.' , I a..I l.oast.,alon ' . '-Mon 1 t'A,t,utoboivory , , % . C #. 111t. lqr ). •••• *.' • a ••• A 41/4. 4,41111b-'' -.44r ;15.., i •:, 6:1416,114211.1111` i 4.c-0 ..,40100 NI-W l'•AY SPA ."111111, . " .. ..,0 . , . . -..s.a, lic S, -. t .14f•0li•,Q1 14-41H11:1,fisoiotirS i y11181hl,)i; it, tot IN,tio•-tt•••,. * * I, . .. ''it••,`, ..":-„':::• .t. ,. . ) P • - . )1 ddiri(.. .,, ' •'' , '' . , 't. , • - ., '0 ;.-.*. / - i -?c•,,,N., 'N • ••• ' / " 1., 1 _, •I yx f.,:t.4.r. _ ,.., 1 . --' 1.19 . • AP- ' * 3 Mc.kolas , Drive. . , • ,.- 'le' .,, \ , , 1 ,, \ z v .‹,,,,,, . , . ,-, el,'',. -..., Ili---: -i• 1 till I erkelsen(Li ctom;Of ,_,\. , C1,1; *, Sign,.Y.I elle;i9111( , ...dia. ,r• $ ,.. •tgn ollop '.., '..N .411A KrishnaYoda I '4. , •., -- -,.. .; 116. •111I' ' IF .... .. . 11 t ItIlt -sr . oc, Itir 6, Google „ lit -s• 2. e MEN ... 1 1